Local wire transfers in JPY (Japan)
JPY wire transfers (Japan) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in JPY is a transfer of funds between banks in Japan in the local JPY currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Japanese Yen (JPY) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from JPY, the funds will be converted to JPY at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 330 JPY You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commissions in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 400 JPY to 1,000,000 JPY Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕The name of the individual beneficiary in LatinBeneficiary last name✓✕Surname of the individual beneficiary in LatinBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Legal name of the beneficiary's company in LatinAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsZengin code✓✓7-digit unique bank code, where the first 4 digits are the bank code, the last 3 digits are the bank branch codeBranch✓✓Branch of the bank where the account is opened (only digits are allowed)Recipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Beneficiary prefectureRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryRecipient's account type✓✓Savings/Check/General Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.Please note that the name and address of the recipient must be written in Latin letters.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in Japan. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in JPY, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Understand collaborative workspaces
Collaborative workspaces | Smartcat Help Center Different subscription plans on Smartcat come with different collaboration privileges across workspaces. Understand what’s what in this brief article! Workspaces on Basic plans Smartcat Basic plans include one collaborative workspace for your organization. Collaborative workspaces on the Enterprise plan A subscription to the Smartcat Enterprise plan enables you to enjoy multiple workspaces with subscription features and share the same Smartword balance between all workspaces of the organization. We call these workspaces Collaborative Workspaces. Our support team manually activates your subscription for the workspaces that you specify within your organization. We understand that your organization may have numerous Smartcat workspaces but need only a few of them. This is why we offer to share your organization’s Smartwords balance with only your selected workspaces. Depending on your request, we can either add Smartwords to your organization's balance or divide the Smartword amount between the workspaces. Before final agreement via a HubSpot subscription form, your account management team will specify how you want your Smartwords are to be allocated.
Create a project in Smartcat
Custom project creation | Smartcat Help Center This article will walk you through the typical steps involved in creating projects. Here’s how it works: Open Smartcat and log in with your credentials.On your workspace's home page, select Create a projectin the templates section under your workspace’s name. This will open Smartcat’s project creation workflow. Select a template (not required). To use a premade template, either created by yourself or one of Smartcat’s default templates, or to create a new one, click the Change template button at the top right of the workflow. Enter your name and deadline. These fields are not mandatory. The “project name” field is empty by defaultIf you don’t provide a name and don’t upload any files, it will automatically be named “New project” after clicking on “Create a project”. If that name is already taken, a number will be added.If you don't provide a name but upload some files, Smartcat will automatically name it “Project: name of the first file without extension” after clicking “Create a project”. If that name is already taken, a number will be added.If you provide a name already taken, a number will be added next to it. Select source and target languages. Choose from a list of all languages, dialects, and previously selected languages. Languages that are not supported by AI translation are shown in gray. Upload files (not required). In this section, you can upload files to be translated. Note that you can still add files at later stages in the project. Additional settings. Open this menu to customize your project workflow. You can set a simple AI translation, AI translation with human review (the default setting), manual translation, and manual translation + editing. Click Create project at the bottom of the workflow. Once your project is created, you can upload linguistic resources, assign tasks to team members and freelancers, and control other settings. FAQ Can I delete one language from a multilingual project? You can only delete languages for translation (target languages from the project settings. There you can delete languages that you don’t need. In the project creation workflow we described above, you will need to ensure that you have not assigned any tasks for the language pairs you don’t require. What is the maximum size of files that Smartcat can process? Smartcat can process files up to 512 MB.
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Translate your website content
Website content translation | Smartcat Help Center With Smartcat Website Translator you can automatically translate your website into any language on the fly and then, if necessary, adjust the translation, polish it, and bring it to perfection with manual edits. Let's delve into details and see how it's done. Automatic translation To translate your website into any language, proceed as follows: In your browser, open https://www.smartcat.com/website-translator/ an procceed to log in/sign. Skip this step if you are already in your Smartcat account. Select to translate website on your account homepage. 3. Enter the URL of your site to the form above and specify the source ( from ) and target ( into ) languages. You can translate the site to multiple languages, therefore the into field accepts multiple values. 4. Smartcat will create a translation project which you'll be able to find on your Projects page. All the translation options including editing and professional review are available for this project. 5. You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen. The available options are:Translation mode. Here you can choose how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors. Language selector. Here you can choose how to locate the language selector to best fit your website design. Preview settings. Here you can select to start the translation of a page as soon as you enter it. Publish settings. Here you can decide which languages to publish. This option comes in handy when your website is being translated to multiple languages and not all of the translations are ready at the same time. 5. When you switch to a new language, the site is rendered in the original language and the Start translation button appears in the toolbar. Click it to have the site translated to another language. Note that your Smartwords balance appears in the toolbar and is instantly updated to keep you aware of any changes. In addition to automatically translating your website, Smartcat allows you to edit the resulting translation and tailor it to a particular vocabulary or cultural and social preferences of the specific target audience. Editing Click the Edit button in the toolbar to open the translation you've just previewed in the Smartcat Editor. After you've made all the required changes in the Smartcat editor, click x in the Editor toolbar above. It redirects you to the website preview that reflects all the recent edits. Note that the percentage of automatically and manually translated content is shown respectively in the buttons beside the Language field. To publish the translation hit the respective button at the top of your website page. Publishing To publish the translation hit the respective button at the top of your website page. A message will appear informing you that in order to publish the translated version of your website the following script must be added to the website header. Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. Paste the code to a text file and send the file to your Web designer. Refer to this article for the detailed instructions for a Web designer. As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue. Smartcat verifies that the JavaScript snippet appears on each relevant page and publishes all the existing automatic and manual translations. Publishing means that snapshots of each translated page from your website are gathered and stored in a cloud. The embedded script retrieves and displays them. Whenever a visitor accesses your web page and switches to another language, they will not be hitting Smartcat to dynamically download the translations, but they will be getting static snapshots. The Smartcat script injected to your website code not only retrieves and displays all the available translations, but also renders a selector that your site visitors will use to switch to the required language.
Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Guide for Organizations
Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Guide for Organizations For a guide on creating projects and managing video and subtitle files, be sure to check our article. Subtitles Editor Layout The editor can be accessed from the Overview, Tasks, or Files pages. There are both languages in two parallel columns in Subtitle Editor, the source text on the left and the corresponding translation on the right shown in so-called cues. In the Subtitle Editor, we prioritize dividing text into cues with specified durations rather than full sentences. This approach ensures that subtitles are optimized for readability, synchronization, and audience engagement. Note that the source text is non-editable and serves as a reference for your translation. To manage multiple target languages, click the Language selector and switch between versions. The preview area lets you see how subtitles align with the video, while the timeline panel shows how subtitles are distributed over time, providing a clear visual representation of their placement and duration. Below the preview and timeline panels you will see the Settings section. Use this section to configure limit parameters for all cues. This helps to enhance consistency across the subtitle file. Editing translations All your work takes place on the right side of the editor. In this area, you will review and edit translations. To make edits in the cue, simply click on its text and apply the necessary changes. If the subtitles are not aligned with the video, you can easily adjust their start and end times to control their duration. Each cue has a CPS (characters per second) value, which indicates whether the reading speed is too high and whether the subtitles may not match the timing and need to be modified. CPS limit value can be changed in the Settings tab. To split a multi-line cue, click the Split by lines button. Press Enter to create multiple lines within a cue. To merge, delete, or add cues, click the Dots button and choose your desired option. For an even faster experience, simply hover over a border and click the Insert cue button. Tracking progress When you’re satisfied with a cue translation, mark it as processed so you and your colleagues know the work is complete. Don’t worry — you can continue editing the cue if you spot areas for improvement, right up until you click the Mark Processed file button in the control bar. Track your progress by clicking on the Progress button, which will show how much of the file you have completed working on. What to do when done When you believe that the translation of the file is ready click the Mark Processed button in the control bar to finish working on the subtitles. Note that you can use this button even if no cues have been marked as processed. If you’re not ready to finish the task, you can export the subtitle file by clicking the Download button above the language version and choosing your desired file type. Subtitle files can be exported in two file formats: SRT and VTT. Get translated video To get a video in another language (one of the target languages of the project) or dub with AI voice, simply select the desired language in the selector under the Preview section. After that preview AI voices and select the appropriate one. Select another AI voice and preview your video with it. Once you're happy with the result, click the Download button above the video preview, and our system will generate the new language version of your video.
Export files
Seamless file exporting | Smartcat Help Center You can export your translations from your workspace page, project Overview page, or the Editor. On the Workspace/project Overview page you can download a batch of files or individual files. Just select the projects you need and click Download. You can download projects that are either pretranslated, in progress, or completed.The selected files will be downloades as a ZIP archive containing all the projects' files in the original format sorted to folders. On the project Overview page you can also download a batch of files or individual files in the PDF format by selecting from the drop-down menu. On the Editor page you can choose from several export options. Original File — downloading the file that is being processed for translation. Special formats — downloading the document in industry-standard formats:1. TMX — TMX files are used to exchange translation memory data with other organizations. By choosing Export as, the user can specify different settings like compatibility for other tools for the files to be exported.2. XLIFF — These files can be used to exchange project data with other applications. See our article about working with other tools.3. Bilingual DOCX — These documents can be used to review the translation outside Smartcat. The exported document will be in a table format with the source language in one column and the target language in the other. It is not possible at this time to import edited DOCX files back into Smartcat.4. Multilingual CSV — In these files, source and target segments are arranged in columns per language and could be used for changing the format to Excel lately. Intermediate results. It is possible to download versions of the translated documents or bilingual DOCX as they stood after each stage of the process. For example, the project manager could download a version of the file as it was completed by the translator, one as it was completed by the editor and using a file comparison tool, be able to see what changes the editor made to the file. Note: If there is only one stage in the translation process, this option will not be available. Resulting file. The user can use this option to download the translated files. If the translation is not completed, segments that have not been confirmed yet will be left in the source language. Note: It is possible to restrict downloading rights for linguists, for example, when dealing with possibly sensitive documents.
Support offerings and SLA
Smartcat SLA & support offerings Please check the plan you are on by logging into your Smartcat platform and refer to 'Smartwords' section under the title 'Navigation' in your homepage. You can cross-reference the offerings and service level agreement (SLA) from our support team that you have according to your plan while raising a support ticket with the team. Support offering Support offeringsBasic plan Enterprise plan Reporting MethodWebWebEscalation matrixXAvailableSupport timeMon-Fri UTC (24 X 5)*24x7 for Level 1 severity24x5 (Mon-Fri UTC) for Level 2, 3 and 4Response time SLAAs listed belowAs listed belowUpdate interval SLAXUpdate response -every two hours via ticket till resolution for level 1 severity issue only. * Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC SLA for eligible plans Severity LevelDescriptionInitial Response – Basic24x5 (Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC)Initial Response - Enterprise**(Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC)Level 1The Service is inoperative or significantly impaired due to critical issues in Smartcat’s infrastructure, resulting in Service downtime.3 hours2 hoursLevel 2Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1, and a Core Functionality of The Service is inoperative or significantly impaired with no workaround available.12 business hours4 business hoursLevel 3Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1 or Level 2, and that is not critical in that no loss of the Client Materials occurs and that the Client can reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis.48 business hours12 business hoursLevel 4Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3, and is a minor condition,adhoc tasks or documentation error that the Client can easily circumvent or avoid. New feature suggestions or requests for new functionality are also classified as Level 4.96 business hours48 business hours *Please refer to the support hours mentioned after the table for more details.**Update Interval for Enterprise is 24x7 (*Level 1 only), every 2 hours since the last update from the support team. Support hours Smartcat will provide support during Smartcat normal business hours (6:00 am UTC - 1:00 am UTC) excluding Smartcat holidays, except for incidents classified as “Level 1” Severity Level, in which case, Smartcat will provide support 24 hours/day, 7 days a week for Enterprise subscriptions, and 24 hours/day, 5 days a week for Basic subscriptions. The enterprise plan customers will be provided with an update every 2 hours (from the time the issue was raised and last updated by the support engineer till issue resolution) for level 1 severity issues that are reported as tickets via the platform.
Add team members to your Smartcat workspace
Workspace user management | Smartcat Help Center Learn the steps necessary to quickly and easily add members to your Smartcat team. On your Smartcat account, you can add as many team members as you like – Smartcat has unlimited seats meaning you have an unlimited amount of users you can add under one account or subscription plan. Members can be as followed, including information about their access rights: administrators - full access and administration, including projects, team member level of access, and payments project managers - team management, projects, linguistic resource/assets, suppliers, and payments resource managers - management of translation memories and glossarieslinguists - access to assigned tasks in the editor Adding new members From your Smartcat workspace, click on Team or on the Invite button directly that is found right on that Team shortcut. (Discover all the things you can do in the Smartcat Workspace ) Then, click Invite, which will bring you to the following screen, where you can send the invite via: email addressa link that you copy and then paste directly into your chat with that team member (perhaps on Slack, Teams, or whichever tool you use). The link remains active for 30 days. Also, specify the role that this person should have, as mentioned earlier. As an administrator, you can change their access right at any time. Once you send it via email, you will know that it's been sent via a pop up. You can also send them an email right from Smartcat that comes pre-written for you. It explains that you want them to join to collaborate on translations with you. You can tweak this message. Managing your team members overview Once you have invited a new team member, you can manage them in your team overview, where you can see your team and linguists as well as see who has been invited and hasn't yet accepted your invite. There you can also see their activity, workload (their assigned tasks), availability based on their profile, ratings, and any notes that may have been left about the person in question. FAQ Can I invite my clients to my account to view progress? Using the User access levels features from the Settings menu, it is possible to create a new profile giving view access to a specific customer project. Simply add the client's contacts to My Team and assign them the custom profile created.
Use client quotes
Utilizing client quotes | Smartcat Help Center Quotes, cost calculations, and billing overall are rather complicated tasks that often require loads of effort and time from the team. The good news is that Smartcat now allows generating quotes in projects and issuing invoices incorporating these quotes, so let's take a look at how it works. What should we begin with? The first thing to do is to add information about clients to Smartcat and set net rate schemes for them. This will facilitate the quote creation process since a net rate scheme clipped for a particular client is applied automatically for calculating statistics(the Statistics tab in the project) in a project where this client is set. Even better would be to add a few services and rates. Every project created in your corporate account has the Quote tab where you can calculate the cost of work for the client applying one of the snapshots statistics calculated in the project. Even if you have calculated the cost outside Smartcat, you can attach the file with calculations while forming a quote. Still, the better option is to utilize statistics calculations generated in Smartcat. Well, let's say we have already done all preliminary preparation like filling out the client's card and setting a project. Now it's time to start calculating the quote. In the first step, the system takes the client from the project and the contact person from the client card, so all that remains is to choose the currency and set the approval deadline (if necessary). After hitting the Insert button in the second step of forming a quote, the calculations from the Statistics tab of a project will be pulled into the form. The system takes the last calculated snapshot by default, but you can select previously formed if any. It is not a big deal to forget calculating statistics before forming a quote since the system will calculate statistics at this moment. Let's take a closer look at the parameters that you can specify at the second stage: Service: if there are no suitable services yet, you can add a new service in the field right from the form. Services and rates can be specified in the Clients section;Language: allows selecting one of the language pairs that a project has;Unit count with a breakdown: it's possible to hide the breakdown and only set the unit type and unit count without pulling Smartcat statistics from a project;Unit type: allows you to choose one of 6 preset units — characters, words, hours, minutes, documents and pages;Rate: price for 100% of the rate in detail rows for a unit. Added automatically if the service and rate are specified in the corporate account;Statistics at {date}: snapshots from the Statistics tab of a project. Check this article to learn more about how Smartcat calculates statistics;Breakdown: detalization rows with calculations. You can add your own row or remove one of preset;Cost of work. In the last step, you can specify the project deadline, whether the cost is agreed upon, and whether the project has already been paid. Important! If you mark a project as paid, the quote cannot be used for invoicing the client or edited later. When a quote is formed, you may download or send it for approval and, if necessary, make corrections to the calculation later or add a new service, for example, project management. That's it. Now you can use the quote for invoicing the client. It's worth noting that the quote included in an invoice cannot be edited; thus, you have to delete the invoice first before making any changes. Last but not least, it's possible to make your own custom template or even each per client, including other data. It would be especially valuable if you want to quote clients in their native language. With the Smartcat subscription, new templates can be added to the corporate account settings. To find out more about the data on which you can carry out operations in templates, check this article about Smartcat Template Engine.
How to use the Smartcat WordPress integration
Setting up the Smartcat WordPress WPML integration Installation and setup 1. If the WPML plugin is not yet installed, please install it. Note that you need to install WPML Multilingual CMS and String Translation. 2. If you haven't used WPML before, go through the installation process by navigating to WPML → Setup 3. Install the Smartcat plugin. 4. Smartcat plugin settings can be found in the left sidebar of the WordPress admin panel. 5. The next step is to log in to your Smartcat account. There are two ways to do this:a. Automatic login using the "Connect to Smartcat" button. After clicking the button, you will be automatically redirected to Smartcat and then back to WordPress. Note: If you use "basic auth" or your site is only accessible from certain IP addresses, this method may not be suitable. In that case, consider the next option.b. Manually, using an API key. To generate a secret key, refer to our developer documentation. 6. If all the previous steps were successfully completed, the name of your workspace in Smartcat will be displayed in the settings. Basic content translation 1. Start by selecting the article or page you want to translate with Smartcat. In the right sidebar of the article or at the bottom, after the editor, you'll find the Smartcat translation control panel. Note: If the "Smartcat" panel is not displayed, make sure that the selected content type is marked as "Translatable." You can check this by going to WPML settings: WPML → Settings → Post Types Translation. Usually, the "Post" and "Page" content types are already marked as "Translatable." 2. The second step is to choose the target languages for translating the article. If you lack specific languages, you can add them in WPML settings: WPML → Languages. Next, select the "Workflow stage":AI translation - automatic AI translationAI translation + human review - automatic AI translation with subsequent confirmationManual translation - manual translation by a linguist 4. Choose the Smartcat project. Note: The dropdown list shows only those projects created through the Smartcat plugin. If you haven't sent content for translation yet, choose the "New project" option. 5. If needed, specify the Smartcat project deadline and a comment to be displayed in the project documents. 6. Click the "Send to Smartcat" button to send the content.After sending the content, the Smartcat panel status will change. You can track the translation process directly from WordPress. Use the "Refresh" button to update the status of translated documents. Languages currently being translated in Smartcat are marked with checkmarks. You can always add or remove a language for translation. Available actions:Open Smartcat project - opens the project page in SmartcatSend to Smartcat - resends content to Smartcat, updating documents. Use this action if your article content has changed.Get from Smartcat - retrieves completed translations from the Smartcat project and imports them into WordPress, creating or updating the target article.You can open the document in Smartcat by clicking the "Edit in Smartcat" link for the desired language. Once you finish the translation, you can get the translations by clicking the "Get from Smartcat" button. After importing translations into WordPress, you'll have an "Edit in WordPress" link that redirects you to the target article. You can also view available translations in the list of your articles. Sending multiple articles In addition to sending individual articles for translation, you can also send multiple articles at once using the "Bulk actions" feature in WordPress. To do this, go to the list of the content you're interested in, select the items, choose the "Translate selected posts" option, and click "Apply." On the resulting page, the same settings as when sending a single article for translation will be available. Translation request Whether you're sending one or several articles for translation, they will always be in the "Translation request." The "Translation request" is a request containing all the content sent to Smartcat, allowing you to conveniently manage them.Translation requests are found in Smartcat → Translation requests. You can always get translations for all articles in the translation request. This is convenient as you don't have to do it for each article separately You can also request translations for multiple translation requests at once using the "Bulk actions" feature. By going into the details of the translation request with the "Show details" button, you get the flexibility to manage the translated content.Using the "Sync all posts" button, you can update the original content of all documents in the current project. You can always add or remove a language for all translatable articles or manage this individually for each article. Supported plugins Smartcat App supports content translation for popular plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), CMB2, VC/WPBakery, Elementor, and others.Our plugin works directly through WPML, so you can check the support status for your desired plugins on the official WPML website. Helper The plugin has an excellent FAQ available on the Smartcat → Helper page. Here, solutions to most potential issues you might encounter are presented. You can also reach out to Support by clicking the "Message to support" button.
Connect Contentful with Smartcat
Contentful integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Contentful allows you to create, update, and distribute content for your website, a mobile app, or any other content-displaying medium. When using the integration between Contentful and Smartcat, you can send content from the former to the latter, translate it, and then request that the translation be returned upon completion. The integration currently supports all Contentful fields enabled for localization, which are all fields with Enable localization checked in Settings. Setup 1. Install the app via this link: https://www.contentful.com/marketplace/app/smartcat/ 2. Select Contentful Space and Environment to connect Smartcat to. 2. Click Install and Authorize access on the screens that follow. 3. On the final screen, click Install and Connect to your Smartcat account. Select your Smartcat Workspace. 4. Now everything is ready to configure Smartcat App as a sidebar widget for certain content types that you want to translate via Smartcat. But before that, familiarize yourself with the possible approaches to content localization in Contentful and how to prepare your content models for localization. Creating content 1. Go to the Content tab, click Add Entry and add a new entry. Alternatively, you can open an already existing content piece and skip the content creation step. As an example, we'll be creating an entry of Product Description (Multilingual) type. 2. Wait until the Smartcat Translator in the sidebar loads. You will receive a notification that your content model was updated. 3. Reload the page to see the Languages field. What happened here is that Smartcat detected a missing Languages field, and added it to the content model, populating it with the list of languages in your Contentful Space. You will use this field to determine which languages this particular piece of content needs to be translated to through Smartcat. Note that the Translation section that is provided by Contentful and shown in the sidebar doesn’t control the list of languages in the object in any way — it just allows you to show or hide some languages in the content editor. 4. Create the content. Add the title for the multilingual content entry, and the content for the product description itself. 5. Go back to the main content object. You will see that the English version references the newly created content of Product Description (Single Language) type. Translation process 1. Enable one or more languages for translation. Make sure that your changes were saved (check the Last saved… status under the Publish button in the sidebar). 2. Pick an existing project or choose to create a new one automatically. 3. Choose a translation workflow. You can choose to either translate the content fully automatically (AI translation), automatically with human editing on top of it (AI translation + Human review option) or manually (Human translation). 4. Click Send to Smartcat button in the sidebar. 5. After synchronization is complete, Smartcat App will show links to the project and specific language files. 6. Follow the links displayed in the sidebar to open the project in Smartcat or open individual files directly in the editor for the selected language. 7. When editing is done, go back to Contentful and request the translations by clicking Get translations from Smartcat. Translation progress information will be updated automatically. Smartcat will notify you when translations have been received. 8. Now you have the translated versions of your object. Smartcat has created a new content of Product Description (Single Language) type and referenced it from the main object: Click on this object to see its properties. Every field that was marked as localizable now has translations.
Invoice clients
Invoicing clients | Smartcat Help Center Sometimes it happens when a client does not have any option to pay the translation company for the work done because of financial barriers, which leads to a loss of money and a missed opportunity to expand the company's business network. Thanks to Smartcat, you may cover almost all the globe and grow naturally. Generating invoices either with your or Smartcat payment details (right on the corporate balance) and sending them via email to the end of the earth is a matter of minutes with Smartcat. In addition, the corporate balance will link incoming payments and payouts to the team. Indeed, there's also an option to withdraw money from the Smartcat balance to your bank account, thus leaving an amount fit for payouts. Adding payment details To get started, add the company details both for operations with balance and for direct payments to your bank account. You can specify several sets of details to receive direct payments in different currencies. Creating an invoice To issue an invoice, you need to go to the Client payments section and click the Issue invoice button. Then a form for filling in the details of a client and the company will become available. The client fields will be filled with the information from a client card, or you can set a brand-new client that, after filling in the fields in the form, will be added to the client list.The system pulls bank account information depending on what details you have selected for receiving the payment. Adding services in an invoice On the second step of creating an invoice, you can use services from quotes calculated for the projects where this particular client is set or add a service manually. After adding all the necessary services into an invoice, click on the Create invoice button. Voila! The invoice is ready to go. The last thing to do is to send the invoice to the client by email directly through Smartcat or download and print the invoice if a non-digital copy is required. Perhaps the fact that Smartcat is an all-in-one solution for a translation company allows effectively using all features of the system for your benefit. The system seamlessly gathers information from projects, client cards, and payment section and wrap in up into an invoice facilitating the billing management. Having all the data in one place makes keeping invoices, clients, and projects in a neat order an easy walk.By the way, your clients can pay invoices to your corporate balance in a currency that you couldn't accept on your end before, for example, Canadian dollars. Paying for the work of your suppliers from the corporate balance takes less than a moment without any fees. FAQ My Profile was previously hidden from the marketplace because of my violations, can I apply for compensation by Smartcat for the projects, where the Clients had not paid to me? You had violated the Supplier Agreement and had broken the job quality requirements for several times. Your profile was previously hidden from the marketplace (we have informed you about it earlier) because we have to provide high quality services, expected by our Clients.Freelancers whose profile was hidden cannot receive invitations to new projects from Smartcat customers.However, they’re still able to:Work for clients who previously hired them and are satisfied with the quality of their workUse the Editor to work on projects they got from customers outside of SmartcatInvoice their current clientsReceive payment for projects they have completedSmartcat does not compensate the jobs done before and after the date your profile was hidden, because of bad quality of these services.Contact your clients via chat to ask all the questions about the actual project statuses and payments.
Connect Google Docs with Smartcat
Google Docs integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Google Docs is an online word processor included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite. The integration between Smartcat and Google Docs enables localization managers to connect a Google Drive folder to Smartcat and create a continuous localization flow for the documents stored in that folder. 1. Pre-requisites The only parameter required to set up the integration is the URL of the Google Drive folder that you want to connect to Smartcat. For best results, create a new Google Drive folder where you will be placing Google Docs ready to be translated and copy the URL of that folder. 2. Configuring the integration To configure the Google Docs integration, log in to Smartcat and complete the following steps. Create a new integration project.In the Integrations tab, click Set up integration in the Google Docs integration tile. 3. Paste the URL of the target Google Drive folder. Click Sign in with Google. Select your Google Account and grant access to Smartcat. As a part of initial integration setup, Smartcat will automatically import previous translations, populating the project translation memories (TM) and allowing you to reuse them in the future. Smartcat will ensure that all the translatable content is available for translation as soon as possible, and that translations are pushed back into your CMS automatically, without having to monitor the process. Specify the source and target languages and choose the appropriate workflow. You can safely ignore the rest of the parameters and click Translate. 3. Using the integration If the integration is created successfully, the content of the folder whose URL you indicated in the settings is synchronized with the current Smartcat project and all the documents stored in the folder appear as Smartcat project documents. After a document translation is completed, return to the integration settings, open the Settings tab, make sure that Push translations back is selected (default) and click Sync Now. The target documents will be pushed to Google Docs and appear in a separate folder in the same location where the original documents reside. If new source segments were added to the integrated space since the previous sync, the Smartcat documents will be updated accordingly. By default, a sync disregards incomplete translations. You can, however, instruct the integration to include them in every sync by enabling the option Publish incomplete documents. For each source document Smartcat will create a folder with a _translations suffix and store the translated documents there. Instead of explicitly performing sync by clicking Sync Now, you can schedule a sync at the required intervals. To do this, click on Do not repeat and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Landing page translation
Translate landing pages Discover a variety of translation options for your landing page with Smartcat in this step-by-step guide. Translate your landing page with Smartcat Website Translator With Smartcat Website Translator, you can automatically translate your website into any language and refine it with manual edits. 1. Set up the Smartcat project Copy and save the URL of your landing page. Then, open your workspace in Smartcat and click on the "Translate a website" shortcut. Specify both source and target languages. You can specify more than one language. Now paste or enter the website URL that you would like to have translated. Click Preview My Website. That will open a preview of your translated website. 2. Preview your translation You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the top-right corner of the screen. In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors. Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your web page design. Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page. 3. Review and publish your translation Click Edit in the toolbar. Smartcat Editor is divided in two columns with the source and target languages. After you've made all the required changes in Editor, click Back in the Editor toolbar above. It redirects you to the website preview that reflects all the recent edits. To publish the translation click Publish at the top of your website page. Copy the Javascript code and add it to the Header section of your website. As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue. Translating HTML file Another option is to translate the HTML file of your web page. 1. Upload your HTML file Open your workspace and click on Translate a File. That will open the project creation tab. Specify both the source and target languages, and upload your HTML file from the computer. Click Translate files. An Overview tab will open, where you can view the workflow stages. When the progress bar of the AI translation workflow stage reaches 100%, it signifies completion, and you can now open your HTML file in Editor. 2. Review your translation Open your file from the Files tab. Review your translation in Editor. Make changes to your translation if necessary. Below the editing area, you'll find various tabs for viewing the edit history, leaving comments on a segment or the entire document, and performing QA checks. 3. Use live preview Live preview enables you to work directly with the source text. Use the switcher in the Preview tab to activate this feature. Click on the translated segment to navigate to its corresponding segment in the source text. The Live preview will display the specific text segment in the target language. Review and confirm one segment after another by clicking on the checkbox on the right of the text segment. To confirm all segments at once, click on the checkbox icon in the toolbar. 4. Export your HTML file Once review and edit of your AI translation is complete, click Done in Editor and download your resulting file in HTML format. If you choose the Special formats option in the dropdown menu, you can export your file in TMX, XLIFF, CSV. Smartcat offers a variety of different CMS integrations. For more info on supported integrations, visit our Website translation page. The workflow in Smartcat Editor will be the same. For detailed instructions on integrating your translation with your CMS, explore our platform-specific guides: Set up a Wordpress/WPML integrationConnect Zendesk with SmartcatSmartcat Translator extension for Google ChromeInstall Smartcat Translator for ChromeConnect Drupal with SmartcatConnect Contentful with SmartcatConnect and translate your Wix website with SmartcatConnect and translate your Ghost website with SmartcatConnect and translate your WooCommerce website with SmartcatConnect and translate your Weebly website with Smartca
Automate project assignment to linguists
Automated linguist assignment | Smartcat Help Center Automated assignment of tasks such as editing of AI automatic translation significantly reduces the time it would usually take to search for and hire human linguists. Automate your search with Smartcat AI best matching. How does Automated Assignment work? Smartcat automatically searches for the most suitable linguists for your needs in seconds. The Smartcat Marketplace Delivery team handles any and all issues with human linguists. You can select types of linguists, including your own in-house translators, pinned freelancers, and Marketplace freelancers not saved in My Team. You can also organize them by priority. 5 simple steps to automatic task assignment You can automate task assignment via a button called Run project. This is available for workspace admins, project managers, and users with custom roles who have access levels to create projects and hire freelancers. The Run project button is available if there is at least one task without linguist assignment. Step 1: Create a project Add your project workflow stages, source and target languages, upload files, adjust the linguistic assets, and pre-translation rules if needed. Smartcat automatically links the most suitable translation memory (TM) and sets up pre-translation rules when creating a new project. However, before activating the automated assignment feature, we recommend that the project manager verify that these settings are correct. Step 2: Activate automated assignment Once project settings are set up, you can activate automated assignment by clicking on the Run project button on the Overview page. As a reminder:The Run project button is available if there is at least one task without assignments. The button is not active when: - linguists are already invited to all tasks- project has a document where volume is not specified- project statistics are being calculated- project has one workflow stage – Automatic Translation – if translations are confirmed after pre-translation Step 3: Smartcat finds linguists in seconds Once you click the Run project button, Smartcat begins searching immediately for best-match linguists for your task at hand. When matching linguists are identified, Smartcat displays a pop-up with your project task details and a list of linguists for consideration. Target effective words : total words in all language pairs calculated after TMs are applied Estimated completion date: Smartcat automatically calculates date of task completion taking into account the word volume and the industry average per-word work completion rate. In the event that the estimated completion date exceeds your project deadline, Smartcat displays a message to inform you that the deadline will be updated in line with the estimated completion date. Total cost: total cost of all tasks. To invite identified linguists to work on your task, click Run project. Step 4: Linguists are invited and start working After clicking Run project, Smartcat sends an automatic invitation to work on your task to the top best-match linguist. If this linguist does not respond, declines, or is unavailable, Smartcat then invites up to ten other best-match linguists. Each linguist receives an email notification with the project details and the date when they can start working on it. Step 5: Manager tracks the project progress The new Overview page shows the project progress all in one place, helping you to keep track of how your translation is coming along. Once the translation is complete, you can finalize your project by clicking on the Done button in the editor. What if a linguist wasn’t found or declines the invitation? First of all, Smartcat invites one linguist per task - this is the best match linguist of all returned results. If this linguist declines the invitation or doesn’t respond, Smartcat sends a new invitation to up to 10 different linguists and the first who accepts is assigned the task. A quick recap of the AI Matching workflowSmartcat invites the top best-match linguist If the freelancer doesn’t accept the invitation within 24 hours, the invitation expires Smartcat then automatically sends another invitation to up to 10 other best-match linguists If no one accepts the invitation within 24 hours, Smartcat informs you via a message that no linguists agreed to your translation task and that the task remains unassigned Smartcat will then suggest two options: one, hire linguists by yourself or contact the Smartcat Marketplace delivery team for further assistance Additionally, a message will be sent to the Slack channel #service-delivery-team-events to inform the Smartcat team. Manage settings for suggestions on automatic project management Smartcat empowers you to manage suggestions both for automatic project management and all regular projects. You can choose from in-house linguists, pinned freelancers, and Smartcat Marketplace freelancers. To access your settings for suggestions, follow the steps below: 1. On the Home page, click Workspace settings 2. Select AI assignments in the menu dropdown list 3. Choose the type of linguists that you prefer to hire. You can also drag and drop the translator types to set a priority. Just find the best one: our default AI Matching algorithm (See more in Sourcing of linguists ) Translators invited to Team members only: * in-house translators saved in My Team in the workspace * (This option is only available on the paid plans) Favorite Marketplace translators only: pinned freelancers, i.e. Marketplace freelancers saved in My Team in the workspace Marketplace translators only: Marketplace freelancers not added to My Team Hire only unique translators: “Unique” translator refers to an individual professional human translator. With this option, you assign a different translator for each task in your project. This means that automatic assignment will not invite the same translator for different tasks belonging to the same overall translation project. Your Marketplace Delivery team is on hand to help Your Smartcat Marketplace Delivery team handles issues with automatic project management. The following events will be automatically sent to Slack channel # service-delivery-team-events:When Marketplace suppliers do not accept the invitation on timeWhen Marketplace suppliers do not start working on a task Marketplace Delivery team works on resolving issues with Marketplace linguists in order to prevent possible workflow bottlenecks and ensure the highest quality Smartcat Marketplace experience for you and your team. To ensure the highest-quality service, the Smartcat Marketplace Delivery team responds to client complaints on a case-by-case basis. How does automatic assignment work with prepayment? After clicking the Auto management button, Smartcat displays a pop-up with the project details and a list of suitable linguists. This pop-up also shows a Proceed to checkout button that will redirect you to the checkout page to close out the prepayment. If you have not yet added billing details, Smartcat will prompt you to do so before payment. Once prepayment is made, the Run project button will become available. With auto management, the prepayment logic for inviting linguists will be the same as when you invite linguists yourself. If Smartcat invites several linguists to a task – using the 🚀First who accepted mode – prepayment is calculated based on the rates of the most expensive linguist. If the total cost is less than the prepayment amount, the difference will be returned to your Smartcat balance.
Resolve file upload issues
File upload issue resolution | Smartcat Help Center Below you'll find the common reasons why Smartcat fails to upload your files.File size. Smartcat supports files of the following formats not bigger than 512 Mb so there maybe issues when uploading .docx and .pptx files of substantial size. Solution: Save the original *.pptx or * .docx file in LibreOffice or Microsoft Office using the Save as option in the file menu. You can also split a multi-slide presentation into two or more parts and add them to one project. 2. Image size. The platform imposes a document size limit of 30 Mb for extracting text from images, and the uploaded file is larger. Solution: Split the document into parts smaller than 30 Mb. You can use tools for editing documents, for example, PDF-XChange Editor, Adobe Acrobat and others. 3. Parsing error. The platform may be unable to recognize the content of the slides. Solution: exclude all extras (e.g. hidden slides, slide masters, etc.) when loading the file into the project. To remove these elements you can a also convert your presentation to *.pdf, then back to * .pptx. 4. Text export error. Your text can contain elements Smartcat can't recognize. Solution: Modify the original document and delete elements like:invalid characterslarge pictures or videos that can cause presentation to freezeshapes and objects that differ from the rest visually or by some attributesgraphs and diagrams. FAQ Can I process TS files in Smartcat? TS files cannot be processed natively in Smartcat but it is possible to convert them using a free app called QT Linguist which is part of a larger development framework but can be installed separately. Using QT Linguist, these TS files can be converted to XLIFF which can be processed using Smartcat. Upon translation, they can be converted back to TS format using QT Linguist.QT Linguist can be downloaded from here. Is it possible to upload .jpg file for reference? You would like to upload screenshots for reference, and they are in the .jpg format. There are 2 options:You can add these files as reference to the project as described in Can I add reference files to my project? This is the easiest and fastest process but when dealing with references such as screenshots, it might create some work for the translation team to find the image that corresponds to the string being translated.You can upload individual graphic files for each segment where needed using the Camera [Alt-Insert] button in the toolbar. A picture icon will be displayed in the segment and the translator will be able to click on the icon to show the screenshot. This process takes longer but creates more targeted references. This feature needs to be enabled in the account, it is not enabled by default.
How to translate subtitles via projects in Smartcat
How to translate subtitles via projects in Smartcat Upload file and create a project You can start by clicking either the "Create a Project" or "Translate a File" tile in your Workspace. If you upload a video file, a window will appear explaining how video file processing works. It includes a link to a related Help Center article for additional guidance. If you select to create a project, you can choose to proceed without uploading files and upload them later. The wizard automatically scrolls to the most recently uploaded file If additional files are uploaded. When a video file and a subtitle file with the same name are uploaded, they are linked together visually with a line in the interface. If a subtitle file is linked to a video, you can work with the subtitle file while using the video as a reference.If only a video file is uploaded, transcription starts automatically, and a subtitle file is generated once complete. After project creation, the video will not be transcribed unless a subtitle file with the same name is missing. Hover over the line between the files to view a tooltip explaining the connection between the linked video and subtitle files. Project Overview Once the project is created, you’ll be directed to the Overview page, where the system prepares and analyzes the uploaded files. After analysis, you’ll see word statistics based on the source file. You can proceed with processing the file in the standard format. For a closer look at Editor, check out our Help Center guide. SLC stage If the project includes the SLC stage, subtitle files open directly in the Subtitle Editor. All other file types follow the standard workflow, and files must be processed locally. To estimate workload, the number of pages is calculated using: Number of Pages = Total Words / 250 Note that for subtitle files, this calculation is fixed and cannot be edited. For standard files, you can adjust the number of pages. DTP Stage Working with subtitle files at the DTP stage is the same as with regular files. Just download the file and process it locally. Adding files after project creation On the Files page, you can upload additional video files. The system will display the same informational window as during the initial upload. The system checks if a matching subtitle file already exists. If no matching subtitle file is found, the system will automatically transcribe the video. If a video file with the same name as an existing subtitle file is uploaded, a popup will notify you of the duplication. You’ll have options to: Add the video as a reference file. Transcribe the video separately to generate a new subtitle file.Replace the existing video or work with it separately. If you upload a subtitle file with the same name as an existing video or subtitle file (including those generated after transcription), the system will give you the option to either update the existing file or upload it as a new one. Subtitle Editor For detailed instructions on using the Subtitle Editor, refer to our Guide for Organizations. Key Highlights If a video and subtitle file with the same name are uploaded together, they are automatically linked, and the video is not transcribed during project creation.If only a video file is uploaded, it will be transcribed, and a subtitle file will be generated after the transcription is complete.After project creation, the video file serves as a reference, and the user works primarily with the subtitle file.Subtitle files open directly in the Editor during the SLC stage.At the DTP stage, subtitle files are processed locally, other file formats.
Set up translation memories
Setting up translation memories | Smartcat Help Center Translation memories (TMs) are the single most important linguistic asset to optimize your translation performance. They improve quality and consistency, reduce project turnaround times, and decrease the number of words to translate by pre-populating new translations with previously translated content that matches current content for translation. For these reasons, it's crucial that they are set up properly when you create an account on Smartcat. In addition to enhancing project workflow, correct creation of TMs also averts the possibility of missed word and phrase matches, which would mean higher translation costs. Essential information on Smartcat translation memories Here are some essential need-to-know facts about TMs in Smartcat. Limitless TM creationIn Smartcat, you can create as many TMs as you like. For instance, you may wish to have a different TM for each specific subject matter focus for your content. As an example, a corporate legal department might have one TM for product terms and conditions-related content and another for employee contracts. Limitless data storageThere are also no limits as to the amount of data that you can store in your TM databases in your Smartcat account. You can organize TMs using client and project group labels. TMs can be single-language or multilingualAs well as the standard one source and one target language form of TM, Smartcat also enables you to create multilingual translation memories. This means that you can have one source language and as many target languages as you want. This helps reduce the number of TMs that you would need to create if you could only use single-language TMs, helping with organization and workflow management. How to create translation memories in Smartcat Creating a new TM in Smartcat is simple. Step 1Scroll down and click on Linguistic Assets via your Smartcat workspace home page. Step 2Click Create TM. Clicking Create TM will generate the following dialogue box.Note: the numbers have been superimposed to provide instructions below Field 1: TMX, SDLTM OR XLSX fileImport a TM file in one of the available formats. Field 2: NameAssign a unique name. In many cases, it is recommended to choose a name based on the customer name to simplify data management. Fields 3 and 4: Source and target languagesChoose the source language (3) and all the target languages (4). There can be only one source language but you can choose as many target languages as needed for a specific client. In most scenarios, matches are found based on comparing new sentences with sentences stored as the source language but Smartcat now allows translation memories to be reversed automatically when used as reference (in read-only mode) and matches can be found in the target language in this case. Fields 5 and 6Labels can be assigned for a client (5) and project tag (6). Field 7: SubjectThere is an option to define a subject (7) for the translation memory but this option is generally redundant if the translation memory is assigned to a specific client. It could be useful when dealing with clients who work across multiple fields and separate translation memories need to be maintained. Field 8: CommentsYou can also add comments or a description (8) for each translation memory. Click Save when you are done. That's it! With this brief article, you should now know how to correctly create a TM in Smartcat, with one or more target languages.
Edit translation memories
Translation memory editing | Smartcat Help Center With Smartcat, you can edit your translation memories (TMs) with ease. This applies both to TMs that you import or create from scratch. In this brief article, we look at how to edit TM file details and the TM's translated content that it stores. How to edit a translation memory in Smartcat First of all, let's look at how to edit your TM file details. Edit TM file details in three steps Step 1 Go to your Linguistic assets and select the TM that you want to edit from the list. Step 2 Click Edit and make your changes, such such as translation memory name, project, client, and so forth. Step 3 Click Save once you're all done. And now on to your actual TM content. Edit TM content details in three steps Step 1 Go to Linguistic assets -> Translation memories -> TM Editor Step 2 Select the language pair and enter the text that you want to edit (any word or phrase). Step 3 Click Browse results. Then review the search results and carry out the required changes on the specific content that you want to edit. Best practices to follow for successful TM editing 1. To discover the source of each displayed segment, click TM. In the tab that opens, you’ll see information about the TM that the segment belongs to, as well as the previous and following segments. 2. You can remove a segment by clicking on the bin icon in this tab. 3. To edit a segment translation, click on the pencil icon. The, carry out your edit and confirm the segment to save the change. And that's it! Now you should know how to edit a TM's file details and the translation content that it contains.
Create a glossary
Glossary creation | Smartcat Help Center To create a glossary on Smartcat, go to your Linguistic Assets on your Smartcat homepage. You can follow allong our interactive demo or read the steps below. Once you have selected Linguistic Assets, select Glossaries from the drop-down menu. Next, select Create glossary. After, you will need to add the details for your glossary, which include:NameLanguages (you can add as many as you want by clicking on the plus button)CommentsClients (if you are a vendor/language service provider who serves clients on the platform)Project tags Under Advanced instructions, you can add further details, such as field name and what type of field it is (text, subject, reference). There are different field names for the position (definition source, subject, and example), language (definition, definition source, comments), and term (source, gender, number, part of speech). These fields allow you to create a detail-rich glossary that has a lot of context for your collaborators. Learn more about how to set up glossary properties and structure. Choose Save to keep your changes. Next, you can add an entry one by one. You can add comments and a definition or other details, depending on which fields you turned on in the advanced settings. If you have a ready-made glossary saved elsewhere and you want to upload it, simply select the Upload button and select the file from your PC. When importing from a MultiTerm XML file, only terms without additional attributes will be uploaded. To upload terms along with attributes, use the XLSX format. Import options include replacing all terms or adding new terms without replacing the ones that are already saved to a glossary. Here, you can also add the glossary as well. In the glossary page, you can also search for terms in your glossary as well, making it easy to find the right term. You can also learn how to import/export glossaries to and from Smartcat.
Manage customized AI translation engine presets
Customized MT engine presets | Smartcat Help Center The customized AI translation engine preset is a robust and convenient method for maintaining and managing the credentials of various AI translation developers. You can add an API key for an AI translation developer and then use this key to create one or several customized AI translation engine presets. These presets will be available for addition to the AI Translation section of the project settings together with the standard AI translation engine profiles. Adding an API key for an AI translation developer To add an API key for an AI translation developer:Log in to Smartcat as an account administrator.Navigate to Settings > Credentials, click Add Credential and select the required AI translation developer. In the example below, the selected AI translation developer is Google Advanced Translation. Enter a meaningful Name, that you will later require to create a customized AI translation profile.Optionally, enter additional information about the provider to the Comment field.Paste the AI translation developer's API key to the Service account key field. Note that For Google Advanced Translation the API key is provided in a JSON file. Open this file in any text editor, copy its entire content, and paste it to the Service account key field.Click Save. Creating an AI translation engine preset Navigate to Settings > AI translation engine presets, click Add Preset and choose the same AI translation developer you selected at step 4 of the previous procedure. The Add AI Translation Engine Preset dialog is displayed: Click the arrow to expand the API key drop-down list and the name you assigned to the AI Translation developer at step 5 of the previous procedure.Optionally, enter additional information about the preset to the Comment field.If you are creating a preset for Google Neural Translation Engine or Google, click Save and skip the rest of the procedure.If you are creating a preset for Intento, clicking Save at this step will create a fully functional preset, but you can enrich it by providing a Routing name, that is the name of a strategy that Intento uses to customize the behavior of their AI translation output. If you are creating a preset for Google Advanced Translation, clicking Save at this stage will create an operational AI translation engine preset that you can enrich with language specific parameters. To do it, click Add language pair. Select the Source and Target languages for the preset. Optionally, use the AutoML Model ID parameter to provide the identifier of your trained AutoML model. To obtain this identifier, log in to your Google Cloud Console and follow these instructions.Another optional parameter is Glossary ID, the identifier of your glossary to be used together with the trained AutoML model. For the information on creating and using glossaries in Google Advanced Translation, refer to this article.You can also provide labels (key-value pairs) used in Google Advanced Translation for filtering billing charges in the Google Cloud console. To create a new label, click Add Label and specify the key-value pair. Keep clicking Add label to create as many labels as required.Click Save when done. To use a customized AI translation engine preset, add it to your project by clicking Add in the AI Translation dialog, as described here.
Understand glossary properties and structure
Glossary properties | Smartcat Help Center In this article, we will look at glossary properties and structure in more detail. Glossary properties are settings such as languages, labels and comments. Changing glossary properties To change glossary properties, follow these steps: Go to Linguistic assets→GlossariesClick on the gear iconSelect Glossary properties Make the necessary changes and click Save. Now let's take a look at making changing to your glossary structure. Changing glossary structure Glossary structure is made up of fields that you can add or remove. To change the glossary structure, for instance, to adjust additional glossary fields, follow these steps: Go to Linguistic assets→GlossariesClick on the gear iconSelect Glossary structure The glossary structure settings allow you to create System fields used for glossary levels: Position, Language , and Term. Understanding glossary structure system fields Position level This defines the properties of a whole glossary entry. Language level This relates to the properties of a glossary term language. Click on the language to open. Term level This determines the properties of a term itself. There might be more than one term per language for a glossary entry. Click on the term to open. This can be helpful if, for instance: – You want to add a translated definition for each language.– If you have multiple translations for an entry and want to add information at the term level. You can add fields at every level using the level drop-down box. At each level, there will be fields available, while some will repeat between levels. Choose the field you want to add and click Add to List. The selected fields will appear in the displayed list. When done, click Save . You can also create a Custom Field for each level and set unique properties for it. Choose the following: – a unique field name– the type of data that will be entered — text, number, Y/N, etc.– a default value if needed– A comment. Also check the box displayed if this will be a required custom field.
Set Up and Use the Smartcat Paligo Integration
Set Up and Use the Paligo Integration 1. Pre-requisites Prior to setting up the Smartcat Paligo integration collect the following parameters: Paligo Base URLPaligo UsernameAPI Key Paligo Base URL In your browser’s address bar you will find the Base URL for your Paligo account (e.g., https://company-name.paligoapp.com/). Paligo Username In your Paligo Profile, you will find your Username. API Key You can create an API Key by going to your profile and then to API Keys. There you will find a Create new key button. 2. Configuring the integration In your Smartcat account, go to Integrations and then to Add new integration. Look for Paligo and then click on Set up integration. You will now be asked to name the integration and to provide your Paligo Base URL, Paligo Username, and API Key. You can also choose whether you want to list all content from your Paligo account or just what is marked as In Translation. 3. Using the Integration To start the translation process, simply select your content and click Create translation. Select if you want to create a new project in Smartcat or upload a file to the existing project. Enter the project data, such as name, deadline, and source and target language. You can select multiple target languages. Select the appropriate workflow for your translation. The Automatic Translation → Post-Editing workflow allows Smartcat to select the most suitable AI engine for the initial translation. After that, you can review the translation yourself or invite a collaborator to your project in Smartcat. Proceed to the Integration-specific settings by clicking the respective button below. Select the import mode for your translation: to import existing translations or skip this step. When importing existing translations, you can pick which status they should be in. After the synchronization process is complete, you will see a list of target languages under the title of the original file. Click on the underlined title on the left to open your project in Smartcat. Or click on Open Editor to see the content and its translation. Once the translation is complete, you can now send it back to Paligo by clicking on Send to Paligo. When sending content back to Paligo, you can determine its Completion level (i.e., whether all steps of the translation workflow were completed or not), confirm the Target languages, and pick whether or not it should rewrite confirmed translations. Once synchronization is completed, you will be able to see the translation in Paligo.
Receive payments with bank cards in multiple currencies
Bank card payouts | Smartcat Help Center When you use the Bank card payout method, you get payment for your work directly to your bank card and then pay online and offline stores, withdraw cash, and perform other transactions. Available currencies US dollar (USD)Euro (EUR)Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH)Russian ruble (RUB) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from the selected currency of your bank card, then the funds will be converted to the currency of your bank card using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission The commission fee is: 4% of the payment amount for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, unless you have special agreements with the customer. 2.9% of the payment amount for other countries , unless you have special agreements with the customer. You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amount RUB: from 100 RUB to 200,000 RUBUSD: from 10 USDEUR: from 10 EURUAH: from 270 UAH The amount of one transaction cannot exceed 99,000 RUB. The total amount to be paid during one month cannot exceed 495,000 RUB. The number of payments during a calendar month cannot exceed 15 transactions. Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. For more information please refer to this article. Details required for receiving payments Bank cards in USD, EUR, UAH. To receive payment in USD, EUR, UAH, you must select the payout currency, then enter the card number, card expiration date, cardholder's name in Latin. Bank card in RUB. To receive payment in RUB, you must specify the name of the cardholder (Name, surname, patronymic in Latin) and card number. The holder's name must be listed even if you are adding an unnamed card. After you provide your payment information, we will moderate the card, which usually takes no more than two days.If your card does not pass moderation, you will receive an email at the address provided in your profile asking for more information. Please note that the first and last name must match the one you specified in your profile. According to clause 4 (B) of the user agreement, the information specified in the account must be complete and reliable, therefore we cannot make payments to a card in rubles that is not issued to you. Advantages Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1 business day on the side of the bank that issued the card;Simplicity. No need to fill in a lot of details. Flaws Some banks may restrict the receipt of this type of payment (OST transactions - Original Credit Transfer). If the payment to your card was declined for this reason, you can try to link the card of another bank. Restrictions At the moment, there are restrictions on cards issued by some banks in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. If the payment cannot be sent to your bank, an error message will appear when you select the payout method. If there is no error message, then sending payments to your bank is available. Supported payment systems Bank card in USD, EUR, UAH (VISA, Mastercard, Maestro)Bank card in RUB (VISA, Mastercard, Maestro) Frequently Asked Questions Q: I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? A: We recommend following these steps:Make sure that your card details are entered correctly, and that the card is active and has not expired.If payment is made to the card in rubles, then additionally make sure that the card is issued in RussiaIf the card details are correct and the card is active, contact the bank that issued the card to find out the reasons for the payment rejectionMake sure your card is a debit or credit card, prepaid cards are not accepted. Q: How are funds transferred to a bank card? What is the purpose of the payment? A: To send funds to the card, the direct deposit method is used using Visa Direct\Mastercard Moneysend. This type of transaction is called OCT - Original Credit Transaction. In this case, funds are credited directly to the card, without using the SWIFT system.For these types of transactions, it is not possible to specify a payment description. How the payment will look on the statement will depend on many factors (including the country, the card issuing bank). Q: What should I do if the payment is listed as successfully sent in my personal account, but the funds have not been credited to the card? A: We recommend following these steps: Please make sure that you have linked the same card that you expect to receive funds to.Check your card statement. You may not have received a credit notification, but the money was received on your card.Contact our support team. Along with the request, we recommend that you send your card statement, which should clearly show your name and the last 4 digits of your card, and the date of the statement request should be from the date the payment was sent to the current date.Follow the advice of the support team.If, according to Smartcat, the payment was successful, then we will provide you with ARN and RNN codes as proof of payment. RRN (Reference Retrieval Number)/ARN (Acquirer's Reference Number) are unique identifiers assigned by the servicing bank when the payment is initiated.You need to contact the claims department of your bank with a written application with ARN and RNN, indicating that this amount was sent directly to the card via Visa Direct\Mastercard Moneysend.If the bank does not find the transaction, please ask for an official letter of confirmation from the issuing bank that the payment using the details provided could not be found. Q: I have funds in my balance and added a card as a payout method, but Smartcat did not send the payment, why? A: There may be several reasons:Your payment deadline has not come up. We usually send funds within 1-3 days after they are credited to your Smartcat account balance.Your balance has not reached the minimum payout amount after which Smartcat can send you a payment. For more information please refer to this article.Your card has not been moderated.If your card does not pass moderation, we will send an email to the address in your profile asking for more information. Please check your email (including your Spam folder), we may be waiting for your reply in order to send the payment. Q: For which countries is this method available? A: To see if this method is available to you, check your options when adding a payout method in the My Payouts section. If it is listed for the country or region you selected, you will be able to link your bank card as a payout method. Receiving a payment to a card in UAH is available only for Ukraine.Receiving a payment to a card in UAH is available only for Ukraine. Available countries for receiving card payments in USD and EUR Åland IslandsEgyptIsle of ManNetherlandsSingaporeAlbaniaEquatorial GuineaItalyNew CaledoniaSint Maarten (Dutch part)AlgeriaEstoniaJerseyNew ZealandSlovakiaAndorraEthiopiaKenyaNicaraguaSloveniaAnguillaFalkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]KiribatiNigerSolomon IslandsAntarcticaFaroe IslandsKuwaitNigeriaSouth AfricaAntigua and BarbudaFijiLao People's Democratic RepublicNorfolk IslandSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsArubaFinlandLatviaNorwaySpainBahamasFranceLesothoOmanSri LankaBarbadosFrench GuianaLiechtensteinPakistanSurinameBeninFrench PolynesiaLithuaniaPalauSvalbard and Jan MayenBermudaFrench Southern TerritoriesLuxembourgPapua New GuineaSwazilandBhutanGabonMacaoPeruSwedenBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaGambiaMacedoniaPhilippinesThailandBosnia and HerzegovinaGeorgiaMadagascarPitcairnTogoBotswanaGhanaMalawiPolandTokelauBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryGibraltarMalaysiaKoreaTongaBulgariaGreenlandMaldivesRéunionTunisiaCameroonGrenadaMaliRomaniaTurks and Caicos IslandsCabo VerdeGuadeloupeMaltaSaint BarthélemyUgandaCayman IslandsGuamNorthern Mariana IslandsSaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandChileGuernseyMarshall IslandsSaint Kitts and NevisUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsChristmas IslandGuineaMartiniqueSaint Martin (French part)UruguayCocos (Keeling) IslandsGuinea-BissauMauritaniaSaint Pierre and MiquelonVanuatuCook IslandsGuyanaMexicoSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesViet NamCroatiaHaitiMicronesiaAmerican SamoaBritish Virgin IslandsCuraçaoHeard Island and McDonald IslandsMonacoSan MarinoU.S. Virgin IslandsCyprusHoly SeeMongoliaSao Tome and PrincipeWallis and FutunaCzechiaHungaryMontenegroSenegalWestern SaharaDenmarkIcelandMozambiqueSerbiaDominicaIndiaNamibiaSeychellesEcuadorIndonesiaNepalSierra Leone
Smartcat integration 101: Basic scenario for content exchange
Integration for content exchange | Smartcat Help Center Developer documentation has been migrated to the dedicated resource developers.smartcat.com. This page is deprecated but will temporarily remain available for your convenience. First of all, make sure you have read the Getting started guide (it’s short!) and chek out our educational video. Some terms to start with This scenario addresses two main entities: a project and a document. A project is where you store your files, define source and target languages (yes, we support multilingual projects), set deadlines, attach linguistic assets, and connect AI translation. A document is a file imported to Smartcat which can have import settings and one or more target languages. By default, an imported document has all target languages of the project. The document cannot have a deadline (but document assignments can). You can upload new documents to Smartcat or update existing ones. Each project and each document have unique identifiers. Create a project and import a document Let's start with the POST project/create method. Create a project with the most basic data: name and source/target languages. You can experiment with other parameters later. Please keep in mind that a parameter “assignToVendor” is required to request the method successfully. If you are testing the API in Swagger, do not include Content-Disposition, Content-Type, and Boundary to the body of your request. See our project/create example You can upload a document while creating a project using the documentProperties model. Alternatively, you can create an empty project and skip the documentProperties model. To import a file into an existing project, use the POST project/document method. Most parameters are optional for the basic scenario, so don’t dig deep in the beginning. See our project/document example Update a document If you have a newer document version (which is quite usual for a continuous scenario), you can update it in your project using the PUT document/update method and the document ID. The corresponding document will be overwritten in Smartcat. All translations that have already been done will be inserted in the new document through pretranslation. See our document/update example Calculate statistics In some cases, you will need to calculate how many words your document has and how many of them are translation memory matches. To do this, call GET project/{projectid}/statistics. See our project/{projectId}/statistics example Note that the statistics will be calculated for all documents in the project. If you need statistics for a specific document, use GET document/statistics. See our document/statistics example If you only need the overall word count, without translation memory matches, you can simply use the wordsCount parameter returned by the GET document method. See our document example Track translation status You can get information about your document at any time: progress for each workflow stage, task status, assignments, etc. To get this information for a specific document, use GET document with the corresponding document ID. The example would be the same as the one above. To get information about the progress and statuses of all your documents at once and the overall project status and progress, use GET project/{projectid} with the corresponding project ID. See our project/{projectId} example You can set up callbacks to track translation statuses. Export the translation To export a translated document, use a POST document/export request. This requests Smartcat to render the final document. For smaller documents, you’ll receive the task ID in the response. For larger ones, rendering the target file will take some time depending on the document size and server load. In this case, Smartcat will send you a callback with the task ID to /document/exportRequestCompleted once the exported document is ready. See our document/export example PS: The parameter “stageNumber” defines a number of a stage in your project workflow. For example, 1 is for “Translation” if it’s the first stage, 2 is for “Editing”, and so on. By the way, you can also export unfinished translations if you’re feeling impatient. Once you have the task ID, you can download the resulting file with GET document/export/{taskid}. See our document/export/{taskid} example
Set up a Salsify integration
Salsify integration | Smartcat Help Center The Salsify integration lets you connect Smartcat to your PIM account and automate the translation of your product descriptions. Setting up the integration Open your Workspace. Click on the Set up an integration shortcut. 2. Select the Salsify integration from the list. 3. Enter the API key and Organization ID. 4. Find your organization ID in the URL address bar of your browser on any Salsify page. It’s located between /orgs.. and ../record. Copy the ID. To receive an API key, go to Salsify and open your profile. Select the API access tab and then click into the Show API key. Copy the API key. Go back to Smartcat and paste the Organization ID and API key. Click Create integration. Using the Salsify integration After you connect Salsify to your Smartcat account, you will see your product list. Select the product details that you want to translate. Use the search filter if needed. Click on the checkbox for your project. If your product already contains more than one language, select only one source language that you want to translate from. Hit the Create translation button on the toolbar above the product list. Create a new project for your translation or use the existing project. If you choose Create a new project, the dialog window that opens will display the Project Settings. Specify the name, deadline and the source language. Select the target language. You can add as many as you need. Select a workflow for your project. By default it’s automatic-translation with post-editing combined. Click on the Integration specific settings. Select the properties of your product that you want to translate. Hit the Create project button Open Current translation folder. You will see that the translation progress bar displays 50% progress. This means that the AI translation workflow stage is done. Select your translation(s) and click the Send to Salsify button. To review your translation, open the Smartcat project by clicking the project’s name. Go to the Files tab and open your file. Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next. After you have finished reviewing and editing your translation, click Done. Go back to your workspace and click on the Salsify shortcut. Find your project, select it, and click Send to Salsify in the toolbar above. If the changes were made within Salsify, you can use the Get from Salsify button to synchronize changes. Open your product in Salsify. Check the translated properties within the Salsify platform.
Perform quality assurance
Performing quality assurance | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat provides automated quality assurance for your convenience. The system checks various errors, including spelling, punctuation, terminology, formatting, and consistency with the translation memory while translators are working in the Editor. If an error gets detected, the system displays a warning with the error description. Project managers can view or download a QA report, which we will cover later. Setting Up Quality Assurance There are 3 levels of error criticality. They are:1. Ignore errors2. Notify me about errors3. Require error correction The default option (Notify me about errors) displays a warning (yellow triangle) in the Editor when the system detects an error in the translation. If certain kinds of error warnings distract you or do not apply to your project, you can disable them by selecting the Ignore errors option. And if you want to specify that a certain kind of error is critical, opt for Require error correction. When the kind of error specified is detected in the translation, the system will display the critical error symbol (red triangle) and will not allow the segment to be confirmed until the error is corrected. When the project has been created, open the project page and press the Settings icon. Select Set Up Quality Assurance in the General Information tab. In the new window, change the QA settings by marking or unmarking checkboxes next to the error type that you want to attune. You can mark errors as critical by marking the checkbox on the far right. To perform a QA check based on the new options, use the switch "Check all project documents for errors after the new settings are applied" at the bottom. Click Apply. The error "Target exceeds the character length limit" and all errors related to tags are critical by default and cannot be disabled. Using Quality Assurance When Working with a Text If a non-critical error is detected in a segment, a yellow icon appears in the status column (on the right) for that segment. To see what errors were found in the current segment, hover the cursor over the yellow icon or click on it to open the QA Check tab under the editing space. The checks run automatically, so some errors may turn out to be false positives. In such cases, you can check the Ignore box next to the error description in the QA Check tab to hide the yellow warning icon, or simply pay no attention to the warning icon. Note: The option to ignore a QA error is only available to the project participants who have been assigned a translation task. Project managers cannot select that option. Tip: It is good practice to ask the translators to clear all the warnings in a file by either correcting the errors or ignoring false positives before they mark the task as done. Very often, the project manager doesn't speak the target language and isn't able to determine whether warnings relate to real errors. If a spelling error is detected in the translation, it will be immediately underlined. Right-click the misspelled word to select a replacement, or add an exception to the spellcheck dictionary. You can add, edit, and remove exceptions using the button in the toolbar displayed with an “A” and a tick. The system also checks terms using the associated terminology database but takes morphology into account. This means that terms translated correctly but using a word form other than in the glossary (for example, a different tense or number) will not be regarded as errors, and you will not be distracted by false positives. Project Quality Reports To run a QA check or create a QA report for a project, go to the project page. On the project page, select the QA Check button located in the Settings tab. In the next window, you will see the list of all errors detected in the project. If you wish to check only some specific documents, check the boxes next to their names. The errors are grouped by type, so you can drill down each error type to display sub-types and the segments where these errors occur. To correct an error, follow the Go to segment link to open the file in the editor and place the cursor in the segment to be corrected or find the segment by the number specified in the report to the right of the error. To rerun the check, press the Run a check button. If you need to save a copy of the error report to your computer, select Download. Smartcat will generate an Excel spreadsheet with information about the errors found in the file and a link to open the editor from within Excel to speed up corrections.
Import keys into a software localization project
Importing localization keys | Smartcat Help Center Once your “main” software localization project has been automatically created on the Smartcat translation platform, you have several options that will allow you to import the keys. You can set up an integration using API or CLI tool , or by importing keys via the Smartcat platform (easiest for non-developers). Here is how you can import keys using the Smartcat user interface: 1. Select collection or create the new one 2. Select the format of your project files and import them. For some file formats, like JSON or YAML, you can import a tree-like key structure, in which case key names will be constructed using the Separator string. 3. Specify how to resolve key conflicts (when the key exists both in the file and in Smartcat, and their values differ). The Skip option will let you keep the values that exist in Smartcat.By selecting Overwrite, you’ll replace the values in Smartcat with the values from your files. 4. Select the labels to be added to your keys. You can choose the free form labels option or let Smartcat auto-generate labels based on the name of the imported file. This will let you easily export the same subset of keys that belong to a particular resource file when needed. 5. Select one or more project files in the previously specified format. Select the language for each file. You’ll be able to import both source texts and their translations. Click Import.
Add services and rates on the Client Portal
Adding services and rates | Smartcat Help Center When all the preparations for the portal launch are done, the next step is to add services and rates for these services to make the portal operable. Let's take a look at what should be done. Please note that the portal page will be blank until you add a service to your account in Smartcat. Service addition All services provided by the company are located in the Services tab of the Clients section. The plus sign will trigger opening the form for adding a new service, to which you need to specify general information about the service:Service name and description;Workflow stages;Unit type for calculating the cost and relevant subjects. Don't forget to save the service at the end (4). After adding the very first service, the plus button disappears, and hence all new services will be ordered in the list. The add service button will also move at the top left of the page. Service rates We're not yet done here because a service has to have the rate and language pair to come into view on the portal page. Let’s quickly overview of how we can add rates and languages. The next tab to go is Custom Rates, where the system displays rates already added and where new ones can be set. Here are available fields in the form for adding rates:Name of a service already added;Language pair (there may be several target languages);Currency and rate per unit. The process is pretty straightforward and thus easy to follow in case you are planning to add a dozen rates. The rate per unit field (3) is not mandatory for filling. This will do the job if you don't need to bill a particular client.In case you want to set up a specific rate for some client from your list, create the rate and specify the client in the form. Bulk import of services and rates Smartcat also supports an option for importing services and rates in bulk. It is worth noting that you should follow a two-step order — first import services and only then rates related to the services. There's a template in the Service tab to facilitate the import. The template extension is the.csv format that has several fields, including the following:Service name;Service description;Workflow stages (you can specify several stages separated by commas);Subject (you can specify several separated by commas);Unit type. Excellent! We have already added services, so the next step is to download the template with rates in the corresponding tab where we are heading right now. The filter panel conceals the rate import settings and therefore needs to get closed. There you will find a template for rates that resembles the one used for services, which we already covered. Filling in the template, you need to put in the following data:1. Service name that you've added or imported earlier;A specific client's name or All clients, if you're planning to apply the rate for all your clients;Source language code;4. Target language code;5. Rate per unit, a valid separator is the point;6. Currency code of the rate. This is a more convenient way to add services and rates if you plan to add dozens of services with different rates. Operable portal After adding services, the portal page will automatically update and show the services previously set in your Smartcat account. Now your customers can place an order from this page following the step-by-step workflow.You can find a more detailed description of this workflow in the article on how to use the client portal. Corporate profile Besides the portal, added services and rates about your services will be visible in your corporate profile, thus being available to customers who search for suppliers using the Smartcat Marketplace. Also, here you can edit company details, including description, company history, contacts, reviews, etc.
How to assign a task to another company
How to assign a task to another company Forming a client-vendor connection There are two must-have conditions for forming a connection between corporate accounts in Smartcat: Both accounts have to be on the same server. At the moment, Smartcat has three servers, divided by region: USA (https://us.smartcat.com/), Europe (https://smartcat.com/), and Asia (https://ea.smartcat.com/). If a client has an account on the European server, then you also need an account on the European server. A client must add a vendor account to the vendor list. In the Team section of any corporate account, there is the My Vendors tab where you can find a list of companies that have already been added as service suppliers as well as configure access rights for each. Adding a vendor will take a couple of clicks if both accounts are on the same server. By the way, clients that have added the vendor will be marked in the vendor's client list with the infinity sign. Assigning vendors to a project The assigning process doesn't differ much from assigning a linguist, though some distinctions listed below should be considered. A vendor may set a service and rate to facilitate the assignment for several stages on the client end, making it a one-click task. In the example above, the vendor, TestAccount2, has the Translation and Editing service with the rate and language pair. That is, once the client confirms the assignment, TestAccount2 will be assigned straight to both stages of the project. A client can assign a vendor only to the whole document, so no document splitting is possible. A vendor's managers will not be able to edit segments until they assign at least one linguist to any stage. The segments will be locked.Managers can assign themselves if linguists have not confirmed the assignment yet, for instance, in cases when some preliminary editing has to be done urgently.A client cannot cancel the assignment to a vendor as long as at least one linguist has been assigned on the vendor end.This means that the client needs to ask the vendor to remove all assignments first. It works this way to avoid unexpected cancellations for the vendor's linguists all of a sudden without understanding why the project is canceled. It is better to discuss the details of cancellation before it happens.A vendor cannot assign a project or document to another vendor.The client-vendor connection is two-tiered in the current implementation. Nevertheless, a client can assign multiple vendors to different documents or stages within a project. Working with an assigned project The substantial difference between projects assigned by a client is the option for both companies to connect their translation memories to the project and write the translation in them. However, the client may limit writing in translation for the vendor in the project settings. Another thing is that a client cannot see linguists that are working on the project from the vendor end. Authors of revisions are hidden too in the Editor. The project page on the vendor side is different from if the vendor created the project independently. Here the vendor may specify such parameters as the project cost, deadline, and whether the cost has been agreed or whether the project has been paid. The vendor can also attach a quote or invoice, which is available for download for the client in the Project Team tab. The project page on the vendor end. The Team tab on the client end. In all other aspects, working on assigned projects is similar to your own projects where a company assigns only linguists. The client-vendor connection not only makes communications between companies in Smartcat easy but also the process of transferring files(literally in one click), monitoring progress, and using linguistic resources. The vendor's linguists will not see that the project is assigned by another company. That is, the vendor will be the linguists' client, so their names and contacts will be available only to the vendor. To sum up, the client-vendor connection is a win-win for both — the client and the vendor. You're welcome to try it out and start embedding this Smartcat feature in your translation workflow right away.
Why Smartcat is safe to use
Safety measures for translations | Smartcat Help Center At Smartcat, we are aware that linguistic resources are the core asset for translation businesses. This is why we use the most advanced technologies and practices to keep your data secure and prevent unauthorized access into your account. We don’t display, transfer or share your data with anyone unlike some other companies do. Secure cloud storage By accommodating your data in the cloud, you can be sure of its safety. Intruders wouldn’t be able to access it in the case that your computer is stolen or exposed to a virus. Even if your computer is broken, all of your data will be safe and available for you. Your data is exclusively yours We considered any improper manipulation of user data and guarantee complete confidentiality. Your data is secure in your account, and belongs fully and only to you. You control access to your data All accounts in the system are isolated, so users of one account cannot access the information in another. This means that all linguistic resources are only available to you and the users that you authorize. Your data is hosted in top-level data centers The data centers, in which your data is stored, have the strictest level of security (Tier IV) and are located in geographically diverse locations, ensuring much higher protection compared to simply using your own office servers. The data centers are SOC-1, SOC-2, and SOC-3 compliant, and staffed and monitored 24/7. Your payments are protected We don’t store your payment data; all payments are executed by our payment partners, each of them holding a certified status with Visa’s Global Compliant Provider and Mastercard’s SDP. Translator information is not visible to external users Yet we reserve the translators’ right to register on the platform as freelancers with a public profile and to use such accounts for personal purposes. Here’s some more information for our tech-savvy users: Your data is encrypted Smartcat uses an HTTPS/TLS protocol to protect data in transit between your computer and our servers, and a 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to protect data at rest. For transmitting payment data, we use a TLS 1.2 protocol and RSA algorithm with a 2048-bit key. Database backup Your data is continuously backed up on the database level and is replicated in real time to a Smartcat backup data center. This guarantees we can recover from a complete site failure in our main data center. All infrastructure can be automatically set up in minutes, if needed. Centralized user access You can instantly limit access to your account using our centralized user access control. Flexible assignment of access rights This allows you to authorize at different levels – down to a single document or linguistic resource. Internal security policy Smartcat employees are prohibited from unauthorized access to client data. We offer both private cloud-based and standalone enterprise solutions for any corporate customers with specific data security policies.
Explore Smartcat AI platform functionalities
Smartcat AI functionalities | Smartcat Help Center Introducing Smartcat AI, a cutting-edge translation and localization platform that harnesses the power of advanced AI technology and customizable workflows to revolutionize your translation projects. With Smartcat, you can access a suite of AI Translation features, including standard translation engines, automated OCR for PDFs and images, generative AI translation with terminology control, and AI quality measurement. Smartcat also offers AI-driven workflows for sourcing linguists, project monitoring, and enterprise-compliant procurement, all fully customizable to your specific needs. This comprehensive platform supports resource management, integrations, reporting and analytics, access control, and data security, ensuring a seamless and secure translation process. Whether you're an individual translator, a language service provider, or an enterprise, Smartcat is your ultimate solution for efficient, high-quality translation and localization. Discover Smartcat's functionality below: Smartcat AI AI Translation : Smartcat leverages cutting-edge AI technology to enhance translation capabilities. The AI Translation feature encompasses the following: Standard Translation Engines: Smartcat employs powerful standard translation engines to assist in translating content efficiently and accurately. Automated OCR to Translate PDFs and Images : Easily translate text from PDFs and images with Smartcat's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities, saving you time and effort. Generative AI Translation with Terminology Control: Maintain precise terminology by utilizing generative AI translation with the ability to align with glossaries. Generative AI Translation Customization: Customize AI-generated translations to suit your specific needs and preferences. AI Quality Measurement (Automated Translation Quality Scoring): Ensure translation quality with automated scoring, allowing you to track and improve the quality of your translated content. AI Multimedia Translation : Smartcat offers multimedia translation capabilities, including video/audio transcription, subtitle embedding, and AI voiceovers. Multilingual AI Content Generator : Generate content in multiple languages efficiently and effectively using AI-powered tools. AI Human Workflows Smartcat introduces AI-driven workflows that streamline translation processes and project management: Sourcing of Linguists : Easily find and engage qualified linguists for your projects, ensuring top-notch translation quality. Project Monitoring: Keep a close eye on project progress, milestones, and timelines through intuitive monitoring tools. Enterprise-Compliant Procurement Platform : Smartcat provides an enterprise-compliant procurement platform, making it simple to manage and secure translation resources. Workflow Customization: Enjoy flexibility with customizable workflows tailored to your specific project needs. Smartcat is not limited by your Smartwords Balance, allowing you to adapt workflows to your requirements. Configurable Workflows: Smartcat enables you to configure workflows precisely as needed, optimizing your translation processes. Translator Assignment Templates : Streamline translator assignments with predefined templates, improving efficiency and consistency. Project Templates : Utilize project templates to quickly set up new translation projects with predefined parameters. Branded Custom Portal: Offer predefined translation services to your employees through a branded custom portal, enhancing user experience and accessibility. Linguistic Quality Assurance (Embedded in Workflows) : Ensure linguistic quality assurance is an integral part of your translation workflows, guaranteeing top-quality translations. Enterprise-Compliant Procurement Platform Resource Management : Efficiently manage your translation resources with Smartcat's resource management features. Integrations API Access : Smartcat provides API access for seamless integration with external systems and applications. Standard Integrations: Enjoy out-of-the-box integration options for a smoother workflow. Custom Integrations : If your needs go beyond standard integrations, Smartcat offers custom solutions tailored to your content types and workflows. Reporting & Analytics Standard BI Reports: Access standard Business Intelligence reports for insights into your translation projects. API Access to Data Warehouse : Connect to your data warehouse through API access for in-depth data analysis. Custom Project Properties and Reporting: Customize project properties and reporting to align with your specific requirements. Access Control and Security Single Sign-On (SAML-based SSO) : Enhance security and ease of access with Single Sign-On using SAML-based authentication. Data Security : Prevent linguistic resources from downloading, copying, or retaining data outside of the Smartcat platform, ensuring data security and compliance. Dedicated Customer Success Manager : Benefit from a dedicated Customer Success Manager who will provide support and guidance to optimize your Smartcat experience. Custom MSA (Master Services Agreement): Customize your Master Services Agreement to meet your unique needs. Custom Implementation : Smartcat offers custom implementation services, including needs assessment and deployment by solutions engineers, to optimize all your localization workflows. In summary, Smartcat is a comprehensive platform that caters to a wide range of translation and localization needs, utilizing advanced AI technology and customizable workflows to enhance efficiency and quality. Whether you're an individual translator, a language service provider, or an enterprise, Smartcat provides the tools and services necessary to streamline your translation projects effectively. For detailed information on pricing and subscription plans, please refer to the Smartcat Pricing page. FAQ What languages are supported in Smartcat? You can find a list of supported languages on this page:https://smartcat.ai/Home/LanguagesIt is updated automatically as new languages are added.
Titleорп Meta title: Translation Services 101: Your Guide to Getting the Perfect Translation for Your Business Meta description: Agencies, freelancers, machine translation tools — not sure what type of translation service you need? We’ll help you figure it out. If you ever searched the internet looking to translate something, you’re probably already lost in the myriad of options available: agencies, freelancers, machine translation tools… Not sure what type of service works best for your needs? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you figure it out. Translation solutions When we speak about a translation service we usually mean some company but there are many more options out there. Though not all of them can be called fully fledged services, we still can divide them into four key groups: Which one is better? It's up to you to decide. We're here just to show you the pros and cons of each option and guide you to an informed choice. How to select a translation service provider The choice depends first and foremost on your project criteria or simply put your needs but there are also other factors to account, so here's a list for you. Now let's try to look at the different types of translation services available on the market today from this point of view. Translation agencies If you decide to trust your translation to an agency, you'll definitely benefit in terms of capacity, project and workflow management, as a good agency will take care of all routine tasks like task assignment, deadline setting, and progress checking. And there's more to that: However, working with an agency has its downsides too: Takeaway: If you want to take most management tasks off your shoulders and can afford to pay extra, why not. If you’re considering working with an agency, some popular options include Lionbridge, TransPerfect and SDL. To find more, check out our Top 100 translation companies in 2022. You can also check Smartcat’s translation agency marketplace to find an agency that best suits your needs. Translation platforms Most translation platforms use machine translation + human post-editing (MTPE or PEMT), a type of translation where a machine translates the source text and then a human editor reviews it to improve accuracy, fluency, and style. Currently such platforms are very popular as they offer the capacity and cost close to machine MTPE has a number of advantages over other types of translation: Apart from that translation platforms are usually rather secure and offer a wide range of additional functionalities such as: Are there any drawbacks? Yes, but not too many. There are some types where machine translation just won't help. These may be literary texts, interviews with the people that have a very peculiar verbiage, etc. In this case we'd still recommend going with human translation. Takeaway: Translation platforms are available 24/7 and can fulfill the majority of translation tasks at a relatively low cost. These also give you a lot of freedom along with some responsibility of course. If you are ready to try out a translation platform, in this post you'll find a fair comparison of the top solutions in the market. Freelance marketplaces The second option for human translation is working with a freelancer. As the name suggests, freelance translators are independent contractors who are not employed by a specific company. You can find them at dedicated marketplaces across the web which are actually quite secure. Though working with a freelancer is far from secure and brings all workflow and project management tasks back to you, it has a number of strong advantages: As far as disadvantages go, working with a freelancer can be less reliable (lower-tier freelancers) or just as expensive as agencies (top-tier freelancers). Additionally, it can be hard to manage multiple freelancers at once for multilingual projects. Takeaway: If your budget is not big, and you are eager to invest time in proper communication, hiring a freelancer is a great choice. If you’re considering working with a freelancer, start with the Smartcat marketplace. This option is especially interesting as the marketplace is focused on the language industry (unlike, say, Upwork) and at the same time can be integrated with Smartcat as a translation platform. Translation engines Since it was first introduced in the 1950s, machine translation (MT) has come a long way. Now it involves complex algorithms and AI for higher accuracy. However we still can't call translation engines a service. Though it would be unfair not to consider machine translation apart from human involvement. However, before you consider using machine translation for all your needs just because of its availability, check out the points belo: If you’re still set on using machine translation, some popular machine translation tools include Google Translate, Bing Translator , and DeepL Translator. Note that platforms like Smartcat normally have several machine translation engines under the hood so you can pick the one that best suits your needs without losing other benefits. Takeaway: All in all, machine translation is a good choice if you need a quick and dirty translation for non-critical texts such as lists and tables. It’s also worth considering if you need to translate a large volume of text quickly and don’t mind sacrificing some accuracy. All-in-one solution Now you know what kinds of translation service providers you can choose from, how these work and what strong and weak points they have. But before you make your final decision, just have a look at one more which combines the advantages of all above. Smartcat is a language delivery platform that offers all the features you need for any kind of localization project, from machine translation and MTPE to working with agencies and freelancers. It also has built-in project management features, so you can manage all your localization projects in one place. Some other nifties include:
Export keys from a software localization project
Exporting localization keys | Smartcat Help Center With Smartcat, you can now localize your software into the many languages that are required by your users. Our platform lets you import and export strings (easy-to-translate text segments) in JSON, YAML, Android XML, and iOS.strings with the key IDs. To export keys, you can set up an integration using API or CLI tool or use UI interface. Here is how you export keys using Smartcat UI: 1. Press Export on a collection level or in the Editor 2. Select confirmation state of segments 3. Select export file format 4. Select languages that you want to export 5. Wait for the export to be completed. If you choose several languages, they will be downloaded as separate files in zip archive. Head to our main article to learn more about how to create a software localization project. You can also learn about how to import keys and plural keys as well.
Pay freelancers in Smartcat
Freelancer payment process | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat allows you to track translation jobs, pay freelancers involved in your projects, pay vendors (other corporate accounts), automate the corresponding document flow, as well as receive payments from your own clients. Paying to freelancers You can pay to linguists working in Smartcat’s CAT environment or any other translation automation tool, as well as project managers, DTP specialists, copywriters, terminologists, and even interpreters. Job costs are calculated automatically after you accept a job. Here’s how it works:Assign jobs to freelancers.Accept the jobs once they are completed.Create an invoice to pay for the accepted jobs.Pay the invoice.The freelancers will receive the payment within three business days. Also, you can manually add single jobs or several jobs at once for tasks done outside Smartcat or ones that cannot be calculated automatically in the system like interpreting. How to create and pay an invoice Choose accepted jobs you want to pay, hit the “Create invoice & pay” button, and pay the invoice by card or wire transfer. You can also pay jobs using money that clients have paid you via Smartcat, that is, via the Smartcat corporate balance. How do freelancers receive the money? Once you have paid the jobs, all freelancers, even those who are not added to your team in Smartcat yet, will be notified of a pending payment. If a freelancer has not signed up at the moment of receiving payment, a Smartcat account for such a freelancer will be automatically created. Note that any freelancers that you have invited to the platform are not visible to other Smartcat users. After choosing the preferred payout method and filling out required details, freelancers will be able to receive payouts for their accepted jobs. Payments are processed automatically after choosing a method within 3 business days. Available payout methods in Smartcat depend on the country of residence, which freelancers have specified on the profile page. How much does it cost? Smartcat charges from 2 to 8% per transaction depending on the volume of jobs processed, your country of incorporation, and your freelancers’ country of residence.
Handle pluralization in a software localization project
Pluralization handling | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat enables you to localize your software into the many languages your users require. You can import and export strings (translatable text segments Smartcat CAT tool Editor) in JSON, YAML, Android XML, and iOS.strings with the key IDs. Smartcat also enables support for plural keys as well. There are two ways of handling plurals with Smartcat:Natively (as independent segments in the editor)Via ICU MessageFormat syntax When you open a collection of keys in the editor, you can add new keys. You will need to specify if the key needs to be created with all plural forms. When exporting keys, plural forms will be converted into an ICU MessageFormat-compatible string. When importing a LocJSON file, you can specify if keys containing ICU MessageFormat syntax should be parsed and converted into individual segments in Smartcat, or kept as they are (so that you can edit the raw string). In the case where you have raw ICU MessageFormat strings, you can use an interactive previewer/validator for this format by choosing it in a preview section. To find out more, head to our article on how you can create a software localization project on Smartcat, or individual articles about importing and exporting keys.
Editing and reviewing subtitles in Subtitle Editor
Enhance your subtitling workflow with new Smartcat Subtitle Editor Smartcat Subtitle Editor is a brand-new experience that is designed to streamline and enhance your subtitling workflow. To use Smartcat Subtitle Editor, follow the steps below: To navigate to Smartcat Subtitled Editor, open your Workspace then click on Smartcat Drive.Drag and drop your VTT or SRT as well as reference media files. Please note : If there is a video with the same name, Subtitled Editor will automatically add the reference video to the preview. If not, you have an option to attach a video of a choice. You can preview your video file by clicking on the language version. Create a folder by clicking the respective button. Check your upload progress in the left-bottom corner notification.Refresh the files list by hitting the Refresh button.In the left section, you can view the tabs hierarchy of your files.To view all available languages click on the Arrow button to expand and collapse the languages for each file.You can upload the same file with another language version. It will be added to the file’s available languages list under the source VTT file name.Click on the language that you want to work with to open the New Subtitle Editor. Working In The New Smartcat Subtitle Editor The Subtitle Editor consists of three main parts: Video Player, Navigational Section, and Subtitle Panel In the Navigational Section, you can select from available languages and get back to your file in the corresponding Smartcat Drive folder. The Video Player shows the preview of your video file along with the graphical representation of subtitle cues. If an MP4 file with the same name as the uploaded source file it will be added automatically as the preview. If not you can select it manually here. Under the Video Player, you can find the pause and play buttons. In the same section, you can adjust the playback speed and volume of the video. The Subtitle Panel is where you can work with your subtitles. It consists of a timeline with text segments divided by the timecodes. On the toolbar, you can select or add the language. Also here you can open the settings and download the resulting VTT or SRT file. Click on the segment that you want to revise. The changes will apply in real time. Click on the timecodes to modify them. Clicking into three dots next to the timecode on the right will open the segment’s context menu. Here you can insert new cues, merge and delete them. To split the cues click on where you want to split then click on the Split by line button. You can adjust the line limit and the maximum number of lines per cue under the Video Player section. The Subtitle Editor automatically detects inconsistencies which can be viewed under the yellow warning sign. Make corrections if needed. In the same area, you can switch if you want the line length limit to be shown or not. After revisions are completed, click the Translate button. That will open the target language selector. After the new target language is selected, click Translate again. That will generate a new translation of your VTT file that will open in the Split-view. Split view allows you to easily switch between all the available languages. Select them from the drop-down menu The Video Player will automatically display the subtitle that you are working on. Download options After reviewing the translation, click the Download to receive the resulting subtitle file. Curious to discover more about our releases to support your video translation experience? Don't forget to check our What's new articles and Release Notes.
Connect Jira with Smartcat
Jira integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Jira is a popular tool for team collaboration. Blog posts, emails, social media campaigns, app store descriptions, release notes — all these types of content can be efficiently authored, and now seamlessly localized, with our Jira integration. Setting up the integration Log into Smartcat, click 'Create project', and select the 'Set up an integration' option. Select the Jira tile and click 'Connect'. Go to your Jira account, copy your Jira instance URL and save it somewhere (you’ll need it in step 6). In Jira, navigate to 'Settings ' → 'User Management ', copy your user email address and save it. Go to 'Settings' → 'Atlassian account settings' → 'Security' and click 'Create and manage API tokens' under the API token section. Create a new API token and save it. Go back to Smartcat and paste the collected parameters into the corresponding fields, then click 'Set workflow'. Next, choose the source and target languages, and a workflow – the steps to translate your content. Please note that the source language you choose should correspond with the source language in the files within the tickets for translation. Otherwise, we won’t be able to translate them. Choose the project(s) and the main rule* to set Jira issues as translation tasks. *There are 2 rules you can set:Issues assigned to Smartcat userIssues with Smartcat label
Install and Use the Smartcat Plugin in Sitecore XP
Install and Use the Smartcat Plugin in Sitecore XP Plugin installation Let’s start with the installation process. Follow these steps to install the Smartcat plugin in Sitecore XP: Download the zip archive with the plugin from Smartcat using this link.Open Launchpad and go to Control Panel → Desktop. Navigate to Development Tool → Installation Wizard. Upload the package. Add the zip archive with the Smartcat plugin. Select override existing files and upload the plugin. Choose the uploaded package and click Next. Install the plugin. Restart the Sitecore client. Installation is complete. The Smartcat tab should appear in the Content Editor. Set up Connection with Smartcat To begin translating with the Smartcat plugin, you'll first need to establish a connection between Sitecore and your Smartcat account. Follow these steps: Generate a Smartcat API Key : Navigate to Settings → API in your Smartcat account. Click Create New Key to generate a new API key. Copy the API key and your account ID for future use. Set up connection in the plugin : Open the Smartcat tab in Sitecore Content Editor. Click Connect workspace . Paste Account ID and API Key . Confirm changes. The plugin is now connected and ready for translation. How to translate pages using plugin With the Smartcat plugin connected, you're ready to begin translating your pages. Open the page in Sitecore and switch to editing mode. Also, the plugin can be opened from any Sitecore page. Ensure that your Sitecore instance has multiple languages enabled. To do this, verify that several languages have been added under System → Languages in Sitecore. Open the Smartcat tab in the Content Editor and create a translation project. Select the page you want to translate. If needed, you can also select multiple pages, as Smartca supports batch translation. Choose target languages, such as German and Spanish. Name the project (e.g., sitecore-demo) and set a deadline if needed.Select a project template or use the default AI Translation + Review workflow. Confirm your selections and create the project. Open Smartcat Workspace and refresh the project list. Wait for the translation to complete.Open the project in Smartcat Editor and review the translation. To complete the review process, click 'Done' to confirm all segments.Go back to Sitecore → View Projects. Locate your translated project and click Get Translations. Switch to the translated version of the page in Sitecore. Review the content and publish the page. Your translated page is now live.
Submit an IRS form
Submission of IRS forms | Smartcat Help Center To comply with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules governing information reporting and tax with holding on income received, Smartcat is required by law to obtain IRS forms from its users. Each year we send out notifications to those who need to provide us with an IRS form. If this applies to you, you will receive our request at the email address specified in your profile. We will ask you to fill in the form if you received payments reaching (or over) a total of $600 from Smartcat Platform Inc. during a calendar year. As a multinational company, Smartcat makes some payments from the US and some from the Netherlands, but this request relates to vendors who receive payments from our US legal entity. Note that if you are a non-U.S. resident or citizen, we need to have the respective tax form (W8-BEN or W-8BEN-E) as evidence that you are not subject to any deductions. How to submit an IRS form if you haven’t provided one to Smartcat before Follow these steps when you receive our request to submit a form: 1. Sign in to your Smartcat account with the email address we sent our request to. 2. Click My payouts, go to the Tax forms tab , and then click Set status and fill in the tax form button. 3. Set your status.Your form type will depend on whether you are a resident of the US or a resident of any other country.Choose whether you are an individual or a company if you are not a US resident. 4. Click Fill in Form when the button becomes active. It will also display the type of form you are about to fill in. 5. Fill in the information about yourself or your company depending on who was the beneficiary of the payments from Smartcat Platform Inc. Check the infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. 6. Click Send Form. Your form should be in your account and available for downloading. How to check an IRS form if you already provided one to Smartcat in the past Follow these steps when you receive our request and have already submitted a form with us: 1. Sign in to your Smartcat account with the email address we sent our request to. 2. Go to My payouts and click on the Tax forms tab. You will find your previously submitted form there.Download a copy and make sure that all the information is correct and up to date. 3. If your form doesn’t require any changes, no other action is necessary. If you want to make changes, go on as described below. 4. If your residential status has not changed, click Fill in form opposite your current form. If your current residential status is different from the one previously provided, click Change residential or business status at the bottom of the page Your form type will depend on whether you are a resident of the US or a resident of any other country.Choose whether you are an individual or a company if you are not a US resident. 5. Click Fill in Form when the button becomes active. It will also display the type of form you are about to fill in. 6. Fill in the information about yourself or your company depending on who was the beneficiary of the payments from Smartcat Platform Inc. Check the infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. 7. Click Send form. Your form should be in your account and available for downloading. How to get a 1099 form from Smartcat Smartcat will provide you with the 1099 form if you meet requirements below:you are a US citizen or residentyou received $600 or more from Smartcat Platform Inc. in a given calendar yearyou submitted a W-9 form Note that it can take one month or more, after a given calendar year, for the form to be processed and available in your account. You will find your 1099 form in your Smartcat account: My payouts -> Tax forms - > Year-end forms -> Download. Smartcat will file your 1099 form with the IRS as well by the required due date. FAQ I'm not the US citizen / legal entity. Why do I have to still fill in the form? Note that if you are a non-U.S. resident or citizen, we need to have the respective tax form (W8-BEN from individuals or W-8BEN-E from legal entities) as evidence that you are not subject to any deductions. I already have an IRS form and don’t want to fill in another one in Smartcat. Can I just attach my own form? Even if you have prepared a form outside of Smartcat, you still need to fill in and submit a form in your Smartcat account. We are obliged to receive the details via the online form to ensure data security and that it is processed correctly. If I want to make changes to a form that I have already submitted, a new form with a new submission date is created instead. Is that correct? Yes, if you submit a form and then decide to change it, a new form with a new date will be created. Do I have to submit a form for Smartcat Platform Inc. if I worked on a project for another client? We work under a subcontracting scheme which means that freelancers provide translation and related services to Smartcat and Smartcat provides translation and related services to the Client who assigns Service Tasks to freelancers. Smartcat pays the freelancers for such Service Tasks. For more information, please see the agreement you entered upon registration - https://www.smartcat.com/supplier-agreement/.You do not need to provide the form to the client you worked with but to Smartcat instead. I didn’t work with Smartcat during a calendar year but still received a request to fill in the form. Why? Only the date of payment is taken into account to determine whether you need to submit a form. This means that you may have worked with Smartcat before the relevant calendar year but received the payment within this calendar year. We still have to request a form in these cases. I haven’t received a request from you but still want to submit a form. Can I do this? There is no tab for this in my account. You are not obliged to provide the form if you don’t meet the requirements and there is no request from Smartcat. We will keep the track of your payments from Smartcat Platform Inc. As soon as the form is required, we will notify you and add the Tax form tab to your Smartcat account. I’m sending you sensitive information about myself. How can I be sure that my data is safe? We process all forms on the Platform via our provider Nextforms. All data is transferred via an encrypted connection and encrypted to ensure that it is stored safely. Our provider performs quarterly security reviews using the OWASP Top 10 principles. W-9 form submission tips Read all infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required.If you get a message about an invalid address, this means that the system was not able to identify your full address. Please manually enter your full address and fill in all address fields.If your address is not recognized correctly, click Manually enter full address and enter the correct information. W-8BEN form submission tips Read all infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. Tax ID type:You must provide an official tax ID given to you by your country.You may only choose Not legally required if there is no tax identification number system in your country. W-8BEN-E form submission tips Read all infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. Tax ID type:You must provide the tax ID (U.S. taxpayer identification number or GIIN or Foreign tax ID number) given to your company by your country.You may only choose Not legally required if there is no tax identification number system in your country.Filling in Chapter 4 status is compulsory. Common statuses are «Active NFFE» or «Passive NFFE» NFFE- Non-Financial Foreign Entities.If you choose Active NFFE, you should also check the “I certify that” box in the relevant section.If you choose Passive NFFE, you should also check the “I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a foreign entity that is not a financial institution” box in the relevant section.If you choose Passive NFFE, you should also check the “I further certify that the entity identified inPart I has no substantial U.S. owners” box or “I further certify that the entity identified in Part I has provided the name, address, and TIN of each substantial U.S. owner” box in the relevant section.
Organize your translation resources
Organizing resources | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat offers numerous translation resources, or, linguistic assets, to help ensure quality and consistency in your translations. Translation memories Smartcat supports multilingual translation memories, which makes creating and managing translation memories easy! To create a translation memory, you need to follow these steps:Click on Linguistic Assets from your Smartcat workspace: 2. Make sure you have chosen Translation Memories from the drop-down menu: 3. Select “Create TM.” Quick note : One of the less obvious advantages of multilingual TMs is that you can create a new TM where the source language is one of the target languages of the original TM. This can be convenient if you work in mixed language pairs. 4. Fill in the fields: 5. You can upload external translation memories in the following file formats: TMX, SDLTM or XLSX file. Or, you can also add new terms one-by-one, or as you go along. Once you have created several TMs, your list might look like this: Glossaries You can now use the same approach to organize your terminology databases, which are called glossaries in Smartcat. To do this, go to Linguistic Assets → Glossaries. You can create a glossary using the same client and project group labels: Here we have replicated the same structure as the one for translation memories. Just like TMs, glossaries are multilingual in Smartcat. Unlike TMs, though, they don’t have a strictly set source language — you can use a glossary in projects where any two of its languages are present as the source or the target. How detailed should you go? With both TMs and glossaries, you can go with a high level organization structure with one resource per customer, or do something similar to what we described above. Our suggestion is to mix both on a case by case basis:For clients with a complex corporate structure, it is a good idea to match that structure with the resources.For smaller clients, a single terminology database will take less time to configure and will be easier to maintain. If you want to go hardcore, you can create a new TM for every project, while making sure to properly choose the client and project group for each. Smartcat will still fetch these “micro-resources” for subsequent projects, as described in the next section. Note: While creating a new TM with each project might help with data segregation, it might also create a lot of TM duplication that could reduce translator productivity. Putting it all to work Now, whenever you create a project and choose a client/project group, Smartcat will automatically fetch the translation memories and glossaries associated with them: This ensures that you leverage every possible resource related to said client and project group, eliminates many potential project creation errors that lead to unnecessary work, and just saves time. Takeaway Organizing your data properly from the get-go increases the productivity of your project managers, who will no longer spend time looking for matching resources. This will also make things easier for your translation team, who will benefit from optimized TM leveraging and consistent terminology. Ultimately, this will increase your translation throughput, profit, and quality alike. This article was created in partnership with Braahmam .
Add placeholders
Adding placeholders | Smartcat Help Center Placeholders are variables that are supposed to replace certain text content, for example: names, numbers, dates, images, etc. All placeholders must be copied to the translation, however in some cases you need to insert them manually. Inserting placeholders using hotkeys To insert a placeholder, click on the target text where the placeholder should be, and press Ctrl+Alt and the placeholder number: Ctrl+Alt+1, Ctrl+Alt+2, etc. Inserting placeholders using mouse To insert a placeholder, place your cursor in the target text where the placeholder should be, and then click on the placeholder icon in the Source. You can also press the button that will appear in your toolbar if the source segment contains a placeholder or Ctrl+Q. If a segment contains multiple placeholders, they will be inserted in the same order as they appear in the Source. Adding custom placeholders You can add your own placeholder formats on the Placeholders tab that can be accessed from the Settings menu. Use regular expressions to create placeholder formats in which variables will be imported from files in the following formats: CSV, INC, JSON, MQXLIFF, PHP, PO, RESX, SDLXLIFF, STRINGS, TJSON, TTX, XLF, XLIFF, XML\*. Placeholders are applied one after another starting from the uppermost but you are free to change the sequence. You can test placeholders using this tool. *Please note that placeholder settings are valid for the whole account, that is, for every project within. So if you need different placeholders for different projects, we strongly advise you against restarting markup or refreshing project files after you change your placeholder settings or their order. Adding placeholders when creating a project 1. Upload a file to a project and click its name in the Documents section. The Settings menu will appear on the right. 2. Click the Use placeholders to import variables checkbox. Note: you have to adjust the settings separately for each file. Once project creation is completed, placeholder markup will be applied to the selected files. Adding placeholders after creating a project Go to the project page and hit the Mark Up Placeholders button. This button also allows you to refresh placeholder markup after you add/remove placeholders or change their order in the settings*. *Please note that if placeholders were added to already confirmed segments after markup refresh, these segments will no longer be confirmed since a missing placeholder is a critical error. FAQ What are placeholders used for? Placeholders are rules that can be added to an account to protect text that should not be translated and that the users wants to protect from the translation team.
Integration Hub Guide
Integration Hub Guide | Smartcat Help Center The Integration Hub in Smartcat is your central platform for managing and streamlining integrations between Smartcat and other business tools. With the new Integration section in the workspace dashboard, you can quickly add, view, and manage all active integrations to keep your workflows seamless and efficient. This article provides a comprehensive guide to navigating and using the Integration Hub. What is the Integration Hub? The Integration Hub is a centralized feature in Smartcat that allows you to connect your Smartcat workspace with various business platforms and systems to automate and manage translation workflows efficiently. With integrations available for tools like Salesforce Service Cloud, Zendesk, and Salsify, the Integration Hub provides a powerful way to handle multilingual processes across multiple systems from within Smartcat. Accessing the Integration Hub Navigate to Your Workspace : Open your workspace dashboard in Smartcat.Locate the "Integrations" Option in the Sidebar : Once your workspace has at least one integration, an "Integrations" option will appear in the sidebar menu. 3. Click on "Integrations" : This opens the Integration Hub, where you can see a list of all your existing integrations and options to add new ones. Understanding the Integration Counter The Integration Hub now includes a counter feature to make it easy to monitor your active integrations. The counter appears beside the "Integrations" sidebar option and displays the total number of active integrations in your workspace. This counter provides a quick overview, helping you assess at a glance how many tools are connected with Smartcat.By clicking on "Integrations," you can access detailed information about each active integration. Managing Your Integrations In the Integration Hub, you’ll see a list of all your active integrations, including those in progress or inactive. Here’s what you can do: View Integration Details : See specific information about each integration, such as connection status, date added, and configuration details.Modify or Reconfigure : Make adjustments to the settings of existing integrations based on your evolving needs.Disable or Remove : Temporarily deactivate or permanently delete an integration when it’s no longer needed. Each integration card includes quick links and settings options to make management straightforward. Adding a new Integration If you’d like to connect an additional tool, you can add a new integration directly from the Integration Hub: Click "Add Integration" in the Integration Hub.Select Your Desired Platform : Browse or search for the platform you want to integrate (e.g., Salesforce, Zendesk).Follow the Setup Steps : Each integration has specific setup instructions, which may require API keys or access tokens from your chosen platform.Complete Configuration : Once configured, the new integration will appear in your Integration Hub list. Adding a new integration typically takes just a few minutes, and our guides provide step-by-step instructions to simplify the process. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why can’t I see the Integrations option in my sidebar? A: The "Integrations" option will appear only once at least one integration has been set up in your workspace. Q: Can I add multiple integrations of the same platform? A: Yes, you can add multiple integrations, even of the same platform, to handle different departments or workflow needs. Q: What do I do if an integration is not working? A: First, check your configuration settings in the Integration Hub. If the issue persists, contact Smartcat support for assistance.With the Integration Hub, managing integrations is easier than ever, making your multilingual workflows seamless and centralized in Smartcat.
Configure settings for uploading popular file formats
Upload settings for formats | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat offers different options to process files depending on the original format. Below are some explanations for these options. Excel Generally, processing files using CAT tools required the users to copy and paste content from file to file if only some rows or columns needed to be processed. Smartcat simplifies the process greatly and eliminates the need to prepare files in advance. If you click on an Excel file that was added in the first step of the project creation process, these options will be shown on the right side: You can choose to split segments based on Sentences or Cells.If a cell contained the following content — Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet. And you were to choose the “Cell-based” option, you would end up with one segment in the editor:Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.Whereas, if you chose the Sentence-based option, the content would be split into 2 segments: Lorem ipsum.Dolor sit amet.It is generally better to segment by sentences as it is more helpful to your Translation Memory to have smaller segments because you will have fewer matches to entire paragraphs than you would with smaller sentence segments.This option will tell Smartcat whether to parse the excel spreadsheet horizontally (by rows) or vertically (by columns)Determines whether the sheet names are included in the document upload.Determines whether the hidden cells and sheets are included in the document upload.Determines whether the header and footer content is included in the document upload.Determines whether the comments are included in the document upload.Determines whether the graphics are included in the document upload.Determines whether the text from shapes is included in the document upload.Determines whether the text from nested presentations is included in the document upload.If you select either the “Upload selected ranges” or “Do not upload selected ranges” you are presented with the following options: In this section, you can decide exactly which portions of an excel file are uploaded or not to the project. To select columns, enter the names of the first and last columns you need, for example, A:H. To select rows, enter the names of the first and last lines you need, for example, 1:50. Or you can use a combination of the two. For instance, if you wanted to translate a document that had columns A-Z and rows 1 through 100 but you wanted to omit column B you would apply the following rules: If you had selected “Do not upload selected ranges” the only column that would be included in the upload of Sheet1 would be column B. You can also create rules for each of the sheets in your excel file: And you can apply separate rules for each sheet like so: Here, in one sheet column, A would be processed and in the other, it would be column B. Smartcat gives you a lot of flexibility to deal with Excel files — no need to hide columns or copy and paste the content to be translated. XLIFF XLIFF is a standard file format used to exchange translation data between tools. They can be produced by Content Management Systems (CMS) or other CAT tools. It is convenient because the file can contain both source and target languages already segmented as well as some information regarding the status of the segments. There are many advanced file options for XLIFF documents when they are imported in Smartcat. Here is a basic overview: (1) This option allows you to choose between keeping the segmentation of the document exactly as it is in the original document by selecting “Like the source file” or splitting existing untranslated segments into sentences by selecting “Additionally segment untranslated units”. This option can be useful if the document was segmented by paragraphs originally since you have better chances to find matches in the TM with single sentences. This will be done automatically during the processing of the file. (2) This option refers back to the first option. If you selected the “Additionally segment untranslated units” option and split the original segments into sentences - the first option would revert the segmentation back to the segmentation of the original file when you export the file. If you select the “No, use Smartcat segmentation” option, the exported file would be segmented in the same way that Smartcat processed it and re-segmented the file. Typically, it is better to revert the file’s segmentation to the original segmentation because otherwise, it could cause problems when the file is reimported by the client. (3) When you import an XLIFF file it may already have translations inserted. If you want to keep these translations, you would choose the “Yes” option. This would be particularly useful if you had translated the file with a different CAT tool and then wanted to assign an editor through Smartcat. If you were to select “No” the translated segments would be ignored and the translation would have to be restarted from scratch. (4) If the file has pre-translated segments this option allows you to choose when the segments are confirmed inside of Smartcat. So for instance, if your project had TEP (Translation, Editing, Proofreading) workflow stages and you selected the option “Yes, at the last stage” the segments would be confirmed as having been Proofread and locked for the linguistic team. If you selected the option “Yes, at the first stage” the segments would be confirmed as having been translated but would still require Editing and Proofreading confirmation. If you select the option “Yes, for segments with the status:” it will open a popup as shown below: Here, you would be able to customize the confirmation of segments based upon their status as indicated in the XLIFF file and their workflow stage in Smartcat. For example, in the screenshot above, segments with the "final" status in the XLIFF file would be approved as Proofread in Smartcat. Segments with the status "translated" would be approved only for the translation stage. (5) This option allows you to completely lock segments so that no further action can be taken. If you select the “Yes, with statuses:” option then a popup will open displaying the statuses shown in the previous picture. You will be able to select specific statuses and when Smartcat parses the document it will lock all the segments containing matching statuses as the ones you selected.If you were to choose the “Yes, with translations inserted from file and confirmed” option then the segments which had been confirmed through (4) would also become locked. (6) Although it is not common, checking this box off will allow the use of intersecting tags as shown in the help text: (7) Placeholders are used to protect part of the text that should not be translated. See our article about placeholders for more information. (8) This is not used when processing XLIFF files. (8) This is not used when processing XLIFF files. XML There are several different types of XML file parsing methods that Smartcat handles besides the powerful flexible XML method : The structure of files varies depending on the types of tags you expect to see in the file type. With XML you are free to create whatever tags you would like to create. This can cause difficulty in the parsing of the file so each of these parsing methods follows a standard of expected tags based on the XML type. For instance, in a standard HTML document, you would expect to see(Paragraph) tags but in a DITA XML file you can expect to find predefined tags in the DITA standard such as which is shown below: By adhering to these standards the file can be parsed appropriately. For instance, in the example above the document might split segments when it hits the opening tag, but because the tag is recognized by the DITA standard, the segments are not inappropriately divided here. If you choose DITA or standard XML you will see another dropdown with the following options: They allow a user to split segments either by sentences or by tags and attributes. For instance, you may have multiple sentences contained within a paragraph tag:<p> Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet. </p>If you choose T ag and attribute-based, you will end up with one segment:Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.Whereas, if you chose Sentence-based , the text will be segmented as follows:Lorem ipsum.Dolor sit amet.As with the other format, it is generally better to segment XML files by sentences as it is more helpful to your translation memory to have smaller segments. You will have fewer matches to entire paragraphs than you would with smaller sentence segments. (1) Some Content Management Systems (CMS) will use CDATA sections and in these CDATA blocks, they will store sections of HTML code. If you select this option, Smartcat will first parse the entire document and then go through the CDATA blocks and parse those sections again to look for HTML tags to protect them.(2) By using placeholders (see our Placeholder article), you can import and protect variables contained in XML files. PDF When you add PDF files (or any graphic files) to a project, the files are first processed using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract the text to be translated as well as maintain the format whenever possible. There are very few Advanced File Options for a PDF file like using OCR or not and checking the source layout. Please note that the file should not exceed 30 MB in size to be recognized. If your PDF is too large, consider splitting it into smaller parts, and upload as separate PDF files to avoid error. PowerPoint The PowerPoint advanced file options can be seen here: These options are fairly straightforward.(1) allows you to upload slides even if they are hidden.(2) allows you to upload the notes section of each slide.(3) allows you to upload spreadsheets that have been inserted into the PowerPoint presentation. Word (DOCX) There are only two unique options for Word files as shown below: (1) allows you to upload text from a Word file even if it is hidden.(2) allows you to upload the comments from a Word file.
Use custom project properties
Custom project properties | Smartcat Help Center Custom fields is a feature exclusively available on the Unite and Enterprise Smartcat subscription plans. You can use custom project properties – or custom fields – for a variety of super-useful purposes in Smartcat. Popular use cases:1. As a "product mapping" tool for generating reports2. For the New Branded Custom Portal – our order management solution3. To display additional information on projects, linguist profiles and linguist clients. Getting up and running with custom fields Follow these steps to get up and running with custom fields for your Smartcat projects. Step 1: Create custom fields Creating custom fields is available for workspace admins. Log in to your Smartcat account > select a workspaceOn the Home page, click on Workspace settings in the navigation menu Choose custom fields in the top left menu. You can create custom fields for projects, freelancers’ profiles, vendor profiles, and clients. Step 2: Configure your custom fields Let's quickly go through the process of configuration, which is made up of four short sections. i. Projects Click Add field for project Fill in the following information Label: custom field name ID: It can be the same as your customer field name Type: There are 2 types of custom fields: a text field (user can enter text in it) and a drop-down menu with different values to choose from Custom fields will appear in projects > Settings > Additional Information ii. Freelancers Click Add field for freelancer. Following the same steps, you can create custom fields that will be displayed in freelancer profiles Open a linguist’s profile from your Team members list > Additional Information: iii. Vendors Click Add field for vendor. Following the same steps, you can create custom fields that will be displayed in vendor profiles Open a vendor's profile from your Team page > My vendors > Additional Information iv. Clients Click Add field for client. Following the same steps, you can create custom fields that will be displayed in client profiles Open a client’s profile from your Home page > Clients > Additional Information With the information in this article, you should now be able to create a wide range of custom properties for your Smartcat translation and localization projects!
Understand translation memory match tiers
Understanding memory match tiers | Smartcat Help Center Get a better understanding of TM match tiers and understand Smartword usage better This article explains the concept of translation memory (TM) tiers, outlines the principles of Smartwords usage calculation, and demonstrates how to monitor and manage your Smartwords in your Smartcat workspace. What are translation memory match tiers? Translation memory match tiers are a way to categorize users according to how extensively they use the TM match functionality inside Smartcat. Each Smartcat subscription plan has a corresponding Smartwords amount – for instance, the Basic plan. Smartwords are the number of words that you use to pre-translate using Smartcat AI automatic translation and/or insert into translation memories within one calendar month. Tiers do not affect the storage of TMs. Smartcat allows for unlimited TM storage in all accounts, including Forever Free subscription plans, along with unlimited users and projects. Smartwords are not applicable to Smartcat Marketplace linguist accounts. Understanding Smartwords usage with translation memories On the first day of each month, a monthly quota of Smartwords is allocated to your account, which updates in line with usage to display how many Smartwords are left for use. Smartwords usage with TMs work as follows. When a TM match is inserted automatically during pre-translation, the number of words in the source segment is deducted.When a TM match is inserted automatically as a translation with a 100% match, the number of words in the source segment is deducted.When the translator selects a TM match from the CAT panel, the number of words in the source segment is deducted. In this case, the exact match percentage does not matter.If a TM match is inserted into a CAT segment and the CAT segment is then repeated several times, the number of words in the source segment is deducted for the initial insertion and for each repetition.If a CAT segment does not include a TM match, but is then repeated several times, the number of words in the source segment is deducted for each repetition only.AI automatic translation units also count towards your Smartwords balance as soon as you launch a TM within a translation project. Next time a similar source segment is encountered, the translator will be able to insert either the same AI translation unit or the corresponding TM unit from the CAT panel. Selecting the AI translation unit will not affect your Smartwords balance, as Smartcat deducts from your balance as soon as you launch an AI automatic translation. However, selecting the corresponding TM unit will deduct the number of words in the source segment from the remaining TM words. If you have exceeded your quota, you can still add new content to your TMs by translating and confirming segments as usual. Concordance search will not be affected either, so your team can keep using it to find the right terminology for the source content. Pre-translation, however, will be affected. As explained above, any pre-translation from a TM deducts from your monthly quota. If your quota is reached, pretranslation from TMs will be unavailable.
Configure invoicing and payment settings
Invoicing and payment settings | Smartcat Help Center How you can customize the invoicing setup and process to fit your specific needs. When you hire or pay freelancers the invoice is by default issued right after you approve the completed project. Payment is due after 30 calendar days. However, you can customize this process to your liking. Please note: Changes to the settings are only applied if post-payment is applicable to this job. If prepayment is applied, the approximate cost of the job should be withdrawn from the customer balance or paid by a credit card at the moment when it is sent to the freelancer. You can learn more in our article on pre-payment to freelancers . Available invoicing settings After compilation of a project After compilation of a file Every weekEvery two weeks Once a monthManually In the latter case, you will have to generate invoices yourself no later than 20 days after the end of the project. We do not recommend choosing this setting without any specific reason in order to avoid human error and payment delays. Available payment settings You can manually set any number of days you need to pay for the translation. The due date is counted from the invoice generation date. At the end of the specified period the invoice will be considered overdue. Note that the information about payment terms is open for suppliers. As a result, if you select invoicing and payment periods that are longer than average, some candidates may opt for more favorable conditions. Changing invoicing and payment settings When you invite a supplier to your project, Smartcat prompts you to customize the payment terms. You can also customize the payment terms at any moment. To do so, go to Payments → Supplier payments → Invoicing settings and select one of the options described above from the respective dropdown menu. Click Apply settings when done. In the Invoicing settings section, you can specify the billing details to use in your invoices and create separate invoices by property. You can also add manually created jobs to invoices. To add the billing details, click the respective button and fill in the form that opens automatically. To create invoices by property, activate the respective toggle and choose the property from the dropdown menu. Smartcat will then create a separate invoice for each property. Note that creation of invoices by property is available for all invoicing options, except manual invoice generation. To add manually created jobs to invoices, activate the respective toggle. After that the jobs that you created manually in the Supplier payments section using the Add supplier job button will be added to your invoices. Press Apply settings to save your choices. Your chosen settings are now saved! We have a whole section of our Help Center dedicated to helping you with Payment Automation if you didn't find the answer to your question here. Did this article help you find the answer you were looking for? If not or if you have further questions, please contact our support team.
How to translate any document in Smartcat
How to translate a file in Smartcat Smartcat allows you to translate hundreds or even thousands of pages in a matter of seconds using its AI automatic translation and OCR technology. The platform supports more than 80 file types and maintains your page format layout, ensuring that a translated PDF file, for instance, will look the same as your original PDF file in the source language. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to translate any document in Smartcat: Step 1: Log in and start a new translation task Log into your Smartcat account and click on "Translate a file". If you don't have an account yet, you can create your free trial account in a few seconds. Step 2: Choose languages and upload your documents You will be directed to the "Translate documents settings" page. Here, you need to: 1. Choose your source and target languages. Smartcat supports up to 280 languages. 2. Upload or drag-and-drop your file(s). Smartcat's OCR technology will process the files for translation. 3. Click "Translate files". Step 3: Download, edit, and share your translation Most AI automatic translations on Smartcat take seconds. Once complete, you have several options: 1. Download your AI translation immediately Download and use your translated document immediately in your preferred file format by clicking on the icon with three dots on the top right. 2. Invite collaborators. You can share your translation with your own team or external translators by inviting them to work on it via the "Share" button. Input collaborator email and decide permission privileges. 3. Hire a professional editor on Smartcat Marketplace Invite a Smartcat Marketplace linguist in your translation's language pair to review and edit your AI automatic translation. Choose manually or use AI matching. With AI matching, Smartcat pairs you with a best-match human professional linguist in seconds. You'll then be able to hire subject matter experts from the world's largest vetted marketplace to review and edit your AI automatic translation! Additional features Smartcat Editor If you want to translate, post-edit, or verify the translation, you can do so in the Smartcat Editor. The editor lets you see both columns (source and target languages side by side), which makes translation a lot easier! You can also see the context on the side panel. Manage projects You will see a project automatically created with this file included. Projects allow you to manage more than one document, hire linguists, and everything in one overview. Uploading and translating files from a project overview If you have ongoing projects, you can also upload a file from your projects on Smartcat. Upload as many as you want in one go, i.e. not one-by-one, which saves you time. You can also organize your documents in folders to help manage and access them more easily. Quick links Find out how to create a project on SmartcatHow to translate a video with SmartcatFile formats supported by SmartcatHow to export files from Smartcat: a guide
Set up the Editor
Editor setup | Smartcat Help Center User settings allow you to automate work in the Editor to improve the process of working with segments that have been translated previously. To open user settings click on the hamburger menu at the top-right corner. Your settings will work only for you and apply to all the projects you work with. You can change the settings at any time. View Options To work comfortably you can set up your own Editor view. Translation mode. Here you can choose how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors. Compact mode. Minimum menus and panels. Show segment borders. Each segment will be surrounded by a thin borderline for simpler text scanning. Alternate row colors. Every second row will have a dadker color. Automatically show source and target preview. The target preview will be displayed next to the translation if available. Automatic Translation Insertion When working with a text, you can insert translation memory matches, AI translations, or original text into segments. But you can configure the system so that as you move to each new segment that is not yet translated, the best match from the TM, AI translation, or the source text is automatically inserted. Note that a translation will be applied only if the target field of the segment is empty when you place the cursor in it. Automatic insertion is set up by selecting rules. Check the boxes next to the rules which you want to apply. As you move to each new segment, the system executes the rules you selected one after another until one of them succeeds. If you want the system to copy the source of segments which contain only digits and non-alphabetic characters into the target (for example, arithmetic operators, the paragraph symbol and percentage symbol, etc.), enable the rule Copy the source text containing only numbers and non-alphabetic characters into target. You can specify that the system must confirm such segments right away. To configure the system for automatically inserting TM matches, enable the rule Insert translation memory matches no less than X% and specify starting from what match (in percentages) an entry of the translation memory should be inserted. You can also check the Confirm matches that are 100% and higher box to confirm a TM match after insertion. Even if you don't like the inserted translation, you will be able to correct it and confirm it again. If you use AI translation in your project, we suggest you enable the rule Insert AI Translation output. Then, the system will insert AI translation into segments for which no matches from the translation memory have been found, and this rule will be in effect on all projects for which AI translation is enabled. You can also use the Copy the source text to the target segment rule, so the system copies the original text into a segment that has neither TM match nor AI translation output. After configuring translation insertion, press the Save button. Auto-Propagation of Repetitions In most cases, repeated segments are translated in the same way, but, depending on the context, they may require different translations. To automate your work with repetitions, you can set up auto-propagation. Then, after you confirm a segment, the translation will be automatically copied to all its instances within the document. To enable the automatic insertion of translations into repeated segments, check the Auto-propagate repetitions box and specify is you want the repetitions to be propagated from the beginning of a text, or only from the current segment to the end of the document. The Propagate to segments with differences in case option allows you to auto-propagate repetitions when the text in the target differs from source by case. If you enable the Propagate to confirmed segments option, the translation will be copied into segments with repetitions even if they have already been confirmed. Otherwise, the system will insert translations only into unconfirmed segments. Use the Confirm auto-propagated segments option if you want the system to immediately confirm the propagated translations. Note that the auto-propagation settings will be applied to all of your projects and accounts. If you work in a corporate account, the manager can configure the auto-propagation settings for the project. In this case, you cannot change the settings. After configuring auto-propagation, press the Save button. You'll see an arrow icon to the left of each segment that is repeated within a document. If you want to exclude a segment from repetitions, click the arrow icon to its left. Thus, the target won't propagate to segments with the same source. Changes made to segments with the same source will not apply to the excluded segment. Segment Confirmation By default, the system moves the focus to the next segment when you confirm a segment. As an option, you can set to go to the next unconfirmed segment.
Participate in the freelancer referral program
Referral program for freelancers | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat’s referral program allows freelancers to earn $100 for bringing a new customer to the platform.You'll get $100 once the company signs up with Smartcat and the following criteria are met:The company has signed up using your referral link.The company has not been previously registered with Smartcat.The company is a corporate translation buyer (not an LSP or freelancer)The company signed up using a valid company email address, not a public email service.The client has subscribed to any of Smartcat's Subscription plans How do I refer a customer? Log in to your freelancer workspace in Smartcat.In the menu, click Refer a client*.On the page that opens, you will find your unique referral link.Click Copy to clipboard.Share the link across your channels. Here are some ideas:Send an email or a message containing your referral link to an agency you work with outside Smartcat, or any other translation customer. You can use our case studies to showcase how Smartcat can be of help to that customer.Have a blog? Write an article about Smartcat and add your referral link.Are you active on social media? Make a post on your personal page or in a professional group.Add the link to your email signature. *Please note: if you are currently in a corporate account, click on your userpic in the top-left corner to switch to the freelancer workspace. What will the referred company have to do? The company should register in Smartcat:As a corporate user,Using your referral link,Using a valid company email address, website, and phone number.We will contact the company to qualify the user, i.e. make sure that:They are a language service company OR a business that potentially needs translation/localization services,They are not a freelancer AND not a business that doesn’t need translation/localization services.They are a new customer, i.e. they have not been previously registered in Smartcat.If these conditions are fulfilled, you will be paid your first bonus. When and how exactly will I get the bonus? You will receive $100 on your freelancer account balance once we have qualified the company as per the section above.Bonuses are credited on a monthly basis, e.g., a bonus that was activated in February will be credited after March 15 but not later than on March 31.You can use the bonus(es) to either purchase any of Smartcat services — e.g. AI translation or OCR — or just withdraw the money using any of the available methods. How can I track the referrals I’ve made? You can view your referral statistics on the Refer a client page. Signed up with your link. The number of companies that have signed up with Smartcat using your personal referral link. Qualified referrals. The number of companies you referred that have been checked and approved by us to make sure they qualify as referrals. Made a qualifying purchase. The number of qualified referrals you brought to Smartcat that have subscribed to one of our paid plans or spent $5,000+ USD on Smartcat’s paid offerings.
International wire transfers in USD
International USD transfers | Smartcat Help Center When you use the Bank card payout method, you get payment for your work directly to your bank card and then pay online and offline stores, withdraw cash, and perform other transactions. Supported currencies US dollar (USD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is not USD, the funds will be converted to USD using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission The commission is 3 USD, unless you have special arrangements with the customer. You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Additional commissions of correspondent banks may be applied. You can learn more about the reasons why correspondent banks charge commissions in the FAQ below this article. Minimum and maximum payout amount From 40 USD to 25,000 USD Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount." Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary's type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Beneficiary's nameBeneficiary last name✓✕Beneficiary's last nameBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank country✓✓Country of the bank in which the beneficiary has an accountSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryIntermediary institution SWIFT code✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the intermediary institution (if any)Recipient’s IBAN✓✓The beneficiary's international bank account number, up to 34 characters long (including numbers and letters)Bank address✓✓Address of the branch of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountBank name✓✓Name of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountBranch✓✓Code of the branch of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountRecipient’s country✓✓Country of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary companyRecipient’s state (province, prefecture)✓✓State (province, prefecture) of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's company (US, Canada, Mexico only)Recipient's city of residence✓✓City of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary companyRecipient's address✓✓Address of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's companyRecipient's postal code✓✓Index of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's company Advantages Global coverage: wide selection of available countries. Flaws High commission rate: intermediary bank commissions may apply additionally. Fairly long process: transferring funds up to 5 business days. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you have provided payment details for an international SWIFT bank transfer (not a local bank transfer - ACH).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check that the details you provided are correct (account number, IBAN (if applicable), SWIFT, branch).Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT PLATFORM INC. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary bank. For which countries is this method available? To see if this method is available to you, check your options when adding a payout method in the My Payouts section. If it is listed for your chosen country or region, you can specify your bank account as the withdrawal method. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by international wire transfer in US dollars, you need to provide the following Smartcat details in your account:Company name: Smartcat Platform Inc.Company address: 2810 N Church St PMB 50985, Wilmington, Delaware, 19802-4447, USA Countries where international wire transfer in USD is available Åland IslandsCroatiaIcelandMongoliaSan MarinoAlbaniaCuraçaoIndiaMontenegroSao Tome and PrincipeAlgeriaCyprusIndonesiaMontserratSaudi ArabiaAndorraCzechiaIrelandMoroccoSenegalAngolaDenmarkIsle of ManMozambiqueSerbiaAnguillaDominicaIsraelMyanmarSeychellesAntigua and BarbudaDominican RepublicItalyNamibiaSierra LeoneArmeniaEcuadorJamaicaNauruSingaporeArubaEgyptJapanNepalSint Maarten (Dutch part)AustraliaEl SalvadorJerseyNetherlandsSlovakiaAustriaEquatorial GuineaJordanNew CaledoniaSloveniaAzerbaijanEstoniaKazakhstanNew ZealandSolomon IslandsBahamasEthiopiaKenyaNicaraguaSouth AfricaBahrainFalkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]KiribatiNigerSpainBangladeshFaroe IslandsKuwaitNigeriaSri LankaBarbadosFijiKyrgyzstanNiueSurinameBelgiumFinlandLao People's Democratic RepublicNorfolk IslandSwedenBelizeFranceLatviaNorwaySwitzerlandBeninFrench GuianaLebanonOmanTaiwanBermudaFrench PolynesiaLesothoPakistanTajikistanBhutanGabonLiberiaPalauUnited Republic of TanzaniaBoliviaGambiaLiechtensteinPanamaThailandBosnia and HerzegovinaGeorgiaLithuaniaPapua New GuineaTimor-LesteBotswanaGermanyLuxembourgParaguayTongaBrazilGhanaMacaoPeruTrinidad and TobagoBrunei DarussalamGibraltarMacedoniaPhilippinesTunisiaBulgariaGreeceMalawiPolandTurks and Caicos IslandsBurkina FasoGreenlandMalaysiaPortugalTuvaluCambodiaGrenadaMaldivesPuerto RicoUgandaCanadaGuadeloupeMaliQatarUnited Arab EmiratesCabo VerdeGuatemalaMaltaKoreaUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCayman IslandsGuernseyMarshall IslandsRéunionUnited States of AmericaChileGuineaMartiniqueRomaniaUruguayChinaGuinea-BissauMauritaniaRwandaUzbekistanChristmas IslandGuyanaMauritiusSaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaVanuatuCocos (Keeling) IslandsHaitiMayotteSaint Kitts and NevisViet NamColombiaHoly SeeMexicoSaint LuciaBritish Virgin IslandsCook IslandsHondurasMicronesiaSaint Pierre and MiquelonWallis and FutunaCosta RicaHong KongMoldovaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesZambiaCôte d'IvoireHungaryMonacoAmerican Samoa FAQ Why using the international wire transfer payout method may involve additional fees? Please keep in mind that if you choose to receive payouts using the “International wire transfer” method, Smartcat will deduct $3 fee per payout unless you and the customer have agreed otherwise.Additionally, intermediary banks that process the transaction may also charge a fee which can be between $5 and $40. Why are intermediary banks involved in the process? If the two banks that process the payment from Smartcat to the recipient don’t have a direct relationship, one or more intermediary banks must be found to facilitate the transfer. This is done automatically without Smartcat’s involvement.Since there are more operations happening behind the scenes, this kind of transfer is more expensive and may take a bit longer to complete.Unfortunately, we do not have an impact on intermediary banks’ policies, nor are we able to provide accurate information on the amount of fees applicable.Please consider this information and, if this doesn’t suit your needs and expectations, use a different available option for receiving payouts.
Facilitate team communication
Efficient team communication | Smartcat Help Center Team communication is one of the most time-consuming tasks for project managers and one that can lead to the most errors. It generally relies on many channels that are not necessarily designed for efficient group communication. Smartcat makes it very easy for project managers to communicate with other team members and for team members to communicate with each other bettering productivity and efficiency. What are the topics generally discussed between team members, and how are they improved with Smartcat? 1. Progress updates. Project managers need to get in contact with project participants to get progress updates on a regular basis. They need this information to keep clients informed and also to make sure that projects are on track to meet promised deadlines.Smartcat reduces greatly the need for this type of communication. As shown in the article about the Workspace, progress down to the document level is tracked in real-time so there is no need for project managers to get in touch with project participants for an update. There might be a scenario when progress is stuck over a certain period, in which case, the project manager would need to take action. Thus, the Smartcat real-time tracking system also allows the project manager to react more quickly to issues as opposed to having to collect the information manually. 2. Instructions. It's no secret that project managers generally provide instructions at the beginning of a project for the entire team. The challenge is to make sure that these instructions are accessible to the team at any moment. On a typical project, the PM might send the files to be translated along with instructions via email. But that information is not centralized, making the linguist team backtrack the email to clarify potential issues. With Smartcat, project managers can add instructions at the document level in the comment section: These instructions are permanent and easily accessible by the team at any moment. Besides, when working with multilingual projects, Smartcat will replicate any comments automatically to all languages. No need to worry that one language team has not received the instructions. The language team can also query the project manager regarding these instructions and receive answers in real-time, which distributed among the entire team. 3. Queries. From time to time, linguists might have questions related to a specific segment where the project manager needs to communicate with the client to clarify the context. These types of queries can be time-consuming as the PM needs to communicate the information to the entire team, generally via email with detailed information about the context. This can also lead to errors and missed details. Like instructions can be shared at the document level, queries can be posted at the segment level by a linguist: Comments to segments are also automatically replicated to the same segment in other languages. This means that once the PM has answered the query for one language, every team member for every language will be updated at the same time. This Comments to Segment feature can also be used for communication between team members. For example, editors and translators can discuss why a segment has been translated this way improving the productivity of both. Editors can be proactive with terminology use, while translators can get quick feedback. 4. Private conversations. It is sometimes necessary for the project manager to communicate directly with one team member only. Usually, the PM will email, call, or chat with the linguist in a chat app such as WhatsApp. The downside of some of these methods is that there might not be a permanent record of the conversation (phone), or it is not easy to connect conversations with translation work in progress — email and chat. Smartcat offers a solution to these problems. Once a team member has been added to a project team, the Send message button will be added to the Team tab of the project page, next to the team member information: By clicking on the Start chat button, the PM will be taken to the Smartcat chat page where the matter can be discussed with a linguist in private. Messages are cohesively recorded one after another, so there is a limited risk of miscommunication. The chat page can also be used by other team members to communicate with each other privately. It can be accessed from the bottom of the main left Workspace menu or the top right corner of the Editor: In any of these cases, Smartcat makes team communication much easier and with fewer risks of errors or miscommunication.
Understand transaction costs compensation for vendors
Vendor transaction costs | Smartcat Help Center Transaction costs are fees for sending money to vendors. Fees are charged by banks and payment systems. By default, those fees are subtracted from the payment amount sent to the contractor. However, if a customer wants their contractor to receive payment in full without having to bear the cost of extra commissions, customer can compensate for the transaction costs. How to compensate transaction costs for vendors Please, keep in mind that compensation is available for all workspace members with one exception — vendors found through Smartcat Marketplace. How compensation works On the last business day of the month, we calculate total transaction costs for all payments that were sent to your contractors during the reporting month. This amount is invoiced to you.We will email you a breakdown of transaction costs within 5 business days. This breakdown includes the amount of the commissions, as well as detailed description of each accrual with matching payment within the accounting period. Here is an example of what the invoice would look like. How we calculate transaction costs and how big they are Transaction costs depend on the payment method chosen by the contractor. That is the exact fee amount is available only after choosing payment method and receiving the payment. Fee amounts for each payment method are displayed below: Payment methodFee amountBank card in USD, EUR, UAH, RUB2.9% or 4% of the transaction amount (depending on the resident country of the payment recipient)QIWI in RUB4% of the transaction amount- PayPal in USD (for verified Paypal accounts within USA)0.25 USD- PayPal in USD (if there is no verified Paypal accounts within USA)Depending on the wallet currency, 2% of the total amount with a maximum limit of 20 USD- US ACH transfer in USD- Local wire transfer in EUR (EU)- Payoneer in USD or EUR0 USD- Local Wire Transfer in RUB- Individual entrepreneur’s bank account in RUB- Local wire transfer in CAD (Canada)- Local wire transfer in INR (India)1 USD- Local wire transfer in TRY (Turkey)1.5 USD- Local wire transfer in GBP (UK)- Local wire transfer in AUD (Australia)1.25 USD- Local wire transfer in MXN (Mexico)1.6 USD- Local wire transfer in HKD (Hong Kong)- Local wire transfer in IDR (Indonesia)- Local wire transfer in NPR (Nepal)- Local wire transfer in SGD (Singapore)- Cheque2 USD- Local wire transfer in LKR (Sri Lanka)2.25 USD- Local wire transfer in THB (Thailand)2.5 USD- International Wire Transfer in USD- Local wire transfer in AED (UAE)- Local wire transfer in BRL (Brazil)- Local wire transfer in CLP (Chile)- Local wire transfer in JPY (Japan)- Local wire transfer in KES (Kenya)- Local wire transfer in KRW (South Korea)- Local wire transfer in MAD (Morocco)- Local wire transfer in MYR (Malaysia)- Local wire transfer in PEN (Peru)- Local wire transfer in PHP (Philippines)- Local wire transfer in PLN (Poland)- Local wire transfer in USD (El Salvador)- Local wire transfer in VND (Vietnam)- Local wire transfer in ARS (Argentina)3 USD
Adobe Experience Cloud Installation Guide
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Cloud Installation Guide Smartcat Connector allows seamless integration between Smartcat and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service, streamlining translation and localization workflows. By connecting AEM to Smartcat, you can automate content translation and centralize management, saving time and ensuring consistency across languages. Steps to Install the Smartcat Connector 1. Check that the main POM.xml (i.e. the public Maven repository where connector package is resided) has link to Central Repository. 2. Open /all/pom.xml and add this code to dependencies: 3. Add the connector package as embedded section to /all/pom.xml. Important: embedded should be added to the plugins section, not the profiles one: 4. Add a Workspace filter for Jackrabbit FileVaultBy default filter settings are stored in the /all/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xmlYou need to add this filter to it: 5. Commit all the changes to the branch and push the changes. 6. The build for AEM as a Cloud Service can now be done. Connector Configuration Connector Configuration is the same as for on-premise version. Translation Process To learn more about the translation process, check out our step-by-step guide on translating your content in Adobe Experience Manager with Smartcat.
Local wire transfers in EUR (EU)
Local EUR transfers (EU) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in EUR is a transfer of funds between banks within the SEPA area. This method is highly appreciated for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it allows direct transfer from one bank account to another. Supported currencies Euro (EUR) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is not Euro (EUR), the funds will be converted to Euro (EUR) using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission No commission Minimum and maximum payout amount From 4 EUR to 100,000 EUR Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount." Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary's type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Beneficiary's nameBeneficiary last name✓✕Beneficiary's last nameBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryRecipient’s IBAN✓✓The beneficiary's international bank account number, up to 34 characters long (including numbers and letters)Bank address (including country)✓✓Address of the branch of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountBank name✓✓Name of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountRecipient’s country✓✓Country of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary companyRecipient's city of residence✓✓City of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary companyRecipient's address✓✓Address of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's companyRecipient's postal code✓✓Index of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's company Advantages Free. Smartcat does not charge you a fee for withdrawing funds using this method. Convenient. Funds are received directly to your bank account in local currency EUR. Reliable. Bank transfer is one of the safest ways to receive money. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local bank transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the details you have specified are correct (IBAN, SWIFT, bank name, bank address).Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE B.V. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in EUR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your invoice:Company name: Smartcat Europe BVCompany address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01 For which countries is this method available? To see if this method is available to you, check your options when adding a payout method in the My Payouts section. If it is listed for your chosen country or region, you can specify your bank account as the withdrawal method. Countries where local wire transfer is EUR is available AustriaEstoniaIcelandMaltaSan MarinoBelgiumFinlandIrelandMonacoSlovakiaBulgariaFranceItalyNetherlandsSloveniaCroatiaGermanyLatviaNorwaySpainCyprusGibraltarLiechtensteinPolandSwedenCzechiaGreeceLithuaniaPortugalSwitzerlandDenmarkHungaryLuxembourgRomaniaUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Local wire transfers in BRL (Brazil)
BRL wire transfers (Brazil) | Smartcat Help Center A local BRL wire transfer is a transfer of funds between banks in Brazil in the local BRL currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Brazilian real (BRL) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from BRL, the funds will be converted to BRL at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 2 BRL You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum payout amount 15 BRL Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or companyBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeRecipient's phone number✓✓Beneficiary's phone numberBank state✓✓The state in which the branch where the beneficiary's account is locatedBranch city✓✓The city in which the branch where the beneficiary's account is locatedBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBranch✓✓4-5-digit code of the bank branch where the beneficiary's account is openedBank code✓✓Three-digit beneficiary's bank codeRecipient's account type✓✓Savings or checkingTax status✓✓Individual or companyCPF✓✓Individual tax number (specify CNPJ if the beneficiary is a legal entity) Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Verify the accuracy of the data provided (account number, bank name, bank code, branch code, account type, CPF/CNPJ).Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE is displayed as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a Brazilian bank account. I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local wire transfer in BRL, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your invoice:Legal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Smartcat API v1 (developer portal)
Smartcat API v1 Base URLs: https://smartcat.ai/ Fetch the account details GET /api/integration/v1/account Responses Fetch the list of MT services available for the account GET /api/integration/v1/account/mtengines Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Get a list of available assignment templates GET /api/integration/v1/assignment-templates/project/{projectId} Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Apply an assignment template to the project POST /api/integration/v1/assignment-templates/{assignmentTemplateId}/project/{projectId} Parameters Responses Project tasks are not available for this projectThere is an incomplete 'Source layout check' stage for some project documents.| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |Returns if:Project not foundAssignment template not found| ProblemDetails | Fetch audit logs with given filter parameters GET /api/integration/v1/audit/logs Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch the notifications settings for the account GET /api/integration/v1/callback Responses Create or update the notifications settings POST /api/integration/v1/callback Parameters Responses URI is invalida header Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.AdditionalHeaderModel.Name is empty or null, or consists of space characters onlya header Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.AdditionalHeaderModel.Value is nulla header is formatted incorrectly, that is requires coding or does not conform to special requirements (such as the authorization header)|None| Delete notifications settings DELETE /api/integration/v1/callback Responses Fetch the latest delivery errors GET /api/integration/v1/callback/lastErrors Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create a new client with the specified name and return their ID Simply return the ID if a client with that name already exists POST /api/integration/v1/client/create Parameters Responses Apply the specified net rate to the specified client PUT /api/integration/v1/client/{clientId}/set Parameters Responses Sets contact details for the specified client PUT /api/integration/v1/client/{clientId}/contact Parameters Responses Update client details PUT /api/integration/v2/client/{clientId} Parameters Responses contact details are invalidthe provided manager ID is invalid|None| |404| Not Found |The specified client not found|None| Fetch the client account information GET /api/integration/v1/client/{clientId} Parameters Responses Fetch a directory entry by ID GET /api/integration/v1/clientIndustry/{id} Parameters Responses Update the name of an entry by ID PUT /api/integration/v1/clientIndustry/{id} Parameters Responses Delete a list entry DELETE /api/integration/v1/clientIndustry/{id} Parameters Responses Fetch all the available directory values GET /api/integration/v1/clientIndustry Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Add a directory entry POST /api/integration/v1/clientIndustry/{name} Parameters Responses Fetch the specified directory GET /api/integration/v1/directory Parameters Responses Fetch parsing formats supported by the account GET /api/integration/v1/directory/formats Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch the document details GET /api/integration/v1/document Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses Delete one or several documents DELETE /api/integration/v1/document Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language API call example: ?documentIds=61331\_25&documentIds=61332\_9.. Parameters Responses At least one document is not associated with the accountThe document is assigned to a vendor who is not allowed to update documents in the assigned projects| ProblemDetails | Fetch the status of adding document translation GET /api/integration/v1/document/translate/status Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses Fetch a detailed report on translation import results GET /api/integration/v1/document/translate/result Parameters Responses Fetch statistics GET /api/integration/v1/document/statistics Parameters Responses Divide the document into equal blocks by the number of words and assign one block to each specified freelancer POST /api/integration/v1/document/assignFreelancers Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses The document was not disassembled or was disassembled, but contains 0 wordsThe provided workflow stage number does not exist in the projectAn assignment has been already made to the specified workflow stageA freelancer ID was not found in CAT| ProblemDetails | |403| Forbidden |The document is not associated with the account| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |The provided document ID does not exist| ProblemDetails | Assign a vendor to a document workflow stage POST /api/integration/v1/document/assignVendors Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses The document is not associated with the accountThe account is a vendor| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |Returns if:The provided document ID does not existThe provided workflow stage number does not exist in the projectA vendor ID was not found in CATThe client-to-vendor connection does not exist| ProblemDetails | |409| Conflict |An assignment has been already made to the specified workflow stage| ProblemDetails | Specify the unit count for a document workflow stage POST /api/integration/v1/document/setStageUnitCount Parameters Responses The documents are not associated with the projectThe stage is internalThe unit count is already set for the stage| ProblemDetails | |403| Forbidden |Returns if:The project is not associated with the account and the account is not a project vendorThe document is not associated with the account and the vendor is not assigned to the stage| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |Returns if:The provided project ID does not existThe provided workflow stage number does not exist in the project| ProblemDetails | Specify the linguist assignment and segment distribution model POST /api/integration/v1/document/assign Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language AssignmentMode option descriptions:- AssignmentMode.DistributeAmongAll: Distribute segments among all the assigned linguists- AssignmentMode.Rocket: Send invitations and assign all unassigned segments to the first linguist who accepts- AssignmentMode.InviteOnly: Only invite linguists, segments will be assigned later manuallyNote: If the segment count is not specified, the task will be equally divided among all linguists Parameters Responses The document was not disassembled or was disassembled, but contains 0 wordsThe provided workflow stage number does not exist in the projectAn assignment has been already made to the specified workflow stageA freelancer ID was not found in CATThe specified assignment type is unknownInternal account users (not freelancers) were assigned to AssignmentMode.Rocket or AssignmentMode.InviteOnlyThe workflow stage is accomplished outside of Smartcat and its word count/cost are not set (exception: for an in-house freelancer setting word count/cost is not mandatory)| ProblemDetails | |403| Forbidden |Returns if:The project is not associated with the accountThe project is associated with the account, but was assigned to a vendor| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |The provided document ID does not exist| ProblemDetails | Unassign a linguist POST /api/integration/v1/document/unassign Parameters Responses The provided workflow stage number does not exist in the projectThe linguist with the specified ID is not assigned to the document workflow stage| ProblemDetails | |403| Forbidden |Returns if:The project is not associated with the accountThe project is associated with the account, but was assigned to a vendor| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |The provided document ID does not exist| ProblemDetails | Send Rocket invitations to MyTeam linguists: send invitations, assign the first one to accept the job to every unassigned document segment POST /api/integration/v1/document/assignFromMyTeam Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses The input model is not providedNo document is specifiedThe specified documents have different target languagesThe specified documents are associated with different projectsThe document was not disassembled or was disassembled, but contains 0 wordsThe provided workflow stage number does not exist in the projectAn assignment has been already made to the specified workflow stageThe workflow stage is accomplished outside of Smartcat and its word count/cost are not set (exception: for an in-house freelancer setting word count/cost is not mandatory)|None| |403| Forbidden |Returns if:The project is not associated with the accountThe project is associated with the account, but was assigned to a vendor|None| |404| Not Found |The provided document ID does not exist|None| Change the document status to Completed POST /api/integration/v1/document/complete Parameters Responses (This method is obsolete and has been replaced with /api/integration/v2/document/update) Update the specified document PUT /api/integration/v1/document/update Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses At least one document is not associated with the accountThe document update functionality is not enabled in the accountThe document is assigned to a vendor who is not allowed to update documents in the assigned projects|None| |404| Not Found |The provided document ID does not exist|None| Response Schema Status Code 200 Update the specified document PUT /api/integration/v2/document/update Document ID is represented as int1, where int1 identifies the document Parameters Responses At least one document is not associated with the accountThe document update functionality is not enabled in the accountThe document is assigned to a vendor who is not allowed to update documents in the assigned projects|None| |404| Not Found |The provided document ID does not exist|None| Response Schema Status Code 200 Rename the assigned document PUT /api/integration/v1/document/rename Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses Update document meta info PUT /api/integration/v1/document/updateMetaInfo Document ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses Translate the specified document using the specified translation file PUT /api/integration/v1/document/translate Available only for the file formats that support true updates (currently these are resource files with unique resource IDs)Sets a task to processing. When the API call is completed, the translation might be not finished yetDocument ID is represented as int1\_int2, where int1 identifies the document, and int2 identifies its target language Parameters Responses Import an XLIFF file with document translations PUT /api/integration/v1/document/translateWithXliff This method is available only for modified XLIFF files that were exported using the POST /api/integration/v1/document/export method The API call body can include one XLIFF file only Parameters Responses Download the export results GET /api/integration/v1/document/export/{taskId} Parameters Responses Request the documents export POST /api/integration/v1/document/export Parameters documentIds: Target language IDs (the syntax is documentId\_languageId), where documentId\_languageId is a document ID and languageId is a target language ID mode: Segment export mode: Current - The current translation, the segment status notwithstanding (what is shown in the editor) Confirmed - Confirmed segments at the specific stage, as defined by the StageNumber parameter. If the stage is not specified, export all segments confirmed at any stage (this behavior is similar to exporting files using the Smartcat interface) Complete - Only completed segments, that is the segments that have passed all the stages and were confirmed at the last one Responses the provided array of document IDs is emptythe provided workflow stage number is incorrectthe type of the provided document to be exported to the project is incorrect (for example, Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ExportDocumentRequestType.DocumentWithMetadata for a docx-based project)|None| |403| Forbidden |At least one document is not associated with the account|None| Fetch a disassembly algorithm preset GET /api/integration/v1/fileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresets/{id} Parameters Responses Update a disassembly algorithm preset PUT /api/integration/v1/fileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresets/{id} Parameters Responses Delete a preset DELETE /api/integration/v1/fileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresets/{id} Parameters Responses Fetch all presets for the account GET /api/integration/v1/fileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresets Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create a disassembly algorithm preset POST /api/integration/v1/fileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresets Parameters Responses Download a file by path GET /api/integration/v1/file-management/file/{path} Parameters Responses Upload file to a specified path in storage PUT /api/integration/v1/file-management/file/{path} Parameters Responses Delete a file by path DELETE /api/integration/v1/file-management/file/{path} Parameters Responses Upload multiple files to a specified path in storage PUT /api/integration/v1/file-management/files/{path} Original file names will be used for uploaded files Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 201 Get single file info by path GET /api/integration/v1/file-management/file-info/{path} Parameters Responses Get list of files whose path starts with given prefix GET /api/integration/v1/file-management/file-info-list/{prefix} Parameters Responses Fetch glossaries from the current account GET /api/integration/v1/glossaries Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create a task for importing concepts from a glossary file POST /api/integration/v1/glossary/import Parameters Responses Fetch the status of a concept import task GET /api/integration/v1/glossary/importTaskState/{taskId} Parameters Responses Create payment to freelancer POST /api/integration/v1/invoice/job Parameters Responses Create a payment POST /api/integration/v2/invoice/job Parameters Responses Create an array of freelancer payments POST /api/integration/v1/invoice/jobs Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create a payments array POST /api/integration/v2/invoice/jobs Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch an array of freelancer payments by ID GET /api/integration/v1/invoice/job/list Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch an array of payments by ID GET /api/integration/v2/invoice/job/listByExternalId Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch an array of payments by creation date GET /api/integration/v2/invoice/job/listByCreatedDate Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch a list of invoices created within the specified period GET /api/integration/v2/invoice/list Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch a list of agent invoices GET /api/integration/v2/client-agent-invoice/list Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch an array of jobs whose status is VERIFIED GET /api/integration/v3/job/verifiedForProject Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch an array of jobs GET /api/integration/v3/job Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Delete an LSP service price DELETE /api/integration/v1/lsp/prices/{priceId} Parameters Responses Fetch LSP service prices by ID GET /api/integration/v2/lsp/prices Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create a new LSP service price POST /api/integration/v2/lsp/prices Parameters Responses Fetch LSP service prices GET /api/integration/v2/lsp/prices/batch Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create new LSP service prices POST /api/integration/v2/lsp/prices/batch Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Update an existing LSP service price PUT /api/integration/v2/lsp/prices/{priceId} Parameters Responses Delete an LSP service DELETE /api/integration/v1/lsp/services/{serviceId} Parameters Responses Fetch LSP services by ID GET /api/integration/v2/lsp/services Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create a new LSP service POST /api/integration/v2/lsp/services Parameters Responses Fetch LSP services GET /api/integration/v2/lsp/services/batch Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create new LSP services POST /api/integration/v2/lsp/services/batch Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Update an existing LSP service PUT /api/integration/v2/lsp/services/{serviceId} Parameters Responses Fetch a MyTeam member model by ID GET /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam/{userId} Parameters Responses Delete the user from MyTeam DELETE /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam/{userId} Parameters Responses Fetch a MyTeam member model by external ID GET /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam Parameters Responses Add an in-house translator to MyTeam as a linguist POST /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam Parameters Responses Search for linguists in MyTeam POST /api/integration/v1/account/searchMyTeam Parameters Responses Maximum required number of results is greater than 500Specified language is unknownSpecified service type is unknownSpecified subject expertise (specialization) is unknownSpecified currency is unknownSpecified level of subject expertise (specialization) is unknown|None| |404| Not Found |Unable to find an account connected to the integration API|None| Response Schema Status Code 200 Replace all services in a MyTeam profile POST /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam/{userId}/services/replace Parameters Responses Add a MyTeam member's phone number PUT /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam/{userId}/phone Parameters Responses Add a comment to a MyTeam member profile PUT /api/integration/v1/account/myTeam/{userId}/comment Parameters Responses Fetch all placeholder formats available in the current account GET /api/integration/v1/placeholders Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Save placeholder formats set for the specified account PUT /api/integration/v1/placeholders Parameters Responses Validate the provided placeholder format GET /api/integration/v1/placeholders/validate Parameters Responses Receive the project model GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId} Parameters Responses Update a project by ID PUT /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId} Parameters Responses Delete the project DELETE /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId} Parameters Responses Fetch the list of account projects GET /api/integration/v1/project/list Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 (This method is obsolete and has been replaced with /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/statistics) Fetch project statistics GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/statistics Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch project statistics GET /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/statistics Parameters Responses Enable or disable calculating fuzzy repetitions in the project statistics PUT /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/fuzzyRepetitions Parameters Responses Receive statistics for the completed parts of the project GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/completedWorkStatistics Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Receive a list of the TMs plugged into the project GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/translationmemories Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Recreate the set of TMs plugged into the project. The set of TMs is identical for all target languages of the project. POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/translationmemories Parameters Responses The provided model with TM IDs to be added to the project is emptyMore than one TM has been providedThe match threshold in the TM is smaller than the allowed minimum (50)A TM appears in the settings multiple timesThe Write TM does not include all the project's target languagesThe project's source language does not match any source language in the provided TMNone of the project's target languages appears among the target languages in the provided Read TM|None| Fetch the list of glossaries plugged into the project GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/glossaries Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Set a collection of glossaries plugged into the project PUT /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/glossaries Parameters Responses Fetch the project's MT configuration GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/mt Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Set an MT configuration in the project POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/mt Parameters Responses Fetch all the MT engines and profiles that can be used in the specified project GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/mt/available Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch the project pre-processing rules GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/pretranslation-rules Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Define project pre-processing rules PUT /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/pretranslation-rules Parameters Responses Fetch the status of removing empty project folders GET /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/empty-folders-removing-status Parameters Responses Fetch the result of import into the Localization Project GET /api/integration/v1/project/import-result/{importId} Parameters Responses Cancel the project POST /api/integration/v1/project/cancel Parameters Responses Restore the project POST /api/integration/v1/project/restore Parameters Responses Complete the workflow for all project documents. As a result, the project status will change to Completed. POST /api/integration/v1/project/complete Parameters Responses Create the project POST /api/integration/v1/project/create Parameters Responses The project model is emptyThe project description length exceeds the allowed maximumThe user ID was not found in the specified accountThe domain ID is incorrectThe client ID is incorrectThe vendor ID is incorrectThe account does not support the test project creation|None| |403| Forbidden |The specified account is personal|None| |404| Not Found |Account not found|None| |409| Conflict |Several documents with identical names are being added to the project|None| Import keys and values from files into the Software Localization Project POST /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/import Parameters target-languages: Comma separated list of target languages (optional, all target languages of the project by default, can only be specified when importing the source). Empty list of languages produces a 400 bad request error with an appropriate reason textAn incorrect language code produces a 400 bad request error with an appropriate reason textIf any language didn't exist in the project, it will be created (but not added as a target to any existing collections)If any language didn't exist in the collection (the target collection existed before), it will be added as a target to the collection format: Specifies the file format used to import the file (optional). Smartcat will try to identify the file format from its extension. completion-state: Imported translation confirmation mode draft — translation must be imported but not confirmed on any stage (default) intermediate — the translation must be imported and automatically confirmed at the first project stage final — the translation must be imported and confirmed on all project stages skip-conflicting-values: Specifies how to deal with situations when the same key has a different value in the imported file and in Smartcat - keeps the value in Smartcat by default Responses Add a document to the project POST /api/integration/v1/project/document Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Add a new target language to the project POST /api/integration/v1/project/language Parameters Responses Remove a target language from the project DELETE /api/integration/v1/project/language Parameters Responses Recreate the set of TMs plugged into the project. A separate set of TMs is created for each target language. POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/translationmemories/bylanguages Parameters Responses TM settings are not definedThe provided model with TM IDs to be added to the project for one of the languages is emptyMore than one TM was provided for one of the languagesThe match threshold in the TM is smaller than the allowed minimum (50)A TM appears in language settings multiple timesThe target language associated with the TM does not appear in the Write TM's target languagesThe project's source language does not match any source language in the provided TMThe target language associated with the TM does not appear in the Read TM's target languages|None| Start processing the project statistics POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/statistics/build Parameters Responses Add managers to the specified project POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/managers Parameters Responses Delete managers from the project DELETE /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/managers Parameters Responses Automatically assign all new documents/segments to current linguists POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/assign Current limitations: 1. Assignments are made to the following stages only: Translation, Editing, Proofreading, Postediting 2. Assignments are made only to documents with an ID Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Add reference files to a project POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/ReferenceFiles Parameters Responses Run the empty project folders deletion task POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/run-empty-folders-removing Parameters Responses Run export from Software Localization Project POST /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/export Parameters path-separator: Path separator string (optional) When exporting "structured-json" and "structured-yaml" file formats, this separator string will be used to split the key into multiple parts and construct the tree structure. completion-state: Minimal key completion state (optional) Specifies the state in which any key (segment) must be in order to be exported. draft — download any translations, even unconfirmed ones (default) intermediate — download segments at the last confirmed stage final — download segments that passed through all translation stages output-file-path-template: Output file path template (Optional) Specifies how the output files should be named and located. You can use the {LANGUAGE} and {LABEL:PREFIX} placeholders to customize the output. The {LOCALE:IOS} and {LOCALE:ANDROID} placeholders are also available for platform specific exports. The ability to specify {LABEL:PREFIX} placeholder allows you to export keys that have the PREFIX value of label prefix and use the label suffix to determine the file name. See examples here Responses Run copying a project POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/copying Parameters Responses Get project copy state GET /api/integration/v1/project/copying/{taskId} Parameters Responses Get a list of project tasks GET /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/list Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Get information regarding task projectTaskId for project projectId GET /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId} Parameters Responses Get information about the scope of work, regarding task projectTaskId for project projectId GET /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/scope Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Set the mode of access to perform the work for those who accepted the invitation PUT /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/set-invitation-strategy-type Parameters Responses Assign individual suppliers to perform task projectTaskId PUT /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/individual-assignment Parameters Responses Delete individual assignment DELETE /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/individual-assignment Parameters Responses Assign a supplier to perform task projectTaskId PUT /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/vendor-assignment Parameters Responses Remove supplier assignment DELETE /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/vendor-assignment Parameters Responses Get information about payments to suppliers for the work on task projectTaskId GET /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/payables Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Set a deadline for the task PUT /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/deadline Parameters Responses Move the task volume to another task POST /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/split Parameters Responses Split task into partsCount parts POST /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/splitByParts/{partsCount} Available for accounts with subscription Parameters Responses Merge task projectTaskId with tasks request All merged tasks must belong to the same stage Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ProjectTask.ProjectTaskModel.StageId, have the same target language Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ProjectTask.ProjectTaskModel.TargetLanguage and have no agencies/companies assigned to the task During the merge process, existing supplier assignments will be removed. Tasks will be merged and become inaccessible. As a result of the operation, a new task is created, which includes all the scope of work from the merged tasks. POST /api/integration/v1/projectTask/{projectId}/{projectTaskId}/merge Parameters Responses Fetch information about the project quote GET /api/integration/v1/Quote/ByVendor/{projectId} Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch a list of quotes by a list of projects GET /api/integration/v1/Quote/ListByProjectIds Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch the list of quotes for the current account GET /api/integration/v1/Quote/List Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Update information on the project quote PUT /api/integration/v1/Quote/Update Parameters Responses The specified project ID's format is incorrectThe quote status is Paid|None| |403| Forbidden |The project is not associated with the account|None| |404| Not Found |Returns if:The provided project ID does not existThe provided client ID does not exist|None| Upload a project quote details file POST /api/integration/v1/Quote/{id}/Upload Parameters Responses The provided file model is emptyThe specified project ID's format is incorrectThe quote is empty or includes service detailsThe quote status is Paid|None| |403| Forbidden |The project is not associated with the account|None| |404| Not Found |The provided project ID does not exist|None| Approve a quote POST /api/integration/v1/Quote/{id}/Approve Parameters Responses The specified project ID's format is incorrectThe quote does not include the cost|None| |403| Forbidden |The project is not associated with the account|None| |404| Not Found |The provided project ID does not exist|None| Mark the quote as paid POST /api/integration/v1/Quote/{id}/MarkAsPaid Parameters Responses The specified project ID's format is incorrectThe quote does not include the cost|None| |403| Forbidden |The project is not associated with the account|None| |404| Not Found |The provided project ID does not exist|None| Download a cost calculation file GET /api/integration/v1/Quote/{id}/File Parameters Responses The provided project ID does not existDetails are missing: file is not attached and generating a new one is not possible|None| Fetch segment confirmation statistics GET /api/integration/v2/segment-confirmation-statistics/{projectId} Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch translation See the AI Translation API guide here POST /api/integration/v1/smartTranslation/translate Parameters Responses Fetch information about the TM GET /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/{tmId} Parameters Responses Import TMX files to a TM POST /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/{tmId} Parameters Responses Delete a TM DELETE /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/{tmId} Parameters Responses Fetch the available TMs filtered per account GET /api/integration/v1/translationmemory Parameters Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Create an empty TM POST /api/integration/v1/translationmemory Parameters Responses TM creation model is emptyTM with this name already exists in the accountTM name is not specifiedTM source language is defined as a translation target languageAn error occurred when creating the TM| ProblemDetails | Fetch a collection of TMX file import tasks GET /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/task Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Export TMX files from the TM database GET /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/{tmId}/file Parameters Responses Fetch matches from the specified TM POST /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/matches Parameters Responses Request model is emptyNo segment model is specified in the request modelEither source or target is not specifiedThe tag type is not "Start", "End" or "Placeholder"|None| |403| Forbidden |The account cannot access the TM with the specified ID|None| |404| Not Found |TM with the specified ID was not found|None| Add an array of target languages to a TM PUT /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/{tmId}/targets Parameters Responses Target languages are not specifiedTarget languages contain duplicatesTarget languages contain the source languageTarget language cannot be deletedTarget languages cannot be updated using the specified parameters| ProblemDetails | |403| Forbidden |The account cannot access the TM with the specified ID| ProblemDetails | |404| Not Found |TM with the specified ID was not found| ProblemDetails | Removes the specified import task DELETE /api/integration/v1/translationmemory/task/{taskId} Parameters Responses Fetch the list of vendors GET /api/integration/v1/vendor/list Responses Response Schema Status Code 200 Fetch a vendor by ID GET /api/integration/v1/vendor/{vendorAccountId} Parameters Responses AccountModel Account information for external systems AddBatchResult Entity creation result model for batch addition AdditionalHeaderModel User header model AgreementModel ApprovalStatus AssignExecutivesRequestModel Input model of a request for assigning account freelancers or users to a document AssignExecutivesRequestModel+Executive Model for the assignment of a freelancer or account user to a document AssignMyTeamExecutivesRequestModel Model for assigning documents to MyTeam executors AssignedExecutiveModel Model of a linguist assigned to a document workflow stage AssignmentMode Linguist assignment mode AssignmentTemplateApplicationResultModel Assignment template application result information for external systems AssignmentTemplateModel Assignment template information for external systems AuditLogModel Audit log model AutoAssignmentMode Auto-assignment mode AutopilotTeamDashboardDto AutopilotTeamDashboardOrganizationWorkspaceDto AutopilotTeamDashboardProjectCreatorDto AutopilotTeamDashboardProjectDto AutopilotTeamDashboardProjectManagerDto AutopilotTeamDashboardTasksDto Balance BalanceForExport BankRequisitesModel BatchResult "> "> BilingualFileImportSetingsModel Bilingual document upload settings model CallbackErrorModel Callback error description CallbackPropertyModel Notification change model CancelInvoiceModel Invoice cancellation model ClientAgentInvoiceJobModel ClientAgentInvoiceModel ClientIndustryModel Model of an entry in a client's specializations list ClientModel Client model ClientModelV2 Client model Common.ErrorResponse ConfirmMode Mode of segment confirmation at file upload ContactModel Contact information model Contracts.ProjectStatus Project Status CostDetailsModel DTO model of a quoted service price details CreateClientPayInOrder Payment request creation model CreateDocumentPropertyModel Created document CreateInvoiceModel Invoice creation model CreateProjectModel Project creation model CreateProjectNumberModel Data class for project number creation CreateTranslationMemoryModel TM creation model Currency CurrencyExchangeRatesTableModel Currency exchange rate table with the start and end dates DetalizationRowFileContainerModel Service details by files DetalizationRowModel Service details string model DirectoryItemModel Directory entry model DirectoryModel Directory model DirectoryType Directory type DocumentDisassemblingStatus Document disassembly status DocumentModel Document model DocumentStatisticsModel Document statistics DocumentStatus Document status DocumentWorkflowStageModel Document workflow stage model EmptyProjectFoldersRemoveTaskStatus EndCustomerValue ErrorResponse ErrorType ExecutiveModel Linguist details ExecutiveStageProjectCostModel Supplier task data model ExecutiveStatisticsModel Statistics model covering the work accomplished for the project by a specific user, the workflow stage, and the target language ExportDocumentRequestType Document download request type ExportDocumentTaskModel Export document task model ExportFromStringsTableModel Model for export from Software Localization Project ExportIncompleteTranslationsMode Export mode for incomplete translations ExportKeysFromSoftwareLocalizationProjectModel Model for keys exported from ExternalFileDetalizationModel Uploaded file with quote details ExternalStageStatisticsModel External stage tasks statistics model FileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresetCreatedModel Created preset details FileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresetEditModel Preset edit model FileDisassemblingAlgorithmPresetViewModel Preset view model FileFormatModel Model of file formats supported by the account FileInfoModel Information about file uploaded to storage FreelancerServiceType Freelancer service type GlossaryModel Glossary HttpStatusCode ImportJobModel Basic class of linguist payment models ImportJobModelV2 Basic class of payment models ImportToSoftwareLocalizationProjectModelV1 Model for import into the Software Localization Project IndividualAssignmentModel Information about the user assigned to the task Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ProjectTask.ProjectTaskModel IndividualAssignmentRequestModel Model for inviting individual suppliers to the task IndividualAssignmentStatus Status of the invitation to the user to perform the task InhouseTranslatorCreationModel In-house translator creation model IntegrationApiTMTranslationAssuranceLevel Minimum TM segment quality InvoiceModel Invoice model InvoicePaymentReceiveDestination InvoiceStatus Invoice status JobModel Linguist payment model JobModelV2 Payment model JobModelV2Extended Payment model JobStatus Payment status LabelModel Label model LegalEntityModel Legal entity details model LineItemExportData LockMode Mode of locking segments at import LspPriceModelV2 LSP service price model LspServiceModelV2 LSP service model LspServiceType LSP service type LspUpdatePriceModelV2 LSP service price creation and update model LspUpdateServiceModelV2 LSP service creation and update model MTEngineModel MT (Machine Translation) engine model MergeProjectTasksResponse Result of merging tasks ModelWithFiles "> "> ModelWithFiles "> "> ModelWithFiles "> "> ModelWithFiles "> "> MyTeamMemberModel MyTeam member model MyTeamSearchRequestModel MyTeam member search request NetRateModel Rate discounts model NetRateModel+TMRangeRateModel TM matches rate model PlaceholderFormatModel Model for applying a placeholder format to a client PretranslateRuleModel Pretranslation rule model PretranslateRuleType Pretranslation rule type ProblemDetails ProjectAssignmentMode Indicates the mode in which performers are assigned to the tasks in the project. ProjectChangesModel Project changes model ProjectCopyModel Model for project copy ProjectCopyOptions Data to be copied when copying a project ProjectCopyStateModel Project copy state ProjectCopyStatus Project copy status ProjectCostModel Project cost model ProjectDetalizationCostModel Project cost details model ProjectMTEngineModel The model represents the addition of an MT engine or profile to the project ProjectMTEngineSupportedLanguagesModel The model represents the supported MT engines or profiles ProjectModel Project model ProjectQuoteAccuracyDegree ProjectStatisticsItemModel Word count model ProjectStatisticsObsoleteModel Project statistics model for a specific target language ProjectStatus ProjectTaskIndividualInvitationStrategyType Mode of access to the work for those who accepted the invitation ProjectTaskJobModel Job information for a specific task ProjectTaskJobStatus Status of the work performed by the supplier ProjectTaskMergeRequest IDs of the tasks to be merged All merged tasks must belong to the same stage Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ProjectTask.ProjectTaskModel.StageId and have the same target language Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ProjectTask.ProjectTaskModel.TargetLanguage ProjectTaskModel Project task ProjectTaskScopeModel Model containing information about one work item included in the task ProjectTaskStatus Task status ProjectTranslationMemoryModel Project TM creation model ProjectType Project type ProjectTypeFilter Project type ProjectVendorModel Vendor-to-project connection model ProjectWorkflowStageModel Project workflow stage model QuoteCostDetalizationType QuoteModel Project quote model QuotePaymentStatus QuoteServiceModel Quote service model ReplaceServicesModel MyTeam member services replacement model ScopeOfSubstringSearchInProject Scope of sub-string search SegmentCompletionState Segment completion state SegmentConfirmationStatisticsModel Item (record) model of segment acknowledgment statistics SegmentConfirmationStatisticsWordcountsModel Word count model for segment confirmation statistics SegmentExportMode Document export mode SegmentModel Segment model SegmentRevisionBatchModel Segment revision batch model SegmentRevisionModel Segment translation revision model SegmentSearchRequestModel Model of request for searching text in project segments SegmentSearchResultDocumentModel Segment search result model for results in a specific target language found in a specific document SegmentSearchResultModel Project segment search result model SegmentSearchResultSegmentModel Segment search result model for one found occurence SegmentTagModel Segment tag mandatory information model SegmentWithMatchesModel Segment with matches send model ServiceModel Service model ServicesDetalizationModel Quote details generated by Smartcat SetStageUnitsCountModel Document unit count setup model SmartCatLegalEntityModel Smartcat legal entity details model SmartTranslationRequest Translation request SmartTranslationResponse Successful response to a translation request SmartTranslationResult SmartTranslationText Translation text SoftwareLocalizationDocumentFormat Software localization document format Specialization Text specialization SpecializationKnowledgeLevel Level of specialization expertise SplitProjectTaskByPartsResponse Result of splitting the task volume SplitProjectTaskRequest Data required to split the task volume SplitProjectTaskResponse Result of splitting the task volume StageType Workflow stage type StatisticsFieldName Statistics field names StatisticsModel TM matches and repeats model StatisticsRowModel Document Statistics Model StatisticsTMMatchRangeModel TM matches in a specific translation quality range StringTableKeyConflictResolution Key string table key conflict resolution StringsTableImportResult StringsTableImportStatus SupplierType Supplier type TMExportMode TMImportTaskModel TM import task model TMMatchesRequest TM match query model TMTranslationAssuranceLevel TagsFromUnit Unit tags data serialization class TargetLanguageUsageMode Target language selection mode for translation TargetSubstitutionMode Target substitution mode TranslationMemoriesForLanguageModel Project language TMs model TranslationMemoryForProjectModel TM for project model TranslationMemoryModel TM model TranslationTaskStatus Status of a document translation addition task UpdateClientModel Client update model UploadDocumentModel Document upload model UploadedFile UploadedQuoteFileModel Quote as an attached file UserSegmentConfirmationStatisticsModel Item (record) model of segment acknowledgment statistics VendorAssignmentModel Information about the agency/company assigned to the task Smartcat.AppIntegrations.Contracts.ProjectTask.ProjectTaskModel VendorAssignmentRequestModel Model for inviting a vendor to the task VendorAssignmentStatus Vendor assignment status VendorModel Vendor model VendorProjectCostModel Vendor cost model VendorServiceModel Vendor service model WebApi.WorkUnitType WorkUnitType Linguist's work unit WorkflowStageInDocumentModel WorkflowStageStatus Workflow stage status
Local wire transfers in CAD (Canada)
CAD wire transfers (Canada) | Smartcat Help Center A CAD wire transfer is a transfer of funds between banks in Canada in the local CAD currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Canadian dollar (CAD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from CAD, the funds will be converted to CAD at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 2 CAD You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 5 CAD to 100,000 CAD Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeRouting number✓✓A nine-digit transit route code of the format 0XXXYYYYY, where0 - mandatory starting position XXX - three-digit beneficiary's bank codeYYYYY - five-digit branch code of the beneficiary's bankInstitution number✓✓Three-digit beneficiary's bank codeTransit number✓✓Five-digit code of the bank branch where the beneficiary's account is openedRecipient's account type✓✓Savings or checking Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the specified details (account number, routing number, institution number, transit number, account type) are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? he purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE B.V. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a bank account in Canada I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in CAD, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Resolve errors in payment amounts for completed tasks
Resolving payment errors | Smartcat Help Center What should you do if you have a task waiting to be paid in the payment section, but you know the amount is incorrect? The solution depends on several factors, which we will consider in more detail below. I want to increase the amount to be paid to the performer In this case, simply add another task equal to the difference by following these steps:Select Payments → Supplier payments → JobsClick “Add supplier job,” then “Add Job". First make sure that the performer is added to your team, only, in this case, they will appear in the list of possible recipients.Fill in the required fields with a description. I want to reduce the amount payable or remove it altogether What should you do if customers don’t have a task editing tool? Once you have found a translator and hired him/her for a project through the Smartcat marketplace, follow these steps:Discuss the amount of reduction with the freelancer in the chat. Ask the freelancer to explicitly write that he/she agrees to a change in the amount to be paid or that the project will not be paid at all.Send a request to our support team to change the amount to be paid for the project and specify the reasons for changing the cost/deleting the job. Give a complete description of the task paid for: the name of the person performing it, the name of the project, and the current cost.It is especially important to contact support as soon as possible if you have already paid for the project, as we usually pay freelancers within 1-3 days of receiving payment on the invoice. Wait for the response from technical support with a description of how to proceed. If the freelancer does not agree with the change in costs, you must also send a request to our support team detailing the reasons for the need to reduce the amount to be paid. Attach screenshots and other documents that can be used to justify such a decision. If the freelancer is your own supplier that you have not found with Smartcat, but brought in externally. The actions will vary depending on the conditions: Scenario 1: The translator completed work on the platform.Click the ellipsis next to the desired project and mark the task as paid. 2. After that, it will no longer be displayed in your payment cabinet. 3. The status of the task in your performer's personal account will change to “ Marked as paid outside of Smartcat ”.If you have actually paid for the task outside the platform, no further action is required.If you want to pay for the task through the platform, but with a different price, create a new task with the correct price. To add a single task:Select Payments → Supplier payments → JobsClick “Add supplier job” then “Add Job". First make sure that the performer is added to your team, only in this case he/she will appear in the list of possible recipients)Fill in the required fields with a description Scenario 2: The performer performed the work outside the platform and you created it manually. Click the ellipsis next to the desired job and delete the job. 2. After that, the task will be deleted from your payments.If you have paid for the task outside the platform, no further action is required.If you want to pay for the task through the platform, but with a different price, create a new task with the correct price. Please note that you can delete a task only if it is not included in the invoice. If you have already included the task in the invoice, you will have to disband it and reassemble it without this task. You found an error in the amount after you paid for the task .
Smartcat Support Portal
Contact support via Smartcat Support Portal Easily reach the portal by clicking here: Smartcat Support Portal What can you do on the Smatcat Support Portal: View your submitted requests and their statusCreate new requests Getting Started If you're new to the portal, follow these steps: Go to the Smartcat Service Portal to sign up or log in.Click "Sign up" next to "New to Smartcat?" Enter the email address you use to contact our team (the email address used for your Smartcat account) and follow the instructions provided.After creating a password, log in to your account on the Service Portal. You will see the following screen: Submit a New Request To create a new request, return to the main page https://helpsc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us and click the "Submit a request" button. This will redirect you to our web contact form. You can also reach us through the "Help and Support" section in your Smartcat account. All tickets created using your registered email address will be accessible in the portal. View Your Ticket History To see your support requests, click the "Check your existing requests" button. The "My requests" tab displays all tickets submitted from your email address."Requests I'm CC'd on" shows tickets where you are copied. You can filter tickets by status and sort by last activity for your convenience. Go to the Smartcat Support Portal. Reach us via the Smartcat Support Portal!
Local wire transfers in VND (Vietnam)
VND wire transfers (Vietnam) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in VND is a transfer of funds between banks in Vietnam in the local VND currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Vietnamese dong (VND) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from VND, the funds will be converted to VND using the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 70,000 VND You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From VND 150,000 to VND 300,000,000 Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBranch code✓✓Three-digit code of the bank branch where the beneficiary's account is opened (Required for Agribank) Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a bank account in Vietnam. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in VND, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in AUD (Australia)
AUD wire transfers (Australia) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in AUD is a transfer of funds between banks in Australia in the local currency AUD. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Australian dollar (AUD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from AUD, the funds will be converted to AUD at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 1.5 AUD You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Details button on your payout method). Minimum payout amount 5 AUD Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account number, 5 to 20 characters longBSB✓✓Six-digit beneficiary's bank code (no spaces or other characters) Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to an Australian bank account. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in AUD, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Introducing Smartcat's New AI Image Translator
How to use an AI Image Translator Best Use Cases Smartcat's Image Translation is ideal for all types of images - from brand and marketing images to learning materials, software screenshots, and documents. Why Use Image Translation? Fast & Accurate: Automatically detects and translates text in images.Maintains Design Integrity: Keeps original background design, original or similar fonts, alignments, and colors.Flexible Editing: Adjust text position, size, font, and color.Easy Collaboration: Review and fine-tune AI-generated translations with your team. Getting Started with Image Translation Click Create New Project 2. Choose your source and target languages.Upload Images for Translation - Select one or multiple image files for bulk processing of images ( PNG, JPEG, JPG ). Additionally, Smartcat supports the following formats: BMP, PCX, JP, JPC, JFIF, and GIF (only the first frame for animated GIFs). TIP : The better the input quality, the better the output results. Larger image files take longer to process. Once uploaded, Smartcat will automatically process the images, extract text, seamlessly remove it from the background, and generate AI-translated text.You can disable auto-translation if you prefer to manually translate the text on the image. In this case, Smartcat will process the file and transform the source text into editable text blocks, allowing you to make adjustments directly.Once processing is complete, click the Open in Editor button to begin editing. You can also go to the "Files" tab and select a specific file or translation to open it. 3. Open the Editor Click on your processed file to open it in the Image Translation Editor, where you can review the translation and fine-tune your translated image: New Editing Capabilities Preview-First Layout: The translated image preview appears above the text segments for better context. For image files, this is the default layout for your convenience. You may also select the same layout option for other file formats, such as DOCX or PDF. Drag & Drop Text Elements: Reposition text boxes using drag-and-drop or arrow keys for pixel-perfect placement. Zoom In & Out : Easily adjust zoom levels for precise editing using UI buttons, keyboard shortcuts, mouse scrolling, or touchpad gestures for a seamless experience. You can use shortcuts to adjust the zoom level: On Windows: 1. Keyboard: Ctrl + to zoom in and Ctrl - to zoom out. 1. Keyboard + mouse: Ctrl + mouse scroll up to zoom in and \*\*Ctrl + mouse scroll down\*\* to zoom out.On Mac: 1. Keyboard: Command + to zoom in and Command - to zoom out. 1. Trackpad: Pinch outward (two fingers spread apart) to zoom in. Pinch inward (two fingers brought together) to zoom out. 1. Mouse + Keyboard: Scroll up while holding the Command key to zoom in. Scroll down while holding the Command key to zoom out. Text Customization: Select a bounding box and use the UI in the formatting toolbar to change font type, size , color , and alignment. Apply bold, italic, and underline styling. Supported Fonts: This list of fonts is subject to change. Albert Sans, Antic Didone, Arapey, Cardo, Chivo, Cormorant, DM Sans, Eczar, Fira Sans, Inconsolata, Inter, Lato, Lexend Deca, Libre Bodoni, Libre Franklin, Manrope, Merriweather, Montserrat, Neuton, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans Arabic, Noto Nastaliq Urdu, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans SC, Noto Sans TC, Noto Sans Japanese, Noto Sans Korean, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Nunito Sans, Open Sans, Oswald, Petit Formal Script, Playfair Display, Poppins, Prata, PT Sans, PT Serif, Raleway, Roboto, Roboto Slab, Rubik, Space Grotesk, Space Mono, Source Sans Pro, Source Serif Pro, Syne, Ubuntu, Work Sans. Hide translation: You can remove unwanted translated text, such as logos or brand elements, while preserving the original background. Simply select the text and use the Hide button to exclude it from translation. Download the Translated Image Once satisfied with the edits: Click Download to export the image in the same format as it was uploaded.Your translated images are ready to use, preserving original quality and design.
Local wire transfers in PLN (Poland)
PLN wire transfers (Poland) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in PLN is a transfer of funds between banks in Poland in the local PLN currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Polish zloty (PLN) Please note that if the currency of funds on your balance in Smartcat is different from PLN, then the funds will be converted to PLN at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 12 PLN You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 15 PLN to 150,000 PLN Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsRecipient’s IBAN✓✓The beneficiary's international bank account number, up to 28 characters long (including numbers and letters)SWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiary Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available only for receiving funds to an account in banks in Poland. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in IDR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in HKD (Hong Kong)
HKD wire transfers (Hong Kong) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in HKD is a transfer of funds between banks in Hong Kong in local currency HKD. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Hong Kong dollar (HKD) Please note that if the currency of funds in your Smartcat balance is different from HKD, the funds will be converted to HKD at Smartcat's exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 16 HKD You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 20 HKD to 500,000 HKD Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBranch code✓✓Three-digit code of the bank branch where the beneficiary's account is openedBank code✓✓Three-digit beneficiary's bank code Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, SWIFT, branch code, bank code are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE B.V. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a Hong Kong bank account. I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in HKD, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in PEN (Peru)
PEN wire transfers (Peru) | Smartcat Help Center A PEN local wire transfer is a transfer of funds between banks in Peru in the local PEN currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Peruvian Sol (PEN) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from PEN, the funds will be converted to PEN at the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 11 PEN You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 15 PEN to 39,700 PEN Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeTax ID✓✓Beneficiary tax identification numberAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient's phone number✓✓Correct beneficiary's phone numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBank code✓✓SWIFT code of the beneficiary's bankDocument type✓✓Passport, Documento Nacional de Identidad, Documento Nacional de Identidad or Carnet de ExtranjeriaNumber✓✓Document NumberRecipient's account type✓✓Savings/CheckNationality✓✓Beneficiary's nationality or country of incorporationSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryIFSC✓✓Alphanumeric code of the bank branch participating in the electronic money transfer systemOccupation✓✓Type of activity of the beneficiary or company Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check that the details (TIN, account number, bank name, bank code, account type) are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE PSP LTD is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in Peru. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local wire transfer in PEN, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Individual entrepreneur's bank account in RUB (Russia)
RUB bank account (Russia) | Smartcat Help Center Individual entrepreneur's bank account in RUB is a transfer of funds from one bank account to the individual entrepreneur's (IE) bank account in RUB. Supported currencies Russian ruble (RUB) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from the Russian ruble, then the funds will be converted to Russian ruble at Smartcat's exchange rate. Learn more about the platform rate in the article "Conversion of Balance Currency to Payment Currency". Commission The commission is 50 RUB, except when you have special arrangements with the customer. You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 100 RUB Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article “Minimum payout amount.” Required details Individual entrepreneur's full nameAn individual entrepreneur beneficiary name as specified inthe bank account informationOGRNIP (Primary State Registration Number of an Individual Entrepreneur)The main state registration number assigned by the tax authorities during the state registration as an individual entrepreneurINN (Individual Taxpayer Number)The taxpayer identification number, which is assigned to an individual at the time of registration as an individual entrepreneurBusiness addressBeneficiary's registration addressRCBIC (Russian Central Bank Identifier Code)Nine-digit unique code of the bank in which an individual entrepreneur beneficiary has an accountBank nameThe name of the bank where an individual entrepreneur beneficiary has an accountBranch cityThe city of the bank in which an individual entrepreneur beneficiary has an accountRecipient accountSettlement account of an individual entrepreneur beneficiaryCorrespondent bank account numberA set of 20 digits that identifies a specific bank branch Advantages Reliable. Bank transfers are an extremely secure way to receive money Cheap. The commission for 1 payment by wire transfer to an individual entrepreneur beneficiary account is only 50 rubles Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Check the accuracy of the details you have specified (current account, an individual entrepreneur beneficiary name, beneficiary bank RCBIC). I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment looks the following way:{VO20200} Under the Contract without a number from {the date you added payment details} on account No. {payment ID*} . Without VAT.* Payment ID in the format PO-XXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payment History section.The sender is Smartcat Europe BV I received a payment. How can I get the documents that are the basis for the payment? To receive the documents, please send us a request indicating the payment ID For which countries is this method available? The method is available only for receiving funds to the account of an individual entrepreneur in a bank on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Local wire transfers in KES (Kenya)
KES wire transfers (Kenya) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in KES is a transfer of funds between banks in Kenya in the local KES currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Kenyan shilling (KES) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from KES, then the funds will be converted to KES at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 310 KES You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 450 KES to 999,999 KES Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can find out more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBranch code✓✓3-digit branch code of the beneficiary's bank Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. This is possible because there is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Receive funds immediately in local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name and branch code are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE PSP LTD is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in Kenya. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in KES, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
How to use Smartcat AI Content Generator
Smartcat AI Assistant: Unlimited, contextual content creation in any language in seconds With Smartcat AI content generator, generate your own original content in seconds using your existing content for added context. You can generate content for any type of use case, including: blog articleswhite paperssocial media postsemail sequencesebooksinternal documentationweb landing pagescontent outlines Smartcat acts as a central storehouse for your content. This means that, when you generate new content, it is directly informed by your already-existing content stored on Smartcat. As a result, your newly-generated content is on brand with tone of voice, terminology, and knowledge about your company, product, and target market. You can also choose to generate new content from scratch, with no contextual content resources added to inform the new content generation. There are two “modes” for you to choose from: Generate & Ask. Generating high-quality content with AI Assistant Clicking “Generate” enables you to use your existing content to inform brand-new content creation or create content from scratch. As shown in the screenshot above, AI Assistant then asks you to type your prompt here in the dialogue box. Simply write your content generation instruction for AI Assistant to generate your content piece in seconds. After writing your prompt, click the button on the bottom right of the dialogue box, as shown above. AI Assistant then instantaneously analyzes your content repository and shows you all possible contextual content that is relevant to your current prompt. Smartcat AI retrieves the top 10 similar texts from your content storehouse on Smartcat.The first three are shown to you on-screen. You can choose to add these additional content contexts as references to inform your new content generation or load more results (up to ten). Once content rendering is complete, you can continue prompting AI Assistant to generate more content. For instance, you could prompt it to generate five social media posts based on the generated content. You can click on the instances of Additional context found, as shown above, to provide greater context for AI Assistant to work with, in order to generate new content in the most optimal way. You can also choose to proceed without any additional context added to your prompt. Click Generate at the bottom of the page to proceed, after adding additional context or deciding to go without. There is also an option to Show more if you would like to see more examples of additional content context that you can add to your current prompt. AI Assistant then proceeds to display the additional context that you have chosen, if applicable, and begins to generate your prompted content, as shown below. After AI Assistant has generated your content, you can ask it to carry out changes. As an example, the below screenshot displays a new prompt for AI Assistant to shorten the original 500-word article text to less than 200 words. The 200-word updated text is generated immediately and shown below the latest prompt, as displayed in this image. You can then choose to copy the generated text or download it. Your generated text is downloaded in txt. format with markdown formatting. Asking AI Assistant questions or issuing prompts As well as using AI Assistant to generate new content, you can also ask it questions. Select “Ask” to write a question. Write your question or an instructional prompt. This might be a question/prompt about your own company or about Smartcat processes. As shown above, let’s say your question is: how to translate PDF files In this mode, your prompt is treated as a question, and under the hood AI Assistant finds appropriate content the same way as with content generation mode, but it does so behind the scenes and then provides your answer in seconds, as displayed in the below screenshot. It searches all your indexed organization, stored on your Smartcat central record of content, as well as on Smartcat Help Center. AI Assistant searches for additional content context only at the beginning of each session. You can also follow up with more prompts in this mode. For instance, you could ask, “Does Smartcat recognize text in images?” NOTE: in both Generate and Ask modes, AI Assistant looks for contextual content only once, at the beginning of your chat. If you want to ask another question, restart the chat. Distribute your AI-generated content to a global audience in any language with Smartcat Language AI Once you create content with Smartcat AI Assistant, you can combine it with Smartcat Language AI, which enables you to AI-translate your content into up to 280 languages in seconds. This means that you no longer have to use two or more platforms for your content creation and translation requirements. Instead, do it all from one single platform, Smartcat. No more shuffling between platforms or having to remember multiple login details or learn how different user interfaces work. As you use Smartcat more, the platform gets to know your content needs better. For Smartcat’s AI to analyze your content, you don’t need to do anything special — simply use Smartcat normally, and it will learn from your content. As a result, content generation becomes increasingly on-brand and with greater terminology accuracy and consistency.
Generate multilingual content using Smartcat AI Assistant
AI Assistant for content | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to use threaded segment comments in Smartcat to streamline collaboration and feedback in your translation workflow. Threaded segment comments on Smartcat is a feature that allows you to have more organized and structured discussions within your translation projects. Whether you're a project manager looking to enhance Language Quality Assurance (LQA) or streamline query management, threaded comments have got you covered. In this brief article, we'll walk you through how to make the most of this feature. How threaded segment comments work Understand threaded comments better with these six features. 1. Existing comments Regular segment comments become independent threads, each consisting of one comment. LQA comments with fragments form their own dedicated threads. 2. Creating threads You can create top-level comments to initiate discussions. 3. Engaging in threads Reply to top-level comments to start a focused thread or participate in existing discussions. 4. Managing statuses Each top-level comment (thread) has a status: no status, open, in progress, or resolved. Managers and assigned linguists have control over changing the status. 5. Flexibility and visibility Managers can delete any top-level comment and change its state as needed. Linguists can delete their own comments if they're unthreaded. You can toggle threads to be visible in all languages or just the original language pair. 6. Notifications that keep you in the loop Stay connected with email notifications when you or your team members receive replies in comment threads. Access comments quickly through direct links provided in notifications. Get started with threaded segment comments Follow these five steps to get up and running with threaded segment comments. Step 1 Log in to Smartcat and open the translation project where you want to use threaded segment comments. Step 2 Open the file/project in question. Step 3 You can search for the segment in the Smartcat editor or simply add it as you go along. Step 4 Click on the segment you want to discuss. Step 5 To initiate a new discussion thread, click on the Add Comment button. Write your comment and select the desired status – no status, open, in progress, or resolved. Reply to comments To join an existing discussion, click the "Reply" button on a top-level comment. Your reply will start a new thread within that comment. Manage comments Managers can delete top-level comments and change their statuses.Linguists can delete their own unthreaded comments. Visibility settings Toggle thread visibility to control who can see them.
How Firebirds Wood Fired Grill translated 25 eLearning Courses in three months
Title test An Introduction to Smartcat Editor An Introduction to Smartcat Editor An Introduction to Smartcat Editor An Introduction to Smartcat Editor An Introduction to Smartcat Editor An Introduction to Smartcat Editor The toolbar where the users will find buttons for most of the editing functions.The editing area with four columns for source and target text as well as informational data.The CAT panel with TM, MT, and terminology entries.A series of tabs for communication, QA and revisions.The CAT information panel. Linguists familiar with CAT tools will feel at home with the Smartcat Editor. Many functions (and even the hotkeys) are similar to what can be found in other applications, although with a stronger emphasis on communication and collaboration. One major difference would be in the multi-user interaction where linguists at all stages can work on the same document at the same time. Smartcat implements a locking mechanism that enforces the translation workflow while facilitating collaboration at the same time, saving your time and money. Create a free Smartcat account Join your company’s workspace or create a new one Select your translation option and languages Toolbar Editing Area The editing area is similar to what can be found in other tools with one read-only column for the source text and one column for the editable target text. In addition, there is one column to the left for segment numbering and repetition indication: In this case, segments 3 and 4 are repetitions in the project as indicated by the down arrow. In segment 4, the user has indicated that this segment should not be auto-propagated with repetition by clicking on the arrow. It is indicated by a crossed arrow. There is also an additional column to the right for segment status information and QA notifications: Sorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Torem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur tempus urna at turpis condimentum lobortis. For example, in the screenshot above, the top segment is in translation and has a critical error (red triangle) while the second segment is already at the editing stage and has a QA warning. 102% matches were inserted in both segments from the TM. Discover why 25% of the Fortune 500 choose Smartcat 3. CAT Info Editor FAQ Vorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Smartwords are words that are translated using Smartcat AI. You can think of them as Smartcat currency. Users can always view their Smartwords balance in the Smartwords usage tab. There they can see the current balance, recurring monthly balance if applicable, and usage based on timeframe and projects. Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Smartwords are words that are translated using Smartcat AI. You can think of them as Smartcat currency. Users can always view their Smartwords balance in the Smartwords usage tab. There they can see the current balance, recurring monthly balance if applicable, and usage based on timeframe and projects. 🔎 Smartcat AI platform overview Elementum rhoncus pharetra sed nec ultricies neque tortor purus. # 📃 Smartcat AI platform overview Elementum rhoncus pharetra sed nec ultricies neque tortor purus. #
Calculate translation costs
Translation cost calculation | Smartcat Help Center There's plenty to learn about how Smartcat calculates cost, so we will try to cover some core features including the weight of different translation memory (TM) matches, net rates, and cost calculation discrepancies. To get a wider picture, please check our article about statistics in Smartcat. Translation memory (TM) matches and repetitions Translation memory match percentages represent the similarity level between a source segment in the Editor and a translation memory unit. The minimum threshold for fuzzy matches is 50%. Here’s an example: Translation memory (TM) segmentSource segmentMatch percentageMain SettingsMain Settings100%Home and officeHome & office70%Research and developmentInstitute for research and development62%User interface design and developmentInstitute for research and development37% (no match) There are different types of translation memory (TM) matches:50-99% (Fuzzy match): The text of a source segment differs to some extent from the text of a TM unit.100% (Exact text match): The text of a source segment is the same as the text of a TM unit.101% (Context match): The text of a source segment is the same as the text of a TM unit. The text of either adjacent segment is the same as the text recorded into the TM unit property "x-context-pre" or "x-context-post"102% (Full context match): The text of a source segment is the same as the text of a TM unit. The texts of both adjacent segments are the same as the texts recorded into the TM unit property " x-context-pre " and " x-context-post ".103% (ID context match): The text of a source segment is the same as the text of a TM unit, and the "x-context" property of the TM unit matches the segment context(an entry under the segment text).Repetition: The text of a source segment appears several times throughout the document.Cross-file repetition: Generally speaking, the same as an ordinary repetition, but it appears within multiple documents of the same project. Types of units used in Smartcat for calculating statistics The following units are supported for statistics:WordsAsian charactersPages (one page equals 250 words or Asian characters)Characters with spacesCharacters without spaces Please let us know if you would like the system to consider one page as 1,800 characters without spaces instead of 250 words in your account. We will customize these settings by your request. Net rate schemes There are two types of net rate schemes that should not be mixed up: Client net rate schemes. They are mostly used for calculating statistics in projects to find out the number of weighted words that a particular client should pay. You can customize net rates schemes, and link them to clients. By selecting a client in your project, you can automatically assign the client’s net rate scheme to the project. Supplier net rate schemes. Weighted words payable are calculated based on these net rates which correspond to the project stages. Supplier net rates schemes comprise rates for different translation memory matches and repetitions. They can be set in the corporate account Payments section -> Settings & balance > Payment settings Important: matches in a scheme must be paid at full rate (100%) for any stage above the first since after translating segments at the first stage, the segments considered being recorded as 102% matches in the translation memory of the project. Weighted words — the cost of a job respectively — are calculated according to the comparison of source segments to the translation memory units. Supplier net rates schemes are fixing at the moment of the project creation, so if you need to change the match rates, please create a new project. Project cost calculation The cost of work is calculated automatically by multiplying the number of weighted words (payable) of original documents to the linguist's rate per word or, for hieroglyphs, per character rate according to the net rate scheme applied. TM matches and repetitions are calculated with discounts. Though by default, discounts do not apply for the work of editors, proofreaders, and post-editors. Standard net rate for translators Translation memory matches and repetitionsPercentage of the full per-word rateNew words100% (full rate)50–74%100% (full rate)75–84%70%85–94%40%95–99%10%100–102%UnpaidRepetitions, including cross-file repetitionsUnpaid Let’s take a document containing 31 words, for example. Of these, 14 words are new, 12 words are fuzzy matches, and 7 words are repetitions. Doing some math magic, we have the following: (14 × 1) + (12 × 0,4) + (7 × 0) = 18.8. Important: Only the first linguist who has confirmed a segment on a particular stage will be paid for the segment. It relates also to the system and project manager, that is, if the project manager runs AI translation pretranlsation, let's say, confirming segments on the translation stage, a translator assigned will not get any weighted words by editing and confirming the segments again. You can add one more workflow stage to avoid this. If you have an opposite case where translators are supposed to revise their work but do not have access to the document anymore, you should cancel the previous assignment and assign them to the last stage of the document. The system calculates the number of segments translated(confirmed) by each linguist and forms a job per each document. That said, net rate schemes are functioning in real-time, so the system determines whether a translation memory unit has been applied to a segment confirmed. This is especially important when multiple linguists are working at the same stage. For example, Josh has confirmed a segment at the translation stage; thus, he has recorded the segment in the translation memory applied to the project. Later working on the same document but upon another range of segments, his peer, Andy, has translated a similar segment(a fuzzy match to Josh's) and will get paid for the words within the segment with a discount. This has happened because Smartcat currently does not discern similarity among the segments until some of them are confirmed, so the system had considered both segments as new ones before the linguists began their work. Please note that the job including weighted words from already confirmed by an assignee segments will be formed in the Payments section if a document has the status Confirmed or Canceled. If a client has deleted a document or whole project, the job will be formed in the Payments section too. The customer can see the cost of assignees' work under the Team tab. While the assignees can see how much they have earned on the project page in their personal workspace. A linguist's rate sets at the moment of accepting the invitation to a project. However, the client can ask the Smartcat support team to change the total cost of a job upon a mutual agreement with the linguist. If that is the case, the support team will require a screenshot from the Chat where the linguist confirms a new rate or cost. Why the estimated and final costs may differ The final project cost may not be the same as the estimated cost that you see right after having done an assignment. Here are possible reasons for this: Because Smartcat currently does not discern similar segments until some of them are confirmed, discounts for TM matches are applied during translation, which results in a lower final cost Linguists assigned to a repetition-paid stage with splitting(or there are many documents with repetitions). One linguist that has confirmed a repetition within his or her range will receive the full payment for every other repetition of the confirmed segment even though they haven't been out of the linguist's assigned rangeAssigned tasks have been changed. Any changes in the project concerning assignments and roles may affect the calculationNew documents or translation memories have been added. By adding a new translation memory to the project, more TM matches might appear, while assigning new or updated documents will lead to an increased word count
Edit translation memories in the TM editor
TM editor usage | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat's Translation Memory Editor is where you can make changes to the contents of your translation memories (TM). It enables you to make changes to your TMs from one single place, carry out changes to translations, or even delete translation units entirely. How to use TM Editor Follow these steps to use TM Editor. Step 1 Access TM Editor via the Linguistic assets module Step 2Choose TM Editor from the drop-down menu Step 3 Then type your source and target languages for your TM in question, input a word or phrase that you want to find, and click Browse results. In this example, the target term to find is “translation projects” and the language pair is English into Spanish. Instances of the matching search term – whether it appears in the source or target language segments – will then appear on screen. Step 4 Edit each segment that you wish to make changes to by clicking on it and then clicking on the edit icon on the top-right corner of the segment. Once you make your change, click again on the edit icon to save it. Step 5 (optional) Remove a translation by clicking Remove translation underneath the meta data section to the right of the source-target language editing segments. You might want to remove a translation completely in cases where inaccurate language data is stored in your TM. FAQ Can I edit my TM content in Smartcat? While there is no TM editor integrated in Smartcat, there are some very good options that are in some ways more powerful than the TM editors provided by other CAT tools:You can export the TM as an Excel file, edit it externally and re-import it back to Smartcat. You can use all the editing features of Excel to make the changes that you need.For people that are more tech savvy, they can also export the TM as TMX (with our tags), open it in a text editor like Notepad++ or Sublime Text and perform complex search and replace operations. Even across multiple files if needed. The TM editors included with other CAT tools cannot usually do this. Can I upload screenshots in the editor? You can upload individual graphic files for each segment where needed using the Camera [Alt-Insert] button in the toolbar. Note: If you don't see the option in the toolbar, please contact our support team to activate it.A picture icon will be displayed in the segment and the translator will be able to click on the icon to show the screenshot.This process takes longer than uploading reference files in batches but creates more targeted references. This feature needs to be enabled in the account, it is not enabled by default. How can I move a translation memory or glossary from one account to apply for a project in another account? You can export a translation memory from one account and create a new translation memory (import the exported translation memory) in another account. Now you have in the Linguistic Assets section of the other account the translation memory that you need. You can add it to projects.You can export a glossary from one account and import it to another account. Now you have in the menu Linguistic Assets in another account the glossary that you need. You can add it to projects. Is there a size limit to TM files I can import? At the moment, the largest file that can be imported in a TM is 512 MB.
Use translator assignment templates
Translator assignment templates | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat's assignment templates are designed to simplify the process of assigning tasks to linguists. Users can specify project parameters in the template, and Smartcat will suggest linguists from Smartcat Marketplace who meet the defined criteria. Users can then review the suggested linguists' profiles and save them to the template. You can create templates for both in-house and Marketplace suppliers. Locating templates: Where to start Find assignment templates via: Home page > Team > Assignment templates > Create template In addition to the linguist information, such as linguist ID, service type, and language pair, the template may also include meta-information that makes it easier to match the template to a specific project. This meta-information comprises list of clients, subjects, and project tags. If multiple templates are relevant for the project, the system displays them in order of usefulness, from the most suitable to the least suitable. Create an assignment template in 5 easy steps Home page > Team > Assignment templates > Create template To create a new assignment, follow these instructions: Step 1: Fill in the required fields, then click + Add Suppliers. Step 2: Specify service and languages. Step 3: Select linguists and add them to the template. Then click Back to template. Step 4: Once all properties are added, Click Create template. Step 5: You can add as many suppliers as you want to a template. To add another service, click + Add suppliers. Here you can enter new properties and add linguists. Apply a template to a task To put a template into action on a task, follow these instructions: a. Create a new project > open Tasks page > click Use template. b. Open the task, and the suppliers from the template will appear as shortlisted. Invite suppliers will generate an invitation to all shortlisted linguists to join the task. c. Click Manage suppliers to view and manage the shortlisted linguists. With the information in this article, you should now know how to create assignment templates and apply them to your translation and localization projects in Smartcat! FAQ If you're assigned a job as a vendor, can you still pre-translate the files for translation using a machine translation engine? Yes. Even if a machine translation option was not chosen, a project-assigned vendor can still select a machine translation engine and pre-translate the document.If a project is assigned to another language service provider as a vendor, the originating account will assign resources like translation memory and glossaries to the project that can be used as part of a machine translation. When I split a document, is it better to assign portions of the document or let translators pick what they want to work on? In most cases, it is much better to assign portions of the document to translators rather than letting them work in a crowdsourcing model. It's not very efficient as translators might jump from one part of the document to another, wasting time and not have a goal to work toward. The best way to do it is ask each translator how many words he/she can complete by the given deadline and assign sections of the document accordingly. If a translator falls behind, it is always possible to change the assignment during the project.The "free-for-all" model might work when dealing with a very short document with extremely tight deadline for example or for a very large documents where splitting the document might take too much time or where translators might jump in and out of the project. These are not common scenarios.
How to translate videos, subtitles, and audio
Translate video, audio, or subtitle files with Smartcat Please note that this process doesn't include being able to add burned in subtitles to your videos. In order to do so, please refer to the video translation workflow via Smartcat Drive. In the future, the burned in subtitles feature will be included within the project creation worfklow. Step 1: Create a project Log into Smartcat and go to your workspace home screen.Click on "Create a Project".Select the type of project that you want to start. In this case it will be to translate a video, audio or subtitle file. You can also indicated your project title, languages, and additional settings. Read more about project creation naming. Please note that if you want to make adjustments to the transcript, you will have make sure to add a source language check stage to your workflow via the Additional Settings at this part of the process. Step 2: Upload your files If uploading a video file Automatic transcription : If no subtitle file with the same name is uploaded, Smartcat will generate subtitles by transcribing the video.Linked Files : If a subtitle file with the same name is uploaded, it will be linked to the video (shown as a connected line in the interface). In this case, Smartcat will not transcribe the video. Reference File : The uploaded video serves as a reference when editing the subtitle file. If uploading an audio file The process works the same as video files. Smartcat will transcribe the audio if no subtitle file is uploaded alongside it. If uploading a subtitle file You can upload subtitle files (e.g., SRT, VTT ) directly.If a subtitle file with the same name as an existing file is uploaded, you will be asked whether to replace the existing file or upload it as a new file. Step 3: Project overview & file processing After uploading, you’ll be directed to the Overview Page where your files are analyzed.Smartcat extracts word statistics from the source file.You can proceed with translation using Smartcat AI or assign work to linguists from the Smartcat Marketplace. Step 4: Editing and reviewing subtitles If your workflow includes the SLC (Source Layout Check) stage, the subtitle file will automatically open in the Subtitle Editor, allowing you to work on the text while referencing the video. Any other file types in the project will follow the standard Smartcat workflow, meaning they must be downloaded for local processing.At the DTP (Desktop Publishing) stage, subtitle files can be downloaded for further formatting and adjustments, ensuring they meet final production standards. The number of pages for a subtitle file cannot be edited by the user. However, the number of pages for a standard file can be adjusted by the user. 👉 For detailed steps, read the Smartcat Subtitle Editor guide. Step 5: Adding files after project creation You can upload additional video, audio, or subtitle files at any time. Go to the Files Page within your project.Click "Upload File" and select the new file.Smartcat will check if a subtitle file with the same name exists in the project: If no matching file is found, Smartcat will transcribe the video/audio. If a matching file is found, a popup will appear asking you to: Replace the existing file.Work with the file separately.Use the video/audio as a reference file. Additional Notes Videos are only transcribed once during project creation, unless manually requested.If you delete a file and re-upload it, Smartcat will treat it as a new file.Currently, subtitles burning into videos is not supported —use Smartcat Drive as a workaround.
Local wire transfers in NPR (Nepal)
NPR wire transfers (Nepal) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in NPR is a transfer of funds between banks in Nepal in the local NPR currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Nepalese Rupee (NPR) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from NPR, the funds will be converted to NPR at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 230 NPR You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 400 NPR to 1,000,000 NPR Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can find out more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeBranch code✓✓5-digit branch code of the beneficiary's bankSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the funds Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. This is possible because there is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Receive funds immediately in local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch code, SWIFT are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE PSP LTD is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in Nepal. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in NPR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in SGD (Singapore)
SGD wire transfers (Singapore) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in SGD is a transfer of funds between banks in Singapore in the local currency SGD. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Singapore dollar (SGD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is not SGD, the funds will be converted to SGD using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 3 SGD You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commissions in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From SGD 5 to SGD 500,000 Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the funds Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions If you have any questions, please contact our support team, we'll be happy to help.
Review and edit AI translations in Subtitle Editor
Review and edit subtitle translations Clickthrough our interactive demo below to see the Subtitle Editor in action: Organizations often need to manage multiple subtitle files across teams, ensuring consistency and quality. Here’s how to use the Subtitle Editor as an organization: Open the Subtitle Editor Navigate to your Projects section in Smartcat.Click on " Open Editor button to review and refine the translation, ensuring it meets your quality standards.You can also locate the subtitle file under Files and click Open Editor to begin editing on the file in question. Understand the Editor Layout The left column shows the source text (non-editable). The right column contains the AI-generated translation, displayed in cues (time-synced segments of text). Use the Language Selector to switch between multiple target languages. On the far right, you'll find the preview area and the timeline panel. The preview area lets you see how subtitles align with the video, while the timeline panel shows how subtitles are distributed over time, providing a clear visual representation of their placement and duration. Edit and review translations To edit the subtitle translation, simply click on the text box/cue and make your edits. Then, select the check mark to confirm this cue as processed. Adjusting cues If the subtitles are not aligned with the video, you can easily adjust their start and end times to control their duration. Each cue has a CPS (characters per second) value, which indicates whether the reading speed is too high and whether the subtitles may not match the timing and need to be modified. Click on a cue in the translation column to modify it. Check the CPS (Characters Per Second) value to ensure readability. Adjust start and end times if needed. Split or merge cues for better synchronization using the "Split by Lines" or "Dots" menu. To create multiple lines within a cue, press the 'Enter' button. For even faster experience, simply hover over a border and click the 'Insert cue' button. Below the preview area and timeline panel is the Settings section, where you can configure limit parameters for all cues. This ensures consistency across the entire subtitle file, enhancing both the overall quality and the accuracy of your translations. Finalize and Export : Track your progress with the Progress Button, which will show how much of the file you have completed working on. When you believe that the translation of the file is ready, click the Mark Processed button in the control bar to finish working on the subtitles. Note that you can use this button even if no cues have been marked as processed. Or, if you are still not ready to finish the task, you can also chose to download the subtitle file (SRT or VTT formats) if additional review is required. Generate videos with AI dubbing (Optional): You can easily switch between languages as well as add an AI voice for AI dubbing to your video. Simply select the desired language in the selector under the “Preview section”. After that preview AI voices and select the appropriate one. You can always select another AI voice and preview your video with it. You can review the AI voice within the Editor. Once you're happy with the result, click the Download button above the video preview, and Smartcat will generate the new language version of your video with AI dubbing.
Use hotkeys in the Editor
Editor hotkeys | Smartcat Help Center Discover all the Smartcat keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and macOS In this article, learn all the Smartcat shortcuts for Windows or macOS systems. As a result, you'll be able to edit text with faster and more conveniently. Windows keyboard shortcuts On your computer keyboard, use the following commands for an easier, faster workflow. Undo last action: Ctrl+Z Redo last action: Ctrl+Y Select/unselect segments: Ctrl+[left click] Insert the match with the given number from the CAT Panel to the target: Ctrl+[Number of the match in the CAT Panel] Navigate between the results in the CAT: Ctrl+[Up arrow or Down arrow] Confirm the current segment: Ctrl+Enter Insert a special character: Ctrl+Shift+I Concordance search: Ctrl+K Insert a new term to the glossary: Ctrl+E Jump to the segment number: Ctrl+G Change the case: Shift+F3 Insert tags in series: F8 Insert the tag with the given number in the target: Alt+[the tag number] Go to the next unconfirmed segment: F9 Copy source to target: Ctrl+Insert Add a line break (only available when translating SRT files): Ctrl+Q Find the next terminology error: F7 Navigate between the source and the target: Tab Go to the next segment: Enter or Down arrow key Go to the previous segment: Up arrow key Split the segment (cursor in the source cell): Ctrl+Shift+S Segment merging (multiple segments of the same paragraph selected): Ctrl+Shift+J Open your user preferences: Alt+Ctrl+S Revert the segment to the previous stage: Alt+Shift+Delete MacOS keyboard shortcuts On your macOS keyboard, use the following commands for an easier, faster workflow. Undo last action: Cmd+Z Redo last action: Shift+Cmd+Z Select/unselect segments: Cmd+[left click] Insert the match with the given number from the CAT Panel to the target: Ctrl+[Number of the match in the CAT Panel] Navigate between the results in the CAT: Ctrl+[Up arrow or Down arrow] Confirm the current segment: Cmd+Enter Insert a special character: Cmd+Shift+I Concordance search: Cmd+K Insert a new term to the glossary: Cmd+E Go to the segment number: Cmd+G Change the case: Shift+Fn+F3 Insert tags in series: Fn+F8 Insert the tag with the given number in the target: Option+[the tag number] Go to the next unconfirmed segment: Fn+F9 Copy source to target: Cmd+Shift+S Add a line break (for SRT files only): Fn+F8 Find the next terminology error: Fn+F7 Navigate between the source and the target: Tab Go to the next segment: Enter or Down arrow key Go to the previous segment: Up arrow key Split the segment (cursor in the source cell): Shift+Cmd+S Segment merging (multiple segments of the same paragraph selected): Shift+Cmd+J Open your user preferences: Option+Cmd+S Revert the segment to the previous stage: Shift+fn+Home
Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Guide for LSPs
Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Guide for LSPs Step 1: Access the Subtitle Editor Open the subtitle file by clicking on the needed one in the Files section of your project, as seen here: Step 2: Understanding the Editor layout There are both languages in two parallel columns in Subtitle Editor, the source text on the left and the corresponding translation on the right shown in so-called cues. In the Subtitle Editor, we prioritize dividing text into cues with specified durations rather than full sentences. This approach optimizes subtitles for readability, synchronization, and audience engagement. Note that the source text is non-editable and serves as a reference for creating accurate translations. On the far right, you'll find the preview area and the timeline panel. The preview area lets you see how subtitles align with the video, while the timeline panel shows how subtitles are distributed over time, providing a clear visual representation of their placement and duration. Below the preview area is the Settings section, where you can configure parameters such as CPS (Characters Per Second) limits, ensuring consistent quality across the subtitle file. Step 3: Edit and review subtitles All your work takes place on the right side of the Editor. Here you can add, edit and review translations. To make edits in the cue, simply click on its text and apply the necessary changes. If the subtitles are not aligned with the video, you can easily adjust their start and end times to control their duration. Each cue has a CPS (characters per second) value, which indicates whether the reading speed is too high and whether the subtitles may not match the timing and need to be modified. CPS limit value can be changed in the Settings tab. If you think a multi-line cue should be split into separate cues, no problem! Simply click the Split by lines button, and it will divide the cue into the exact number of lines you have. Remember, to create multiple lines within a cue, press the Enter button. Need to merge cues, delete existing ones, or add new ones? It's easy! Just click the Dots button and select the desired option from the dropdown menu. For a faster experience, simply hover over a border and click the Insert cue button. Step 4: Track progress When you’re satisfied with a cue translation, mark it as processed. Don’t worry — it’s possible to continue editing the cue if you spot areas for improvement, right up until you click the Mark Processed file button in the control bar. Track your progress by clicking on the Progress button, which will show how much of the file you have completed working on. When you believe that the translation of the file is ready click the Mark Processed button in the control bar to finish working on the subtitles. Note that you can use this button even if no cues have been marked as processed.
Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Freelancer Guide
Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Freelancer Guide Accessing your translation review task You can open the subtitle file by accessing the details of the incoming task. In the task details, you'll find a list of files related to the task, and you can open each one individually from there. Subtitle Editor layout There are both languages in two parallel columns in Subtitle Editor, the source text on the left and the corresponding translation on the right showed in so-called cues. In the Subtitle Editor, we prioritize dividing text into cues with specified durations rather than full sentences. This approach ensures that subtitles are optimized for readability, synchronization, and audience engagement. Note that the source text is non-editable and serves as a reference for creating accurate translations. On the far right, you'll find the preview area and the timeline panel. The preview area lets you see how subtitles align with the video, while the timeline panel shows how subtitles are distributed over time, providing a clear visual representation of their placement and duration. Below the preview area and timeline panel is the Settings section. Use this section to configure limit parameters for all cues. This ensures consistency across the entire subtitle file, enhancing both the overall quality and the accuracy of your translations. How to work with cues in Subtitle Editor All your work takes place on the right side of the editor. Here you can add, edit and review translations. To make edits in the cue, simply click on its text and apply the necessary changes. If the subtitles are not aligned with the video, you can easily adjust their start and end times to control their duration. Each cue has a CPS (characters per second) value, which indicates whether the reading speed is too high and whether the subtitles may not match the timing and need to be modified. CPS limit value can be changed in the Settings tab. If you think a multi-line cue should be split into separate cues, no problem! Simply click the Split by lines button, and it will divide the cue into the exact number of lines you have. Remember, to create multiple lines within a cue, press the Enter button. Need to merge cues, delete existing ones, or add new ones? It's easy! Just click the Dots button and select the desired option from the dropdown menu. For a faster experience, simply hover over a border and click the Insert cue button. Track your progress When you’re satisfied with a cue translation, mark it as processed. Don’t worry — you can continue editing the cue if you spot areas for improvement, right up until you click the Mark Processed file button in the control bar. Track your progress by clicking on the Progress button, which will show how much of the file you have completed working on. What to do when you are done When you believe that the translation of the file is ready click the Mark Processed button in the control bar to finish working on the subtitles. Note that you can use this button even if no cues have been marked as processed. And in such a way you can efficiently translate and edit subtitles, saving time and enhancing productivity.
Understanding New Personal Spaces for All Users
How to use new personal spaces in Smartcat The new update to Smartcat personal spaces means that all users can now manage their personal workspace more easily and they can personalize it to their work preferences. Client and task invitation management has been given a revamp too, to improve control, access, and visibility. New personal spaces for all users The left sidebar has received a number of updates:moved all settings to one place, accessible from any pageoptimized personal workspaceimproved management of workspaces and organizationsmade template and navigation management easierusers can more easily personalize the workspace and organization Centralized management via the left sidebar The left sidebar is now the main place for client management, with all settings now in one place and accessible from any page of the Smartcat platform.New capabiltiies via the left sidebar:manage account and go to settingschange the regionquickly go to the page with tasksview incoming messages and go to chatmanage and go to other organizations and workspacesnavigate within each workspace Personal spaces All the necessary personal work management tools are also at hand via the left sidebar.The left sidebar is now the centralised location for users to manage their personal settings. Depending on the role, the contents of this panel may change.Users can now quickly and effectively:go straight to the main area of work where all tasks are locatedmove between regionsmanage paymentscontrol correspondence For linguists, all tools that were located on the central panel will now always be on the left sidebar menu. This menu will always be available on every page. Workspaces and organizations In the new left sidebar, users can see the selected organization and all workspaces related to it. Inside each workspace, the user can see the navigation related to it for all pages. This means that they can go to another section of the menu directly from the home page by simply selecting it in the left sidebar.If they want to go to another organization and select a workspace in it, they can do so via the dropdown options. In the dropdown itself, there is now a search line that simplifies the search for the workspace that a user needs if there is a large number of workspaces.When selecting a workspace, users can immediately manage visibility settings. This function has become closer and now users can adjust the woekspace that they want to see without going to the settings page. When hovering over a workspace panel, users can immediately see their privacy. They can understand which workspaces are paid and which are closed. If a user wants to go to a workspace that is closed to them, they can do so simply by clicking on it. They will see a window through which they can send a request for access to the workspace and an increase in access rights. This works for all linguists. Administrators of this workspace will get an email with a role update request. Via the link, the addministrator goes to the user profile where they can update the role. After gaining access to a previously closed workspace, the user will see a message about this next to the workspace. If a user switches to another organization, the message that they received an invitation will be displayed in the panel. If a user is invited to several workspaces at once, they can see this in the window displaying all these workspaces and also familiarize themselves with the basic information about these workspaces. Set an icon for your organization Now you can choose an icon for your organization. Go to the Manage Organisation page via the Organization and workspaces dropdown. On the this page click on the organization icon and choose a picture for this organization. Central section updates All the settings for templates and navigation on the central part of the home page have become more convenient. Users can also quickly personalize their workspaces and manage their shortcuts. Depending on the role, users can manage the visibility of the shortcuts that they need, or find what they need more quickly and conveniently. Simply click on the tile “Templates and services” and a dropdown will open, where you can manage visibility of every template, create new templates, and change sequencing. Now all the template and navigation settings on the central part of the home page have become more accessible. Users can also quickly personalize their workspace. More personalized workspaces Users can now quickly change the name of a workspace, add a description to give colleagues an understanding of it, and also set an image – all without having to go into settings.
Connect Drupal with Smartcat
Drupal integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center With Smartcat and the TMGMT connector, you can send content from Drupal to Smartcat for translation, manage the translations in your Smartcat account, and then send them back to Drupal. What you need TMGMT moduleSmartcat pluginCron manager module To install the TMGMT module: 1. Download the ZIP-archive or copy the tar.gz download link from the official website. 2. Enable the Update Manager Module in the Admin panel of your Drupal website by ticking the relevant box. 3. Select Add a new module and paste the link into the archive/upload the archive into the window that opens. 4. Choose Enable recently added modules from the Next Steps list and select the modules used by TMGMT in the Translation Management section. Click Proceed . Select the languages you want to work with in the Language and Region settings of your website. In case of success, you will see new “Translation” tab in the Drupal interface. To install the Smartcat module: 1. Download the ZIP-archive or copy the tar.gz download link from the official website.2. Add it to your website as a new module as described above.3. Enable the Smartcat Translator by ticking the relevant box in the Translation Management section. To install Cron manager module: Download the ZIP-archive or copy the tar.gz download link from the official website.Add it to your website as a new module as described above.Enable the Ultimate Cron by ticking the relevant box in the Other section. Setting up the integration In your Smartcat account:1. Navigate to Settings- >API on the left-hand side menu to generate an API key.2. Click Create New Key to open the following dialog:3. Copy the API key as well as your account ID. On your Drupal website:1. Navigate to the Providers tab in the Translations section of your Drupal website and select Smartcat.2. Paste your API key and the account ID into the corresponding sections, and select your preferred server.3. Click Save. In case of success you might see confirmation message: The translation process There are 2 ways to set up the translation workflow: On Demand Translation – to manually send required articles for translations.Continuous Translation – automatically send each newly created or updated article (of the specified type/s) as a new job item to the preconfigured translator. On Demand Translation setup 1. Navigate to Structure -> Content Types and select Operations -> Edit for each content type you want to translate. 2. Navigate to the Language settings tab and select Enable translation and Show language selector for these content types. 3. The selected sources will be available in the Sources section of your Providers tab. 4. Tick the ones you want to translate right away, select the source and target languages and click Request translation. 5. Select Smartcat as your translation provider and submit the job*. *Please note that a job is created for each target language. To translate one text into several languages at once, tick the relevant box. 6. Smartcat will create a project for each job you submit. These are also available in the Jobs section of your Drupal website. You can monitor the progress of translations in the Translation Job Messages. 7. To complete the job, approve all the selected segments in Smartcat. 8. To push the translations back, enter the relevant job on your Drupal website and click Download translations. 9. Enter the job, approve the translations and click Publish . The target language version of your article will be generated and published. Translating custom fields 1. Navigate to the Content types section of your website’s Structure, and add a new field for the material you want to edit. 2. Select the type of field, e.g. plain text, list or image. 3. Fill in the rest of the data, e.g. Alt-text, category, or tags, and click Save. 4. Return to the Configuration section and tick the fields you want to translate, e.g. title, tags, etc.* and click Save. If you tick no fields, only the title will be translated. *Please make sure the fields you select can be translated. 5. Submit the material for translation as described above. Review the translations in the Editor* and push them back to Drupal. *The only field that can’t be translated for now is the Category field as it’s uploaded from Drupal as a numeric value. Continuous Translation setup Go to the main translation page by clicking "Translation" from the toolbar Make sure there is a configured continuous translator on the "Providers" page. In this case, it is the Smartcat provider. Open "Jobs" menu tab and click on "Add continuous job" The page provides several configuration options including translator selection, label, source and target language. By default, the continuous settings block displays a list of content types available for translation. Click "Save job" to complete the process. Each newly created article (of the selected type/s for continuous translation) will be automatically created as a new job item and sent to the preconfigured translator. The continuous translation process is provided via a scheduler thanks to Cron. TMGMT and Smartcat provide special scheduler tasks that will automatically send and receive translation from Smartcat. These tasks will be automatically launched thanks to Cron, which will automate the localization process. Continuous Translation setup First, you need to make sure that the Ultimate Cron module is installed. Ultimate Cron extends Drupal’s native cron features and expands control over repeating jobs. The following manual will explain how to enable translation jobs to run repeatedly. Go to the TMGMT settings page, “Translation” > “Settings”. Enable “Submit continuous job items on cron” option placed under “Performance settings” block. We recommend specifying the value 5 in the "Number of job items to process on cron" field. This is the number of jobs that will be processed in one iteration of continuous translation. In other words, this is the number of documents that will be uploaded to Smartcat at one time. Make sure Ultimate Cron is enabled. “Extend” > “Install new module” enables site administrators to install new modules. Go to “Configuration” > “Cron” > “Cron Jobs”. It provides an overview of available cron runs. Look for “Default cron handler” provided by “Translation Management Core” and “Smartcat translator” and click the “Edit” button. a. Translation Management Core: Responsible for submitting and updating translations in the Smartcat project. b. Smartcat translator: Responsible for receiving translations from Smartcat, as well as importing into Drupal. The Cron edit page provides several settings related to the TMGMT cron job. Using the “Run cron every” option, it is possible to set an interval for the cron job to run on. Make sure the cron job is enabled and finish the process with “Save”. If you have added a continuous job and configured Cron, the continuous localization process will start working. The Cron tasks that were described above will run automatically depending on the interval that you specified. For testing purposes, you don't have to wait for Cron to run the necessary tasks, so you can use the "Run" button that each task has separately. Automatic run of cron tasks In order for tasks to automatically run every minute or every 15 minutes (depending on the settings), you need to ensure that the Cron trigger is always running. Go to Configuration → System → Cron → Run cron. Here you will find a special link that you can follow to run Cron. We recommend setting up this link to be called automatically every minute so that tasks run consistently. To do this, you need to go to your server settings. If you are using Linux, then run the command: Save your changes. Now the cron scheduler will automatically send a request every minute to the link you specify, which will ensure stable running of tasks. How to check if everything works Let's imagine that you have 10 articles that are in your continuous job. When you run a cron task from Translation Management Core, the first 5 articles will be sent to Smartcat. There is currently no option to select an existing project in Smartcat. Therefore, if this is the first content submission, the project will be automatically created and linked to the continuous job. In the future, all content will go into this project. In the "Translation -> Jobs items" tab you can find articles sent to Smartcat; they will have the status "In progress". Job items with the status "Inactive" are those that are waiting to be sent to Smarcat. Don't forget to filter items by the "states" parameter. If you run the cron job from Translation Management Core again, the following 5 articles (which are in Inactive status) will be sent to Smartcat. Sending in batches is necessary in order to avoid "timeout" problems during task execution. This way you can run the cron job until all documents are sent to Smartcat. As a reminder, this will happen automatically if Cron is configured. Now let's translate one of the articles into Smartcat and try to get the translation back into Drupal. Now, in order to get translations back into Drupal, you need to run a cron task from Smartcat translator. This task will automatically receive all job items that are in the "In progress" status and try to get translations from Smartcat. Articles that have been translated and successfully imported into Drupal will receive an "Accepted" status. Did this article help you find the answer you were looking for? If not or if you have further questions, please contact our support team. FAQ Which versions of Drupal support integration with Smartcat? Smartcat integrates with Drupal through the TMGMT module, which supports Drupal versions 8, 9, and 10. What permissions and access rights are needed for the proper functioning of the integration? Users managing translation workflows in Drupal need the appropriate permissions within the TMGMT module, including access to translation sources, job creation, and Smartcat as a provider. Admin access may be required for configuration. Are there any limitations on the types of content that can be sent for translation? The integration can translate any content type supported by the TMGMT module in Drupal. Is the workflow status visible to the client in Drupal (if the client doesn’t have access to Smartcat)? Yes, the translation status is visible within the TMGMT module in Drupal. How are content updates handled? Are only the modified parts of the text sent for translation? This depends on how TMGMT processes content changes. By default, TMGMT treats updates as new translation jobs, unless specific settings enable the use of translation memory for partial updates. How is the returned translated content managed: manual or automatic publication? Both options are available. Users can configure whether translations should be published automatically or manually reviewed before publication. Is a preview of the translated content available before publication? Yes, translated content can be reviewed in Drupal before publication. What metadata is sent along with the content (e.g., page title, SEO tags)? The transfer of metadata depends on the configuration of the TMGMT module. Common elements such as page titles and SEO tags can be included if mapped correctly. What server or hosting configurations are required to ensure the integration works correctly? A standard Drupal environment is sufficient. The integration relies on the TMGMT module and should work with any typical Drupal hosting setup. Are there recommendations for testing the integration? Testing should follow Smartcat’s integration documentation, including content translation workflows, content synchronization, and publication verification. For detailed guidance, refer to the Smartcat Help Center's article on Drupal integration. What debugging tools or logs are available for monitoring the integration’s performance? Standard Drupal logs are available for debugging issues related to the integration. Additional troubleshooting steps can be found in the Smartcat Help Center. What should be done if the translation is not synchronized back from Smartcat? Check the logs for any errors and ensure that the Smartcat API connection is active. If issues persist, refer to the Smartcat Help Center or contact Smartcat support. How does the integration handle large volumes of content? Are there any limitations? The integration is designed to handle large volumes of content, but performance may vary depending on server resources and Drupal’s TMGMT processing capabilities. How are HTML/formatting tags handled? Is there an option to exclude or customize their parsing? Smartcat handles formatting automatically, but users can manage it via TMGMT settings. Are images transferred during the translation process? If yes, how is the processing handled: are file paths modified, or is manual configuration required? Image transfer is possible, but this functionality is not yet supported. Does the integration support right-to-left (RTL) languages? Yes, Smartcat supports RTL languages. However, proper display depends on Drupal’s theme and language settings.
Set up your freelancer profile
Freelancer profile setup | Smartcat Help Center Any customer wants to receive high-quality services. At Smartcat, potential clients carefully review translators’ profiles to ensure that the candidate has the required skills and sufficient experience.Read on for suggestions on how to make sure your profile attracts potential customers and land exciting jobs on a regular basis. Name and photo Be sure to use your real name. For a potential client, anonymity means lack of accountability. Experienced translators work hard to make a name for themselves, which, in turn, helps them get new clients.According to our statistics, profiles with a photo get 14 times more views. Go for a portrait photo that looks professional. Services Specify the services you provide, the language pairs you work in, and your per-word rate. Once you do that, your profile will become visible in the search results. You will also be able to apply to job offers and receive invitations to participate in tests. The four basic language services provided in Smartcat are:Translation. A translator reproduces the source text written in one language by means of another language.Editing. An editor reviews the adequacy and literacy of the translation, as well as the consistency of terminology, checks if the translation is in line with the source text, and corrects stylistic errors.Proofreading. A proofreader checks if the translation is complete and eliminates spelling and punctuation errors.Post-editing. A post-editor edits AI translation output and ensures it is in line with the required quality level, correcting incorrectly rendered words and coordination errors. We also recommend that you add additional services if you’re confident that you will be able to ensure high-quality performance of such tasks. Often, clients are urgently looking for suppliers of additional services. This may be your chance to get your first order. Language pairs Specify which language pairs you work in. You can specify a language version as well, such as “Spanish (Mexico)” or “Spanish (Argentina)”. Don’t specify language pairs in which you are not able to provide high quality results. If you only translate in one direction, for example, from English to Spanish, specify only that language pair. If you have experience translating from Spanish to English as well, you can also add a separate service for that direction. Rates Enter your rate per word in local currency. If you are unsure about your rate, browse the profiles of other specialists working with the same language pairs and subjects as you. This way, you will be able to determine how much you should charge for your services on average. Subjects Define up to five subjects in which you specialize. Selecting all available topics is not a good idea and is unlikely to bring you more work. Adding too many subjects may cause you to be seen as less trustworthy as a specialist. Try to make sure that the subjects you add align with each other in a logical way. Personal details Location and time zone “Smartcat has helped us to achieve the consistency and scalability we were looking for. It’s been a game-changer for our team at expondo, and I would recommend it to any company looking to expand their global reach.” Julia Emge Head of Translations, Expondo Explore case study It is important for clients to know where in the world you are located and in what time zone you work in order to understand when they can expect a response and the result from you. Your location can also make a difference if the client needs a specialist with a native level of the target language. Native language By filling in this field, you will let potential clients know that you are a native speaker of the target language you work with. Some clients need translators that come from a particular culture, understand its subtleties, and are able to reproduce them accurately. Work experience Specify how long you have worked in the language industry. For some clients, this information is important in order to determine your level of proficiency. About me Describe the services you provide in a free-form manner. This is the information potential clients will see in a pop-up window that appears when they hover over your name in the search results. We recommend that you specify here the main language pair you work in, as well as the specialization and types of projects you are most competent in. Contacts Your contact details can only be seen by you and our technical support specialists. They are not available to Smartcat customers. Clients and suppliers should communicate only in the project chat within the platform. However, be sure to provide your email address or phone number in order to receive notifications about invitations to projects. Education Actually, not all good translators have a degree related to translation or linguistics. Many professionals have gained skills and experience through work in other fields.However, some jobs require special knowledge such as medicine or engineering. If you have a specialized education, and you use this knowledge in your work as a translator, please indicate this. Work experience The most sought-after translators are those who have expert knowledge in a particular field. If you specified in the “Services” section that you specialize in, for example, technical or engineering translations, it is assumed that in this section you will describe the relevant experience in order to confirm your knowledge in the subject matter. Be sure to only add the previous positions and experiences that are related to the services you provide. If you are unable to disclose the names of any companies you worked at, describe your experience in general terms, for example: “English-to-Spanish translator in a large oil & gas company” or “Legal translations”. Your rate is expected to be in line with your experience. If you are a beginner, set a lower rate for now. Sooner or later, a client will invite you to participate in some small, simple project, you will get a good review thus securing a higher position in the search results and later will be able to score a larger, more profitable project. If you are a top-quality expert and your rate is above the market rate, be sure to provide evidence here. Portfolio Examples of your previous work should correspond to the language pairs and subjects you have specified in the “Services” section. Be sure to remove any confidential and personal information from the samples or replace them with pseudonyms, such as “Company X” or “Person Z”. You can also upload any diplomas and certificates you have. Reviews After you have delivered a project to the client, they will be asked to review your work. Clients can rate suppliers based on two parameters: quality of work and compliance with deadlines. In addition, the client can add a free-form comment to the rating.Three stars — “Recommended”. The client was satisfied.Two stars — “Satisfactory”. There were some issues.One star — “Not recommended”. The client was not satisfied. Rankings Your rankings and position in the search results are composed of the following indicators:Quality of services based on client ratingsCompliance with deadlines based on client ratingsNumber of words translated on the platformNumber of projects completed on the platformActivity index For many potential clients, feedback from other customers is the most important piece of information they can learn about you. This is a guarantee that other customers have previously trusted you with their tasks and were satisfied with the outcome. Another important indicator is how many words you have translated in Smartcat. If a translator has plenty of work, she is likely to have good skills as well as experience using the platform. If you have not yet received your first job in Smartcat, you can use it free of charge to complete orders you receive outside the platform. Simply create a project by uploading any document you got from a client. Open the document. Smartcat Editor breaks down any text into segments and creates a table with two columns, the left one contains source text and the right one contains fields in which translations should be inserted. Translations are automatically saved to a translation memory so that you can later reuse them for similar documents and even other projects. You can download the completed translation in any of the available formats. With each completed project, the number of words indicated in your profile will increase. Your rating will grow accordingly. In addition, you will get a better understanding of the platform’s features in the process. Use our recommendations to complete your profile to 100%, be active, respond to job openings, participate in tests and sooner than you know you will get your first Smartcat job. Good luck!
Manage repetitions in Smartcat projects
Repetition management | Smartcat Help Center During the project word count analysis, Smartcat identifies segments that are repeated both inside individual documents but also across all the documents in a project. Smartcat offers multiple options to deal with these repetitions. These options can be selected by the project manager in which case they will apply to all project participants. If no option is selected by the PM, the translation team will be free to choose how to deal with the repetitions individually. That last option might not be ideal as it might lead to uneven workloads since some users might choose not to share repetitions with the rest of the team. The project manager can choose the repetition options in the Settings tab of the project page: This will bring up the following dialog box: Allow auto-propagation: this main option will tell Smartcat that repeated segments are to be propagated automatically throughout the project when checked. Propogate to segments with different case: indicates how to deal with repetitions are using a different case (lower or upper):Use the original case - When inserting the repetition, Smartcat will match the case of the new segment. For example if the previous segment was "continued" but the new segment is "Continued", the text will be replaced automatically because it's a text repetition, but the translation will start with an upper case letter to match the new segment.Use the match case - Smartcat will ignore the capitalization of the new segment and use what was used in the segment that was previously translated. In our last example, the translation would now start with a lower case letter. Propogate to confirmed segments: instructs Smartcat to propagate translation to segments even if they have been confirmed already. This is helpful if for example the translators goes back to a repeated segments and makes a change. Confirm auto-propogated segments: instructs Smartcat to apply the status of the current segment to all the other repeated segments. So once the translator marks the segment confirmed for one stage, all other repetitions will be confirmed as well for that stage. In the editor, the translation team can change the auto-propagation options if the PM has not selected any. Inside the editor, there is also an option to exclude segments from repetitions. Repetitions are indicated by a down arrow under the segment number. By clicking on the arrow, we can mark the segment as being excluded from repetitions. This can be useful when dealing with titles or picture caption where sentence can be cut in half and we don't want these segments to be repeated.
Use search filters on the Marketplace
Marketplace search filters | Smartcat Help Center More than 250,000 linguists fluent in different languages with specializations in different fields are registered in Smartcat. To find the freelancers you need, you can search the Marketplace and explore each freelancer’s profile. Using search filters So how to narrow down the search looking for the right candidate on the Smartcat Marketplace? The first thing to do is to select the source and the target language. If you need an editor, a proofreader, or a post-editor instead of a translator, then change the service type. If you want to be more specific, you can use any of the following search criteria: Native language. Freelancers who translate into their native language usually deliver better quality. However, that does not imply that a native Spanish speaker who is qualified enough cannot deliver high-quality translations into English. Keep in mind, though, that native speakers often charge higher rates.Specializations. Specialization matters a lot. It is generally not a good idea to order a legal translation from a medical expert, so it’s best to look for someone with expertise in the areas relevant to your needs to ensure the highest quality.Test passed. Translators who have successfully passed one or more tests have confirmed their expertise in relevant fields. Tests are either reviewed by translation agencies or Smartcat’s own quality assurance experts. (See How to Test a Translator).Online now. This box will significantly help with the search in cases when you need to start working on a project right now.Portfolio. Portfolios usually contain samples of previous work, training certificates, résumés and other evidence of the translator’s experience and qualifications.Daytime. If you’re in a hurry, select this option to filter out the translators who are most likely unavailable due to the late hour in their time zones.Search by all dialects. Selecting this option allows you to expand your search results to include all translators who translate into the target language you specified regardless of the dialect.Rate per word. Specify a minimum and a maximum rate per word to filter the candidates who fit your budget. When estimating the cost, make sure you take discounts for fuzzy matches and repetitions into account. Sending out invitations To start working with a freelancer (or multiple freelancers), invite them to your project. Press “Assign” on the project page.Check the assignment settings, such as the number of documents that need to be translated and their word count.Set the deadline.Select linguists from your team, invite someone who isn’t signed up in Smartcat yet to your account, or hire freelancers from the Marketplace.You can either assign the whole document or only its selected parts. The candidates you selected will receive invitations to your project and will be able to preview the documents you assigned to them. Keep in mind that the assignees may want to check with you regarding the details of the project.Confirm assignments for those who accept your invitation. After that, the assignees will be able to start working on their tasks. You can follow their progress on the project page under the Team tab. Hint: Invite more than one translator to ensure successful and timely project completion.
Translate any file in any language with Smartcats AI in 3 steps
AI translation in 3 steps | Smartcat Help Center Your brief 3-step guide to AI-translate any file in any language with Smartcat With Smartcat you can translate hundreds or even thousands of pages in a matter of seconds using Smartcat's AI automatic translation. And your page layout format stays intact too. So a translated PDF file, for instance, will look the same as your original PDF file in the source language. Translate any file in Smartcat in three easy, quick steps Follow these steps to AI-translate any document in Smartcat in a few minutes. Step 1: Log in and start a new translation task Log into your Smartcat account and click Translate a file, as shown below. If you don't have an account yet, create your free trial account in a few seconds. Step 2: Choose languages and upload your documents You are now on the Translate a file settings page, as shown below. I. Choose your language pair - source and target languages II. Upload or drag-and-drop your file(s) III. Click Translate files Step 3: Download, edit, and share your translation Most AI automatic translations on Smartcat take seconds. Once complete, it's up to you what to do next. You have a few options. A. Download your AI translation immediately Download and use it immediately in your preferred file format by clicking on the icon with three dots on the top right. B. Share your translation Share your translation with your own team or external translators by inviting them to work on it via the Share button. Once you click on Share, you will see the following screen, where you can input collaborator email and decide permission privileges. C. Hire a professional editor on Smartcat Marketplace Invite a Smartcat Marketplace linguist in your translation's language pair to review and edit your AI automatic translation. You can choose manually or use AI matching. With AI matching, Smartcat pairs you with a best-match human professional linguist in seconds. You'll then be able to hire subject matter experts from the world's largest vetted marketplace to review and edit your AI automatic translation! With Smartcat AI matching, the hard work's done for you as Smartcat AI pairs you with the top-match linguist in seconds according to your translation requirements! Now you should be able to translate any document on your Smartcat account.
Start your first project
Starting your first project | Smartcat Help Center Response to the invitation Have you been invited to a project? Congrats! Improving your profile has indeed paid off. Now it’s your move! Respond to the invitation by accepting or rejecting it. Don’t leave the customer hanging.Study the project details including net rates for repetitions and matches, payment terms, and other information.If you have any questions, you can contact the customer using the built-in chat. Getting started Does the job look appealing? Go ahead and take the opportunity then. First, accept the invitation. Depending on the project settings, you either will be able to start right away or will have to wait for the customer’s approval. Once you’re approved, you will receive a notification about that. Linguists use the Smartcat Editor to work on translation projects whether a project is assigned or created by a linguist. The Editor is a convenient tool that breaks documents into manageable segments. You can view the original text in the left column while translating in the right column. Once you have done translating a segment, you need to mark it as confirmed (the corresponding hotkey is Ctrl+Enter). Please keep in mind that in projects with several assignees, the first one who confirms a segment will be paid for that segment. Let the client know if you have spotted an error in the original text while translating to point it out. This will also show the client that you care not only about the quality of your work but also about the quality of the client's project. Some projects may include translation memories and glossaries, which output, as well as comments, can be viewed right in the Editor. Do not use AI translation unless you are working on the post-editing of AI-translation output. By the way, you can check the project statistics anytime right on the project page. (Here is more about statistics and cost calculation). Completion Once you have completed the task, you are welcome to get in touch with a client via the built-in chat. Clients have to accept your work before they could form an invoice on their end to pay you. You may need to reply to a few questions or make some adjustments before a client confirms that the task is completed. Getting paid Payment will be made as outlined in the project details. You will receive your earnings within 5 business days after a client successfully processes the payment to Smartcat. Make sure that you have selected a payout method that works for you to receive earning on the My Payouts page. Payment disputes It's important to check a client's dispute resolution policy for missed deadlines or low-quality translation on the project page. FAQ I cannot complete a project or document. What should I do? If you cannot complete a project, it means that one or a few segments are still not confirmed. In this case the button Done is inactive, and a document (and a project as well) does not change its status to Completed.To check if there are any unconfirmed segments, you can use the hotkey F9 in the Editor or the button Go to the next unconfirmed segment on the tool panel. What is the right way to accept a job invitation? Before you agree to participate in a project, we suggest you do the following:Review the document for possible errors that can hinder your work and if there are any, notify the client about them. Estimate the word count and determine how much you can translate without compromising on quality. The client can assign the rest of the text to another translator thus speeding up the process.Discuss special terminology with the client, if you found any. You can also ask for a glossary or other reference material. Before getting started, discuss the deadline, cost, and volume of work to be completed. Ask if there are any special requirements that may affect these aspects. If multiple participants will be working on the same document and the segments will not be split between them, ask the client to provide a list of segments assigned to you.If it was the client’s choice to use AI translation in the project, ask them via built-in chat whether they expect post-editing of AI translation output or unaided human translation from scratch. Please avoid using AI translation without prior approval from the client.
How to set up the Akeneo Integration
Translate Akeneo Let’s dive right in. Step 1. Create connection in Akeneo Open your Akeneo workspace. Proceed to the Connections settings in your Akeneo workspace. Create connection by clicking on the respective button. Enter the label and the code and save your connection. On the page that opens, you can see the data which we will use for Smartcat. Save all of the data that Akeneo provided under the Credential field. Step 2. Enable locales in your project Next important step is to specify a list of locales to be used for translation. To add more locales to your project, navigate to the Settings, then open the Channel settings. Specify new locales in the Locales field. Another important thing is to make sure that the attributes that are used in our project are localizable. To make your attributes localizable, we need to toggle on the Value per local switcher when creating new attributes. Step 3. Connect your Akeneo workspace with Smartcat Now we are ready to set up the Akeneo integration inside the Smartcat platform. Open your Smartcat workspace and select the Set up an integration shortcut. Select the Akeneo integration from the list. Fill in the required data fields. Locate the API URL in your Akeneo workspace by checking the browser’s address bar. For the remaining fields, use the previously saved data: the Client ID, Client Secret, Username, and User Password. Proceed to the next screen by clicking the Create Integration button. On the next screen, select the default (source) locale for your Akeneo project and choose the channel to be used in Akeneo. Then, connect your Smartcat workspace to Akeneo by clicking the Create Integration button again to complete the process. An integration page will open, allowing you to view the hierarchy of your folders, as well as the categories and attributes within your project. Ensuring Your Product Appears in Smartcat If you can't find your product in Smartcat, this means that you haven't added it to any category. Let's fix that. Open your product in Akeneo, then navigate to Categories settings. Select the category for your product and click Save. As you can see in the notification below, the product was successfully updated. Go back to Smartcat, and by using the refresh button, synchronize the changes that we made with our product. If everything was done correctly, you'll see that your product appears under the specific category. Step 4. Import your content in Smartcat Now everything is ready for translation. Under the name of your product, select on the source language. In the context menu above, press the Create translation button. Select if you want to create a new project for your translation or you can add your translation to the existing project in Smartcat. Populate the required fields such as name, the source language, and the target language(s). You can select multiple target languages if you want to translate into more than one. You also need to choose a workflow for your translation. For this task, we'll use the Automatic Translation → Post-Editing workflow. Smartcat will select the most suitable AI engine for the initial translation. After that, you can review the translation yourself or invite a collaborator to your project in Smartcat. Proceed to the Integration-specific settings by clicking the respective button below. Import mode: select if you want to import an existing translation if there are any. Attributes: choose the attributes for translation. Click the Create project button. After the process is done, you’ll see new target languages with progress bars under the name of your product. On the right, you can see the name of the associated Smartcat project. Step 5. Review your translation in Smartcat Editor To open your translation in Smartcat Editor, click on the underlined name of the associated Smartcat project to the left of the target language. The Overview tab will open. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the AI translation workflow stage is completed. Let’s open your file in the Smartcat Editor. Proceed to the Files tab. Open your file by clicking on the source language. The editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation as needed. Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies if there are any. Access the history of changes by navigating to the History tab. Review your translation by going through it segment by segment. Alternatively, you can also confirm all segments at once by clicking the green button in the toolbar above, on the left. When you're done reviewing your translation in Smartcat Editor, click the Done button. This will finalize the review stage. Step 6. Assign human reviewer Another way to review your translation is to assign this task to a human reviewer. Navigate to the Tasks tab. Select the Post-editing task, and then click the Invite button. Choose the most suitable option for you: invite a human reviewer from your team, agencies, or from the marketplace. Alternatively, you can invite a human reviewer to the Smartcat workspace using an email or link. Specify the role of the human reviewer and the rate in the Additional Options section. Click the Send Invitations button. Track your invitation status in the Tasks page. Step 7. Send your translation to Akeneo After the translation review stage is complete, it’s time to send this translation to Akeneo. First, let's refresh the status of our project. Use the Refresh button. Wait for the progress bar to update. Select the translations that you want to send. You can choose multiple translations. Then, press the Send to Akeneo button. Specify the completion mode of your translation. You can send the translation with unconfirmed edits if you haven't finished working on it. Once the synchronization is complete, you can return to your Akeneo workspace. Open your project and select the desired locale. As you can see, our content was successfully translated, and you can review the translation in Akeneo.
Translate audio in Smartcat
Translate audio files with Smartcat Audio Translation in Smartcat Editor Uploading your audio file Open your workspace and click on Translate a File. That will open the project creation tab. Specify both the source and target languages.Select your audio file from the computer.Click Translate files. Check the all supported file formats by Smartcat here. An Overview tab will open, where you can view the workflow stages. When the progress bar of the AI translation workflow stage reaches 100%, it signifies completion, and you can now open your file in Smartcat Editor. Uploading your file to an existing project Another option for working with your audio file in Smartcat is to upload your file to an existing project. Open your project.Navigate to the Files tab and click on the Upload button.Then select Upload documents from the drop-down menu. Select your file from the computer and click Finish. You can upload multiple files at once. Review your translation Open your file from the Files tab. As you can see, the editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation if necessary. Below the editing area, you'll find various tabs. History. Monitor the edit history of your file.QA check. Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies if there are any. You can also track errors via the orange warning sign on the right of the segment.Segment comments & document comments. Add comments to specific text segments or an entire document for other assignments.Preview. View the preview of your audio file in the respective tab. The preview automatically displays the selected text segment within the source file. Review and confirm one segment after another by clicking on the checkbox on the right of the text segment. To confirm all segments at once, click on the checkbox icon in the toolbar. Export options Once the review and edit of your AI translation is complete, click the Done button in the Editor and download your resulting file in DOCX format. You can export your file in TMX, XLIFF, or CSV if you choose the Special formats option in the dropdown menu. Assigning a reviewer for your translation A good idea would be to assign the review of the translation to another linguist. Smartcat allows you to assign tasks to a human reviewer within the platform. Assigning tasks from the Smartcat Editor If are working with your translation in the Smartcat Editor, follow these steps: To invite a reviewer, go to the Tasks tab. Select the Post-editing task. Click Invite. In the following pop-up, you can choose from various options: AI suggestions. Smartcat AI analyzes content and selects the most suitable suppliers from a marketplace of over 500,000 vetted linguistic reviewers based on various criteria including ratings, reviews, and completed projects. Hover over a profile to view concise statistics. After you have selected a suitable reviewer, click the Send Invitations button. The reviewer will receive an invitation. Check the invitation status in the tasks tab. Agencies. Find the vendor on the Smartcat Marketplace and save it to your agencies list.Human linguistic reviewers. Use search criteria to find a reviewer that best suits your needs.My team. Select a reviewer from your teamMy agencies. Select a vendor from your saved agencies.Via email. Enter the email and specify the role of the specialist you want to invite to your project. In additional options, you can select the rate and enter the invitational message.Via link. Generate an invitational link for a reviewer. As in the previous option, you can specify the role, and rate and write a message. After assigning a reviewer, you can track the task's progress in the Overview tab. To communicate with assigned reviewers, you can use the in-built chat. Access the chat via the message icon in your Workspace.
Switch between regional servers
Server switching | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat uses servers in different locations to optimize performance.When you create an account, it’s automatically assigned to the server nearest to you. If you are invited to a Smartcat project, your account is automatically created in the project’s geographical zone. However, you can be connected to several regional servers. This happens if the email you used to create your account is linked to several corporate workspaces on different servers. What’s the difference? None really. You can work in different regional markets and have clients on different servers. There’s no project or any other sensitive information exchange between the servers. Switching servers You’ll see your server in the bottom left corner of the sign-in form. Click on the server name to switch servers. When you switch between workspaces, the server automatically switches.
Generate invoices using the template engine
Invoicing with template engine | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat allows you to generate invoices in PDF format. For this purpose, you can use the standard template or create your own templates using the Smartcat Template Engine technology. It can be used to create a single template for all clients or individual templates for each client. Below is the data model used to generate invoices in PDF format. These objects and their respective fields can be used to develop custom templates using the Smartcat Template Engine technology. InvoiceGeneral invoice detailsField nameData typeDescriptionNumberstringInternal invoice number in Smartcat’s systemExternalNumberstringExternal invoice numberDateSentDateTimeInvoice dateDatePaidDateTimePayment dateCurrencystringInvoice currencyTotalCostdecimalTotal cost of all services listed on the invoiceAccountIdstringInvoice creator’s account IDIsPaidboolA boolean value indicating whether the invoice is paid. Returnstrueif the invoice is paid.PaymentReceiveDestinationA method of receiving invoice payments. ReturnsBalance (1)if the Smartcat balance is selected as the preferred method orExternalBankAccount (2)if the company’s external bank account is selected as the preferred method.TotalCostDescriptionstringTotal cost of all services spelled out in Russian (for Russian users) Below is an example of how to use the Invoice object: Invoice No. <<[Invoice.Number]>>Invoice date <<[Invoice.DateSent]>> InvoiceJobsA collection of objects containing information on services added to the invoiceField nameData typeDescriptionCostdecimalService costCurrencystringService currencyJobServiceTypestringService nameProjectNamestringFor services created based on a quote, this field contains the project name as well as the source and target languages. For other services, it contains the description of the service.IsInternalJobboolService type. For services created based on a quote, this field returnstrue. For other types of services, it returnsfalse. Below is an example of how to use the InvoiceJobs collection: <><<[job.JobServiceType]>><<[job.ProjectName]>><<[job.Cost]>> <<[job.Currency]>><> VendorLegalEntityCompany detailsField nameData typeDescriptionIdstringDetails IDNamestringDetails nameBeneficiarystringBeneficiaryAgentReportContactPersonstringContact person’s nameLegalAddressstringRegistered addressVatstringVAT number or other tax IDCountryCodestringCountry codeBankNamestringBank nameBankCodestringBank codeSwiftstringSWIFT codeBankAccountstringBank account numberAchRoutingstringACH routing numberWireRoutingstringWire routing numberTransitNumberstringABA numberRegistrationNumberstringRegistration numberBankCorrAccountstringCorrespondent bank account numberBankCorrBankEnstringCorrespondent bankBankCorrBankRustringCorrespondent bank in Russian (for Russian users)IbanstringInternational bank account number (IBAN)BankAddressstringBank addressKppstringKPP number (for Russian users)BicstringBIK code (for Russian users)SignerFullNamestringSignee’s full nameSignerPositionstringSignee’s position Below is an example of how to use the VendorLegalEntity object: <<[VendorLegalEntity.Name]>><><<[VendorLegalEntity.LegalAddress]>><> CustomerCustomer detailsField nameData typeDescriptionNamestringNameLegalNamestringLegal company nameAddressstringCustomer's legal addressWebsitestringCustomer's websiteIndustrystringCustomer's industryVatstringVAT number or other tax IDKppstringKPP(КПП - only for Russian legal entities)Countrystring3-letter country codeVendorManagerstringYour manager who works with a clientLanguagestringLanguage for communicationCommentstringComment taken from a client cardContactNamestringPrimary contact's nameContactEmailstringPrimary contact's email Below is an example of how to use the Customer object: <<[Customer.Name]>>VAT number / Tax ID:<<[Customer.Vat]>>
Set up pretranslation
Pretranslation setup guide | Smartcat Help Center Pretranlsation rules allow the system to insert TM matches and AI translation into the target text before the work even starts. This significantly speeds up the translation process. Adding Pretranslation Rules Open the Pretranslation tab.Adjust the settings for numbers. If the source text contains a lot of numbers, click Source (Numbers Only) so that all the segments containing only numbers will be copied to the translation. Decimal and thousand separators, in this case, will be converted to match standards of the target language, at least in most cases. The rule for inserting numbers is always the first to execute. Click Add Rule → Translation Memories to enable automatic insertion of the translations from the existing translation memories and save on editing. 4. Select which TM you want to use from the ones you have enabled on the project. In the Minimum match percentage field, specify the minimum match percentage for a segment in the document and the translation memory at which the system must insert a translation from the TM. You can also specify the Minimum segment count (in words) so the matches must be inserted based on the segment length. This can be useful to eliminate the risk of inserting an improper wording. In the Minimum segment quality you can select to use only reviewed segments to avoid inserting unedited translation. Finally, in the Confirm segments field specify if the system should confirm the inserted translations and at a specific stage. 5. Click Save&Run. The pretranslation rules will be applied to all existing and future documents within a project — so you don’t need to configure them for individual documents. Pro tips If you are sure of the quality of the translations in the applied TM and have set the minimum match percentage at 100%, you can specify that the system must confirm at the translation stage for such matches and have the editor to review such segments. If you have doubts about the quality of the TM units or have set the match threshold below 100%, you should not specify automatic confirmation of such matches since there might be segments required reviewing on the first stage. In this case, matches will be inserted, but the translator will check them, making corrections if necessary, and then manually confirming them. In cases where you have context matches (101% and above), you could even confirm segments for all the stages of your workflow.You can set up separate rules for each TM in a project (if there is more than one). The rules are executed one after the other; therefore, you should set the most reliable translation memory first.You can set more than one rule for each TM: for example, you can have Smartcat first insert 100% matches and confirm them, and then insert matches that are 75% and up, but without confirmation.
Set user roles and access rights
User roles management | Smartcat Help Center Learn about the different present roles and levels of access rights for account users When adding a user to your Smartcat corporate account, you can choose a preset role for them. Each role comes with a certain level of access rights. Smartcat preset user roles LinguistResource managerProject managerAdministratorLanguage Lead 1. LinguistLinguists can only view and work with projects and documents according to tasks assigned to them. A linguist cannot edit project resources. If a glossary is connected to the project, all terms added by the Linguist have to be confirmed. 2. Resource managerIn addition to the tasks assigned to them, resource managers can work directly with translation memories and glossaries – add and edit terms, or import or export them. Like linguists, resource managers can only view projects assigned to them, without the access right to delete them or add new projects. 3. Project ManagerProject managers have more rights than resource managers. They can add new projects and work with all of the projects within the account, regardless of who a project was created by. They can also edit project settings and resources and work with account resources, like resource managers. 4. AdministratorsAdministrators, or admins, have all available rights. Only an admin can create new user groups or manage paid services and vendors. 5. Language leadThe language lead is a dedicated manager on your team, who can freely alter content for given languages. You can also create your own access level and choose custom rights for each user on your Smartcat corporate account. Creating an access level for a user Follow these instructions to specify an access level for a current or new user. “Smartcat has helped us to achieve the consistency and scalability we were looking for. It’s been a game-changer for our team at expondo, and I would recommend it to any company looking to expand their global reach.” Julia Emge Head of Translations, Expondo Explore case study Go to your Workspace Settings and choose User Access Levels from the drop-down menu. Click the Add access level button. In the window that opens, enter the access level name and click Create. Editing an access level To define access rights, select an access level in the list, then click Edit. To click Add Access Right to define which rights this access level will have. Select a right from the list and click Next. In the next window, define the scope of this right. For example, if you want to allow this user group to manage glossary content, you can define specific glossaries, glossaries of a particular client or choose certain languages in glossaries. When done, press Add. The access rights you added will appear in the list. To remove a right from the access level, click the cross next to the right in the list. To confirm the changes, hit Save. Deleting an access level To delete an access level, select it in the list. Click the Delete button and confirm.
Understand Smartwords
What are Smartwords? | Smartcat Help Center Discover what Smartwords are and how they are used for AI translation. "Smartwords" refer to your balance of words for AI translation and translation memory use in Smartcat. They are, essentially, your form of automatic translation “currency” inside Smartcat. What do Smartwords do? Each time you perform an AI translation, Smartcat AI chooses the most appropriate automatic translation engine for you from under the Smartcat hood with the objective of translating with the highest accuracy possible and of minimizing post-editing requirements. Each time you post-edit your translations on Smartcat, it saves your changes to your own private Smartcat “brain”. As a result, you grow your linguistic resources database – translation memories and glossaries – which, in turn, reduces time and cost for human expert review, and your translation quality increases over time. Your Smartwords balance Your Smartwords balance is always in plain view. Simply go to the Smartwords usage tab and choose the time period to see how a breakdown of your Smartwords usage and your remaining balance. With each use of Smartcat AI translation and translation memories, Smartcat automatically reflects the corresponding Smartword usage in your updated Smartwords balance.
Manage glossary terms
Efficient use of glossary terms | Smartcat Help Center In this brief article, we'll look at how to properly and effectively manage your glossary terms for optimal translation performance. You'll learn how to: Add glossary termsEdit termsDelete termsSuggest and manage suggested termsSearch for terms Adding a glossary term Step 1 Go to Linguistic assets → Glossaries. Select the glossary from the list. Click Add entry. Step 2 Fill in the form that opens. Input your glossary term, its definition, and any additional data. Step 3 Click the tick icon to save: ✔️ Editing a glossary term Step 1 Go to Linguistic assets → Glossaries. Select the glossary from the list. Step 2 Hover over the term and click the pencil icon. Step 3Make your edits and click the tick icon to save. Deleting a glossary term Step 1 Go to Linguistic assets → Glossaries.Select the glossary from the list. Step 2 Hover over the term and click the bin icon. Step 3 Confirm your choice. Suggesting glossary terms If you work with a glossary created by a client, you might not have access rights to add new terms. In such a scenario, you can suggest a term. For suggester terms, a manager, editor, or another user responsible for terminology management will review the suggested term and add it to a glossary, or edit it if necessary. Step 1 Go to Linguistic assets → Glossaries. Select the glossary from the list. Click Suggest term. Step 2Fill in the form that opens. Input your glossary term, its definition, and any additional data. Step 3Click Suggest. Managing suggested terms Users with the correct access rights can edit, approve and delete suggested terms. Step 1Go to Linguistic assets → Glossaries → Suggested Terms. Step 2 Edit, delete, or confirm the terms as described above. Searching for terms Step 1Go to Linguistic assets → Glossaries. Step 2Enter the term in the search bar and click on the magnifier icon. Optional additional steps A. To display only certain languages on the glossary page, or only terms corresponding to specified criteria, click Filter. B. In the window that opens, hide the languages you don't want to see and/or specify other criteria. C. Click Apply. Armed with the knowledge in this article, you should now have a strong grasp on how to use and manage glossaries in Smartcat!
Import and export translation memories
Importing and exporting translation memories | Smartcat Help Center Discover how to import and export translation memories in this short article. How to import a TM for your Smartcat projects At some point, you might want to import a translation memory (TM) that was created outside Smartcat. You can do so quickly and easily, either as a TMX, SDL TM (SDL Studio), or Excel file. Ok, so let's get down to it. Step 1Go to the Linguistic Assets tab, select translation memories, and open the translation memory you need by clicking on its name in the list. Step 2Click Overwrite or Update, depending on which option applies to your specific need. Some notes to keep in mindOverwrite TM — This option will erase all the existing data in your TM and replace it with the data contained in the TM file that you're importing. You can use this option if you have exported the translation data from a previous project and edited it outside Smartcat. This option allows you to know that all your data is up to date. Update TM — With this option, the data that you're importing will be added to already existing translation content held on your TM. Step 3In the dialog box that opens, click Add to select a file to import. Then click Import to start the process. Smartcat will display a message to indicate that the TM overwrite or update is in progress and that you will be notified once it completes or if there are any errors. Top tips for TMX and XLSX file importing Follow these tried-and-tested top tips to optimize your TM import performance. Ensure you have the same language codes as your TMX files It's essential when developing your translation memories to have the same language codes as the TMX file. Without such alignment, adding to a translation memory is not possible. You can add translation languages to a TM in Smartcat. To do so, simply update add the new language pair(s) and update your TM. You can also adjust a TMX file language code by opening it in a text editor and replacing all instances of the language code with the version that you require. Using XLSX files to import TMs The first column of a downloaded XLSX file should contain the source units – one per cell – while any and all subsequent columns should contain translations, one per cell corresponded to the source. The upper cell of each column (language) should contain a language tag. View the full list of language tags here. If a TM unit contains tags, it will look like something like: This is an example of a multilingual string<1>with a <2|hyperlink with <3|bold text|3> inside|2>. where <1> is a self-closing tag, <2| is the opening tag, |2> is its pairing closing tag Also, you may find in a file two additional columns entitled [Context: previous] and [Context: next], which contain the information about one preceding and one following entry. This information is used in Smartcat to track context matches. You can download an existing TM in the XLSX format, which will give you a template. Then paste entries in the template that you want to upload in Smartcat and upload the file as described above. How to export a TM for your Smartcat projects Follow these four simple steps to export a TM in Smartcat. Step 1Go to the Linguistic Assets tab, select translation memories, and open the TM you require by clicking on its name in the list. Step 2:Click Export. Step 3:Choose to either use default export settings or configure settings yourself. These settings enable you to select the exported file format and choose whether to include tags or not. Step 4:Click Export one more time and wait for your file to download. That's it! Now you should know how to import and export TM files for your Smartcat translation projects.
Set up a freelancer account
Freelancer account setup | Smartcat Help Center With Smartcat, freelancers can focus on translation and not waste time on non-productive chores. Here’s a short guide to get you started. Step 1. Fill in your profile In Smartcat, each translator is the master of their profile. You choose your language pairs, services, and rates. Here, it is customers who find you and not the other way round. Here’s how it looks for a customer: In theory, having a completed profile is enough to start getting orders. In practice, with 150,000 translators registered on the platform, getting to the top of the search results is not that easy. But not too hard either. Step 2. Import assets from other CAT tools If you have already worked in other CAT tools, you can import all your projects and resources from them.From SDL Studio Trados: SDLXLIFF projects, SDLPPX packages, SDLTM translation memories.From MemoQ: MQXLIFF projects, TMX translation memories.From other CAT tools: XLIFF projects, TMX translation memories.Glossaries from Excel spreadsheets. If you have no previous experience with CAT tools — don’t worry, Smartcat is easy to use even for a beginner. Step 3. Translate your documents in Smartcat We use various parameters to order the list of translators in each pair, but one of the main ones is the number of words they have translated in Smartcat. Why? Because it means that the translator (a) has enough work, so it is more likely that they provide good quality, and (b) knows how to use the platform. So how do you increase this number without new orders coming? Is it a chicken-and-egg problem? Not at all, because you can use Smartcat — for free — for translating texts you receive outside the platform. Just take any document and create a project based on it. Open the document in the Editor. See how Smartcat has split all the text into sentences and put them in a bilingual grid? This makes it easier to work with any document. In addition, Smartcat saves all your translations to the project’s translation memory, so you can reuse them in future projects. Getting paid for jobs done out of Smartcat Besides helping with managing translation, Smartcat allows you to receive payments for work done outside the platform — DTP, interpreting, and so on. To do this, fill out the payment request form in the Payouts section. Your client will receive a link to pay for your work by bank card or wire transfer. Then you will get the payment according to the method selected, that is, via a bank card, wire transfer, or some other methods that depends on the country specified on your profile page. By the way, if the client stays in Smartcat and hires you for future work right here on the platform, this will further increase your chances to get to the top of the search results. Good luck and on to exciting translation projects!
Smartcat Academy courses
Smartcat Academy courses Ensuring quality by reviewing & editing AI translations in Smartcat Editor More courses coming soon!
Understand the basic editing process
Basic editing process | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat translation engines are highly accurate, but human editing can still improve the quality, accuracy, and style. Smartcat Editor enables you to work collaboratively with your colleagues, utilize existing translation memories and glossaries, and catch errors. In this brief article, let’s look at how the basic editing flow works! Your simple two-step editing process Follow these two steps to go through and complete the editing stage on your translations. 1. Select your translation project To begin editing, go to your translations and choose the translation project that you want to edit. After selecting the project, open the task in the Editor, which will show you the source text on the left and its corresponding translation on the right, divided into segments. Note for freelancers! You’ll need to accept the task to be able to open it – but you can preview the document in the Editor beforehand. 2. Carry out your review The Smartcat Editor auto-checks your translation for quality and flags any potential errors. Hover over each flagged issue to review and, if required, correct. To then review and edit your translation in full, check each segment for errors and correct them. 3. Confirm all edits Once you’ve finished your review, confirm your edits by pressing Ctrl + Enter or the green tick button. Alternatively, confirm all segments at once using the same green tick in the left corner. If you’re the project owner, download your translation file by clicking the arrow located in the upper-right corner of your screen. And you’re done! Essential information for optimal editing Use the following insights to take your editing to another level. Take advantage of your translation memories The more you translate with Smartcat, the more you are able to grow your automatic translation memories (TMs). If you have a translation memory already, you’ll see a panel to the right of your screen with TM suggestions to implement into your translation. Double-click on each suggestion to implement it. If there are multiple suggestions, take your pick. Use the find function for more granular filtering Use find to work with specific segments or phrases. Select the word or sentence from your source or target languages and press Ctrl + F. Smartcat Editor will then display all instances of this exact word or sentence in your translation, so you can edit them all at once, at the same time. Understanding automatic progress saving Smartcat Editor saves all your work as you go automatically, even if you close Editor and reopen it again at a later time. This also applies to unconfirmed segment edits, as long as you don’t clear your cache before confirmation. Wrapping up: Editing success on Smartcat Okay, now you’re armed with all the essential information you need to get up and running well with your editing steps! The Smartcat Editor is designed with ease of use and simplicity front of mind, so with each translation, you will get increasingly better at it until it’s second nature! FAQ What are the differences between editing and proofreading? During editing, an editor will make changes and offer suggestions in order to improve the overall quality of the writing. The goal of the editor is to improve the fluency, the consistency, the accuracy and the overall readability of the writing.Proofreading is not as thorough and is a cheaper service. It's still an important part of the process. The proofreader will mostly focus on general language mistakes such as grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Payoneer payments | Smartcat Help Center Payoneer (https://www.payoneer.com/) is an e-Wallet that allows you to transfer money between countries or receive money from abroad. Payoneer offers withdrawals to local banks as well as a credit card that can be used to withdraw money and make purchases directly from your Payoneer account. Available currencies United States Dollar (USD)Euro (EUR) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from the selected currency of your Payoneer Wallet, then the funds will be converted to the currency of your Payoneer Wallet at the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission Smartcat does not charge any fees when sending payments to Payoneer. Payoneer, however, deducts its commission from the recipient for crediting funds. Usually this fee is equivalent to 3 USD, but fees may also vary depending on your country. Contact Payoneer support to find out the exact amount of the commission. Minimum and maximum payout amount The minimum amount of one payout is 7 USD or 7 EUR. Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Set a minimim payout amount". Required details If you want to receive money this way, you need to go through the process of adding a payment method: 1. Login to your Smartcat account2. Go to the My payouts section3. Choose the payment method Payoneer in USD or EUR4. Choose the currency of your wallet5. Click " Link Payoneer Account"6. Sign in to your Payoneer account7. If the method is successfully added, you will be redirected back to the Smartcat account and see that your method has been successfully selected. Advantages Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1 business day on the Payoneer sideSimplicity. There is no need to fill out a lot of details, just specify your Payoneer account.Availability. Available in many countries Flaws Additional Payoneer fee when withdrawing funds from Payoneer to a bank account. If you want to eventually receive funds to a bank account, we recommend you to choose the "Bank Transfer" method. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure your Payoneer account is activeMake sure you are fully verified by Payoneer and your account is verified for future use I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you can not find the payment, please check your Payoneer account statement for transactions from the Smartcat sender with the reference:Payment ID: PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX* for translation and related services.*Your PO order number for which the payment was sent (See My Payouts - Payout History for details) I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by Payoneer in USD, EUR, you need to provide the following Smartcat details in your account:Company name: Smartcat Platform Inc.Company address: 2810 N Church St PMB 50985, Wilmington, Delaware, 19802-4447, USA Countries where receiving Payoneer payments is available To see if this method is available to you, check your options when adding a payout method in the My Payouts section. If it is listed for your chosen country or region, you can connect your existing Payoneer account as a withdrawal method. ArmeniaCameroonGhanaCambodiaMauritiusSenegalUnited Republic of TanzaniaAmerican SamoaDemocratic Republic of the CongoGibraltarKiribatiMalawiSingaporeUgandaAntarcticaCongoGuineaSaint Kitts and NevisMalaysiaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsUkraineFrench Southern TerritoriesCook IslandsGuadeloupeKoreaMayotteSaint HelenaUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsAntigua and BarbudaColombiaGambiaKuwaitNamibiaSvalbard and Jan MayenUruguayAustraliaComorosGuinea-BissauLao People's Democratic RepublicNew CaledoniaSolomon IslandsUnited States of AmericaAustriaCabo VerdeEquatorial GuineaLebanonNigerSierra LeoneUzbekistanAzerbaijanCosta RicaGreeceLiberiaNorfolk IslandEl SalvadorHoly SeeBurundiCuraçaoGrenadaLibyaNigeriaSan MarinoSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesBelgiumChristmas IslandGreenlandSaint LuciaNicaraguaSomaliaBritish Virgin IslandsBeninCayman IslandsGuatemalaLiechtensteinNiueSaint Pierre and MiquelonU.S. Virgin IslandsBonaireCyprusFrench GuianaSri LankaNetherlandsSerbiaViet NamBurkina FasoCzechiaGuamLesothoNorwaySouth SudanVanuatuBangladeshGermanyGuyanaLithuaniaNauruSao Tome and PrincipeWallis and FutunaBulgariaDjiboutiHong KongLuxembourgNew ZealandSurinameSamoaBahrainDominicaHeard Island and McDonald IslandsLatviaOmanSlovakiaYemenBahamasDenmarkHondurasMacaoPakistanSloveniaSouth AfricaBosnia and HerzegovinaDominican RepublicCroatiaSaint Martin (French partPanamaSwedenZambiaSaint BarthélemyAlgeriaHaitiMonacoPitcairnSwazilandZimbabweBelarusEcuadorHungaryMoldovaPeruSint Maarten (Dutch partBelizeEritreaIsle of ManMadagascarPhilippinesSeychellesBermudaWestern SaharaIndiaMaldivesPalauTurks and Caicos IslandsBoliviaSpainBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryMexicoPapua New GuineaChadBrazilEstoniaIrelandMarshall IslandsPolandTogoBarbadosEthiopiaIraqMacedoniaPuerto RicoThailandBrunei DarussalamFinlandIcelandMaliPortugalTajikistanBhutanFijiIsraelMaltaParaguayTokelauBouvet IslandFalkland Islands (the [Malvinas]ItalyMyanmarPalestineTurkmenistanBotswanaFranceJamaicaMontenegroFrench PolynesiaTimor-LesteCentral African RepublicFaroe IslandsJerseyMongoliaQatarTongaCanadaMicronesiaJordanNorthern Mariana IslandsRéunionTrinidad and TobagoCocos (Keeling IslandsGabonJapanMozambiqueRomaniaTunisiaSwitzerlandUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandKazakhstanMauritaniaRussian FederationTurkeyChinaGeorgiaKenyaMontserratRwandaTuvaluCôte d'IvoireGuernseyKyrgyzstanMartiniqueSaudi ArabiaTaiwan
Preview source text
Source text preview | Smartcat Help Center The Source Preview feature offers a real-time preview of the original text to provide you deeper context. You can find the preview at the bottom or on the right of the editing area there you'll see how the source text looks in the original file. Drag the slider up to view more of your document. The Source preview is available for just some file formats. It also not to be confused with the Target preview features, available for subtitles and HTML files and allowing viewing the translations applied on top of the source videos or converted to HTML.
Collaborate with other freelancers
Collaborative work | Smartcat Help Center In the corporate version of Smartcat, several users assigned to the same or different workflow stages can work with one document at the same time. This enables users to see the document and its translation, and exchange comments on the document or about specific segments. The assignees can work sequentially, or simultaneously. Their access to segments will depend on the type of assignment. Collaboration of assignees at the same stage When a large document needs to be processed quickly, a manager can assign several translators to the various stages. The manager can distribute the text into separate segment ranges, or give all assignees equal access to the entire document and make an arrangement outside the system delineating who translates which part. Giving assignees equal access can speed up the assignment process but it requires the project manager to communicate clearly with the team to prevent translators from duplicating work that will not be included in their fees. If a manager has distributed the segments among the assignees, then every one of them will have access only to those segments to which they have been assigned, while the rest will be locked. Even though the user is prevented from editing the locked segment, they will still be able to view the work being done by the other assignee and add comments to these segments. Moreover, repetitions beyond the assigned range are counted to an assignee who has confirmed a repetition that triggered confirmation for segments that were out of the assignee's range. If a manager has assigned a group of users without dividing the segments among them, the assignees will have equal access to all segments in a document. In such cases, the system prevents different users from editing the same segment simultaneously and interfering with each other's work. Once a user clicks on the Target field in a segment, other users are then blocked from accessing that segment, as well as the segments adjacent to it. When the first user finishes translating the segment, it becomes available to other users, and the lock icon disappears. Once a segment has been marked as Done for a specific stage, changes to this segment made by other assignees will not be recorded as paid words. Only the first assignee will get credit for the work done. Collaboration of assignees at different stages Managers may opt to include the editing and proofreading stages to the translation process, especially if the aim is to ensure a high quality translation (which is especially important for texts with complicated terminology, as well as for marketing materials or publications). If this is the case, each segment in the document must pass through every stage. Until this is done, the project will not be completed. As soon as the translator confirms a segment, it becomes available to the editor, even if the translator is still working with other segments. As soon as the editor confirms the segment, the translator is blocked from accessing it. In this way, each segment passes through all the stages included in a project. If a segment is locked, it is marked by a lock symbol. Thus, users assigned to different tasks can work with a document simultaneously without disturbing each other. Reverting a segment to the previous stage If necessary, an editor can return a segment to the previous stage by selecting a segment and pressing the button in the toolbar. The segment status will change to Translation and a lock symbol will appear. This means that the segment has reverted to the translation stage and the editor is blocked from accessing it. By the same token, a segment can be returned to the previous stage by a proofreader. Note: Project managers can revert to any stages at any time.
HTML file translation in Smartcat
HTML file translation with Smartcat Smartcat allows you to easily translate your HTML files. By following these detailed steps, you can efficiently create high-quality translation for your HTML files. Uploading your HTML file Open your workspace and click on Translate a File. That will open the project creation tab. Specify both the source and target languages.Select your HTML file from the computer.Click Translate files. An Overview tab will open, where you can view the workflow stages. When the progress bar of the AI translation workflow stage reaches 100%, it signifies completion, and you can now open your HTML file in the Editor. Uploading your file to an existing project Another option for working with your HTML file in Smartcat is to upload your file to an existing project. Open your project.Navigate to the Files tab and click on the Upload button.Then select Upload documents from the drop-down menu. Select your file from the computer and click Finish. You can upload multiple files at once. Review your translation Open your file from the Files tab. As you can see, the editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation if necessary. Below the editing area, you'll find various tabs. History. Monitor the edit history of your file.QA check. Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies if there are any. You can also track errors via the orange warning sign on the right of the segment.Segment comments & document comments. Add comments to specific text segments or to an entire document for other assigness.Preview. View the preview of your HTML file in the respective tab. The preview automatically displays the selected text segment within the source file. Live preview Live preview enables you to work directly with the source text. Use the switcher in the Preview tab to activate this feature. Click on the translated segment to navigate to its corresponding segment in the source text. The Live preview will display the specific text segment in the target language. Utilize this feature to monitor how the translation fits into your HTML file structure. Review and confirm one segment after another by clicking on the checkbox on the right of the text segment. To confirm all segments at once, click on the checkbox icon in the toolbar. Assigning a reviewer A good idea would be to assign the review of the translation to another reviewer. Smartcat allows you to assign tasks to a reviewer within the platform. To invite a reviewer, go to the Tasks tab. Select the Post-editing task. Click Invite. In the following pop-up, you can choose from various options: AI suggestions. Smartcat AI analyzes content and selects the most suitable suppliers from a marketplace of over 500,000 vetted linguistic reviewers based on various criteria including ratings, reviews, and completed projects. Hover over a freelancer’s profile to view concise statistics. After you have selected a suitable reviewer, click the Send invitations button. The reviewer will receive an invitation. Check the invitation status in the tasks tab. Agencies. Find the vendor on the Smartcat Market place and save it to your agencies list.Human linguistic reviewers. Use search criteria to find a reviewer that best suits your needs.My team. Select a reviewer from your teamMy agencies. Select a vendor from your saved agencies.Via email. Enter the email and specify the role of the specialist you want to invite to your project. In additional options you can specify the rate and enter the invitational message.Via link. Generate an invitational link for a reviewer. As in the previous option, you can specify the role, rate and write a message. After you have assigned a reviewer, you can track the progress of the task in the Overview tab. To communicate with assigned reviewers, you can use the in-built chat. Access the chat via the message icon in your Workspace. Export your HTML file Once review and edit of your AI translation is complete, click the Done button in the Editor and download your resulting file in HTML format. If you choose Special formats option in the dropdown menu, you can export your file in TMX, XLIFF, CSV.
Explore the Smartcat Editor
Smartcat Editor overview | Smartcat Help Center Get a brief overview of the different editing features you can use on Smartcat Editor Smartcat Editor is Smartcat's proprietary computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool, available to all clients via their Smartcat workspace to review and edit their translations. It is designed to enable total translation quality and consistency and to collaborate with colleagues as well as external linguists. Understanding Smartcat Editor Smartcat Editor is made up of different elements and features to optimize the translation editing step. 1. Toolbar with search bar and the a wide range of editing commands. 2. The editing area that contains the source and target texts, the translation source, and the segment confirmation box 3. The CAT panel containing the translation memory, automatic translation, and glossary matches. 4. A series of tabs for communication, QA and revisions history. The screenshot below shows a sample English to French translation project after Smartcat Language AI has performed an automatic translation. Use shortcuts for faster, easier editing With Smartcat, you can use a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to make the editing process as efficient as possible. Working in the editing area In the editing area, you can see your source text on the left and its translation on the right. Both sides are split into segments. In the editing area you can do the following.View the translation source – AI translation or translation memorySee the notifications on any spelling or grammar errorsReview, correct and confirm specific segmentsSee the in-context preview of the target text (if the format is supported)Read comments – such as instructions or questions from a colleague or an external linguist – corresponding to a specific word, phrase or segmentSearch the source or target text for specific language entries The CAT Panel This displays matches from the translation memory, AI translation output, and glossary terms found for wordings or words within source segments. Here, you can also find information about the translation memory, its name, the exact source where the last update was made, the update history, and the AI translation engine used, if applicable. To insert a match, double-click it in the CAT panel. If you have several suggestions, press Ctrl plus the number of the suggestion in the CAT panel ( Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc.). CAT Info The CAT info panel displays the differences between the new source segment and any matches found in the translation memory. It also performs concordance searches. Concordance search enables you to search for a term in the entirety of the translation memories associated with the project in the source or target text. Tabbed Area The tabs let you streamline collaboration and communication between your team members and perform quality assurance. In the tabbed area you can do the following.View translation suggestionsPerform concordance searchView revisions history, including information on the name of the user who modified the text, as well as the time and date of the actionSee the quality issues found in the translation during LQAView comments to the document and the specific segmentPreview the translation formatting
Understand IRS tax forms information for customers
IRS tax forms info | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat works with a subcontracting scheme which means our Clients work with Smartcat under a Customer Agreement (https://www.smartcat.com/customer-agreement/), and in turn, Smartcat engages translators (individuals, legal entities) under a Supplier Agreement (https://www.smartcat.com/supplier-agreement/). This means it is Smartcat’s obligation (not the Client’s) to issue freelancers with a 1099 form when they receive payments totaling $600 or more from Smartcat in a given calendar year. To identify the tax status of translators, we collect the following forms: Form W-9: for U.S. citizens (even if they reside outside the United States) or residents of the United States Form W8-BEN: for individuals (not legal entities) who are non-residents of the United States Form W8-BEN-E: for non-U.S. legal entities Сollecting these forms from translators as well as filing the 1099 form with the IRS can consume a lot of your business’ resources. By working through Smartcat, you save time and effort when it comes to your annual 1099 reporting campaigns.How Smartcat pays suppliers: Suppliers who specify the United States as their country on their Smartcat profiles receive payments from our US legal entity. Suppliers from other countries may receive payments from both our US and EU legal entities. This means that there is no need for you to request W forms or prepare 1099 forms if you work with your suppliers via Smartcat. Process overview 1. Every month Smartcat notifies the suppliers who need to provide IRS forms. Note that we will only take into account payments that are paid out to freelancers via their payment method. In other words, if a supplier received payments for their services in their Smartcat balance but funds have not been withdrawn by or paid out to the beneficiary (e.g. if a supplier has not provided a payout method, their balance has not reached the minimum payout amount or any other reasons), this amount will not be included in our calculations. 2. Freelancers have to upload their W forms to their personal accounts in the Smartcat Platform. All data is transferred via an encrypted connection and is encrypted to ensure that it is stored safely. 3. All freelancers who are U.S. residents or citizens and provide Smartcat with a W-9 form will get a 1099 form from Smartcat confirming their income. It can take one month or more, after the given calendar year, for the form to be processed and available in a supplier’s account.Smartcat will notify suppliers once their 1099 form is ready. No additional action is required from you in this process. Please make sure you don’t submit 1099 forms on our behalf. All translators who are non-U.S. residents or citizens have to upload their W8 forms (W8-BEN or W-8BEN-E) as evidence that they should not be subject to any deductions from their income received via Smartcat. No further action is required from them either.
Local wire transfers in PHP (Philippines)
PHP wire transfers (Philippines) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in PHP is a transfer of funds between banks in the Philippines in the local currency of PHP. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Philippine peso (PHP) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from PHP, then the funds will be converted to PHP at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 170 PHP You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commissions in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 200 PHP to 1,300,000 PHP Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeBeneficiary's nationality✓✓Beneficiary's country of citizenship or country of incorporationSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryBranch code✓✓Beneficiary's bank branch codeBeneficiary's phone number✓✓Phone number to which the account is registered Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, SWIFT, branch code are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in the Philippines. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in PHP, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your invoice:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Connect Contentful with Smartcat
Contentful integration | Smartcat Help Center Contentful allows you to create, update, and distribute content for your website, a mobile app, or any other content-displaying medium. When using the integration between Contentful and Smartcat, you can send content from the former to the latter, translate it, and then request that the translation be returned upon completion. The integration currently supports all Contentful fields enabled for localization, which are all fields with Enable localization checked in Settings. Setup 1. Install the app via this link: https://www.contentful.com/marketplace/app/smartcat/ 2. Select Contentful Space and Environment to connect Smartcat to. 3. Click Install and Authorize access on the screens that follow On the final screen, click Install and Connect to your Smartcat account. Select your Smartcat Workspace. Now everything is ready to configure Smartcat App as a sidebar widget for certain content types that you want to translate via Smartcat. But before that, familiarize yourself with the possible approaches to content localization in Contentful and how to prepare your content models for localization. Creating content 1. Go to the Content tab, click Add Entry and add a new entry. Alternatively, you can open an already existing content piece and skip the content creation step. As an example, we'll be creating an entry of Product Description (Multilingual) type. 2. Wait until the Smartcat Translator in the sidebar loads. You will receive a notification that your content model was updated. 3. Reload the page to see the Languages field. What happened here is that Smartcat detected a missing Languages field, and added it to the content model, populating it with the list of languages in your Contentful Space. You will use this field to determine which languages this particular piece of content needs to be translated to through Smartcat. Note that the Translation section that is provided by Contentful and shown in the sidebar doesn’t control the list of languages in the object in any way — it just allows you to show or hide some languages in the content editor. 4. Create the content. Add the title for the multilingual content entry, and the content for the product description itself. 5. Go back to the main content object. You will see that the English version references the newly created content of Product Description (Single Language) type. Translation process 1. Enable one or more languages for translation. Make sure that your changes were saved (check the Last saved… status under the Publish button in the sidebar). 2. Pick an existing project or choose to create a new one automatically. Choose a translation workflow. You can choose to either translate the content fully automatically (AI translation), automatically with human editing on top of it (AI translation + Human review option) or manually (Human translation). 4. Click Send to Smartcat button in the sidebar. After synchronization is complete, Smartcat App will show links to the project and specific language files. 6. Follow the links displayed in the sidebar to open the project in Smartcat or open individual files directly in the editor for the selected language. 7. When editing is done, go back to Contentful and request the translations by clicking Get translations from Smartcat. Translation progress information will be updated automatically. Smartcat will notify you when translations have been received. 8. Now you have the translated versions of your object. Smartcat has created a new content of Product Description (Single Language) type and referenced it from the main object: Click on this object to see its properties. Every field that was marked as localizable now has translations.
Connect and translate your Wix website with Smartcat
Translate Wix site Learn how to AI-translate Wix web pages in seconds with high-quality results in up to 280 languages, with this quick step-by-step guide. Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Wix page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Wix page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Wix page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open Wix Dashboard. Open the Settings. Select the Custom code option in the Advanced section and paste the Javascript code to the website Head .As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Local wire transfers in USD (El Salvador)
USD wire transfers (El Salvador) | Smartcat Help Center A local wire transfer in USD is a transfer of funds between banks in the Republic of El Salvador in the local currency USD. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies US dollar (USD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from USD, then the funds will be converted to USD using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 5 USD You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 10 USD Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBeneficiary's phone number✓✓Correct beneficiary's phone numberBank name✓✓The name of the bank accepting the funds, from the available ones: BANCO AGRICOLA, BANCO SALVADORENO DAVIVIENDA HSBC, BANCO AMERICA CENTRAL (BAC CREDOMATIC), FEDECREDITOBranch city✓✓City in which the branch of the beneficiary's bank is locatedBeneficiary's account type✓✓Savings/Check Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in El Salvador. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in USD, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Company name: Smartcat Platform Inc.Company address: 2810 N Church St PMB 50985, Wilmington, Delaware, 19802-4447, USA
Manage linguistic resources in the Editor
Managing linguistic resources | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat includes a variety of tools like translation memories and glossaries that help you improve translation quality and consistency. Translation memory matches represent the segments that were previously translated (each time you set up a project you can assign a translation memory to it or it ill be created automatically) in one of your projects or taken from an imported translation memory linked to the project. Glossary matches represent words and phrases taken from a glossary linked to the project. Translation memory and glossary matches are displayed in the CAT Panel. Inserting translation memory and glossary matches Translations from the TM are sorted in the descending order of the match percentage. By default the system uses the translation with the highest match percentage. By you are free to make a different choice, go with AI translation results or correct the segment to your liking. To insert a TM match, press Ctrl+the number of the match in the list. You can also set up automated insertion of TM matches when creating a project. Glossary matches are displayed in the CAT panel along with the TM matches and are inserted in the same manner. The terms are also highlighted in yellow in the source text. Managing TM matches This option is only available for project managers or linguists assigned to the editing stage. All other users can view the TM match but not make changes to it. Clicking on the pencil icon or information icon (an “i” inside a circle) depending on the user role at the top-right corner of a TM match will open a dialog box, which allows users to either edit or remove the selected TM match. Managing glossary terms You can add terms into glossaries applied to the project either on the glossary page or directly in the Editor. Note, that if you are working on a project that a client has created in the system, you might not have the right to work with glossaries, but you can still suggest a term. In this case, the client will see the suggestion then add it to the glossary, edit, or reject it. To add or suggest a term, select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+E. Then fill in the required fields and press Add . The term will be added to the glossary and will then be available in the CAT panel. As opposed to translation memories where only one TM is selected for writing, it is possible to add (or suggest) terms to any of the glossaries associated with the project. Editing terms To edit a term, select it in the Editor panel, and click Edit in the CAT panel. Make changes you want and click Save. You can also work with terms on the glossary page. Click Go to term in the CAT panel. The glossary will open in the new browser tab.
Assignments configuration overview and how-to guide
How to use assignments configuration in Smartcat Assignments Configuration is designed to simplify project management, reduce manual effort, and enhance the overall efficiency of your workflow. Here’s a breakdown of the key functionalities that this feature offers: Project Auto-launch: This feature allows you to trigger assignments automatically whenever new scope is added to a project. AI Assignments: Our AI-driven assignments automatically place translation tasks with marketplace freelancers based on machine learning suggestions. This saves you time and also ensures you get the best-suited talent for your project. Revamped Assignment Templates (Now - Template Assignments): We’ve completely reimagined the assignment template user flow, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. Creating assignment templates has never been easier. Project Templates Integration: This integration allows you to launch assignments at the beginning of a project, considering preselected assignment settings and sources. It streamlines the project setup process and ensures consistency. How It Works Our new feature is seamlessly integrated into your workflow. Users can access it by clicking on the “Assignment Configuration” button, which opens a side panel containing assignment sources. Within this side panel, you’ll find a convenient tile with assignment sources. Users can toggle between AI assignments and Template assignments, but only one source can be selected at a time. Please note that some options are bound to specific subscription tiers, so be sure to check the availability conditions for your plan. AI Assignments AI assignment selects a suitable supplier for each task based on overall supplier performance and their experience with similar translation tasks. If the selected supplier declines the invitation or fails to accept it within 24 hours, the invitation is automatically sent to the next 10 best suppliers for each task in the project. After an assignment is fulfilled, AI assignment calculates the task’s deadline and populates it automatically, reducing manual effort. Template Assignments Users now gain more visibility and control over the assignment configuration process. The most notable change is the ability to create a hierarchical structure of assignment templates from the assignment templates configuration UI. The new user interface provides comprehensive insights into Assignment Templates contents, including translators / language service providers, tasks coverage, and a flexible HUD. Project Auto-launch Whenever the new scope (files, segments) is added to a project, new task assignments are dispatched.Auto-launch could work with both AI and Template assignment sources: just select a preferable source from the side panel.You can toggle between different assignment sources at any time: the system will prompt you with a confirmation pop-up for changes to the assignment source during the automation runtime.
Local wire transfers in ARS (Argentina)
ARS wire transfers (Argentina) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in ARS is a transfer of funds between banks in Argentina in the local ARS currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Argentine Peso (ARS) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from ARS, the funds will be converted to ARS at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 170 ARS You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 400 ARS to 1,700,000 ARS Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeCUIL/CUIT✓✓Unified Labor Identification Code/Unified Tax Identification CodeRecipient's phone number✓✓Beneficiary's phone numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBank address (including country)✓✓Address of the branch of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryAccount number (CBU)✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBranch✓✓Code of the bank branch where the beneficiary's account is openedRecipient's account type✓✓Savings or checking Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the specified details are correct (account number (CBU), SWIFT, branch, beneficiary account type, CUIL/CUIT).Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE is displayed as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds into a bank account in Argentina. I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in ARS, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Connect Zapier with Smartcat
Zapier integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat has connectors to the top CMS in the market but there are still many applications where developing a connectors might not be feasible. One solution around this problem is with a Zapier integration. What is Zapier? Zapier provides the tools to connect more than 1500 applications without the need to write one line of code. Using existing building blocks, users can build workflows between applications very quickly. For example, people use Zapier to automatically copy email attachments to their Google Drive or send tweet each time a new product is added to their web store. How can Zapier be used with Smartcat? Project managers receive files using many channels - emails, cloud repositories, chat applications. Each time, files need to be downloaded manually, projects created and when the project is completed, reverse the process. Using Zapier, projects can be created automatically when files are received or uploaded using custom parameters to specify project names, languages and workflow steps. Upon project completion, files can be returned automatically through the same channels they came from. How does it work? In Zapier, every application will have what is called Triggers and Actions. Triggers will be something that happens in this app that will kick off the automation, like for example, a new file was added or a new email was received. An action is something that can be done in the app when the trigger occurs, for example, send an email, create a file. In Zapier, Smartcat has three trigger event (Project Completed, Project New and Project Cancelled) and 3 actions events (Get Client, Create Project and Create Export). The Create Project action should be used to respond to a trigger from a different app. For example, in Google Drive, one of the triggers is New File in Folder. The response to that trigger would be to create a project in Smartcat. The Smartcat trigger Project Completed could be used to send messages via different chat application or could be followed by the action Create Export to generate translated files. An action from another app could then be used to upload the file somewhere or send it via email. The Smartcat channel has other videos to show how you can do the same thing with OneDrive and Dropbox. There are also videos on how to connect Gmail and Slack to Smartcat. With over 1500 apps in Zapier, the possibilities are almost endless.
API Guides (developer portal)
API Guides (developer portal) When to use Smartcat API Smartcat's simple, powerful, convenient, and secure API (Application Programming Interface) provides programmatic access to the Smartcat features from third-party applications. It is designed to operate as a full-fledged equivalent and even an extension to the Smartcat user interface. Such fundamental processes as the automatic creation of translation projects, status tracking, the download of the translated texts, etc. are easily completed using Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete methods. To use this document, you should have a basic familiarity with software development and the Smartcat user interface. Any functionality described in this guide is available if you are logged in to a company account. You will not be able to use API from a freelancer account. Authorization and authentication As any other set of credentials, API credentials consist of a username and a password. To obtain them, log in to your Smartcat account as an Administrator and nagivate to Settings > API. project Your username is the string displayed in Account ID field.Your password is an API key generated by clicking CREATE NEW KEY in the API Keys pane. Note that you can create multiple keys, if required. The Smartcat API uses the primary Basic Authentication scheme for every method. Each request must be prefixed with the Authorization: Key header, where Key is a Base64 encoded "userName":"password" string. API call basics The API allows you to access the resources and methods available in the system directly. This approach uses the standard Web methods, such as GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE, to retrieve, create, update and delete from the different Smartcat objects needed. In general, the resources are accessible using the following format: https://smartcat.domain/api/integration/v1/resource Where: smartcat domain is the URL of the corresponding Smartcat server: 1. for the European server, use https://smartcat.ai/ 1. for the American server, use https://us.smartcat.ai/ 1. for the Asian server, use https://ea.smartcat.ai/resource is the name of a Smartcat object For example, the full URL for a project list request will look as follows: https://smartcat.ai/api/integration/v1/project/list Methods API methods represent specific operations, also referred to as API calls, that you can invoke to perform tasks, for example: Add, update, and delete objectsObtain data from your account Smartcat performs validation on the data submitted within each API call before committing changes to your account data. POST (Create) The POST method is used to add new objects to your account. GET (Retrieve) This method allows you to retrieve or search data in your account. You can specify a single object ID or a list of IDs to retrieve an array of objects. PUT (Update) The PUT method updates objects in your account using the information submitted within the request. DELETE The DELETE method accepts an object type and ID and is used to purge objects from your account. Response codes and error messages The REST API responds to each request with an HTTP status code that indicates success or error. The table below provides details of status codes, typical scenarios, and what information can be expected in the response body. HTTP status codeDescription200 OKThis general response code indicates that the request was accepted and the response contains result. For GET requests, it means that the response body contains the quested resource or data. For PUT requests, it means that the operation has completed successfully, and the response body contains information about the result.202 IN PROGRESSThe request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. This is usually received for asynchronous operations.204 OKThe operation has completed successfully, but there is no additional information to send in the response body. This code is usually received for DELETE requests.400 BAD REQUESTSome aspect of the request was not valid. The response body contains information about the request and includes an error message.403 FORBIDDENIndicates that the user does not have sufficient permissions to access the requested resource. An attempt to access a resource that does not belong to the specified entity may also result in this error.404 NOT FOUNDThe target resource does not exist. This might happen because the URI is invalid, or the resource has been deleted.409 CONFLICTA conflicting change has been detected during an attempt to modify a resource. The response body provides further information.422 CANNOT PROCESSThe content type of the request entity and the syntax of the request entity are valid and correct, but the server was unable to process the contained instructions. Creating a project and importing a document In Smartcat, a project is the entity where you store files, define source and target languages (yes, we support multilingual projects), set deadlines, attach linguistic assets, and connect AI translation. For starters, let's create a project that contains the most basic data: the name and source/target languages. There are many more parameters you can experiment with later, so your first project created through the API will have only the fundamental ones. The method required to create a project is POST project/create method. Keep in mind that the parameter assignToVendor must be passed to request the method successfully. [ { "name":" API Project", "sourceLanguage": "en", "targetLanguages": ["ru"], "assignToVendor": false } ] You can upload a document while creating a project using the documentProperties model. Alternatively, you can create an empty project and skip the documentProperties model. To import a file into an existing project, use the method POST project/ document/update?documentId={documentId\_languageId} Most parameters are optional for the basic scenario and can be safely ignored for now. Updating a document It is quite usual for a continuous translation scenario to have a newer document version. If you indeed have an updated document, you can update it in your project using the PUT document/update method with the document ID. https://smartcat.ai/api/integration/v1/document/update?documentId={documentId\_languageId} The corresponding document will be overwritten in Smartcat. All completed translations will be inserted in the new document through pretranslation. Calculating statistics In some cases, you will need to calculate how many words your document has and how many of them are translation memory matches. To do this, use the following method: GET project/{projectId}/statistics?onlyExactMatches=false Note that the statistics will be calculated for all documents in the project. If you need statistics for a specific document, use GET document/statistics?documentId={documentId\_languageId}&onlyExactMatches=false If you only need the overall word count without translation memory matches, simply use the wordsCount parameter returned by the GET document?documentId={documentId\_languageId} method. Tracking translation status You can fetch information about your document at any time: progress for each workflow stage, task status, assignments, and so on. To get this information for a specific document, use GET document with the corresponding document ID: GET document/statistics?documentId={documentId\_languageId}&onlyExactMatches=false To fetch information about the progress and statuses of all your documents with the overall project status and progress into the bargain, use GET project/{projectid} with the corresponding project ID. Exporting a translation To export a translated document, use a POST document/export request: document/export?documentIds={documentId\_languageId}&type=target&stageNumber=1 This requests Smartcat to render the final document. For smaller documents, you’ll receive the task ID in the response. For larger ones, rendering the target file will take some time depending on the document size and server load. In this case, Smartcat will send you a callback with the task ID to /document/exportRequestCompleted once the exported document is ready. NOTE: The stageNumber parameter defines a number of a stage in your project workflow. For example, 1 is for Translation if it is the first stage, 2 is for Editing, and so on. Integrating with a permanent Smartcat project In order to streamline your integration with Smartcat by API you can use permanent projects for importing and exporting documents from them. This is particularly handy when a specific source language, a static set of target languages and documents of the same type are going to be processed with the same settings all the time. To implement that type of integration, you have to manually create a Smartcat project, and then upload documents, track their status and export the translation through the API. The following sections describe each of these steps in detail. Create a permanent project for the API integration To create a permanent project, proceed as follows: Log in to to your Smartcat account.To start the project creation process, click the Plus (+) button next to Projects in the left menu bar or the Create Project button in the workspace. Click Skip when prompted to upload documents.Enter the project name and select the source language and target languages of the project. Please note that after you create a project, you can add translation languages, but cannot change or remove any languages you have already chosen.To enable machine translation for a project, check the Use machine translation box. If you choose to use machine translation, by clicking on the Settings wheel, you will have an option to choose one of the many engines that are integrated with Smartcat. This option is rather flexible and allows users to assign different engines to each language in order to benefit from the best possible AI translation output.To set up translation memories, glossaries and quality assurance checks, use the Advanced Settings switch. Select the workflow stages for your project. Add the pretranslation rules of your preference.  Click Finish. Your project has been successfully created. You can find more details on Smartcat projects here. Collect the Project ID To configure the integration, you will require the Smartcat project ID. This is the unique identifier assigned automatically when a project is created in Smartcat. It consists of 36 characters (including hyphens). To collect the Project ID, open the project page and copy the part of the address line after /project/: project Prepare the API credentials To prepare the API credentials, refer to the Authorization and authentication section Upload a document for translation To import a file into an existing project, use the POST project/document method. [ { "key": "file", "type": "file", "src": "/D:/projects/smartcat/temp/test.txt" }, { "key": "documentModel", "value": "[ { "externalId": "1232456789", "metaInfo": "", "disassembleAlgorithmName": "", "presetDisassembleAlgorithm": "", "bilingualFileImportSetings": { "targetSubstitutionMode": "all", "lockMode": "none", "confirmMode": "none" }, "targetLanguages": [ "ru" ], "enablePlaceholders": true, "enableOcr": true } ]", "contentType": "application/json", "type": "text" } ] Update a document If you have a newer document version (which is quite usual for a continuous scenario), you can update it in your project using the PUT document/update method and the document ID. The corresponding document will be overwritten in Smartcat. All translations that have already been done will be inserted in the new document through pretranslation. [ { "key": "file", "type": "file", "src": "/D:/projects/smartcat/temp/test.txt" }, { "key": "updateDocumentModel", "value": "{ "bilingualFileImportSetings": { "targetSubstitutionMode": "all", "lockMode": "none", "confirmMode": "none" }, "enablePlaceholders": true }", "contentType": "application/json", "type": "text" } ] Track the document status You can fetch information about your document at any time: progress for each workflow stage, task status, assignments, and so on. To retrieve this information for a specific document, use GET document with the corresponding document ID. To retrieve information about the progress and statuses of all your documents at once and the overall project status and progress, use GET project/{projectid} with the corresponding project ID. Export the translation To export a translated document, use a POST document/export request. This instructs Smartcat to render the final document. For smaller documents, you will receive the task ID in the response. For larger ones, rendering the target file will take some time depending on the document size and server load. In this case, Smartcat will send you a callback with the task ID to /document/exportRequestCompleted once the exported document is ready. https://smartcat.com/api/integration/v1/document/export?documentIds=f1e5e09a8ad7830434cc477d\_25&documentIds=de0b3b432ad7837175dcfeb3\_25&mode=current&type=source&stageNumber=1 The stageNumber parameter defines the stage index in your project workflow. For example, 1 is for Translation if it is the first stage, 2 is for Editing, and so on. Integrating with a temporary Smartcat project The most common way of API integration with Smartcat is by using a permanent project. However, temporary projects can also be used for integration in the following cases: You have a dynamically changing list of source and target languagesYour projects are of very different nature and have different settings, that is pretranslation rules, stages, assignees and so onYou are using an external system that is unable to work in continuous mode and expects the translation system project lifecycle to be internally managed. The downside of this approach is that there are certain project settings, such as AI translation engine mapping or advanced pretranslation rules, that cannot be set up via API. As usual, prior to using API you need to generate a set of API credentials and choose the appropriate Smartcat domain. The process typically involves the following steps: Create a projectUpload the filesExport the translationDelete a project Instant translations via the real-time API If you need translations to be delivered instantly to your live application, you can use Smartcat real-time API. Just make a simple request with a piece of text you need to translate and get the translation in response. To use the real-time translation API, do the following: Go to your Smartcat account, open 'Settings/Smart translation profiles'. Click 'Add smart translation profile'. Enter the name, comments and select thetranslation engine that will be used for making translations. Hit 'Save'. profile Click the Edit button on a newly created translation profile. profile Copy the ID from the url. profile Use that ID in a request described here: AI translation As usual, prior to using the API you need to generate a set of API credentials and choose the appropriate Smartcat domain. Notification callbacks How to use callbacks to get notifications when the status of a document or project changes in Smartcat You can use callbacks to get notifications when the status of a document or project changes in Smartcat, and to get the status of importing bilingual XLIFF versions of documents. Configuration for receiving callbacks In order to get notification callbacks, you need to follow these steps: Configure the web server.Configure the callback URL for WebAPI.Configure notifications using the API methods described below.Process the callback request when a project's status changes. URL: /project/statusProcess the callback request when a document's status changes. URL: /document/statusProcess the callback request to finish importing a translation from an XLIFF. URL: /document/translationImportCompleted Project status request structure:POST /api/callback/project/status HTTP/1.1Host: example.localContent-Type: application/json`["1e2d703f-9def-4d27-ab4d-350cbbe8c44b", "b5bf9123-31b3-4e45-9ee9-8c14d15a4145"] Document status request structure:POST /api/callback/document/status HTTP/1.1Host: example.localContent-Type: application/json`["189\_25", "310\_25"] Translation importing status request structure:POST /api/callbackUrl/document/translationImportCompleted HTTP/1.1Host: example.localContent-Type: application/json`["60606\_25", "61234\_25"] If some of the notifications from the queue were sent but some could not be delivered, the undelivered notifications are put in the retry queue. Interval for resending notifications if Smartcat cannot access the callback URL: 30-second delay with 8 attempts; the delay doubles for each subsequent attempt. Please see the API description for setting up the callbacks: API Callback Note that you can use additionalHeaders parameter, which adds an HTTP header to the notifications. This HTTP header can be useful if the web server is behind a firewall and authentication is necessary. If this is not the case, you can ignore the additionalHeaders parameter.
Use threaded segment comments
Threaded segment comments | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to use threaded segment comments in Smartcat to streamline collaboration and feedback in your translation workflow. Threaded segment comments on Smartcat is a feature that allows you to have more organized and structured discussions within your translation projects.Whether you're a project manager looking to enhance Language Quality Assurance (LQA) or streamline query management, threaded comments have got you covered. In this brief article, we'll walk you through how to make the most of this feature. How threaded segment comments work Understand threaded comments better with these six features. 1. Existing comments Regular segment comments become independent threads, each consisting of one comment.LQA comments with fragments form their own dedicated threads. 2. Creating threads You can create top-level comments to initiate discussions. 3. Engaging in threads Reply to top-level comments to start a focused thread or participate in existing discussions. 4. Managing statuses Each top-level comment (thread) has a status: no status, open, in progress, or resolved.Managers and assigned linguists have control over changing the status. 5. Flexibility and visibility Managers can delete any top-level comment and change its state as needed. Linguists can delete their own comments if they're unthreaded.You can toggle threads to be visible in all languages or just the original language pair. 6. Notifications that keep you in the loop Stay connected with email notifications when you or your team members receive replies in comment threads.Access comments quickly through direct links provided in notifications. Get started with threaded segment comments Follow these five steps to get up and running with threaded segment comments. Step 1 Log in to Smartcat and open the translation project where you want to use threaded segment comments. Step 2 Open the file/project in question. Step 3 You can search for the segment in the Smartcat editor or simply add it as you go along. Step 4 Click on the segment you want to discuss. Step 5 To initiate a new discussion thread, click on the Add Comment button. Write your comment and select the desired status – no status, open, in progress, or resolved. Reply to comments To join an existing discussion, click the "Reply" button on a top-level comment. Your reply will start a new thread within that comment. Manage comments Managers can delete top-level comments and change their statuses.Linguists can delete their own unthreaded comments. Visibility settings Toggle thread visibility to control who can see them. FAQ If a project is multilingual, will translators be able talk one to each other? When a comment is posted in a document, it will be visible in that document for all languages and for all participants so in effect, different language teams can communicate. So for example, in a project where translation is required into French and Spanish, questions asked by the French team would be seen in the Spanish files as well as the responses. Multilingual team might ignore questions coming from other language teams but the project manager could enforce some communication protocols to facilitate communication between teams. For example, using @ or # symbols. My project has many languages. How can I pass instructions to all the teams? When you make a comment in a document for one of the languages, that comment is replicated automatically to that same segment in the same document for all the other languages. This applies of course to comments to documents. So there is no need to repeat the instructions for all the languages!
Translate content in Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager integration If you want to learn more about the Adobe Experience Manager cloud installation guide, visit this link. Creating a Translation Job Open AEM and navigate to the site area. Select the page(s) inside the site structure. Click Create and select Language copy. In the next window, you can double-check that all the pages are selected correctly for translation and add more pages if needed. If you want subpages to be included, use toggle on the right. Use the checkbox to select all pages and confirm your choice, then click Next. On the next screen, specify the target language. Add as many as you need. More information on Translation settings. Your next step is to create a project. To avoid the creation of any additional folders in AEM, you can create a multilingual project. Enter the title for your project and click Create. You will be redirected to the projects area of AEM, where all translation projects will be stored. Translation process Open your project. You will see a job for each language that you previously selected as the target language. Note : AEM does not allow you to have one job for several languages. Each translation job will be connected with the Smartcat project. Currently, these jobs are in the Draft stage. To check that all of your content was added to the translation job, click on the three dots. If your project contains content fragments or other assets, they will be displayed as separate folders, not as single pages. To start the job, click on the arrow-down icon and select Start from the context menu. To start the job, click on the arrow-down icon and select Start from the context menu. After you see the green notification, refresh the page. You’ll see that the status has changed to Translation in Progress. This means that the content has been sent to Smartcat. Open your workspace in Smartcat and navigate to the Projects tab. You can see that for each language a separate project was created. Open the Files tab. Review the translation for each content fragment by confirming segments in each file. You can assign the review for a human reviewer. Here is the best way to do it. After the translation review is done, go back to the AEM page and refresh the page. Open your job and you will see that the status of the page is changed to Ready for review. Select your page and click Preview in Sites. Review your translated content. How to update translation Select the updated page in the Sites area. You can update only one translation at a time.Click on the window icon on the left. Select References in the list. 3. In the sidebar on the left, select go to the Language copies section and select the language version of the page that needs to be updated. 4. In the same area In the menu below select Create structure only click Update. That will create a new translation job.
Install Smartcat Translator for Chrome
Smartcat Translator installation for Chrome | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat Translator is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that can translate website pages in a flash. With Smartcat Translator you can not only view website content in various languages, but also translate incoming emails and your replies, or social media posts. As a prerequisite to using Smartcat Translator, make sure that you have a corporate Smartcat account and know your username and password, because you will be prompted to authenticate prior to using the extension. If these requirements are fulfilled, open this link and proceed as follows: Click Add to Chrome. When prompted to confirm that you want to proceed, click Add extension. Smartcat Translator now appears in your list of extensions: Open any Web page.Click on the Extension icon in the top right and open Smartcat Translator. You can always pin it for quick access.Click Let's get started to log in to your existing corporate Smartcat account. 6. If you have successfully authenticated and logged in, you will be redirected back to the page where the Smartcat Translator was opened. 7. In the plugin, specify the required Source text and Target text languages. In the example below, Autodetect is enabled for the source language and German is selected for the target language. 8. Select any text on the page or type free text in the Source text field, and click Translate. The translation to the selected target language will immediately appear in the Target text field. 9. To use the translation in another document or edit it in an editing tool, click Copy translation icon. The translation will be copied to the buffer. Frequently asked questions Is there a character limit for the content to be instantly processed through the extension? No, the character count is unlimited. Is there a link between the extension and the Smartwords balance on our corporate account? Yes, the link exists as this extension consumes Smartwords. Is the data processed through the extension secured and not used by translation engine vendors? The data that passes through the extension is not exposed to any third party and remains completely secure at all times. What is the maximum number of simultaneous users? The number of simultaneous users is unlimited.
Use OpenAI GPT in Smartcat
OpenAI GPT in Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Use GPT as a machine translation engine and access AI actions in Smartcat editor Use OpenAI GPT in Smartcat as an automatic machine translation engine and/or to carry out highly contextual AI edits – in Smartcat, these are called AI Actions. Using OpenAI GPT for custom machine translation engines Create any number of custom machine translation engines based on OpenAI GPT by setting up machine translation engine presets. After you save a preset, it will appear in the list of available machine translation engines in the project settings. Example of configuring GPT as a machine translation preset Let’s assume a preset name of GPT-4. To select this preset – GPT-4 – as a preferred machine translation engine for a specific project, you would go to the project in your Smartcat workspace → Linguistic assets tab → Machine translation section → enable ‘ [x] Use machine translation ’ → click the cogwheel settings button → drag target languages onto the GPT-4 section as depicted in the screenshots below. Using highly contextual GPT-powered AI Actions Editable presets such as Shorten the translation are available in your Smartcat Editor toolbar. After connecting the OpenAI GPT key, you can create your own AI shortcuts for the Editor. On Smartcat, these shortcuts are called AI Actions and are accessible via a lightning bolt logo in the Editor toolbar. Frequently Asked Questions Is the data that Smartcat feeds into OpenAI GPT used to train OpenAI's GPT machine learning model? OpenAI does not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI’s service offering. Moreover, Smartcat constantly monitors all third-party providers for any changes in their commitment to data security and privacy obligations.
Analyze revenue and margin reports
Revenue and margin reports | Smartcat Help Center Note: This is a paid feature. To use it, upgrade to Rise or higher. Smartcat revenue & margin reports allow language service companies to analyze their revenues, costs of goods sold, and margin (ROI) over time and across different channels. This includes: Weekly payments, including received, expected, and overdue payments: Month-to-day receivables to compare your current performance with the previous two months: Net sales, including sales to existing and new clients: Cost of goods sold, i.e. the money paid to your suppliers: Margin, i.e. profitability, in absolute values and as a percentage of COGS: Revenue, costs, and margin for each client, to find out which ones give you the best ROI:
Receiving your first payment with Smartcat
Receiving payment with Smartcat Step 1: Your email invitation It all starts with a notification delivered to your email. This usually means that your client has added you to their Smartcat team and is now ready to remit your payment. Step 2: Click “Join” and follow the two registration steps Choose a password and specify your country. Then read and accept our privacy policy and Terms of Use and click Log In. You can complete the rest of the setup at a later time if you prefer. If your invitation has expired or you don't remember your password, click on password-free login with code. Step 3: Funds transfer As soon as Smartcat receives payment from your client, the paid amount gets credited to your Smartcat balance.We'll send you an email once this happens. To check your current balance and set up a payout option, go to My Payouts. You can do this directly in your notification email via a link. You can then use your Smartcat account to receive payments from any client. Step 4. Process payout To proceed with your first payout, click My Profile. Update your Personal Details to specify at least the country where you receive the money. Now click My payouts to select one of the available payment methods and enter your payment details. Your payment data is fully secure and safe with Smartcat. You can change your payout method at any time. Enter your preferred payout method and provide the required information. The available payout options differ depending on the country of residence that you selected on the profile page in Smartcat. Mission accomplished! Your balance will now also reflect the amount to be paid. Once your preferred payout method is indicated, you will receive the money within 5 business days. For future payment periods, you will simply receive an email notification upon being paid. No further action will be required from you as long as your preferred payout method is set. Checking status After receiving your payments, you can return to My Payouts > Payment statuses to check payment status and history. Payments overview Comprehensive details of the most recent payout, including the amount paid, the commission fee, the transaction ID, the payout method, and the payout date are shown in the Payout History tab.
Ensure your accounts security
Account security | Smartcat Help Center When you enter your credit card information in Smartcat, the data is not actually sent to us but goes directly to servers of our payment service partners. All our payment partners are PCI DSS certified. Such a certificate means that the company’s security systems have passed specific individual tests. PCI DSS-certified companies have organizational and technical security policies: data is stored in encrypted form, data access is limited, and registration logs are kept safely. Data encryption Your password and personal data are not available to third parties. Access to Smartcat is carried out over a secure connection encrypted over HTTPS/TLS protocols. Your data gets transmitted to our servers by a 256-bit encrypted SSL connection. We use TLS 1.2 encryption to protect payment data at the transport level while using 2048-bit RSA keys at the application level. How do I protect my account? Never share your bank card details, such as a PIN, CVV, or CVV2 with anyone.Never give your Smartcat account password to anyone and consider changing it regularly.Make sure that you receive email notifications about money transfers to your Smartcat account, as well as payouts via your preferred method.Enable SMS alerts for transactions and other activities on your bank account. I’m still hesitant about giving my payment info to Smartcat. How do I get my earnings? Issue a separate physical or virtual bank card and use it solely for receiving payments from Smartcat. Many banks offer virtual cards, which can be used for online payments, just like an ordinary plastic card would. FAQ I have received a request for personal information from the support team. Why am I required to do this if I have provided my details? Any bank or payment provider is responsible for ensuring that its customers act within the law and do not use financial institutions for illegal activities such as fraud, money laundering, or tax evasion. To accomplish it, any regulated financial institution conducts routine checks by requesting additional information on selected payments. Additional information may include clarification of the recipient's full name, address, date of birth, citizenship, proof of residence, etc.If you receive a notification from our support team that a confirmation of your identity or other additional information is required, this means that your payment is currently being verified by our payment system. Please don’t worry, these are standard regular compliance checks. Provide us with the necessary information and we will do our best to ensure that you receive your payment as soon as possible.Please note that requests from the platform can be only sent from an email address in the @smartcat.ai or @smartcat.com domain. Do not share your details upon request from an undefined email address.
XLIFF files: export to and import from Smartcat
XLIFF export to and import from Smartcat Benefits of using XLIFF export and re-import Working offline Smartcat’s CAT editor is an online tool. By exporting your documents as XLIFF files from Smartcat and importing them to your preferred XLIFF editor, you can work offline, for example during a flight. Once you’re back online, you can import the resulting files back to Smartcat and continue working on them. Using another CAT too If you want to use other CAT tools to translate documents you have been assigned by a Smartcat client, you’re free to export the documents as XLIFF files and import them to your CAT tool of choice. After you finish, simply import the files back to Smartcat. Even if this is a multi-user project, your actions will not affect other participants’ progress. External review Some customers require that the translation be externally reviewed by their in-house or in-country team before the final layout is made. In cases like this, the XLIFF export feature comes in handy. Remember that you may or may not confirm the changed segments when importing the reviewed files back to Smartcat — for example, if you need to make a few more edits after that. External Quality Assurance You can use external QA tools to ensure that the translations completed in Smartcat deliver impeccable quality. Import your previously exported XLIFF files to your preferred QA tool and after you’re done checking, re-import the resulting files back to Smartcat. Verifika, Xbench and lexiQA are the most suitable for this task, but you can use other QA solutions, such as QA Distiller. Delivery of translations as bilingual files Some clients want their translations delivered in two formats: as a translated document and as a bilingual file containing both the original and translated content. You can fulfill that requirement by exporting completed documents as XLIFF files from the drop-down menu under the Export button. Exporting XLIFF files from Smartcat You can export any Smartcat document as an XLIFF file and work with it using other tools. This can be useful if a project participant does not have a reliable internet connection and wants to work offline. Or if a team member prefers to use another CAT tool. And finally, if you want to use a third-party tool to perform QA checks. Files exported from Smartcat follow the XLIFF 1.2 standard. Smartcat has integration with some QA tools which eliminates the need to export XLIFF files. To export XLIFF files, on the project page, select the documents you want to export as XLIFF files and choose XLIFF under Special formats in the Export menu. Now, you can work with the exported files using any external tool that supports the XLIFF format. Importing XLIFF files back in Smartcat When you are ready to upload your edited XLIFF file back to Smartcat, go to the project page, click the arrow to the right of the Upload button and choose “Update translation”. In the wizard, choose your desired import settings. If any segments have been changed in Smartcat while you were editing the XLIFF file in an external tool, which often happens in collaborative scenarios, you can decide whether you want to overwrite the changes (Update all segments) or not (Skip segments changed in Smartcat). You can also either confirm all updated segments and save them to the translation memory or keep them unconfirmed to be able to check them in Smartcat Editor later. After the import is complete, the updated segments will be marked as “Updated” in Smartcat Editor. XLIFF version and compliance Smartcat works with a majority of existing XLIFF-based formats. However, documents are exported in the XLIFF 1.2 format. This is the most stable format which is supported by most translation tools. Unlike some other CAT tool developers, Smartcat is fully compliant with the standard XLIFF 1.2 specification and only adds a few Smartcat-specific tag attributes to the imported files to make your work more convenient. Recommended XLIFF editors If you do not have any CAT tools installed on your computer, Smartcat recommends you use Poedit (minimum version 2.2), a free and powerful translation editor for offline work. Virtaal could also be a good option. Conclusion In conclusion, the XLIFF export and re-import feature in Smartcat offers a range of benefits and flexibility for your translation projects. Whether you need to work offline, use another CAT tool, or require external review and quality assurance, this feature can accommodate your needs. With the support for XLIFF 1.2 standard and recommendations for XLIFF editors, Smartcat ensures a seamless and efficient translation process.
Conduct concordance searches
Conducting concordance searches | Smartcat Help Center As you move from one segment to the next, the system offers you translation matches from the TM. However, you might be seeking the translation of a single word or phrase rather than the entire segment. In such cases, you can use the concordance search by searching the TM for matches containing the word or phrase. Select the word in the Source or Target field and press the button in the toolbar or Ctrl+K. The word will be copied to the concordance search field, and the Concordance Search tab will display matches from translation memories applied to the project and containing the keyword. Alternatively, you can also type in the word in the Concordance Search tab, select Source or Target, and hit the Search button. One of the advantages of a tool like Smartcat where the data is centralized is that concordance searches will look in the entire TM, not its local subset. This results in more relevant matches. To find translations of a word or phrase in any available TMs that are not enabled on the project, use the Global Search tab under Linguistic assets in the main workspace. Then hit Global concordance and type in a keyword. To figure out a translation memory where the keyword is found, hit the downward arrow to the right of the keyword.
Connect and translate your Lander website with Smartcat
Translate Lander site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Lander page.Click Preview my website.This. will open the translated version of your Lander page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Lander page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open your page settings in Lander. Go to the Page settings tab.Paste your Java script code generated by Smarcat into the Head area.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
How to translate XLIFF files: the complete end-to-end workflow
Translating XLIFF files with Smartcat This guide takes you through the whole process, from exporting your XLIFF files from your course-authoring platform, uploading to Smartcat, translating and editing it with AI human workflows, and then downloading your translated file for upload back into your course-authoring platform. Compatible file formats When translating courses with Smartcat, we recommend using the XLIFF 1.2 file format for the best results. How to export your XLIFF files from your course-authoring platform There are many course-authoring platforms and learning management systems. They typically follow a similar workflow, with some degree of differentiation, when it comes to exporting XLIFF files for translation. In this section, we will use the popular platform Articulate Rise, to demonstrate how to export course content files for translation. 1. Create multiple course copies, one per each target language First, make a copy of your Articulate Rise 360 course for every language that you want to translate it into. If you’ve got multiple languages you aim to provide your course in, be sure to make the right number of copies. The course will preserve its original language layout in every target language, so no need to worry about that. To copy a course, hover over the course tile in your Rise 360 dashboard, and choose Duplicate. Enter the name for the course (a good idea would be to specify the target language) and click Save. 2. Export XLIFF file from each copyExport a XLIFF file for each of your course copies. It's crucial that you have multiple course copies and also an export XLIFF file for each of these copies. You can't simply export one XLIFF file, translate it into multiple languages, and then import into Articulate. Every language copy of the course has unique identifiers, so an XLIFF file from one course won't fit a different one. Articulate Rise will return an error message and refuse to import translations if a user tries to use the incorrect export XLIFF file. Open the course you’ve made for translation, click Settings in the upper right corner, and proceed to the Translations tab.If you don’t need to preserve formatting, deselect Include HTML formatting. Note that you’ll have to format the course afterward if you choose to do this. Click Export XLIFF file and save it. How to upload and AI-translate an XLIFF file in 5 steps Log in to Smartcat: Go to the Smartcat website and log in to your account.Create a Project: Click on "Projects" in the Navigation menu, then "+ New project". . Enter Project Details: Project name, deadline, source and target language(s), and project workflow. Click “Create project”.Upload File(s): Click "Upload files". Then, in the new window, select the XLIFF file from your computer or drag and drop it onto the screen.Start Project: Once the file is uploaded, click "Finish". Smartcat AI will automatically analyze your XLIFF file, choose the best automatic translation engine, and perform the AI translation. Review and edit AI translations in Smartcat Editor in 7 steps As soon as your AI translation is complete – typically in seconds but no more than a few minutes – you can review and edit it, invite team members to review, or assign a subject matter expert reviewer native to the target translation language. The review process works as follows: Access Smartcat Editor: Click on “Open Editor” to review your AI translation. Review segments: Look at each segment that has been translated by AI.Check for quality: Ensure the translation accurately conveys the original meaning and is contextually appropriate.Edit translation: If necessary, make corrections to the AI-generated translation to improve quality and accuracy. Use glossary and TM: Refer to your translation memory (TM) and glossary suggestions, via the Suggestions tab to the bottom left, to maintain consistency and correct terminology.Approve translations: Mark each segment as approved once they meet your quality standards.Leverage QA tools: Use Smartcat's built-in quality assurance (QA) tools to identify any potential issues, such as inconsistencies or errors. Export Translated XLIFF File in 5 steps Exporting your translated XLIFF file is fast and easy. Complete Translation: Click “Done” to the top right of the screen in Editor once review and QA steps are complete. Export File: Click on the dropdown symbol beside the download button to the top right of the Editor screen.Click on “Special formats”: Click “XLIFF”.Retain naming convention: Before downloading, ensure the file name matches the original format used by your LMS platform (e.g., Articulate).Save document: Save your XLIFF file to your chosen location on your computer. It will automatically download. You can also export your translation via project settings. Re-import XLIFF File into Course Authoring Platforms in 6 steps Whichever course-authoring platform you use, the process for re-importing follows a similar workflow. Again, we will use Articulate Rise as an example workflow here. LMS login: Log in to Articulate Rise.Select course: Choose the specific course you wish to update with the translated content.Go to “Course Settings”: Click on course settings to proceed with translated file import.Import translated text: Scroll down to step 3 – “Import translated text” – and click on the button. Upload your XLIFF file: Choose the file from your computer and upload it.Review imported content: Ensure that the translated content appears correctly in the course on Articulate Rise. For further XLIFF translation and elearning education, sign up to our free and fast Smartcat Academy course. FAQ Can I download the completed project in the XLIFF format? These files are not meant to be published or anything, they are meant to exchange data between tools. XLIFF files are by design bilingual. An XLIFF file contains both the source and target text as well as segment status if the translation is completed. It always contains the source text no matter what the translation status is. For example, it is possible to import a partially translated XLIFF file in a tool and complete the translation, reusing the partial translation and segment status.It is possible to export an XLIFF file at any time during the translation process in Smartcat. I exported XLIFF files but they don't work in Trados! Our files are fully compatible with the XLIFF standard and therefore can be opened with anything in the world that supports XLIFF.The problem with XLIFF in Trados happens because SDL uses different abbreviations for the language codes for some languages. It is the problem on the Trados side, not from the Smartcat files. There is a workaround to solve this problem - the XLIFF files can be opened in a text editor and the language codes can be replaced by the Trados-compatible language codes. Files will then be compatible with Trados. Supported languages and language codes The full list of languages supported in Smartcat and their respective codes can be found here. You can use the codes not only to make API requests but also to import TMX files, create translation memories using Excel and import & export XLIFF files.Note: Different CAT tools might use different language codes. This is particularly important when you import TMX files that might have been created outside of Smartcat. If the wrong language codes are used in the TMX files, Smartcat will generate errors and not import the segments.
Use project templates
Project templates | Smartcat Help Center Project templates are pre-set workflows that are designed for specific tasks. For example, you might have a template ready for website translation or software localization. This saves you the trouble of setting up every new project from scratch. Here’s how to select or create a project template in Smartcat: Sign in to Smartcat. Start by logging into Smartcat using your credentials to access your workspace.Start a new project. On your workspace’s home page, locate the Create a project option in the templates section below your workspace's name. Clicking this will open the project creation workflow. Select or create a template. Click the Change template button at the top right of the workflow to start using a project template. By default, it shows Smartcat’s preloaded options (software localization, website translation, set-up integration) and any previously created options. When you select an existing template, the predetermined workflows are loaded in automatically, saving you time. When you create a new template, you must configure all the settings manually, including every stage of your desired workflow, such as translation, editing, review, QA, legalization, pre-translation rules, and other settings. However, this template will be saved in your account for future use. Define your project template Give the template a name and a description that tells users how to fill out the fields. Step 2: Set your workflow Predefine your project workflow stages, source, and target languages. When you click on the Add stage option, a dropdown Select stage menu appears. This divides into source-file processing and target-file processing stages. This layout allows you to easily categorize and select the appropriate stages for your project. Each stage, except for the Source layout check, can be selected an infinite number of times, allowing you to include multiple instances of the same stage in your workflow. However, the Source layout check stage can only be selected once to maintain its specific purpose and functionality. Keep in mind that this stage always comes first. In the project template creation wizard, when you move to the second step, the Translation stage is automatically reselected by default. This ensures a smooth and consistent workflow setup. If you manually delete the Translation stage, the Linguistic assets and Automatic translation items are hidden in the left menu, and the remaining steps in the workflow are renumbered accordingly. This dynamic adjustment helps you to maintain a clear understanding of your workflow structure. When you select two or more stages from the list, they are added to the workflow list, and the Drag & Drop functionality is activated. This enables you to rearrange the stages as per your preferences. However, if only one stage is selected, the Drag button is disabled to prevent any unnecessary movement. If you select two or more source languages, the options to set up linguistic assets and automatic translation will no longer be available. As a result, you won't be able to set up translation memories, glossaries, and pre-translation rules in the project template. In summary, the updated workflow builder is integrated into the project template creation wizard, project wizard, and custom workflow creation in the project wizard. You can select, arrange, and delete stages in your workflow, resulting in the creation of a project template or project with the selected workflow configuration. Step 3: Set project properties Deadline and project name mask fields are optional. Custom properties : available if there are project custom fields added in the workspace (Smartcat account > settings > Custom fields). See more about custom fields in Custom project properties (aka Custom fields) Step 4: Set up linguistic assets Deadline and project name mask fields are optional. You will also see options for adding further context, via project description, client, and subject. Select translation memories (TMs) and specify thresholds. The TMs you select here can be further applied to the automatic translation rules. If you don’t want to set up the automatic translation rules in the template, you can skip this step. Select a translation memory Select glossaries (optional) Step 5: Set automatic translation rules Set up translation memory rules You can set up multiple translation rules and sort them in the desired order by dragging and dropping elements. If you need to change the translation memory used in a rule, you must go back to the previous step to select the appropriate TM. AI translation rule: You can set up an AI translation rule and choose different engines for target languages. Step 6: Upload your files Activate uploading reference files to a project if needed. Step 7: Advanced Project settings Repetitions settings Quality assurance settings Once all steps are completed, click Create a project template: After you have created the template, you can use it at any time by selecting it from your list of created templates in the home page shortcut.
Local wire transfers in AED (UAE)
AED wire transfers (UAE) | Smartcat Help Center SWIFT wire transfer in AED is a bank transfer through the SWIFT system to banks in the United Arab Emirates. Supported currencies United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from AED, the funds will be converted to AED at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 13 AED You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum payout amounts 150 AED Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s IBAN✓✓The beneficiary's international bank account number, up to 34 characters long (including numbers and letters)SWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal code Advantages Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for an international SWIFT wire transfer (not a local wire transfer)Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential addressCheck if the specified details (IBAN, SWIFT) are correctMake sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE B.V. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a bank account in the United Arab Emirates. I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in AED, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Understand glossaries and translation memories
Translation memories, glossaries | Smartcat Help Center Critical localization projects, especially the more technical, require extra attention to terminology and phrasing to ensure consistency. That’s why we let our users create and use translation memories and glossaries. Translation memories (TMs) are databases of previously translated sentences, usually in CAT tools, and glossaries are databases of set terms. You can use them as translation references for your projects and save time and money on editing and keep translation quality standards high. Glossaries are organized collections of approved translations for specific terms. These can be technical terms, industry-specific jargon, or just set words that are used frequently in your content. While you can use TMs to search for previous translations of a given term, glossaries provide a much more structured and organized interface, making them easier to use and maintain. How do translation memories work? Each time you edit and confirm a segment in the Editor it’s saved in Smartcat’s internal database for further use. Translation memories automatically retrieve and suggest previously translated text when the technology detects identical sentences or similar fragments of text. When you get a suggestion from the translation memory, you can either accept the proposed translation, edit it, or ignore the suggestion and translate the segment from scratch. How do translation memories help you? Saving time. The more content that is already translated, the less work the translator and the editor have to do.Improving quality. Translations are more consistent in terms of terminology and style.Cutting costs. The less work involved in the translation, the less you’ll have to pay translators and editors. In addition, Smartcat offers special rates for TM matches. If we take a document containing 31 words, where 14 words are new, 12 words are fuzzy matches, and 7 words are repetitions, this means you’ll save almost 40% on translation costs. The calculation looks like this: (14 × 1) + (12 × 0,4) + (7 × 0) = 18.8. Translation memory settings while creating a project https://help.smartcat.com/adding-translation-memory-project/ Importing translation memory https://help.smartcat.com/1539635-importing-exporting-translation-memories/ Deleting translation memory https://help.smartcat.com/1539671-deleting-or-overwriting-a-translation-memory/ How do glossaries work? After you create or import a glossary you can associate it with a specific project. After, when a glossary term is detected in the source text, the system will automatically offer the stored translations for the term. You can accept or decline the word or phrase suggestion. How do glossaries help you? Diversity. You can have the same term translated differently for different clients as it's stored in different glossaries. Easier collaboration. Your translators always have enough context even if they have to switch between multiple projects. Speed and quality. Glossaries help to ensure consistency the same way as translation memories do.
Ensure personal data protection
Personal data protection | Smartcat Help Center What is GDPR? On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation, abbreviated as the GDPR, has come into force. The law has established general rules regarding data protection in the European Union for international companies that process personal data of EU citizens. The main goal of the law is to give users the opportunity to learn about their data, which is stored by the company, and if the user wants to, manage it. GDPR & Smartcat Smartcat is very serious about storing the personal data of its customers, and protecting this information. In fact, we’ve always been, and after the enactment of the new law, that didn’t change. User data Storage We have updated our Terms of Use and published the Privacy Policy. The new version of the Terms of Use describes in more detail and with improved clarity what user data we store, for what purposes, and how we guarantee security. Management You can still control the visibility of your profile to search engines and within Smartcat’s Marketplace. If you decide to stop using Smartcat, we will, at your request, delete your account and all associated information, including files and projects. You may delete the personal data you’ve added to your freelancer profile or corporate profile, such as your name, photo and phone number, by yourself at any time. Protection Smartcat employees who have access to your data are thoroughly checked by our security team and can only use your data as part of their work. In addition, access is limited by authorization procedures and infrastructure, which does not allow employees with insufficient rights to access information. Your data is stored in data centers with the strongest, strictest security level, Tier IV. This is a much higher level of protection than conventional office servers provide (Learn more about Smartcat security measures ). Privacy We do not share any user information we have with third parties. Your data is stored on one of three servers located in Europe, the US or Asia and does not go outside of them. When you sign up with Smartcat, your information will go to one of the three servers, depending on the region in which you are located. Smartcat’s partners In the terminology of the GDPR, Smartcat is a “data controller”, because we collect and use information about our users. We carefully select partners to help process our payment orders, and enter into agreements with them that detail points concerning the safety of user data. Smartcat does not store your bank card details; they are stored on our payment partner’s side, which has all the necessary infrastructure to ensure the safe storage of this type of information, which is confirmed by the availability of a PCI DSS certificate. Any new solutions we design will take into account the new requirements for data security. At the same time, we are looking for the latest solutions in the field of data protection, and will apply them to our processes, infrastructure solutions and partner selection.
Manage translations of non-CAT files
Managing non-CAT translations | Smartcat Help Center There are orders placed with pretty exotic file formats or non-text files that practically cannot be parsed by the system and opened in the Editor. The option to upload files without processing have cropped up exactly from such cases and for dealing with such files in a single loop with more common formats. Thus, it allows you to integrate work with non-text files into the general project management system and assign tasks, for example, translation of video and audio materials, to freelancers from the Smartcat Marketplace. The only thing left is to figure out how to work with such files in Smartcat. Uploading files into a project Almost all formats can get uploaded into Smartcat except for executable files from this list. You can also skip processing files in the text formats available for parsing if you click on the file icon on the first step of project creation and mark the Do not parse checkbox. If a project contains only files uploaded without parsing, the Statistics, Pretranslate, and Linguistic Assets tabs won't appear, at least until some text files get loaded and processed into that project. Estimating the amount of work Considering that Smartcat hasn't processed non-CAT files, it is required to estimate the amount of work on the assignments page. All workflow stages besides Source layout check and DTP are calculated in words while the layout stages in pages. The cost is the rate per unit for a service taken from a freelancer's profile. That said, a freelancer that has the rate of $0.5 per word for the Translation service with the amount of work as 100 words will receive $50. Indeed, the system won't analyze discounts for fuzzy and context matches since files aren't parsed. Assignment You can assign freelancers if they have a service in the profile that matches the project workflow stage. The team hasn't yet added workflow stages that support other types of units, such as minute, hour, or document. Therefore, when assigning a video or audio file, as a workaround, you have to set the estimate in words for calculating the cost. For example, if you've agreed in the Chat with a freelancer that the cost of Transcription will be $100, then set the freelancer's rate as $1 for Translation and the amount of work as 100 words before the assignment. The assignment process itself does not differ much from the standard one. Once assigned, a freelancer will be able to download the source file and upload the resulting file back to the system after completing the task in the original or another format. When you change the document status to Completed, the corresponding job will appear in the Payment section. It's not a big deal If a freelancer's uploaded an incorrect file by mistake, and the document is already completed since you can always restart the task and reassign it. Issuing a quote Another useful feature when working with non-CAT files in Smartcat is the option to calculate the quote and issue the invoice for a client. You can learn more about forming quotes and invoices in the Client Management section.
Install and set up Smartcat Translator for Desktop on Linux
Smartcat Translator installation on Linux | Smartcat Help Center Stop copy-pasting text snippets from desktop apps into Google Translate and then back again when you need to translate something or trying to communicate with people in other languages! Smartcat Translator for Desktop blends into your everyday workflows, allowing you to quickly translate any text in the desktop app and have the result inserted back, not only saving you time but also improving the quality of the translation. Smartcat Translator for Desktop is the easiest way to communicate or create content in multiple languages on the go. Create a Smartcat account and proceed as described below. Installing Smartcat Translator To install Smartcat Translator for Desktop on a Linux machine, complete the following procedure:Navigate to https://smartcat.com/integrations/linux and click Try it now to download an AppImage file.Make the downloaded file executable and run it. Setting up Smartcat Translator To set up Smartcat Translator, follow the UI instructions. Using the application When you are inside the source text editor, use Ctrl + Enter to translate the text box contents. In addition to translating texts directly in this window, you can translate them in any application without losing the keyboard focus, by executing the following sequence of keystrokes: Ctrl + C (copies selection into clipboard)Ctrl + \ (translates the clipboard contents and copies the translation to the clipboard)Ctrl + V (pastes the translation) See the Switching modes section below to learn how to simplify this down to a single keystroke. Note that keeping your Translator window open is not necessary. You can close it and continue using the shortcuts above to perform the translation. There are also a few handy global shortcuts: Ctrl + Alt + \ (switches the translation's direction)Ctrl + Shift + \ (changes mode, see below for more details)Ctrl + Alt + Win + \ (shows or hides the main Translator window) Switching modes By default, Smartcat Translator works in Translate mode. In this mode, Smartcat Translator reads the contents of the clipboard, translates them, and copies the translation to the clipboard. This mode, therefore, requires that you manually copy the selection into the clipboard before doing the translation, and then manually paste the translation back. You may want to automate the copying, or pasting, or both. To do it, change mode to one of the following: Copy + Translate mode simulates pressing Ctrl + C before performing the translation.Copy + Translate + Paste mode additionally simulates pressing Ctrl + V after performing the translation. Updating the application Smartcat Translator will automatically check for updates on startup. If there is a new version, a notification will be shown and the application will be updated on restart.
Use flexible XML parsing methods
Flexible XML parsing methods | Smartcat Help Center It's common knowledge that sometimes preset XML parsers do not allow accomplishing the desired outcome like uploading only specific strings and elements for translation or adding IDs and length limits for segments in the CAT Editor. With the Smartcat flexible XML parser, you can set models for each case you have to deal with. The first thing to do is to check the Settings section in your account then go further to File Formats where you will find the settings. Secondly, you should set models here to be able to apply them for documents you are planning to upload. Of course, you may set several models that match requirements for this or that project. Before rushing to set new XML models, it's better to check the XPath syntax since the system will be looking for paths to elements in XML files according to it. Another thing to employ is a test environment that will indeed help to try out whether a model works or need to be adjusted. Be sure that Xpather will do the job. Setting a custom XML parsing method The form for setting a model has a few fields, some of them are optional while two are key and therefore mandatory. Let's begin with them. Import setting name: The name of a future parsing method. Segment-forming elements: This field is used for setting a path to XML elements you want to put in the Editor. You may set several more than one element that the system looks through a whole document.For example, the path //test-string or /test/test-string display the string Translate me from the XML file below: It's not possible to save a model without filling in, at least these two fields. Let's move on to the optional fields and checkbox. Besides the core fields, you may set the paths to translatable and untranslatable nodes, string IDs, comments, and length limits. Another available setting is whether you want to protect HTML tags in CDATA sections, which we will cover later. Translatable text: Segment-forming elements comprise nodes — other elements, their attributes, or text that can be translated. That being said, the setting is relative to segment-forming elements and are searched for within only the elements set there. More than one path could be set as well. Example: The XML file has an element test, an attribute attribute-1 , and another element test-string. Two segments will appear in the Editor: Translate me and Well. Untranslatable inline elements: It's optional to set a path to an element that you don't want to translate; thus, the element will not get to the Editor. The element's content will be marked as a tag in the Editor. More than one value can be set in this field too. Basically, the setting makes it possible to not show technical pieces or else that you don't want to translate. Here is a simple example: String ID: The field allows selecting a unique node that will be used as a segment ID in the Editor. Even though the setting is optional, it's a powerful tool that lets you update a document keeping the segment revisions as well as assignments. Only one node can be specified. Important: The field value has to be unique for each segment within the file. In the example below, the path to the attribute ID of the element test-string is used as unique identificator in Smartcat. As you may see, the segment has the ID placed at the bottom. Comments: The field, which you may use for adding comments that will be shown in the Segment comments section in the Editor. It's possible to set more than one comment.Example: Segment length limit: Here it's possible to set the path to a node, which should be an integer of the string type. The integer will indicate how many characters are possible to write in a segment. Only one length limit can be set. In the following example we are going to use these settings: Segment-forming element: //test-string Segment length limit: @max A linguist who is working on the segment cannot confirm it if the length of translation exceeds the limit. Protect HTML tags in CDATA sections: Depending on whether the box marked or not, HTML tags will be shown as an editable piece of text of substituted by Smartcat tags. Without protection, tags and the text within will look like this text within will look like this <br>text</br>. If tags are protected, Smartcat tags substitute HTML ones . It is worth mentioning that for the successful use of the custom XML parser in Smartcat, files must contain repeating elements, each of which, in turn, will be turned into a source segment.
Set up the Order Management Solution
Order Management setup | Smartcat Help Center The Smartcat order management solution allows you to receive translation requests from other workspaces in your organization. Enable Order Management Solution To get started, request activation of this feature for your workspace (available for a workspace admin), by following these steps: Go to your Smartcat account > log in to the workspace where you want to receive the translation requests On the Home page, click on your name in the right top corner > Manage Organization: Click on the Managed by me tab and select your workspace: On the General page, click on the Send request button: We will receive your request and enable the feature in your workspace. Once it is activated, you will see the Orders tab on your Home page. Create workspaces for translation requests You can create a new workspace or choose an existing one that will be used by your colleagues to create translation requests. To view all workspaces or create a new one, follow the steps below:On the Home page, click on your name in the right top corner > Manage OrganizationSee workspaces under All and Managed by me tabs To create a new workspace, click on the + Create workspace button: You can create as many workspaces as you want. Create service templates After defining the workspace where your colleagues will create translation requests, you should set up the service templates for it. The template predefines the main properties of future translation requests. To add a service template, you first need to Create a project template. Here is how. Go to your Smartcat account > log in to the workspace where you want to receive the translation requests On the Home page, click on the three dots in the Shortcuts section > Create a template > Project template: Fill in the required fields to create a template: Please note that this project template will be linked to a service template for creating translation requests. The workflows you specify in the project template will be reflected in the translation request. Next, you should Create a service template. Go back to the Home page, click on the three dots in the Shortcuts section > Create a template > Service template. Fill in the required fields to create a template: Set languages: you can preset the source and target languages for the translation requests. If you choose the “Required” type, users will be able to select the languages by themselves when creating the translation request: Project properties: if you have any custom project fields, you can select them by clicking on the +Add custom property button. The “Required” field type allows users to fill in the custom fields when creating a translation request: Custom fields are managed in Smartcat account > Workspace settings > Custom fields Set project template and cost: here select a project template you created earlier and specify a rate per word. Once the service template is created, you can share it with the corresponding workspace. Click on the three dots next to the template on the Home page and select a workspace that should have access to the template: As a result, the service template will appear in the selected workspace and can be used to create translation requests. Customize workspace appearance and invite users You're almost ready to go! Consider keeping necessary navigation menu shortcuts in the workspace to enhance the user experience and invite your colleagues. Go to the Home page and click on the three dots in the left sidebar to open the organization settings: Select the workspace in the list and open the Home page interface tab Here you can adjust the workspace appearance, upload a logo, and background image, and select shortcuts that will be displayed for users: Then, you can invite your colleagues to join the workspace. If you’d like them to have full access to the workspace settings, you can provide them with the admin role. Alternatively, you can assign them any other role with the access level to create orders so that they can use your service template for translation requests. For example, you can invite users with the product manager role. To learn more about how to invite your colleagues to the workspace, you can refer to the guide on how to add teammates.
Getting started (developer portal)
Getting started (developer portal) So, you want to integrate with Smartcat — that's a great place to start. Below you will learn about the available options. Connectors The simplest method for integrating your CMS with Smartcat is by using the built-in connectors that allow you to set up data synchronization in several clicks. Just go to your Smartcat account, hit 'Create project', and select the third-party system that you want to connect with. To explore available connectors check out our Integrations Page. REST API When it comes to specific integration needs not typically related to software localization (integration with your payment systems, notifications, statistics), we offer you a REST API. It provides atomic methods and access to different objects and properties of your account, allowing you to implement the integration exactly the way you need it, and in any programming language. To get a grasp on how to integrate with Smartcat API, begin with our API guides. Then you can go to the API reference to find out how to use the specific methods. Also, you can reference to a Postman collection with most frequently used requests to build your integration with Smartcat REST API. Please find that collection here: Smartcat REST API examples. Software Localization Projects in Smartcat In addition to regular document-based projects, Smartcat offers a different way of managing keys (strings) that is more suitable for software localization projects. Key Benefits Software keys (strings) are managed on the platform (Smartcat becomes the source of truth for all of your software copy)UX writers and product managers change the copy by themselves, without distracting developersDevelopers act as content consumers by exporting the needed subset of keys in a format of their choiceDevelopers can import source strings and translations in various developer file formats, and export translations in various file formats as wellREST API and CLI offer easy integration with CI/CD pipelines You can find out more about software localization projects here: Software Localization Projects. Smartcat CLI Smartcat CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a cross-platform tool that allows to perform certain actions (mostly related to uploading / downloading content) from a command line or automation scripts. Please find the guide on how to install and use this tool here: Smartcat CLI.
Connect Lokalise with Smartcat
Lokalise integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Lokalise is a localization and translation management platform for certain types of localization projects, such as mobile apps, games or websites. By integrating Lokalise with Smartcat you gain extra flexibility in terms of vendor management, easy billing, and project management automation. This section describes how to connect your Lokalise account to Smartcat and continue with your projects right away. 1. Pre-requisites Before configuring the integration, generate a new Lokalise API token that the Smartcat integration will use to access Lokalise platform. To create an API token, proceed as follows: Log in to your Lokalise account. Click on your avatar in the bottom-left corner and then navigate to Personal profile > API tokens. This is the page where you can see all created tokens and create new ones. Click Generate new token to display the popup where you can select the token type. Since the Smartcat integration requires read and write access to your projects. Click Generate. A newly generated token is added to the list. Copy the token string and save it for further use. Note that the Lokalise API tokens do not have expiration dates. 2. Configuring the integration To configure the Lokalise integration, log in to Smartcat and complete the following steps. Create a new Smartcat project and select Set up an integration when prompted How would you like to proceed? Scroll down the Integrate & streamline page and click Connect in the Lokalise tile. Paste the API token that you generated and saved as described in the Pre-requisites section to the Lokalise secret key field. Click Create integration. Smartcat will gather information about the projects in your Lokalise account and prompt you to select the required one. Make your selection and click Create integration. 3. Using the integration If the integration is created successfully, the content of the project that you indicated in the settings is synchronized with the current Smartcat project and you start working on it immediately. In the Translate Documents dialog displayed after Smartcat has retrieved the content of the selected Lokalise project, the Source language will be populated automatically. The list of the target languages will match the target languages in the corresponding project, but you need to explicitly select them before continuing. Choose the tile that best describes the required workflow and click Translate. If Smartcat finds pre-existing translations, you can review them by clicking the Download button in the respective row.- To import a translation, check the respective checkbox and click Import.- To pull the source content only, uncheck all checkboxes and click Import. When all the required content is successfully imported, a summary is displayed, showing you the name of the integrated project and the statistics on file import. Open the Files tab to view the details of the imported documents. You can proceed translating the documents on your own or click Assign and invite an individual supplier or an agency to handle the translation. After a document translation is completed, return to the Integrations tab, open the Settings, enable the option Push translations back and click Sync Now. The translated segments are pushed to Lokalise and appear in the editor. If new source segments were added to the integrated space since the previous sync, the Smartcat documents will be updated accordingly. By default, a sync disregards incomplete translations. You can, however, instruct the integration to include them in every sync by enabling the option Publish incomplete documents. Instead of explicitly performing sync by clicking Sync Now, you can schedule a sync at the required intervals. To do this, click on Do not repeat and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Add clients to your Smartcat account
Client management | Smartcat Help Center Most likely, you have multiple clients for your translation services — whether you are a localization vendor or a corporate translation department. Your clients can be another corporation or a division in your own company. Smartcat lets you set clients that can be used not only to categorize linguistic assets but also to facilitate your project management workflow. For example, marking linguistic resources and a project with a client's tag automatically connects the resources associated with the client to the project right after creation. The Clients section can be found right in the main menu of your account. The first tab is where the client list is located in Smartcat. On this screenshot above, you can see two different types of clients — a record with the building icon is one that you create for storing information about a client that does not have an account in Smartcat while the other one (with the infinity symbol) indicated that a client has a corporate account and has added you as a vendor, which allows assigning projects and tasks to you right in Smartcat. To create a new client, click on Add client and fill in the form as much as you need. The only field that is obligatory is Name. The Industry field allows you to input and save an industry name that you have gotten used to. Of course, you may use it later for other clients. The Assigned manager field lets you select a teammate already added to your team via email as the manager or contact person for this particular client. The Net rate scheme field is used for specifying the scheme you set for a client that will be preset in the Statistics tab for every project of the client.You can also add contact information for each client and designate a Primary contact by clicking on Add contact. Project Tags In addition to Clients, Smartcat offers another label that can be used to organize your data — Project tags. Project tags is a simple label that can be used to tag linguistic assets and projects. Some good examples for the use of a project group label would be to tag data by office location or to tag the linguistic assets of small clients for which creating a client label might not be useful. If your company works with many law offices who send you work on an irregular basis, creating a Legal project group will let you store data related to all these clients in unique TM or terminology databases. Simply click on the Create project tag button to create a new label: Once you have added all of your current clients — and project tags where applicable — we can proceed with adding users to the account.
Use supplier and client payments
Handling payments | Smartcat Help Center The following article outlines the payment sections in a Smartcat corporate account. It's worth noting that the overall payment process will vary depending on whether the translation work is done in Smartcat or by using another CAT tool. But in both cases, it is possible to pay freelancers using the automated process. The Payments Menu Payment options can be accessed through the Payments section in the Smartcat main menu. From there, the user will have access to several sections and tabs to complete the process. Supplier payments. Jobs The first tab is Jobs. Once a task assigned to a freelancer has been completed in Smartcat, the corresponding job will be created on this page. Tasks assigned to LSP vendors have not yet added to this list automatically, see below for information on how to add jobs. The information displayed will match the project data — the name of a freelancer, project name, and cost calculated by the system using the freelancer rates and discount mechanisms for different types of matches. In addition, this page will also display an invoice number if the job is in the process of being paid or has been paid already. The payment status will be shown there too. If a task has been completed outside Smartcat or performed in Smartcat by a vendor associated with the account, it is possible to create a job manually using the New Supplier Job option (point to above). This will bring up the following dialog box: If you want to add one supplier job manually, select the Add Job option. Choose a supplier from the drop-down list (it will be prepopulated with My Team and My Vendors members) and add the information that you want to appear in the Job page. Most fields are free-form, so you can add custom information. The cost is calculated automatically based on the unit count and the rate. Click Create when you are sure that the information put in is correct, and the task is added to the Jobs list. For example: Clicking on the three dots at the right of the job listing opens the menu to check the job details: On your payment schedule (weekly, monthly, etc.), you then need to select the jobs that you want to pay. You can select individual tasks or use the Select all option. Once the selection is complete, the Create Invoice & Pay button will become active: The following dialog box will appear when dealing with mixed currencies. You are then asked to choose in what currency you want to pay the invoice. We offer the choice of over 10 major currencies. Freelancers will receive money in their own currencies, the currencies in which their rates are set. You can also choose to pay in the freelancer currency: An invoice can contain as many tasks as you want — from one to hundreds! It will also contain payment instructions and details. Once your payment has been received, we will process the money to the freelancers. The invoice will then be added automatically to the Invoice tab (see the Invoice section below) Supplier payments. Import If most of your tasks are not completed using Smartcat or if you store your payment information in a TMS, we also offer the option to create Job by importing an Excel spreadsheet containing fields that we need to process the payments. The Import tab has all the information: We provide a preset template to help you fill in the fields required — you can download it, fill in the information and upload it back to us, and we will add the individual jobs to your account. An invoice with the jobs will be crated automatically. You can also upload files exported from a TMS as long as they contain the information we need. More information about the job import here. Supplier payments. Invoices Once you have created an invoice, it will appear in the Invoices tab along with other invoices awaiting payment or already paid: You can click on an invoice to see details about the jobs being paid: At this point, you have the possibility to pay any open invoice. Clicking on the Pay button will display the 2 options available: If you choose the Standard processing option (Via Invoice), you will be able to download a PDF file with the invoice details and payment information. If you choose the Express processing option (PayPal or bank card), you will be able to enter credit card information to pay the invoice instantly. Please note that a processing fee is added when using your credit card. Once the invoice has been paid, its status changes from Created to Paid. You can download the invoices at any time after payment has been made. Note: It is now possible to download a CSV file with all the information for the jobs included in the invoice using the Download jobs in CSV button on the right end of the invoice. Supplier payments. Payment details In this tab, you should enter legal information about your company. This will be used for Smartcat's accounting. You also have the option to specify a different legal entity to process your payouts (when you pay vendors) and a different entity to receive payments and make withdrawals from your balance (see below). Client payments Here you can find invoices for payments processed by your clients. Settings & balance. Payment settings On this tab, you can enter information about your company so that freelancers considering one of your jobs can learn more about you. This is also where you can specify your payment terms to the freelancers according to which they can expect to receive payments. You can specify how disputes are resolved as well. The payment time field is customizable by using the Edit option (circled in red above) that appears when you hover your mouse cursor over the area. On this page, you can also specify the discount mechanism that you want to use to pay your translators for different types of matches. You can customize a discount scheme for every task type. This will be used by Smartcat to calculate the project cost and the translator invoices. In the example above, translators are not paid for 100% and 101-102% matches as well as repetitions. And editors are paid 100% of their rates for all the matches. Important: Please review the Supplier net rate schemes set in your account to make sure that they match your pricing policy. The default setting in Smartcat might be very different from what you are currently using. All matches except for repetitions have to be paid at full rate if the stage is not used as the first in your stage workflow. It's important because almost all segments after the first stage will be full context matches (102%). Settings & balance. Balance Your Smartcat balance is where payments that you receive from your clients could be tracked. These payments could come from different origins: As the results of acting as a vendor for another Smartcat user. If the other user makes a payment using Smartcat's payment automation system, the amount will automatically be added to your balance. Requesting payment from your clients. Now Smartcat allows you to request payments from your clients and make use of our payment network. This could be convenient for clients located outside your country as they might find a cheaper payment method with Smartcat and even avoid currency exchange fees as well (you can have a balance in different currencies). By clicking in the Request Payment option, you can bring up the following dialog box: There you can enter all the details about the job that you have just completed and some information about your customer, and they will receive an email with instructions on how to make payments. Once payment has been received, the amount will be added to your balance. For payments on jobs received on the client portal. If you have set up a Smartcat client portal, jobs completed there will be paid using the Smartcat payment automation system. Your clients will have two convenient payment options - wire transfers and credit cards. No more need to produce invoices manually. By using the Top Up Balance option. You can top up your Smartcat balance yourself by using the Top Up Balance button. This will bring up the following dialog box: There you can choose an amount and the currency you want to add to your balance. This money can be used to pay your freelancers for upcoming jobs. You can use your balance for different purposes: You can withdraw the available balance by clicking on the Withdraw from the Balance option. The following dialog will appear: Choose the amount and the currency and click Withdraw from Balance. The money will be deposited in the account you specified using your preferred payout method. Note: Money that you have added yourself using the Top Up Balance option is not available for withdrawal using this method. You can also use this money to pay for vendors listed in the Jobs tabs. Instead of creating an invoice after you have selected the jobs to be paid, choose the Pay from Balance option. An invoice will be created after, but it will be marked as paid straight. If you want to pay an invoice that has already been formed, you should delete it, select the jobs, and hit the Pay from Balance button. Since you can have the balance in different currencies, this option can be very useful to limit foreign exchange fees and also limit your transaction costs.
Translate memoQ documents in Smartcat
Translating memoQ docs | Smartcat Help Center To translate memoQ documents in Smartcat, do the following: Export files from memoQ To do this, select the desired files and click Export Bilingual in the context menu.Choose memoQ XLIFF and click Plain XLIFF for other tools. Upload the obtained.mqxliff files in Smartcat Create a Smartcat project or add files to an existing project. Note that the language pair of the Smartcat project must match the one of the memoQ document. You can configure the following settings when importing the document: (1) This option allows you to choose between keeping the segmentation of the document exactly as it is in the original document by selecting “Like the source file” or splitting existing untranslated segments into sentences by selecting “Additionally segment untranslated units”. This option can be useful if the document was segmented by paragraphs originally since you have better chances to find matches in the TM with single sentences. This will be done automatically during the processing of the file. (2) This option refers back to the first option. If you selected the “Additionally segment untranslated units” option and split the original segments into sentences - the first option would revert the segmentation back to the segmentation of the original file when you export the file. If you select the “No, use Smartcat segmentation” option, the exported file would be segmented in the same way that Smartcat processed it and re-segmented the file. Typically, it is better to revert the file’s segmentation to the original segmentation because otherwise, it could cause problems when the file is reimported by the client. (3) When you import an XLIFF file it may already have translations inserted. If you want to keep these translations, you would choose the “Yes” option. This would be particularly useful if you had translated the file with a different CAT tool and then wanted to assign an editor through Smartcat. If you were to select “No” the translated segments would be ignored and the translation would have to be restarted from scratch. (4) If the file has pre-translated segments this option allows you to choose when the segments are confirmed inside of Smartcat. So for instance, if your project had TEP (Translation, Editing, Proofreading) workflow stages and you selected the option “Yes, at the last stage” the segments would be confirmed as having been Proofread and locked for the linguistic team. If you selected the option “Yes, at the first stage” the segments would be confirmed as having been translated but would still require Editing and Proofreading confirmation. If you select the option “Yes, for segments with the status:” it will open a popup as shown below: Here, you would be able to customize the confirmation of segments based upon their status as indicated in the XLIFF file and their workflow stage in Smartcat. For example, in the screenshot above, segments with the "final" status in the XLIFF file would be approved as Proofread in Smartcat. Segments with the status "translated" would be approved only for the translation stage. (5) This option allows you to completely lock segments so that no further action can be taken. If you select the “Yes, with statuses:” option then a popup will open displaying the statuses shown in the previous picture. You will be able to select specific statuses and when Smartcat parses the document it will lock all the segments containing matching statuses as the ones you selected. If you were to choose the “Yes, with translations inserted from file and confirmed” option then the segments which had been confirmed through (4) would also become locked. Importing the translated document to memoQ When you have finished working with the document, export the translation from Smartcat and import it to memoQ by using the Import/update bilingual button or the Import menu. Choose Update as the action to be performed on the document.
Install and set up Smartcat Translator for Desktop on macOS
How to set up and use Smartcat Translator for macOS Learn how to get up and running quickly with Smartcat Translator for macOS Desktop Smartcat Translator for macOS enables you to translate any text on your macOS computer in a single click. It blends into your workflows, allowing for instantaneous, high-quality AI automatic translation in the moment and without the need to copy from one program and paste into an online translator. As a result, you can communicate or create content in multiple languages on the go. In this brief article, learn how to get up and running with Smartcat Translator for macOS. Installing Smartcat Translator easily and quickly To install Smartcat Translator for macOS, just follow these simple instructions: Step 1: Download the appGet the Smartcat Translator for macOS integration here and carry out the install process. It's a standard installation process and is super quick. A. Download the DMG file to your macOS computerB. Double-click on the downloaded DMG file. After the volume is mounted, the following window is displayed. Drag or copy-paste the Smartcat Translator icon into your Applications folder. You can find Applications via Finder → Applications. Then, locate Smartcat Translator and double click to run it. Setting up Smartcat Translator To set up Smartcat Translator, follow the on-screen instructions. Granting extra permissions to Smartcat Translator Additional permissions are required for Smartcat Translator for macOS to simulate keypresses and automatically copy selection to clipboard ( ⌘ C ), as well as to then paste the translation back automatically ( ⌘ V ). Grant these permissions with these steps. Navigate to Settings → Security & Privacy.Open the Accessibility category.Click on the lock icon to unlock it.Locate Smartcat Translator in the list of applications and click on its checkbox to turn it on. Using Smartcat Translator for macOS: keystrokes and shortcuts When you are inside the source text editor, use ⌘ Enter to translate the text box contents. In addition to translating text directly in this window, you can translate it in any application, with the following keystroke sequence.⌘ C (copies selection into clipboard)⌘ \ (translates the clipboard contents and copies the translation to the clipboard)⌘ V (pastes the translation) See the Switching modes section below to learn how to simplify this down to a single keystroke. Note that keeping your Smartcat Translator window open is not necessary. You can close it and continue using the shortcuts discussed above to perform translation. There are also a few handy global shortcuts. ⌥ ⌘ \ (switches the translation's direction)⇧ ⌘ \ (changes mode, see below for more details)⌃ ⌥ ⌘ \ (shows or hides the main Smartcat Translator window) Switching modes By default, Smartcat Translator works in Translate mode. In this mode, Smartcat Translator reads the contents of the clipboard, translates it, and copies the translation to the clipboard. This mode, therefore, requires that you manually copy the selection into the clipboard before doing the translation, and then manually paste the translation back. You may want to automate the copying, or pasting, or both. To do it, change mode to one of the following:Copy + Translate mode simulates pressing ⌘ C before performing the translation.Copy + Translate + Paste mode additionally simulates pressing ⌘ V after performing the translation. Updates for Smartcat Translator for macOS Smartcat Translator will automatically check for updates once you start up your computer. If there is a new version, a notification will be shown and the application will be updated upon system restart. You can also manually run checks for updates using the system menu option. You will now be able to open Smartcat Translator whenever you want to translate some text and use handy shortcuts to automatically translate text in your clipboard.
Perform layout checks
Layout checks for precision | Smartcat Help Center Sometimes when you upload a file to Smartcat, you may want to check it for proper formatting before proceeding to translation. Did you process the file with OCR and aren't sure about the results? Or maybe you want to make sure that the resulting file's formatting isn't all over the place? Whatever the reason is, adding the layout check as an additional step in the project will let you change the document layout after it's been uploaded to Smartcat. In fact, there are two options: the source layout check to be used before actually starting your work in the Editor, and the layout check/DTP for the resulting document. This workflow step is only available for company profiles. If you are a freelancer and need to check the layout of a document processed with OCR, here’s what you can do: Upload the file and process it with OCR.Download the resulting file, it will be in the .docx format. If there was no translation, it will just be the source text.Correct it if needed and upload it back to Smartcat. Source layout check As mentioned above, the source layout check often goes with OCR. Text extraction doesn't always work perfectly, so checking the document first can be a good idea, specifically for graphic file formats with poor image quality. You can add the layout check when creating a project, just like any other workflow step, although it belongs to its own "Pre-processing" category. The source layout check can be added after a project has been created, too, as long as the project still has the Created status. The source layout check can only be done before the work on other workflow stages, like translation, begins. Both an assignee and a manager can export the source document, check and correct it, and upload it back. Please note that Smartcat will not apply any of the linguistic assets (translation memories or AI translation) to the files selected for the layout check until the process is completed. Any statistics generated at that point will not include the word count from the files still at this stage. To conduct a source layout check, click Open and select the Source layout check option from the context menu. The Layout check page will appear. Here you can download the source document, then upload it back after checking and correcting it if needed. Once the layout check is finished, you will be able to apply linguistic resources to it and include it in the statistics. If you have used OCR, you can download the extracted.docx file, or use it as the resulting file for the layout check right away. Once you are sure that the file is good to go, click Complete task to finish the source layout check. If you find that there's something left to be done, you can restart the process as long as the work on the next stage hasn't started yet. Layout check/DTP This option is here to make sure that the final document looks just as good as the original. This is specifically relevant for optically recognized texts but can apply to other files as well. Sometimes the translated text is just longer or shorter than the source document, which can be a hurdle when working with complex files with many elements. Unlike the source layout check, the layout check/DTP can be added at any point in the project settings. To start the layout check/DTP, select the option in the context menu. Please note that it can only be done once all the previous tasks have been finished. For the layout check/DTP, both the source and the resulting files are available for check and comparison. Download the translation and the source file for further adjustment, upload the result of your work or click Deliver unchanged if everything is ok. As with the source layout check, you can restart the process even after clicking Complete task. How to assign the layout check The layout check assignments are similar to regular assignments but do have a few differences. As with the regular assignments, you can select a team member for the job on the Task assignment page. Your in-house team members will show up in the list of your team either way, but the freelancers from the Marketplace should have this particular service indicated in their profiles in order to be assigned. This can be done in the linguists' private profiles at your end (more on that here). To add this service, Click Add Service and select Other Choose Desktop publishing and set the rate, then click Save Back to assignments, and now the Marketplace freelancer shows up on the list as well. Once you've assigned a freelancer, you can set the estimate for their work in pages. This step can be skipped for the in-house members. And that's it for the assignments. Needless to say, you can also use our Marketplace to look for freelancers with a Desktop publishing service. That’s how you can easily include the layout check in your workflow. It’s worth trying out if you are working with graphic file formats or documents with complex structure and elements.
Import and export glossaries
Glossaries import/export | Smartcat Help Center Please, note: This page describes a special version of the WordPress connector that synchronizes all content for a fully automatic translation and is available upon request. To send individual translation requests into Smartcat right from WordPress, use our WordPress App. WPML (The WordPress Multilingual Plugin) is designed to build multilingual sites and run them. It is the most popular and reliable plugin of its kind on the market with over 1,255,000 users to date. Using the integration between WPML and Smartcat, you can pull source content from WPML to Smartcat, translate it, and then push the translation into the corresponding source type. 1. Prerequisites Before you start configuring the integration, make sure that you have WPML Multilingual CMS add-on installed on your machine, and then proceed as follows: 2. Configuring the integration To configure the WPML integration, log in to Smartcat and complete the following steps: 3. Using the integration If the integration is created successfully, the content you indicated in the settings is synchronized with the current Smartcat project and appears as Smartcat project documents. After a document translation is completed, return to the integration settings, open the Settings tab, enable the option Push translations back and click Sync Now. The translated documents will be pushed to WPML and will appear as an additional language in the respective content type. The addition of a new language is indicated by the pencil icon in the Languages column. If new source segments were added to the integrated space since the previous sync, the Smartcat documents will be updated accordingly. By default, a sync disregards incomplete translations. You can, however, instruct the integration to include them in every sync by enabling the option Publish incomplete documents. Instead of explicitly performing sync by clicking Sync Now, you can schedule a sync at the required intervals. To do this, click on Do not repeat and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Please note that the content in WordPress can be created using various third-party plugins. Here is the list of plugins supported by Smartcat integration: If some of your content is not found by our integrations, please reach out to our support team so that we can investigate the way to support your case. Need some extra help with your WordPress website? Smartcat recommends Codeable as our preferred WordPress development resource.
Understanding word match levels in Smartcats CAT tool
Word match levels | Smartcat Help Center Learn the differences between word match levels in Smartcat's CAT tool, Smartcat Editor It can sometimes be confusing differentiating between the different level of word matches when using a computer-assisted-translation (CAT) tool like Smartcat Editor. In this article, let's look at these differences, explaining 100% matches compared to 101% and 102% matches, and also fuzzies and near matches. 100% and 101%/102%. What's the difference? 101/102% matches are called by different names, depending on the CAT tool. also referred to as context matches, perfect matches or ICE matches. When a segment is stored in a Smartcat translation memory, Smartcat stores not only the source and target text, but also the content of the previous and following source segment. For example, this is what you might see in the TM. <Previous Segment> I live in a small village. <Source Segment> I have a small house. <Translated Segment> J'ai une petite maison. <Following Segment> It is blue. The translation is stored only for the segment that is being translated, but the other two segments are used to provide context. 100% matches explained If this same segment was encountered again, and neither of the two accompanying segments matched the TM-store, there would be a 100% match because only the text matches. 101% matches explained If in the next document, one of the context sentences was present, there would be a 101% match. 102% matches explained If both were present, it would be a 102% match. Having the context sentences match what is stored in the TM helps increase the certainty that the translation is a perfect match for new segment. In practice, 101/102% matches are often locked during pre-translation by project managers when the project is started because customers don't pay for these segments in most cases. Explaining nearly exact and fuzzy matches in Smartcat Let's look at the difference between nearly exact and fuzzy matches, as well as the different tiers of fuzzy matches. Nearly exact match (95%-99%)The source text in the segment is identical to the match, albeit with minor discrepancies in numbers, tags, punctuation marks, or spacing. In pre-translation, this represents a good match by default, though it can be customized. Fuzzy match (50%-94%)The source text closely resembles the source text in the match, yet some variations already exist in the text. When it comes to the required editing, three categories of fuzzy matches can be identified. High fuzzy (85-95%): For segments of average length or longer (typically 8-10 words or more), there is usually a discrepancy of just one word.Medium fuzzy (75-84%): In segments of average length or longer (8-10 words or more), typically there is a variation of two words.Low fuzzy (50%-74%): In segments of average length or longer (8-10 words or more), the difference encompasses more than two words. In pre-translation, the term "any match" encompasses all types of partial matches together, commencing at 50% by default, though this can also be adjusted to suit preferences.
Test and assess freelancers
Assessing freelancers | Smartcat Help Center You’re more likely to receive professional-level translation services in Smartcat than anywhere else. Freelancers who work in Smartcat take their clients’ assignments very seriously as they expect to earn not only money but also good reviews. Here are a few tips to help you find the best candidate for your project:Good reviews from other clients, education, and experience matter equally. Add extra points to the translators who have passed tests.If there is enough time, you may test your candidate’s skills yourself before hiring them (see Testing Translators).Add an experienced editor to your project who will ensure the translation is consistent and error-free. This is especially relevant when multiple translators are involved in a project.Make use of a glossary. A terminology database, or glossary, contains a list of terms specific to a particular field and their translations. Glossaries are widely used by companies, especially in large-scale translation projects, as this is a proven tool to increase the quality of translations (see Glossaries)Brief a freelancer you’re hiring via the Chat or leave a comment to your project. If creating a glossary is not required, simply give a freelancer some details about the assignment by specifying required translations of personal names, company names, or any specific terms within the text. Testing freelancers You don’t have to compromise quality in urgent projects. Simply test freelancers in a quick and reliable way:Submit a request by sending us an email or by completing the form. Make sure you specify how many translators you need, how much you’re willing to pay, the topic of your content, and provide any other details you believe can help us find the best candidates for your project. We also recommend you attach a sample of the text you need to be translated.We will find freelancers who fit your requirements in our database and invite them to complete the test based on your text sample right in Smartcat.Once the first applications start rolling in, you will receive a notification email with a link to the page where you can check out the applicants’ profiles and review their test results.Select the best candidates by marking their translations as Excellent (★) — those freelancers will be added to your Team. In Smartcat, freelancers do not get paid for completing tests. Instead, they are rewarded with the Test Passed badge, which will be shown in their profiles, if the customer marks their translation as Excellent (★) or Acceptable (✔). Marking the translation as Rejected (Ø) will not affect an applicant in any way. Need help? You may ask for a hand with searching for a freelancer who fits your project requirements by submitting a request right on the Marketplace page. Our specialists will help you line freelancers up for the project.
Connect and translate your WooCmmerce website with Smartcat
Translate WooCommerce site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your WooCommerce page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your WooCommerce page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your WooCommerce page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Add the provided code to your site's header using the suitable method. There are multiple scenarios to add a custom code. By using the In-built WordPress Theme EditorBy using a dedicated pluginUsing FTP to access Theme FilesBy configuring WooCommerce Template filesBy creating a new custom plugin As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Add a translation memory to a project
Translation memory management | Smartcat Help Center In this brief article, let's look at how you can add a translation memory to one of your translation projects. First of all, what is a translation memory exactly? A translation memory (TM) is a database that stores previous translations of your content from a source language into one or several target languages. They help improve consistency and speed of translation completion, and reduce workload, by pre-populating your new translation with previously translated content when a word, phrase, or sentence matches. How translation memories work in Smartcat Each time you create a project, Smartcat creates a translation memory for it, inside which all related translations and edits are saved. You can edit this translation memory as well as all other linguistic assets, such as translation glossaries.If Smartcat finds a match in your existing translation memories, it is automatically implemented into your new translation. You can select and confirm each match or opt for automated translation results using the CAT panel. You can also adjust pretranslation settings for segments containing translation memory matches to be confirmed automatically.Each time you create a project, you can specify a client or department for it (as shown below inside the highlighted purple circle). Smartcat automatically enables the correct TM from all previous TMs that you have already created in Smartcat for this client or department on previous translation projects. If more than one previously created TM with identical parameters exists, they will all be enabled. The TM with the largest number of identical parameters will become the main TM and acquire Write permissions. The other automatically enabled TMs will be read-only. This allows a translator to use not only the most closely related TM, but also the more general TMs.In addition, if a TM with identical parameters and the language pair inverted is found, the system will also automatically enable it for the project. You can also change TM settings in the Linguistic assets tab when setting up a new project or editing an existing project. Add a translation memory in two quick steps Follow these steps to add a translation memory to your Smartcat translation projects. 1. Go to the project Overview page and click on Linguistic assets. In the window that opens, you will see a list of translation memories matching your language pair and your project. 2. Click Add. Select how you want to add a translation memory.Create new will open a window that enables you to create a new translation memory. Fill in the required info and click Save. Select an existing TM will open the list of TMs available for your language pair. Select the TMs you need for your project and click Add. You can use the advanced search feature to sort all your existing TMs by subject, client, or project tag. You can also search among additional TMs by ticking the respective boxes.The Upload option will let you import a TM from a file. To disable a translation memory used on your project, hover your cursor over it and click the cross icon. Advanced TM use options When working with a document, the Smartcat platform compares each sentence with previously translated content saved in the selected TM. Smartcat TMs provide pretranslation suggestions for each segment of content when there is a match of 75% or more by default. You can choose a higher or lower threshold in advanced pre-translation settings . The threshold value can be different for each TM. You can also use several TMs for a project and save the newly generated translations in a single TM. Simply select the TM for saving new translations and choose Write, as indicated below in the area highlighted inside the purple circle.
Connect Adobe Experience Manager (On-Premise version) with Smartcat
Adobe Experience Manager integration with Smartcat Discover how to integrate AEM and Smartcat to enhance your content translation workflow, supporting all localization-enabled fields. If you want to learn more about the Adobe Experience Manager cloud installation guide, visit this link. Installation Notice: AEM Administrator permissions are required for connector installation. Important: Tested with AEM version 6.5. For assistance with installation on earlier versions, please contact our support team. Smartcat connector installation Download the ZIP file of the Smartcat Connector using this link. Navigate to the Tools → Deployment → Packages. Click Upload Package, select and upload.zip file with Smartcat connector. Install the uploaded package. Refresh page and check that installation is complete. Set up Smartcat connector configuration Set up global configuration Notice:This configuration will be selected by default for all translations Navigate to the Tools → Cloud Services → Translation Cloud Services. Go to conf → global and click Create. Select Smartcat Connector in the dropdown list and type a meaningful name for it. Click Create and fill Account ID and API Key in configuration settings. Here, you need Smartcat workspace administrator permission;You can get it from Smartcat workspace, go to Settings → API section;Create a new key if needed; Click Validate to check connection. You should see a confirmation message. (Optional) After validation you can select a project template that will be used in all Smartcat projects created via this connection. By default, a project will be created with the workflow, AI translation - Post editing Save & Close settings, then go to conf → global and click Create. Select Translation Integration and complete the form: Note : USE THESE VALUES ONLY Title: Default ConfigurationName: default_translation Set up Smartcat as the default translation provider. Select Smartcat connector as the translation provider in all tabs, for both Machine Translation and Human Translation methods where applicable.Select Human Translation to use Smartcat project-flow with template from the connection configuration.Check translation settings if needed to:A. Include metadata/tags for Sites and Assets.B. Automatically start translation job when it's created. Save and close configuration settings. This global config. will be used e.g. by default when creating a language copy of site pages: If something went wrong Notice: AEM may not allow you to delete default configuration even with admin permissions. Use this manual to delete global config: Using CRXDE Lite Login to AEM CRXDE Lite: Open your web browser and navigate to http://<your-aem-instance>:<port>/crx/de. Log in using your admin credentials. 2. Navigate to the Configuration Node: In the CRXDE Lite interface, navigate to the path where the global cloud translation configurations are stored. This is usually under /conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/translation. 3. Locate the Configuration: Find the node that corresponds to the global cloud translation configuration you want to delete. 4. Delete the Node: Right-click on the node and select Delete. Confirm the deletion when prompted. 5. Save the Changes: Click on Save All to apply the changes. Set up several configurations If you want to use various project templates you can create and use several configurations. AEM allows you to have only a single configuration per template. Creating configurations Navigate to the Tools → General → Configuration Browser.Create a configuration path for extra configurations. 3. Add a subpath for exact Smartcat connection: 4. Navigate to the Tools → Cloud Services → Translation Cloud Services.5. Go to the high-level path and create any configuration to see subpaths. You may exit without saving it.6. Select path to exact Smartcat connection and create a connector withthe desired configuration: Using configurations When setting up translation configuration, click Select Configuration Path. 2. Select path to the Smartcat connector configuration that you need. 3. You should see correct config. in settings: 4. Proceed with translation flow further as usual. Want to know more about the translation process? Check out our step-by-step guide on translating your content in Adobe Experience Manager with Smartcat.
Delete or overwrite a translation memory
Managing memory deletion or overwriting | Smartcat Help Center In this brief article, let's look at how to delete and overwrite translation memories (TMs). How to delete a translation memory If you don't need a TM, select it from your TM list and click Delete. Keep in mind that you can't delete a TM if it is still in use in any project. If such a TM has to be deleted, you may add another TM for the project or delete the whole project.Also, please note that a deleted TM cannot be restored. How to overwrite a translation memory If you realize that a TM contains erroneous information, you can overwrite the content with updated, correct, data. Option 1 If you already have another approved version of the TM in an existing file, you can use that file. Option 2 You can also download the TM in a TMX format and use a text editor to make corrections as needed. When you overwrite a translation memory, the Smartcat system removes all existing translation units from the TM. Only after this step does it then import the correct TMX, SDLTM, or XLSX file. Overwrite a TM in three steps Step 1 Select it from your TM list and click Overwrite TM Step 2 Click Add and select the file from your computer Step 3 Click Import Smartcat will process the file overwrite command and display messages to inform you of its progress. That's it! With this information, you should now know how to delete and overwrite your TMs in Smartcat.
Assign tasks to another company
Task assignment to external companies | Smartcat Help Center Indeed, one of the most interesting Smartcat features is the means to assign a project or document to another company, which will allow working on a project as if it is their own. Arrangement of the client-vendor connection, use cases, and the features to take into account are going to be covered in this article. Forming a client-vendor connection There are two must-do conditions for forming a connection between corporate accounts in Smartcat:Both accounts have to be on the same server. At the moment, Smartcat has three servers, divided by region: USA (https://us.smartcat.com/), Europe (https://smartcat.com/), and Asia (https://ea.smartcat.com/). You can check out the server by the URL in the address bar of your browser. That said, if a client has an account on the European server, then you also need an account on the European server. The Smartcat support service will help you find out the solution and create an account on the client's server if your servers don't match. It's worth noting that your linguistic resources and team are unique for each server, so you will need to transfer them to a new account.A client must add a vendor account to the vendor list.In the Team section of any corporate account, there is the My Vendors tab where you can find a list of companies that have already been added as service suppliers as well as configure access rights for each. Adding a vendor will take a couple of clicks if both accounts are on the same server. By the way, clients that have added the vendor will be marked in the vendor's client list with the infinity sign. Assigning vendors to a project The assigning process doesn't differ much from assigning a linguist, though some distinctions listed below should be considered. A vendor may set a service and rate to facilitate the assignment for several stages on the client end making it a one-click task. In the example above, the vendor, TestAccount2, has the Translation and Editing service with the rate and language pair. That is, once the client confirms the assignment, TestAccount2 will be assigned straight to both stages of the project. A client can assign a vendor only to the whole document, so no document splitting is possible. A vendor's managers will not be able to edit segments until they assign at least one linguist to any stage. The segments will be locked.Managers can assign themselves if linguists have not confirmed the assignment yet in the case when some preliminary editing has to be done urgently.A client cannot cancel the assignment to a vendor as long as at least one linguist has been assigned on the vendor end.This means that the client needs to ask the vendor to remove all assignments first. It works this way to avoid unexpected cancellations for the vendor's linguists all of a sudden without understanding why the project is canceled— communication is everything. It is better to discuss the details of cancellation before it happens than not to do so.A vendor cannot assign a project or document to another vendor.The client-vendor connection is two-tier in the current implementation. Nevertheless, a client can assign multiple vendors to different documents or stages within a project. Working with an assigned project The substantial difference between projects assigned by a client is the option for both companies to connect their translation memories to the project and write the translation in them. However, the client may limit writing in translation for the vendor in the project settings. Another thing is that a client cannot see linguists that are working on the project from a vendor end. Authors of revisions are hidden too in the Editor. The project page on the vendor side is different from if the vendor created the project independently. Here the vendor may specify such parameters as the project cost, deadline, and whether the cost has been agreed or whether the project has been paid. The vendor can also attach a quote or invoice, which is available for download to the client in the Project Team tab. The project page on a vendor end. The Team tab on a client end. In all other aspects, working on assigned projects is similar to own projects where a company assigns only linguists.The client-vendor connection not only makes communications between companies in Smartcat easy but also the process of transferring files(literally in one click), monitoring progress, and using linguistic resources. The vendor's linguists will not see that the project is assigned by another company. That is, the vendor will be the linguists' client, so their names and contacts will be available only to the vendor, which sound fair. To sum it up, the client-vendor connection is a win-win for both — the client and the vendor. You're welcome to try it out and start embedding this Smartcat feature in your translation workflow right now.
Translate video, audio and transcripts
Video/audio transcript translation | Smartcat Help Center Translate video and audio transcripts quickly and effortlessly with Smartcat! Simply import a file into a project, and Smartcat will automatically parse it into subtitles with timecodes. This means that once you upload a file, the subtitles will already be in position in your video, exactly in line with the corresponding audio. Smartcat AI transcription provides the ideal platform for you to get the video and audio transcription translations you need with minimal effort and time. Translate video and audio transcripts quickly and effortlessly with Smartcat! Simply import a file into a project, and Smartcat will automatically parse it into subtitles with timecodes. This means that once you upload a file, the subtitles will already be positioned in your video, exactly in line with the corresponding audio. Smartcat AI transcription provides the ideal platform to get the video and audio transcription translations you need with minimal effort and time.You can further tweak and adjust your video subtitles in Smartcat Editor with a live preview. There's also the option to add AI dubbing to your video. Video translation with Smartcat is easy. Here's a brief overview of the steps in this process: Create a new project in Smartcat. Upload your video or subtitle files (mp4, mov, srt, vtt). Your file will be transcribed and translated with Smartcat AI in minutes. You can then verify the translated transcript or subtitles in Smartcat Editor with a live video preview. You can add AI voices to your videos. Finally, you can download the video with translated subtitles as well as AI voice over burned into your video. Here’s a more detailed walkthrough of every step. Create a new project in Smartcat. On the home page of your workspace, find the Create a project option under the workspace name in the templates section. This will open Smartcat’s project creation workflow.Enter your name and deadline. These fields are not mandatory. The “project name” field is empty by defaultIf you don’t provide a name and don’t upload any files, it will automatically be named “New project” after clicking on “Create a project”. If that name is already taken, a number will be added.If you don't provide a name but upload some files, Smartcat will automatically name it “Project: name of the first file without extension” after clicking “Create a project”. If that name is already taken, a number will be added.If you provide a name already taken, a number will be added next to it. Choose source and target languages. Select the source and target languages from the available list. Languages that aren’t supported by AI translation will be displayed in gray. Upload your audio/video/srt files. You can simply drag and drop your files or browse your device to locate the files you need on your device. Additional settings. Open this menu to customize your project workflow. You can set a simple AI translation, AI translation with human review (the default setting), manual translation, and manual translation + editing.Click Create project at the bottom of the workflow. Once your project is created, you can upload linguistic resources, assign tasks to team members and freelancers, and control other settings. Correcting the source text Please note that not all user rights are able to correct source texts. Admin, project managers, and language leads will be able to do this.Turn off AI Translation. The first step is to turn off the pre-translation setting. Note: This step is mandatory for video and audio files that require correction. If you upload prepared subtitles in SRT format that don’t need to be corrected, you can go to step 2 and skip steps 3 and 4.Upload your video/audio/srt file. Drag and drop or upload your video/audio/srt file for subtitle translation.Correct source text (workspace managers only). Make the necessary source text edits and save them.Turn pre-translation back on via linguistic assets. This will enable Smartcat to run pre-translation using AI translation and your translation memory. Adjusting line breaks tags and subtitles split tags Follow these rules to control and edit subtitles structure: Smartcat splits text into segments using sentence-based segmentation (not subtitles based). The curve lines show where one subtitle ends and the second subtitle begins. -By default, all subtitles take one line of text, but if you want to split subtitles into two or more lines, you can use a line-break tag (arrow).You can move curve lines (subtitles split), but you can’t delete them or place them at the beginning or end of segments. Otherwise, it would break a timecode structure.You should have the same structure and amount of curve lines (subtitles split) in the target as in source text.You can add as many line breaks as you want. The amount of line breaks in source and target can be different. Download and export options 5. Once you or your linguist are done checking the translated subtitles, you are ready to download the result. You can do so in a few ways:Download the video rendered with the subtitles and AI dubbing burned in.Download the SRT or VTT file. Supported video, audio, and subtitle file formats Video file formatsmp4, mpeg, avi, mov, 3gp, 3g2, flv, m2v, m4v, mkv, mpg, ogv, qt, ts, vob, wmv Audio file formatsmp3, wav, wma, mp2, ogg, aac, flac, m2a Subtitle file formatsSRT, VTT Assign a human reviewer As mentioned, you can assign a subject matter or language expert from an AI-generated best-match list of subject matter experts to oversee the editing step.How does it work?Smartcat AI analyzes your transcription content and identifies its subject matter.You will then see a list of vendors, including key details such as their name, language pairs, fields of expertise, experience level, reviews for previous translations, and rates, so you can get an accurate, quick snapshot of their profile and capabilities.You can hire editor and add them to your team or have them edit your subtitle translation for just this specific file.If you have set up a workflow in a project, this linguist will automatically receive the editing task notification via email, go to the project, open the Editor with the file, and complete it.
Translate a file with Smartcat
Glossaries and TMs | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to quickly and accurately translate documents and other digital files from one language to another. Smartcat makes it easy for you to translate files in a seconds (less than a minute) thanks to Smartcat AI and OCR technology. You simply need to upload your files to Smartcat and press translate. Smartcat supports more than 80 file types. We have an article dedicated solely to the different file types that we support, which we update every time there is a new one. How to translate a file with Smartcat Let's get into how to translate a file with Smartcat. First, go to your Smartcat workspace and click on the Shortcut “Translate a document.” Next, you'll arrive at the screen where you need to:Choose your source and target languages (you can choose up to 280 languages)Drag and drop or upload your document. Next, select select "Translate files." You'll then see that your file is being processed and translated by Smartcat AI. Next, you will arrive at a screen that presents you with the following options:Preview: this will bring you to the Editor, where you can check out the translation, edit it, verify the quality, and export it. Hire a linguist: you can choose to get a linguist to review or post-edit it.Download it right away. Translate and edit the file on Smartcat Editor If you want to translate, post-edit, or verify the translation, you can do so in the Smartcat Editor. Learn how to do that in our translation post-editing article. The Smartcat Editor lets you see both columns (source and target languages side by side), which makes tranlsation a lot easier! You can also see the context on the side panel. Hire a linguist If you choose to get professional review of your file, select Get professional review, which will then present a linguist to you via AI sourcing, another propriety and industry-first Smartcat AI feature. The match is based on your content and the linguist's profile (language pairs, expertise, services, etc.). If you don't want the first option, you can select “See all linguists” for other matched linguists or to search for them yourself in the Smartcat Marketplace, which houses 500,000 vetted linguists. Download the file right away You have a few more options if you click on the three dots, which are:Manage projects: You will see a project automatically created with this file included. Projects allow you to manage more than one document, hire linguists, and everything in one overview.Download filesDownload files in PDFReview in Editor And that's how easy it is to translate a file! Uploading and translating files from a project overview If you have ongoing projects, you can also upload a file from your projects on Smartcat. Here, you would click on the upload button. You can also upload as many as you want in one go, i.e. not one-by-one, which saves you time. You can also organize your documents in folders to help organizing them in a clear overview. In this files overview, you can also see the file type listed, the progress of its translation (pre-translated via AI, post-edited, etc.), target language, number of quality assurance errors that you should correct, etc.
Provide billing details for a legal entity
Billing details provision | Smartcat Help Center Before remitting your first payment via Smartcat, you need to provide the billing details of the company on whose behalf you will work on the platform. Company billing details include:Legal nameCountryAddressPhone numberContact personTax ID/VAT numberBilling currencyBilling email address for invoicing Use the steps below to enter your details:Navigate to Payments > Settings > Billing details and click Add billing details. Populate the required fields and click Add details. Now you can use the specified details to receive invoices made out to this legal entity via Smartcat or to pay your suppliers from the balance of this legal entity. If you use your corporate Smartсat account as an umbrella account for several legal entities, you can add additional billing details. To do this, click Add billing details. To switch to working with the new details, set them as your default billing details. The default details determine:- A legal entity referred to as the Payer in invoices and other related documents- Billing currency- The balance from which your suppliers are paid Deletion of current billing details may be restricted by the availability of funds on the balance of the legal entity. It is necessary that the balance of this legal entity be equal to zero. To achieve this, select completed jobs and pay for them from the balance of the current legal entity or request a withdrawal of funds from the balance. Once the balance is equal to zero, you can remove your billing details. If these details were selected as the default details, then other details from the remaining ones will be automatically assigned as the default. You can change the default details at any time.
Configure LQA profiles
Configuring LQA profiles | Smartcat Help Center You can create LQA profiles for different types of issues found in the source and target texts.These profiles can be used to label the errors in the Editor and calculate the quality score for the text. How LQA profiles work LQA profiles are based on the MQM (Multidimensional Quality Metrics) scoring model where each error is assigned Category (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, etc.),Weight (0 or more),Severity (Critical= 25, Major=5, Minor=1, Neutral=0). The scoring algorithm will automatically collect and process all data from the labels, combine it with additional information such as the size of the text in words and return a value from 0 to 100 which represents the quality score for the specific project. Creating LQA profile To create an LQA profile act as follows: 1. Go to Settings -> LQA Profiles.Select one of the provided templates: MQM Core or MQM-DQF which represent different versions of MQM framework*, to customize or pick a blank one to create a profile from scratch. *Regardless of how the profile is defined, Smartcat will use the same MQM scoring model to calculate the overall quality score. 2. Enter the profile name, your comments, and the threshold value that will be used to consider the quality test passed or failed. 3. Set up error categories and severity levels or go with the preset ones. 4. Click Create level to save the changes. Using LQA Labels You can add LQA labels to the selected text elements (from the whole segment to one character) as comments in the Editor. To add such a (structured) comment, select the text element, press, and pick a label from the drop-down list. FAQ How does the automatic Quality Assurance feature work in the Editor? If there are errors in the target segment, a yellow exclamation point icon appears next to it. To see the list of errors found, hover your cursor over the icon or click on it to open the “QA check” tab. Fix the errors and confirm the segment again.QA checks are performed automatically, so some words and phrases can be marked as errors incorrectly. If this happens, check the “Ignore” box next to the error description to hide the yellow icon, or simply ignore the error. You can learn more about the Quality Assurance feature here.
Use glossaries
Utilizing glossaries for projects | Smartcat Help Center In this brief article, we'll look at how you can add a glossary to a translation project in Smartcat. What is a translation glossary? A glossary is an indexed list of terminology specific to the content that you translate. It typically includes terms – specific words and phrases – that your organization uses repeatedly. By including these terms in a preloaded index list – your glossary – you are able to optimize consistency of language and stylistic preferences. Both automatic AI translation engines and human translators can use glossaries to clarify use of the correct, on-brand term. How glossaries work in Smartcat If you enable a glossary on a project, Smartcat automatically suggests the glossary-saved translation term on Smartcat automatic AI translations. You can create and keep separate glossaries for different subjects and clients, and add terms with translations into other languages. Click to learn how to create a glossary here Each time you create a project, don't forget to enable a necessary glossary in the settings of the project. You should do this before uploading the documents for AI translation. Note that you can add files even after creating the project. Changing glossary settings in Smartcat You can make amendments to glossary settings in the Linguistic assets tab when setting up a new project or editing an existing one. Step one Go to the project Overview page and click on Linguistic assets. Step two In the page that opens, navigate to the glossaries section below. You will see one or more glossaries matching your language pair and your project. Select the glossary or glossaries that you want to enable and click Save. To disable a glossary, simply untick the box to the left in the same row and click Save. FAQ My translators can't add terms to the glossary Generally, linguists are not authorized to add terms to glossaries when they work in a file. They can only suggest new terms that will then need to be approved by an editor or a project manager. It is however possible to assign glossary content editing rights to linguists by creating custom access rights. Unfortunately, at this time a known issues still prevents translators from adding terms from within the editor. A workaround is to have the linguists suggest terms and then access the glossaries to approve these terms since they have access rights to the content.
Connect and translate your Tumblr web page with Smartcat
Translate Tumblr site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Tumblr blog.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Tumblr page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Tumblr page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open your Tumblr blog Settings tab by clicking on your blog’s icon under the options list.Enable the Custom theme option and click Edit Theme.Hit the Edit HTML button at the left under the Theme’s name. Paste your Java script code generated in Smartcat under the stringAs soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Local wire transfers in USD (USA ACH)
Local USD transfers (USA ACH) | Smartcat Help Center Local bank transfer in USD (USA ACH) is a transfer of funds between banks within the United States, performed within the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies US dollar (USD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is not USD, the funds will be converted to USD using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission No commission. Minimum and maximum payout amount From 5 USD to 100,000 USD. Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount." Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary's type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Beneficiary's nameBeneficiary last name✓✕Beneficiary's last nameBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRouting number✓✓Nine-digit transit route code, also called the ABA number, used in the United StatesRecipient's account type✓✓Savings or checkingSWIFT✓✓8-11 digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branchBank name✓✓Name of the bank where the beneficiary has an accountRecipient’s country✓✓Country of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary companyRecipient’s state (province, prefecture)✓✓State (province, prefecture) of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's company(US, Canada, Mexico only)Recipient's city of residence✓✓City of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary companyRecipient's address✓✓Address of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's companyBeneficiary's ZIP code✓✓Index of actual residence of the beneficiary/registration of the beneficiary's company Advantages Free. Smartcat does not charge you a fee for withdrawing funds using this method. Reliable. Bank transfers are an extremely secure way to receive money. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for local ACH bank transfer (not international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details.Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if your account number, routing number, and account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.Make sure you specify ACH routing number in the details, not Wire routing number. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT PLATFORM INC. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a bank account in the United States of America. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in USD, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your invoice:Company name: Smartcat Platform Inc.Company address: 2810 N Church St PMB 50985, Wilmington, Delaware, 19802-4447, USA
Creating a course in Smartcat AI
How to use GenAI Learning Content Discover how to create a course in Smartcat using the built-in features of Drive. Getting started with Smartcat AI to create learning content You will first want to sign up for the beta to access Smartcat AI's learning content creation tool. Register via our beta sign-up form on the Smartcat AI for Learning Content page.Once you have access, to create a new course in Smartcat, you can use any content uploaded to Drive, or start from scratch. To get started, click Create new course. Insert your course idea in the course description section. Define your learning objectives and goals. Specify your course details: add the knowledge level required, related materials, language, and course duration. After you have added all the necessary info, click Generate course description. In the Summary tab, you will see the generated course title and course description, both of which you can manually edit. You can regenerate the title and description using Smartcat AI. Click on the Smartcat AI icon in the text field and select regenerate. It will generate a new title. This also works for the course description. Generate learning outcomes The course is structured around learning outcomes, which serve as the foundation for the curriculum. To generate outcomes, click Generate learning outcomes. You'll see the first-level learning outcomes, which is the foundation for your learning modules. Review the generated outcomes. After that, the next step is to generate second-level learning outcomes, which will serve as the components of the course. Edit the learning outcomes manually or regenerate them with Smartcat AI by typing in instructions. Add or delete the outcomes by utilizing the respective icons on the right. Refining the course structure Now you can generate a structure by clicking the respective button. You will proceed to the Structure tab. As before, feel free to edit the elements. If you need to change the type of element, click on the icon on the right to a title. That works for not only a separate element but also for a whole module. Configure your course structure by adding elements, modules, or lessons. Drag and drop elements to change the sequence of the elements. Generating content Once the course structure is in place, it’s time to fill it with content. Navigate to the Content tab to generate content for a course with Smartcat AI. Let's explore some components you might integrate into your course. Create a script and video Each segment has a specific type of content. To generate a video, begin by specifying the video duration. Next, click the corresponding button to generate key points for the script. You’ll see a list of key points for the script. Edit them, add, reorder, or delete themб then click Generate script. Now you have a script for a video. Use the Regenerate button if you want to see another variant of the script. Review and improve your script. When all the edits are done, y ou can attach your own video through the link or generate a video. To generate a video, click the Generate video button. Video generation will take some time. Preview your video right in the editor of the element. Flashcards Specify view of cards presentation, enter the number of cards and type of stack. Use the Generate flashcards. Improve your flashcards by editing, reorder, or regenerating them. Accordion Generate an Accordion, an element which provides a concise overview of the different topics. The description under the title will be hidden by default. Add an item, reorder them, and delete. Quiz Select the Quiz element. In the Settings, choose a question type: single or multiple choice, specify the number of questions, then click Generate quizzes. Edit the right answers and generate answer options, for example. Add and delete questions. Written content Open the element settings. Enter the reading time and add the instructions. Generate key points, then generate the text for reading. Preview and export You can preview your elements at any time by clicking the icon under the Invite button. You can also find the download option here. Export your course in SCORM format for distribution through your Learning Management System (LMS).
Use the Client Portal
Utilizing the Client Portal | Smartcat Help Center When your clients reach the portal, they will see either a custom look (see example below), in case you have a subscription or a generic Smartcat portal page. The client can either log in if they have an existing portal account or create an account if they have never used the portal before, using the Log In or Create an Account options respectively. The Create an Account dialog asks for some contact information that will be stored in your account within the Client management section. Once an account has been created, the client can sign in easily. The client can then add text or files to be translated by clicking on the Add Files button or dragging and dropping files: It is now possible to add Google Suite files to be translated using the G Suite logo button. The portal will then ask the client to login into your Google account and you can then select documents from your folders: The client will be offered to choose languages for these files on the same page: And services related to these languages: Note: The languages, services, and prices are all reflected from the services that have been added to the corporate profile of the account. If you want your clients to see all the services that you provide, it is important to thoroughly fill out the service section of your profile. The same prices will also apply to all the clients if you haven't set otherwise in the Custom rates tab. It's also possible to set a rate per word as 0 or not set at all if you want a service to be free for a particular client. Once files, languages, and services have been selected and the Get a Quote button has been clicked on, the client is given an option to set a unique project name, select a TM from the ones associated with the client account and save the information by clicking on Add Details. Clicking on Skip this Part will accept the default settings. The project will be added to the list of projects in the Orders tab, and your project managers will receive a notification that a new project was created from the portal. Using the services information and the project statistics, Smartcat will calculate an estimate that will be displayed on the portal: The Project Manager in Smartcat can then see the project and the estimate on the project page as well as the approval status. The project manager can accept the estimate provided by Smartcat or edit it to add other tasks that could be performed outside the system like DTP, for example. If the PM chooses to edit the field a new dialog box will be displayed where the PM can change the cost, the currency and also upload a document to support the quote: The client can download the support file from the portal before proceeding with approval: If the Cost approval required option is checked, the client will need to approve the project before it can be started: After approval, the status changes to In progress and tasks can be assigned in Smartcat. And the client can track progress while the translation is ongoing. Even until the project is completed, the client can download the files - source and target. It is also possible to download a multilingual CSV file that can be used for review purposes: And the project is displayed in the Payments tab of the portal: Once payment is received or marked as paid, the status is changed to Paid. The client can pay an invoice via a bank card or PayPal (the Pay Now button) or by downloading the invoice and using the payment details within.
Import supplier jobs
Importing supplier jobs | Smartcat Help Center Add several jobs at once to Smartcat by importing them in an Excel file. Here we’ll explain how to prepare, save and upload such files.1. Navigate to Payments, select Supplier payments and click Add supplier job. 2. In the Bulk import multiple jobs section click Import. 3. Click Download to download the job register template. Then populate the template with the details of the completed tasks. For a comprehensive description of each field in the job register, go to the How to fill in your register correctly section below. 4. When the job register is completed and saved, click Choose File to select it for uploading. 5. If the date or decimal separator format is incorrect or invalid, click Back and correct the format. Click Next to continue reviewing the values. This window will also be displayed in the first step of the register upload if the system is unable to automatically parse the columns or the uploaded data format. 6. After uploading, you can still edit the register or fix any data entry errors by doing one of the following:Double-click on a cell to enter the correct value.Select a column to adjust from the drop-down list and enter the value to be applied to every row in that column. Note that a supplier name in this window may differ from the name that you entered in the register. This happens when a supplier is already registered in the Smartcat platform with this email address and the name has been taken from that account. In this case the supplier’s name is not editable.The job cost is calculated automatically by multiplying the rate per unit by the unit count. 7. Click Next to confirm that you would like to import the jobs. 8. When the jobs have been successfully imported, you can create an invoice for them and remit the payment by clicking Create invoice & pay. Alternatively, click Go to jobs to open the imported jobs and review them. How to fill in your register correctly Each row in the Excel spreadsheet listing jobs for payment must contain the following fields: Field nameDescriptionContact emailSupplier's email addressSupplierSupplier’s full nameServiceThe service provided by the supplier. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.DescriptionAdditional details on the provided serviceSource languageThe job's source language. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list. Refer toLanguage pair selectionbelow for details.Target languageThe job's target language. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list. Refer toLanguage pair selectionbelow for details.Unit typeThe billable unit type. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.Unit countThe amount of units in the job.Rate per unitThe unit rate represented in the service currency selected in the Currency field. For details, refer toRate-per-unit rangesbelow.Sum (formula)The total payable for the job. This value is automatically calculated by multiplying the Unit count by the Rate per unit.CurrencyThe currency in which the unit rate is represented. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.Start dateThe date on which the job was started. Any date format is allowed, provided that it is used consistently across the CSV.Done dateThe date on which the job was completed. Any date format is allowed, provided that it is used consistently across the CSV.External IDThe ID assigned to the job in the client's system. This field is optional and should be populated only if applicable.Supplier typeSelect Freelancer or Company from the drop-down list. Refer to the section Supplier type selection below for details. Language pair selection The requirements regarding the language pair selection depend on the value specified in the Service field. If one of the following services is selected, provide both Source language and Target language, and make sure that they are not identical: TranslationCertified translationTranscreationGlossary managementSimultaneous interpretingConsecutive interpretingAudiovisual translationQuality assuranceTM managementCopywritingTranscriptionInterpretation servicesTranslation for subtitlingSubtitles translation For the following services, only the Target language attribute is mandatory. The Source language field can be left empty: EditingProofreadingAI translation post-editingEditing translation of subtitles For the following services, neither the Target language or the Source language is mandatory. Both fields can be left empty: TrainingProject managementDesktop publishingNotarizationLegalization/ApostilleOther services related to translation Rate-per-unit ranges When specifying the rate per unit, make sure to remain within the pre-defined ranges. The allowed minimum and maximum values represented in USD are listed below: UnitMinimumMaximumword0.00051page0.125250symbol0.000070.14hour11000minute0.0117document101000day limits101000month limits1008000 Supplier type selection When importing a job for payment, you need to indicate the payee type in the Supplier Type field. Two options are available: Freelancer or Company. If the field is not populated, the system assumes that the supplier type is FreelancerIf Company is selected as the supplier type, the payment will be remitted to the corporate account balance. The payee will be able to use these funds to pay other freelancers across the platform or request a cash out.If Freelancer is selected as the supplier type, the payment will be processed as specified in the payee's account details.
Finding freelancers on the Marketplace
Finding freelancers on the Marketplace The benefits of using Smartcat Smartcat stands out as a hiring platform due to its extensive database of vetted linguists and translation agencies. This large pool of professionals ensures that you can find the right fit for your specific needs, no matter how unique they may be. But the benefits don't stop at selection. Smartcat also offers a comprehensive platform for tracking the progress of your hired freelancers. You can monitor their work in real-time, providing you with greater control and peace of mind. When it comes to payments, Smartcat has you covered. The platform allows for seamless financial transactions, making it easy to pay your freelancers promptly and securely. With Smartcat, you can manage the entire hiring process, from selection to payment, in one place. Methods of hiring freelancers in Smartcat Smartcat offers multiple methods to hire freelancers, catering to different needs and preferences. Using Smartcat AI to hire a linguist: With a simple click on the "Get professional review" button on the Translation overview page, Smartcat's AI will select the best-rated professional for your language pair. This feature takes into account both quality and cost, ensuring you get the most value for your money.Hiring a professional from your project page: If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can go to the "Find Freelancers" tab on your project page. Here, you can use various criteria to screen freelancers and find the best match for your project.Posting a job on the Smartcat board: For those who prefer to wait for freelancers to come to them, you can post a job on the Smartcat board. This allows freelancers who are interested and qualified to offer their services to you.Each of these methods provides a different approach to hiring, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your style and needs. Detailed guide on how to screen freelancers Smartcat provides a variety of tools and filters to help you screen potential freelancers. Here's how you can make the most of them: A. Using filters and search criteria: On the Marketplace page, you can use various filters to narrow down your search. These include language pairs, services provided, areas of expertise, competency levels, translation samples in the freelancer's portfolio, the time in the freelancer’s location, and if different dialects could be included in the search. You can also screen freelancers based on the cost of the services they provide. B. Viewing detailed freelancer profiles: Each freelancer on Smartcat has a detailed profile that you can view by clicking on "Show full info". These profiles provide valuable information such as the number of words and projects translated in Smartcat, prices, and review results. Some freelancers even include additional information like their personal details, education level, and work experience. An important feature on the profile is the competency level, which gives you an idea of the freelancer's skills and expertise in a specific topic. By understanding these levels and other profile details, you can make more informed decisions when hiring freelancers. Freelancers on Smartcat can have three competency levels: - Certified: This means that one of Smartcat's LSP partners certifies that this freelancer performs excellently in a specific topic. - Test passed: This indicates that the freelancer has been tested for a specific topic. - Course Passed: The freelancer has taken a course for a specific topic. These levels give you an idea of the freelancer's skills and expertise in a specific topic. By understanding these levels, you can make more informed decisions when hiring freelancers. By using these tools and understanding the information provided, you can effectively screen freelancers and find the best fit for your project. Long-term collaboration with freelancers Smartcat is not just a platform for one-off projects. It also facilitates long-term collaboration with freelancers. A. Adding freelancers to your team: Once you've found freelancers who meet your requirements, you can add them to your team on Smartcat. This is done by clicking on the "Save to My Team" option on the freelancer's profile. Once a freelancer is added, a pin icon appears on their picture, sections for notes and client information are added, and the "Save to My Team" option is replaced by a "Remove from My Team" option. You can also switch back to the public profile view of the freelancer at any time. Note that any comments added to the "My Team" profile of the freelancer remain visible only in your corporate account and are not shared with other Smartcat Marketplace users. B. Negotiating rates and editing service details: Smartcat gives you the flexibility to negotiate rates with your freelancers. You can also edit the services provided by the freelancer, including prices. This can be done by hovering over the different services in the freelancer's profile and clicking on the edit pencil. The new rate is applied to invitations sent since the rate adjustment. Note that changes made to the "My Team" profile are unique to a corporate account and do not affect the public profile of the freelancer that is shared with other Smartcat users. Freelancers also do not get any notification that they have been added to a team until they receive some communication from the project manager. Remember, any changes to rates and services should always be done in collaboration with the freelancers. The rates you edit here will be used for payment calculations. By fostering long-term relationships with freelancers, you can build a reliable team that understands your needs and delivers consistent results. Additional services Besides the traditional language services, freelancers on the Marketplace offer a range of other services that could be helpful to language providers looking to expand the services they offer to their clients. These additional services add to the flexibility that service providers might need in dealing with fluctuating volumes of work.
Understand payment guidelines
Guidelines for payment processing | Smartcat Help Center Work completion and acceptance Before the job to pay appears in the Payment section, a client has to accept a freelancer's work first. On a linguist end, the translation task is considered completed when the linguist confirms all segments in the Editor and clicks Done. Then the document changes the status to Reviewed by Manager . The document is automatically assigned this status when all segments are confirmed and the linguist has not been active in the Editor for 30 minutes. The client has five days to review the work after its completion. During this time the client has to either accept the work or request the linguist to make adjustments if there are any drawbacks. To accept a linguist's work, the client should change the status of the document or project to Completed. After this, the linguist will not be able to edit segments while the task will be listed as awaiting payment in the Jobs tab of the Payment section. Smartcat allows paying linguists or companies which do not have Smartcat accounts at the moment of your first payment. That is, you may still pay a freelancer who translates outside Smartcat by forming a job manually. Billing The list of jobs completed and awaiting payment is shown in the Jobs tab. To initiate a payment, a client should select jobs to pay and hit the button Create invoice & Pay. A client may also choose in which currency an invoice will be formed. An invoice may include one or several jobs that the client can pay via a wire transfer, a bank card, or PayPal. The wire transfer option is called Standard processing. Please note that an invoice is marked as paid when Smartcat receives the transfer, which might take up to 3 business days depending on the corresponding banks in the chain. To download an invoice with the Smartcat payment details hit Standard processing and choose a path for an invoice in the PDF format. PayPal or a bank card option is called Express processing, which means that an invoice will be marked as paid right off the bat after a client has done the payment. If this is your first payment via Smartcat, you will be offered to enter your payment details, like the legal address and tax identification number, before an invoice is formed. If you have created an invoice and not paid it yet, the jobs included in the invoice will have the Awaiting Payment status. Invoices and payments The invoices you create are shown under the Invoices tab whether it's paid or not. Hit Pay -> Express processing to pay a bill via a bank card or PayPalFor wire transfers, click Pay -> Standard processingTo pay from your corporate balance, you shouldn't form an invoice but mark jobs' checkboxes and hit the button Pay from balance Whichever option you prefer, a paid invoice will be available for downloading in the Invoices tab. How do freelancers receive payments? After an invoice is paid, a linguist will receive an email notification that the payment has been credited to the linguist's Smartcat balance or an invitation to sign up if the linguist does not have a Smartcat account yet. The linguist should select one of the available payout options for their county. More information here. All payments are processed automatically within 5 business days after filling out the payout form of a method. Did this article help you find the answer you were looking for? If not or if you have further questions, please contact our support team. FAQ If I use your payment system, do I still need to send 1099 forms to my freelancers? If your freelancers are located in the USA and paid through the Smartcat Payment Automation system, 1099 forms will be sent automatically to them at the beginning of the year.
Understand automated quality checks
Quality assurance for accurate translations | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat automatically checks translation and spots errors in spelling, punctuation, terminology, consistency and formatting. Detected errors are displayed in the Editor and are indicated with a warning sign. The full list of errors for a specific segment is available in the QA check section. Correcting errors You can correct detected errors yourself. After the text is changed and segment is confirmed the error disappears. You can also use system suggestions. The system underlines spelling errors in the translation. Right-click the underlined word to select a replacement, or add an exception to the spellcheck dictionary. You can add and remove exceptions using the button in the toolbar that opens the so-called custom dictionary. If you want to ignore the detected error, just confirm the segemnt and the warning sign will disappear. Note: There's an option to ignore a QA error (in the QA check section). It is only available to the project participants who have been assigned a translation task. Project managers cannot select that option. Tip: It is good practice for the translators to clear all the warnings in a file by either correcting the errors or ignoring false positives before they mark the task as done. Very often, the project manager does not speak the target language and will not be able to determine if warnings that have been left in the document are not real errors.
Add vendors
Adding vendors | Smartcat Help Center Most Smartcat corporate users are implementing a model where some projects are split between internal team members, freelancers, and other LSPs. Smartcat is making it easy to build projects around this model. Internal team members and freelancers can be added to the My Team section but now vendors can also be added to an account and assigned tasks to projects. Adding a vendor to a client’s account can be done in two different ways. If a potential vendor is already listed in the Smartcat vendor marketplace, the client can simply go to the Find a vendor tab and search for the vendor there. Once the vendor has been located, clicking on the Learn more option on the vendor card will open the profile page. There the user can click on Add as Vendor in the description section of the profile to add the vendor to the Smartcat account: The vendor will then be automatically added to the My vendor page. Once a vendor has been added, the option becomes Remove vendor allowing you to remove a vendor from the account if you don’t plan on working with that vendor again. Note: In order for a vendor to be added to the account, both accounts need to be hosted on the same server location. For example, if a client’s account is hosted on the USA server, it will not be possible to add a vendor which account is hosted on the European server. An easy solution would be for one of the parties to create another Smartcat account located on the appropriate server and link the accounts then. A vendor added to the vendor list of a client can get assigned to individual tasks in projects. See the article about Assigning tasks for more information. When a vendor is added to the My vendor list, it becomes possible to add additional information about the company: Depending on the relationship with the vendor, the client may grant greater access rights to linguistic assets. The client can also add contact information and if payments to the vendor will be made using Smartcat, the billing email is used for processing payments to the vendor corporate balance in Smartcat.
Process multilingual Excel files
Processing multilingual Excel files | Smartcat Help Center If you want to have both the source text and corresponding translations into multiple languages in one Excel spreadsheet, you can do it easily with Smartcat. Smartcat allows you to translate these files without having to copy and paste the translations into the specified columns manually. The Smartcat system automatically detects the specified columns from your Excel file and automatically configures the settings for you as a means to get the file ready for translation. Where to find the feature? First, you need to upload your Excel file. Go to your Smartcat account.Click on your workspace.Open Projects.Create an empty Project.Open that Project and upload your Excel file(s). After doing that, you'll want to choose MultilingualExcel\_v2 Parsing method in the right settings panel. How multilingual Excel works Let’s imagine you have an Excel file that looks like this: Column A (Key) - contains the IDs of your translation linesColumns B, C, E represent the target languages you want to translate into.Column D (English) - your source languageYou have some comments for each row in column F (Comment)Length restrictions in column G (Length)And columns H, I are for languages that you might add in the future, and their specific identities are yet to be determined. Upload your file and choose MultilingualExcel\_v2 Parsing method. As you can see all the columns were automatically detected (highlighted in box 3 ). And since two more languages, Spanish and Turkish, are selected in the project (highlighted as number 1), you have these options in settings (highlighted as number 2) which you can specify manually by pressing Customize Columns button or leaving it as is. Alternatively, you can delete target languages you don’t need for the specific document by clicking “x” near the corresponding languages in section 1. Deleted language will disappear in settings (2) automatically. Let’s look inside Customize Columns window: You can manually map any column to any language by pressing the column dropdown. Let’s choose column H for our Spanish target language in our example. Additionally, you can specify if there are any comments with context or some other useful information by pressing Add button (1). Next, choose the column type (2), and then select the column itself (3). You can also remove information columns that you don't need (4). Remember to click “Save”! If there is already a translation in the document, you can choose whether you want to keep it or not, and if so, whether you want the linguists to be able to edit it: Click “Finish” and wait for the magic to happen: You can now assign linguists to the project and after the translation is completed, you’ll have the resulting file with all the translations in place! Please note, there is also Spanish translation in column H, that we manually specified in Customize Columns window in our example. How column auto-detection works Automatic detection adheres to the following rules: Detection is case-insensitiveOnly the first line of the Excel file is scanned for detecting languages or the information column.All symbols, apart from a-z, will be truncated and replaced with a single “-” for matching, unless there's a full match with the language name. 💡 e.g. string length - becomes string-length (space replaced with - ) en####us - becomes en-us (#### symbols replaced with single -) en_gb - becomes en-gb (_ replaced with -) chinese (simplified) - will be matched with language name and stay as is 4. Target and Source column can contain:The language name in English, as it's named in Smartcat: Or the language tag in ISO-639 standard 5. The Context column can contain values such as key, id , or context 6. The Comment column can be labeled as comment or comments 7. The String length limit column can have labels like length-limit, string-length, length or limit 💡 e.g. Length limit, string\_length etc.
Connect and translate your Squarespace website with Smartcat AI
Translate Squarespace site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Squarespace blog.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Squarespace page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Squarespace page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open your page s ettings in Squarespace. Go to the Advanced tab.Click on Page Header Code Injection and paste your Java script code generated by Smarcat.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Connect and translate your Unbounce website with Smartcat
Translate Unbounce site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Unbounce page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Unbounce page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Unbounce page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open Settings in Unbounce. Select Script Manager.Click the Add a Script. Enter the name for the Script and hit the Add Script Details button.Use the Included option to specify which pages should be embedded with the code.Specify the domain(s) that you would like to add your script to.Select the Head as the Script’s placements and paste your Java script code generated by Smarcat. Hit the Save changes buttonAs soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Understanding Translation Quality Score
Translation Quality Score (TQS): how it works in Smartcat Measure your AI translation quality in an instant with TQS Smartcat Translation Quality Score (TQS) is a measurement tool integrated into the Smartcat platform and will help you understand the quality of your AI translations. It helps you to understand which AI translations meet your quality requirements and which require your review and possible revision with editing (either you or one of your reviewers within your team. When you are within your workspace, you will be able to see this feature within your Project Overview page in the form of a widget on the right-hand side. The widget will show you how many translation segments within your projects have received a good score. The segments that have a high score can be confirmed without review and editing.Furthermore, you will be able to see which of the translation segments received a low score. These will require human review and possibly editing. Once editing is complete, you can confirm these segments. You can either complete the review and editing process yourself, invite a member of your team to do so, or hire a subject-matter-expert reviewer from Smartcat Marketplace with one-click best-match AI sourcing.All edits made by the assigned reviewer will be stored in your translation memory and Smartcat AI will learn from these edits and see them to increase quality for all future translations.To further automate the process of confirming segments with good and satisfactory translation quality, you set up a specific pre-translation rule, which we will describe further below in this article. What is TQS and how is it calculated? Translation quality score is a number ranging from 0 to 100. Essentially, it provides a quick overview of how good your translation is. All translation segments are classified in two different categories: “great quality” and “needs review”. This serves to provide a clear indication to project managers and reviewers on which action should be taken in respect to each segment:Segments with a quality score that is above the specific threshold are considered to be good and can be confirmed, either manually or automatically.Segments with a quality score below that threshold are recommended to be reviewed by a team member to improve the translation quality.Currently, the translation quality score can only assess the quality of the AI translation. Translations that are auto-propagated from the translation memory as well as human-reviewed translations receive a maximum score (for proper statistic calculations). How to use TQS You don't actually have to do anything to activate TQS. It appears automatically, for you to view on two separate areas of your translation workspace on Smartcat. 1. Project level widget. A side-screen widget that displays overall quality. This display is to provide fast, easy access to overall quality information.2. Segment level. For a more detailed, micro view of each specific text segment inside a translation file. 3 steps to use translation quality score to improve quality Smartcat highlights your translation quality score for a given language pair or for a translation project overall. This acts as a means to understand the quality level of your translation and help you decide how to proceed. Both AI translation and manual translation may require adjustments. Here are three steps to improve translation quality score. Step 1: Address any immediate issues Ensure the translation has no obvious mistakes. Smartcat highlights critical issues such as lack of formatting tags or placeholders, mistranslation of glossary terms, or punctuation issues. Step 2: Proofread to compare source and target texts Ensure the translation accurately reflects the source text with a proofreading step. Some issues to look out for include making a translation too short or too long, or over-translating – adding extra content or explanations that were not there in the source. Such issues, which are not faithful to the source text, result in a lower translation quality score. Step 3: Ensure target formatting and punctuation is accurate Proofreading doesn't just apply to language. It is essential to also ensure that punctuation and formatting mirrors the source language file. For instance, providing a translation in upper case while the source is lower case negatively affects translation quality score. Additionally, when proofreading, aim to guarantee translation fluency and that it uses proper grammatical gender. Hire a language editor or proofreader from Smartcat Marketplace by clicking on the on-screen Invite editor button. In your Smartcat workspace, you can review translations yourself or invite your colleagues to carry out this step. You can also hire a professional linguist from Smartcat Marketplace. All users can collaborate on the same files, inside the same private workspace. In all cases, translation quality score is the ultimate measure of the quality of the translation work performed and the faithfulness of the translated target language to the original source language. How to set up AI-Driven Selective Editing Workflows Here is how you can set up AI-driven editing workflows to reduce the review and editing workload for internal reviewers by setting up the automatic approval of translations with high-quality scores.First, go to Projects from your workspace home page.Then, select a project.Click on Translation Rules from the left-hand menu.Add a new rule.Choose Quality-based automation.Select at which stage of the translation workflow requires the automatic confirmation.Choose the TQS (Translation Quality Score) Threshold. Select Save and Run to ensure the changes come into effect.In Smartcat Editor, you can see that all translation segments with a translation quality score that were higher than the threshold were automatically confirmed by the system. The reviewer only needs to verify the remaining segments.Click through the interactive demo:
Manage freelancer capacity
Freelancer capacity management | Smartcat Help Center It is common knowledge that Smartcat makes it easy to assign freelancers to a task in a project. It might, however, get tricky if you do not know in advance whether the freelancer is ready to take on a new task, and whether they are able to complete it on time. Smartcat relieves project managers of this difficulty by calculating freelancer capacity in advance and presenting it in a clear and accessible way. To enable Smartcat to assess capacity correctly, freelancers are requested to update their profile with the pertinent information. This information includes the following:Average daily performance in words per day. This parameter should be set for every service offered by the freelancer. Indication whether the freelancer is open for work, that is whether they are ready to take on a new project; what are their working days during the week, and what days they will be unavailable on. This information is entered into the Availability section in the freelancer profile. Providing these parameters makes capacity assessment significantly more accurate. If they are not indicated, Smartcat will go by industry-average productivity and typical work week. When looking for the supplier for a specific task, the project manager navigates to the Tasks tab in the project settings, opens the required task and clicks Find suppliers. Smartcat then sifts through the suitable suppliers, assesses their capacity and productivity, and displays those suppliers in a list sorted by their availability: Hovering over the Estimated completion date for a specific freelancer shows what this calculation is based on. Note, however, that Smartcat also takes into account the tasks currently assigned to the freelancer. Consider, for example, a freelancer who works five days a week with the Daily performance of 1,500 words per day. This freelancer is currently assigned with two tasks of 3,000 words each. Therefore, when calculating this freelancer's availability, Smartcat will factor in the four days that the freelancer needs to have completed the outstanding tasks before taking on a new one. If the task deadline is specified, Smartcat evaluates whether it will be met according the the estimated completion date. If yes, the clock icon next to the date will be green; if not, it will be red. If the deadline is not specified, the clock icon will remain grey. Unavailable freelancers are displayed after the available ones and their status is set to Busy. There are various reasons for Smartcat to determine that the freelancer is not available. In addition to the obvious cases when the freelancer's profile indicates that they are currently not available, freelancers who do not log in to Smartcat for over 2 weeks will be automatically assigned with Busy status.
Archive projects manually
Manually archiving projects | Smartcat Help Center What is an archived project? An archived project is a project that is moved from the “Projects” tab to the “Archived” tab. Depending on your subscription, archived projects may be completely or partially unavailable. How long before a project is archived? 45 days after the last activity in the project. How do I retrieve information from an archived project? If you upgrade to a subscription, you’ll be able to retrieve source, target, and TMX files from an archived project. Simply click on the folder icon to expand the project’s file list and click on the arrow next to the “Download” button. In the drop-down menu that appears, select what file type you want to download. Note that you can download only one file type at a time. To download files of other types, repeat the process. You can download the following file types:Source files. Listed as “Original file”.Bilingual files in TMX format. Listed as “TMX”.Target files. Listed as “Resulting file”. Note that only users with a paid subscription can download files from archived projects. If I upgrade to a subscription, will I be able to access my archived projects? You will be able to completely disable project archiving or set a custom period for this action. Also, you will be able to download source documents, TMX files, and translations from any project archived in the previous 9 months.
Customize your branded Client Portal
Customizing Client Portal | Smartcat Help Center If you have purchased a subscription, you will have the option to customize the design of the portal. The standard Smartcat portal looks like the screenshot below: On the other hand, it is possible to customize the portal using your logo, colors, and fonts to match the overall look of your corporate site. For example: Your customer success representative can provide you with a list of the information that we need to complete the customization process. Here are some details that we will need for your branded portal:The primary URL to your company website. Example: http://www.mycompany.comThe domain (a subdomain of the primary domain used for your website) you would like to use for the portal. Example: orders.mycompany.comContact information like phone and emailColors you want to use for the portal, literary every button can be colored according to your wish, by using the HEX colors values (Example: #C71585). You can use a tool like https://www.colorcodepicker.com/ to get Hex values if you do this for the first timeYou’ll also have to set up a CNAME record on your DNS server for the portal domain. We will help you if you don't know how :)Some other details like links to your ToU and Privacy Policy if exist or a deadline calculation formula
Get client reviews
Getting client reviews | Smartcat Help Center Getting reviews from clients is crucial to keeping your Smartcat profile up-to-date, professional-looking and eye-catching to other potential customers looking to hire linguists for their projects. Scoring at least three positive reviews is a good start. A customer review consists of three parts. The customer is expected to:Rate the quality of your services.Rate the interaction they’ve had with you.Write a free-form comment about their overall experience with you. Unsurprisingly, reviews with comments stand out more, so we recommend getting in touch with the customer using the built-in chat function and asking them whether they enjoyed working with you. If they did, suggest that they add a few words in the Comments field. How do I get my first review? There are three ways you can get a nice, shiny review on your profile. From a Smartcat customer The most obvious and effortless one is by accepting an invitation from a Smartcat customer and making sure you do your best to provide top-notch services. After your work is accepted by the client, they will be prompted to rate your services and add a few comments below. If after a few days you still can’t see the review on your profile, don’t hesitate to contact the client using the built-in chat function to remind them about the rating and the comments you’d like to receive. For the next job you get outside of Smartcat Don’t worry, if you haven’t yet landed any job opportunities in Smartcat. Simply suggest the next client who offers you a job try Smartcat to assign it to you. They’ll need to sign up, create a project using the docs they need you to translate, assign the task to you and, ultimately, leave a review. If you’ve already had some experience with that customer, they will probably write you a good one. This is not to mention that if the customer ends up happy with their experience interacting with you via Smartcat, it’d become easier for you to work on their projects. Along with a payment made via Smartcat Have any non-Smartcat clients who owe you money? Suggest they pay via Smartcat and also give you a review ( How it works ). In this case, the job doesn’t even need to be completed using Smartcat’s editor, it might be a small editing task that didn’t take any tools to get done. Once you receive the payment, ask your customer to rate the quality of your services and the interaction they’ve had with you a rating of between 1 and 3 stars, and summarize their experience with you. Once you get your hands on the feedback, send it to search@smartcat.ai with “Customer review” in the subject line providing the payment date and the project name in the email body so we can add the review to your profile. FAQ What if I disagree with the client’s feedback? Using the chat function, provide the client with a detailed and substantiated explanation of why you think their feedback is unfair. If the client agrees to remove the review, send an email with a screenshot of their consent to us at search@smartcat.ai.If the client refuses to withdraw the review or fails to respond, let us know by sending an email to the same address. We will assess your situation and come up with relevant solutions. What if the client still hasn’t provided feedback on a project I’ve completed recently? Try contacting the client via chat and ask them for feedback. When they reply, send us a screenshot of their response to search@smartcat.ai.Another way the client can leave a review about your work is by sending an email to search@smartcat.ai — we will be sure to add it to your profile. The email must include: the email address of the manager who wrote the review; the company’s name;the language pair;the subject matter;the review itself.
Find and replace text in the Editor
Text replacement in Editor | Smartcat Help Center You can search for specific text in the Editor using the filter in the toolbar. To find text within a document, select a word or a phrase in the source or translation and press Ctrl+F. The selected fragment will be copied to the search field, and the system will display only the segments containing this text. You can also enter the text into the search field manually as the toolbar also contains the text search and filter bar which can be expanded by pressing the 'pencil' icon in the upright corner of the toolbar. The left and right arrow buttons next to the Target field can be used to find next and previous occurrences of the word in the translation. To narrow down your search you can press the Add filters button and apply extra search criteria such as revision date, source text specifics, or the author of the revision. To replace the fragment, hit the Raplace button or Ctrl+H and fill in the Replace with field, then press Replace or Replace All. To update the search results, hit the Raplace button. In case you want to clear the filter and see all segments, hit the cross.
PayPal payments | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to receive your Smartcat payments via PayPal As a Smartcat subcontractor, you can receive payment for your work with Smartcat via PayPal. In this article, we demystify some of the doubts that you may have over how Smartcat payments via PayPal work. Overview of payments with Paypal PayPal-processed payments are done in US dollar (USD). If your Smartcat balance currency is different from USD, the funds will be converted to USD at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Understanding PayPal commissions If you have a verified PayPal account in the United States, a flat fee of USD 0.25 applies. If you have a Paypal account that is not based in the United States, a 2% commission rate of the total transaction amount will be charged. However, the maximum possible commission that PayPal can charge is USD 20 (twenty US dollars). You can view a list of companies that reimburse your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Smartcat enables you to set a minimum payout amount. By doing so, you can minimize the commission fee that PayPal charges. Learn more by reading minimum payout amount. Smartcat configurations to receive payments via PayPal To receive payment, simply select your PayPal account currency and log in to your PayPal account. You can only receive payments to an activated and verified PayPal account. Read more about how to verify your PayPal account in how to verify your PayPal account. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1 business day on the PayPal side. There's no need to fill out a lot of details – simply specify your PayPal account. Frequently Asked Questions – Receiving payment via PayPal Here are some of the most common queries concerning payments through PayPal and their answers. Why was my PayPal payment rejected? If this happens, we recommend the following course of action: Make sure that your PayPal account is active and verified.Check that there are no restrictions when receiving money in your PayPal account. You can do so by contacting I can't locate my Smartcat payment on my PayPal account In this scenario, please check your PayPal account statement for transactions from Smartcat with the reference format of: Payment ID: PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX* for translation and related services. *Your payment ID that corresponds to a specific payment that was sent (Details in the section My payouts -> Payout history) What payment details should be used for billing? If you receive funds by PayPal in USD, you must provide the following Smartcat details in your PayPal account: 1. Company name: Smartcat Platform Inc.2. Company address: 2810 N Church St PMB 50985, Wilmington, Delaware, 19802-4447, USA3. EIN: 811551044 Which countries is PayPal payment available in? To see if this method is available to you, check your options when adding a payout method in the My Payouts section. If PayPal listed for your country or region of fiscal residence, you can connect your existing PayPal account as a withdrawal method. When trying to choose PayPal as a preferred payout method I get the following error: Please make sure you use the same email address for Smartcat and PayPal. How can I solve this? Smartcat asks you to link your registered PayPal account to your registered Smartcat email address. This is to guarantee that your transactions are secure. If your Smartcat email address doesn’t match your PayPal email address, you may choose between the following options:Change your Smartcat email address to match your PayPal email address. Go to My settings → email & passwordAdd your current Smartcat email address as a secondary email address to your PayPal account. This will allow you to keep your primary PayPal email address and use your secondary email address in your Smartcat account. What countries are PayPal payments available for? Antigua and BarbudaDenmarkIndonesiaMexicoSenegalAustraliaAlgeriaIndiaMaltaSingaporeAustriaEcuadorIrelandMozambiqueSan MarinoBelgiumEgyptIcelandMartiniqueSerbiaBulgariaSpainIsraelMauritiusSlovakiaBahrainEstoniaItalyMalawiSloveniaBahamasFinlandJamaicaMalaysiaSwedenBosnia and HerzegovinaFijiJordanNew CaledoniaSeychellesBelizeFranceJapanNetherlandsTurks and Caicos IslandsBrazilUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandKazakhstanNorwayThailandBarbadosGeorgiaSaint Kitts and NevisNew ZealandTrinidad and TobagoBotswanaGibraltarKoreaOmanTaiwanCanadaGuadeloupeSaint LuciaPhilippinesUruguaySwitzerlandGreeceLiechtensteinPalauUnited States of AmericaChileGrenadaLesothoPolandViet NamChinaFrench GuianaLithuaniaPortugalWallis and FutunaCyprusHong KongLuxembourgFrench PolynesiaSouth AfricaCzechiaHondurasLatviaRéunionGermanyCroatiaMoroccoRomaniaDominicaHungaryMoldovaSaudi Arabia Countries where PayPal works, but its options are limited – funds from the PayPal account can only be withdrawn to a US bank or used for online purchases BermudaGuatemalaCayman IslandsKenyaColombiaKuwaitCosta RicaMonacoDominican RepublicNicaraguaEl SalvadorPanamaFaroe IslandsPeruGreenlandQatar
PDF file translation in Smartcat
PDF file translation in Smartcat Smartcat allows you to easily translate your PDF files. By following these detailed steps, you can efficiently create high-quality translation for your PDF files. Uploading your PDF file Open your workspace and click on Translate a File. That will open the project creation tab. Specify both the source and target languages.Select your PDF file from the computer.Click Translate files. An Overview tab will open, where you can view the workflow stages. When the progress bar of the AI translation workflow stage reaches 100%, it signifies completion, and you can now open your file in the Editor. Uploading your file to an existing project Another option for working with your PDF file in Smartcat is to upload your file to an existing project. Open your project.Navigate to the Files tab and click on the Upload button.Then select Upload documents from the drop-down menu. Select your file from the computer and click Finish. You can upload multiple files at once. Review your translation Open your file from the Files tab. As you can see, the editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation if necessary. Below the editing area, you'll find various tabs. History. Monitor the edit history of your file.QA check. Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies if there are any. You can also track errors via the orange warning sign on the right of the segment.Segment comments & document comments. Add comments to specific text segments or to an entire document for other assigness.Preview. View the preview of your PDF file in the respective tab. The preview automatically displays the selected text segment within the source file. Review and confirm one segment after another by clicking on the checkbox on the right of the text segment. To confirm all segments at once, click on the checkbox icon in the toolbar. Assigning a linguist To maximize quality, you can assign your own linguistic reviewers or assign an expert reviewer to check the translation from Smartcat Marketplace, which is easily accessible from your Smartcat workspace. To invite a linguist, go to the Tasks tab. Select the Post-editing task. Click Invite. In the following pop-up, you can choose from various options: AI suggestions. Smartcat AI analyzes content and selects the most suitable suppliers from a marketplace of over 500,000 vetted linguistic reviewers based on various criteria including ratings, reviews, and completed projects. Hover over a freelancer’s profile to view concise statistics. After you have selected a suitable reviewer, click the Send invitations button. The reviewer will receive an invitation. Check the invitation status in the Tasks tab. Agencies. Find the vendor on the Smartcat Market place and save it to your agencies list.Human linguistic reviewers. Use search criteria to find a reviewer that best suits your needs.My team. Select a reviewer from your teamMy agencies. Select a vendor from your saved agencies.Via email. Enter the email and specify the role of the specialist you want to invite to your project. In additional options you can specify the rate and enter the invitational message.Via link. Generate an invitational link for a reviewer. As in the previous option, you can specify the role, rate and write a message. After you have assigned a reviewer, you can track the progress of the task in the Overview tab. To communicate with assigned reviewers, you can use the in-built chat. Access the chat via the message icon in your Workspace. Export your file Once the review and edit of your AI translation is complete, click the Done button in Editor and download your resulting file in DOCX format. You can export your file in TMX, XLIFF, or CSV if you choose the Special formats option in the dropdown menu.
Consider payout limitations
Payout limitations | Smartcat Help Center No payout options are currently available to residents of Afghanistan, Antarctica, Crimea, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), Iran, Republic of Kosovo, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela, Donetsk People's Republic, and Luhansk People's Republic. Payments are not made to the following banks:SberbankVTB BANKOtkritieSovcombank Specific limitations Bank cards Payments are not made to cards issued in Afghanistan, Albania, The Bahamas, Barbados, Botswana, The Democratic Republic Congo, Cambodia, Crimea, Cuba, Ghana, Guam, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritius, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, Samoa, Sudan (both), Syria, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe. Payments are not made to cards issued in the United States of America . Payments are not made to corporate, prepaid (including Revolut) and no name cards. In rubles, payments on cards are made only on cards issued in the Russian Federation. The name of the cardholder must be indicated as Ivan Ivanov (incorrectly: I.Ivanov). Payments to foreign cards in national currencies are not made. Payments to foreign cards are made in euros and/or dollars, depending on the card and country. Limitations which relate to particular payout methods are described in the payout options section.
How can I delete my Smartcat account?
How can I delete my Smartcat account? Learn how to safely and permanently delete your Smartcat account This brief article will guide you on how to go about the process of account deletion, including saving your translation assets beforehand and also ensuring that all outstanding supplier payments have been processed. To delete your account, simply contact our Support team indicating that you want to delete your account. They will answer you within one business day. Understanding the account deletion process There are two reasons why we need you to write to us first. When you delete your account, you also delete access to your balance record, as well as to your linguistic resources. As a result:You wouldn't be able to gain access to, restore, or download your translation memories or glossariesTranslators that may have not been paid yet wouldn't be compensated Smartcat must ensure that all your suppliers have been paid before deleting your account in order to ensure fair compensation. This takes minutes, and you rest assured that your suppliers are paid fairly. Quick steps to speed up account deletion We ask that you check two things to speed up the account deletion process. 1. Download your glossaries and translation memories.So you don't lose all the great work you've already done. After all, you own it.But, of course, you don't have to. It's entirely up to you, but we want to make sure that you make this decision with full awareness so you don't accidentally delete your work. 2. Make sure that you have paid all of your suppliers.We can proceed with your account deletion once there are no outstanding payments due to your suppliers. Further information on deleting your account If you have more than one Smartcat account, let us know the correct email address for the one that you'd like to delete.
Manage your team
Team management | Smartcat Help Center The team is key to any translation business. You can manage your team from the Team tab of your account homepage. After clicking on the tab you will see the list of all your team members and related data such as their names, email addresses, roles, last login time, current workload, availability, and ratings. You can filter, sort the list by names and other parameters or create custom filters. Adding team members To add a new team member click Invite, and act as described in this article. The new team member role and permissions will be defined by the preset or your custom settings. If the invitee is not yet signed up with Smartcat they will be displayed under the Invited shortcut. If the user is already signed up with Smartcat, they will be added to your team. Managing team members Click on a teammate's profile to open their bio, remove the team member from the team or initiate an LQA check. From the profile you can also remove team members, manage their premission, invite them to projects, and send payments by selecting the respective options.
Configure Excel file upload settings
Configuration of Excel file uploading | Smartcat Help Center Generally, processing files using CAT tools required the users to copy and paste content from file to file if only some rows or columns needed to be processed. Smartcat simplifies the process greatly and eliminates the need to prepare files in advance. If you click on an Excel file that was added in the first step of the project creation process, these options will be shown on the right side: (1) You can choose to split segments based on Sentences or Cells. If a cell contained the following content — Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet. And you were to choose the “Cell-based” option, you would end up with one segment in the editor:Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.Whereas, if you chose the Sentence-based option, the content would be split into 2 segments:Lorem ipsum.Dolor sit amet. It is generally better to segment by sentences as it is more helpful to your Translation Memory to have smaller segments because you will have fewer matches to entire paragraphs than you would with smaller sentence segments. (2) This option will tell Smartcat whether to parse the Excel spreadsheet horizontally (by rows) or vertically (by columns) (3) Determines if the sheet names are included in the document upload. (4) Determines if the hidden cells and sheets are included in the document upload. (5) Determines if the header and footer content is included in the document upload. (6) Determines if the comments are included in the document upload. (7) Determines if the graphics are included in the document upload. (8) Determines if the test from shapes are included in the document upload. (9) Determines if the nested presentations are included in the document upload. (10) If you select either the “Upload selected ranges” or “Do not upload selected ranges” you are presented with more options. In this section, you can decide exactly which portions of an excel file are uploaded or not to the project. To select columns, enter the names of the first and last columns you need, for example, A:H. To select rows, enter the names of the first and last lines you need, for example, 1:50. Or you can use a combination of the two. For instance, if you wanted to translate a document that had columns A-Z and rows 1 through 100 but you wanted to omit column B you would apply the following rules: If you had selected “Do not upload selected ranges” the only column that would be included in the upload of Sheet1 would be column B. You can also create rules for each of the sheets in your excel file. And you can apply separate rules for each sheet. Here, in one sheet column, A would be processed and in the other, it would be column B. Smartcat gives you a lot of flexibility to deal with Excel files — no need to hide columns or copy and paste the content to be translated.
Cancel erroneous payments to suppliers
Canceling wrong payments | Smartcat Help Center You created a task for the vendor but realized that you made a mistake and assigned the task to the wrong person or send it to an email you didn’t intend to… For now there is no option to edit a task. So how can we fix this? Job isn’t paid for yet In this case, you need to delete the job from Payments and create it again using correct data.You can delete only jobs that are not included in the invoice yet. If the job is already invoiced: delete the invoicedelete the jobcreate a new job using correct datainvoice the job Job is paid for If the job is invoiced and invoice is paid, you cannot delete invoice or job.
Add the Website Translator on a WordPress website
Website Translator on WordPress | Smartcat Help Center To publish your website translation, add the JavaScript snippet that you received from the project manager to the section of your HTML pages. If you use a CMS, locate the <head> section in the CMS settings and inject the snippet to itOtherwise, simply paste the JavaScript snippet on all your website HTML pages just before the </head> tag. The following example shows a website section before and after adding the JavaScript snippet: Before: After: Make sure that this JavaScript code is enabled on every page of your site. If a template is applied to every site page, update the template by injecting the JavaScript snippet as described above. The following example walks you through the process of adding the Java snippet to a WordPress site. Adding code in WordPress There are a few ways to edit the HTML in your WordPress theme. The ability to edit them is open only to your personal installations or WordPress Pro. Log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance. Select Theme File Editor Under Theme Files, select header.php: Paste the JavaScript snippet just before the </head> tag. If the PHP change results in an error, upload the change by modifying header.php directly. To do it, log in to your hosting, navigate to the file manager and locate the folder with the theme that is currently applied on your WordPress site: Then open header.php and add the JavaScript snippet as shown above. Need some extra help with you WordPress website? Smartcat recommends Codeable for our preferred WordPress development resource.
Set up a Wordpress/WPML integration
Wordpress/WPML setup | Smartcat Help Center Translate content with Smartcat for WPML-based websites. Smartcat WordPress App is another way to manage content translation for WPML-based websites. This tool allows you to easily translate pages, articles, and other elements of your site that can be added with the help of third-party plugins. Installation and Setup 1. If the WPML plugin is not yet installed, please install it. Note that you need to install WPML Multilingual CMS and String Translation. 2. If you haven't used WPML before, go through the installation process by navigating to WPML → Setup. 3. Install the Smartcat plugin. 4. Smartcat plugin settings can be found in the left sidebar of the WordPress admin panel. 5. The next step is to log in to your Smartcat account. There are two ways to do this: a. Automatic login using the "Connect to Smartcat" button. After clicking the button, you will be automatically redirected to Smartcat and then back to WordPress. Note: If you use "basic auth" or your site is only accessible from certain IP addresses, this method may not be suitable. In that case, consider the next option. b. Manually, using an API key. To generate a secret key, refer to our developer documentation. 6. If all the previous steps were successfully completed, the name of your workspace in Smartcat will be displayed in the settings. Basic Content Translation 1. Start by selecting the article or page you want to translate with Smartcat. In the right sidebar of the article or at the bottom, after the editor, you'll find the Smartcat translation control panel. Note: If the "Smartcat" panel is not displayed, make sure that the selected content type is marked as "Translatable." You can check this by going to WPML settings: WPML → Settings → Post Types Translation. Usually, the "Post" and "Page" content types are already marked as "Translatable." 2. The second step is to choose the target languages for translating the article. If you lack specific languages, you can add them in WPML settings: WPML → Languages. 3. Next, select the "Workflow stage": a. AI translation - automatic AI translation b. AI translation + human review - automatic AI translation with subsequent confirmation c. Manual translation - manual translation by a linguist 4. Choose the Smartcat project. Note: The dropdown list shows only those projects created through the Smartcat plugin. If you haven't sent content for translation yet, choose the "New project" option. 5. If needed, specify the Smartcat project deadline and a comment to be displayed in the project documents. 6. Click the "Send to Smartcat" button to send the content. After sending the content, the Smartcat panel status will change. You can track the translation process directly from WordPress. Use the "Refresh" button to update the status of translated documents. Languages currently being translated in Smartcat are marked with checkmarks. You can always add or remove a language for translation. Available actions:Open Smartcat project - opens the project page in SmartcatSend to Smartcat - resends content to Smartcat, updating documents. Use this action if your article content has changed.Get from Smartcat - retrieves completed translations from the Smartcat project and imports them into WordPress, creating or updating the target article. You can open the document in Smartcat by clicking the "Edit in Smartcat" link for the desired language. Once you finish the translation, you can get the translations by clicking the "Get from Smartcat" button. After importing translations into WordPress, you'll have an "Edit in WordPress" link that redirects you to the target article. You can also view available translations in the list of your articles. Sending Multiple Articles In addition to sending individual articles for translation, you can also send multiple articles at once using the "Bulk actions" feature in WordPress. To do this, go to the list of the content you're interested in, select the items, choose the "Translate selected posts" option, and click "Apply." On the resulting page, the same settings as when sending a single article for translation will be available. Translation Request Whether you're sending one or several articles for translation, they will always be in the "Translation request." The "Translation request" is a request containing all the content sent to Smartcat, allowing you to conveniently manage them. Translation requests are found in Smartcat → Translation requests. You can always get translations for all articles in the translation request. This is convenient as you don't have to do it for each article separately. You can also request translations for multiple translation requests at once using the "Bulk actions" feature. By going into the details of the translation request with the "Show details" button, you get the flexibility to manage the translated content. Using the "Sync all posts" button, you can update the original content of all documents in the current project. You can always add or remove a language for all translatable articles or manage this individually for each article. Supported Plugins Smartcat App supports content translation for popular plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), CMB2, VC/WPBakery, Elementor, and others. Our plugin works directly through WPML, so you can check the support status for your desired plugins on the official WPML website. Helper The plugin has an excellent FAQ available on the Smartcat → Helper page. Here, solutions to most potential issues you might encounter are presented. You can also reach out to support by clicking the "Message to support" button.
Managing permissions to enable access to Drive content
Title As project manager or an admin, when you add a user to your Smartcat corporate account and workspace, you can assign them a specific role. Each role grants different levels of access rights. You can explore the various preset roles and their corresponding access levels for account users. Roles such as Administrator, Project Manager, and Resource Manager allows you to access content stored in Drive. However, roles like Language Lead and Linguist do not have Drive access and can only interact with documents as per their assigned tasks. If a user encounters a restricted access screen while trying to open a document or folder in Drive, it indicates that their current role does not have the required permissions. Here is how you can upgrade a user’s permissions to enable them to view and edit content in Drive: You can change the user's role to Resource Manager as shown below: 2. Alternatively, you can re-invite the user to the workspace, even if they are already a member. This time, specify "Resource Manager" as their role. Once the user accepts the new invitation, they will gain access to Drive.
Connect Zendesk with Smartcat
Zendesk integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to connect, configure and use Zendesk within a Smartcat project. Zendesk is a cloud-based help desk management solution for building customer service portals, knowledge bases, and online communities. The Smartcat Zendesk integration allows you to manage the translation of your Zendesk help center content. The source and, optionally, translation data is automatically or manually pulled to Smartcat, and translated content is then sent to Zendesk. Pre-requisites Prior to setting up the Smartcat Zendesk integration collect the following parameters:Zendesk URLZendesk email addressZendesk API key To collect this information, proceed as described below. 1. Zendesk URL This is the URL of your Zendesk domain as displayed in the address field of your Zendesk instance homepage, for example, http://smartcat.zendesk.com/. 2. Zendesk email address The primary email address associated with your Zendesk profile and specified in your Zendesk account. Note that in Zendesk, content access permissions depend on the account. Therefore, the integration will be accessible only for the account with the associated email which you provide. To find your Zendesk email address:Log in to Zendesk.Click your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the page header, then select View Profile. On the left sidebar of your profile, you can view the information related to your account. Copy the address in the Primary email address field and save it. 3. Zendesk API Key The API token used as part of two-factor authentication for the integration. To generate an API token, complete the following steps: Log in as an administrator. Click the Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk API. Click the Settings tab, and make sure Token Access is enabled. Enter a name for the token, and click Create. The token is generated and displayed in a pop-up window. Copy the token and paste it somewhere secure. Once you close this window, the token will never be displayed again. Configuring the integration To configure the Zendesk integration, complete the following steps. Select the Set up an integration shortcut. In the Integrations list, click on the Zendesk integration tile. Paste the Zendesk URL, email address, and API key that you collected as prerequisites. Click Create integration. The Zendesk integration page that opens will display the hierarchy of your content. Using the integration To start the translation process, simply select your content (for example, an article) and click Create translation. Select if you want to create a new project in Smartcat or upload a file to the existing project. Enter the project data, such as name, deadline, and source and target language. You can select multiple target languages. Select the appropriate workflow for your translation. The Automatic Translation → Post-Editing workflow allows Smartcat to select the most suitable AI engine for the initial translation. After that, you can review the translation yourself or invite a collaborator to your project in Smartcat. Proceed to the Integration-specific settings by clicking the respective button below. Select the import mode for your translation: to import existing translations or skip this step. After the synchronization process is complete, you will see a list of target languages under the title of the original file. Click on the underlined title on the left to open your project in Smartcat. The Overview tab will open. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the AI translation workflow stage is completed. Go to the Files tab and click on your file to open Smartcat Editor. The editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation as needed. Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies if there are any. Access the history of changes by navigating to the History tab. Review your translation by confirming one segment after another. To confirm all segments at once, click the green button in the toolbar above on the left. When you're done reviewing your translation in Smartcat Editor, click the Done button. That will finalize the reviewing stage. Assign a human reviewer You can assign a human reviewer to ensure the quality of your translation. Open the Tasks tab in your Smartcat project and select the Post-editing task, then click Invite. Choose the most suitable option for you: invite a human reviewer from your team, agencies, or from Smartcat Marketplace. Alternatively, you can invite a human reviewer to the Smartcat workspace using an email or link. Specify the role of the human reviewer and the monetary rate in the Additional Options section. Click the Send Invitations button. Track your invitation status in the Tasks page. Learn more about collaboration in Smartcat in this article. Sending translations to Zendesk After completing and reviewing an article translation, return to the integration page in Smartcat. Select the article you want to send and click Send to Zendesk. In the next window, select the completion mode and the target languages to be sent to Zendesk. Click Send translations. The translation(s) will be pushed to Zendesk. Now you can check your translated content in Zendesk.
Local wire transfers in INR (India)
INR wire transfers (India) | Smartcat Help Center Local INR wire transfer is the transfer of funds between banks in India in the local INR currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Indian Rupee (INR) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from INR, then the funds will be converted to INR at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 72 INR You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 200 INR to 1,500,000 INR Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or companyBeneficiary first name✓✕First name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryIFSC✓✓Alphanumeric code of the bank branch participating in the electronic money transfer systemBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the funds Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, SWIFT, IFSC are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to an Indian bank account. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local wire transfer in INR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in KRW (South Korea)
KRW wire transfers (South Korea) | Smartcat Help Center A local wire transfer in KRW is a transfer of funds between banks in South Korea in the local KRW currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies South Korean won (KRW) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from KRW, the funds will be converted to KRW using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 4,000 KRW You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 6,000 KRW to 5,500,000 KRW Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕The name of the individual beneficiary in LatinBeneficiary last name✓✕Surname of the individual beneficiary in LatinBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Legal name of the beneficiary's company in LatinRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeRecipient's phone number✓✓Correct beneficiary's phone numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBank code✓✓3-digit bank ID code used for local paymentsSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account number Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently asked questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, SWIFT, phone number are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. Please note that the beneficiary's name must be written in Latin letters.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available only for receiving funds to a bank account in South Korea. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in KRW, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
How to set up an account on Smartcat
Learn how to sign up with Smartcat Setting up your account on Smartcat is super easy and fast! Whether you're a company in need of translations, a language service provider (LSP), or a freelance translator, you can get set up and get translating immediately! In this brief article, learn how to create your account so you can start using Smartcat for your multilingual content requirements in next to no time so you can get straight to translating. Let's get into it! Get started in three simple steps Follow these quick steps to get started. 1. Begin via Smartcat's home page Go to Smartcat.com and click Get Started Free on the top-right of the home screen. 2. Input your email or use a social media account Sign up using your work email or by using your Google, LinkedIn, or ProZ account. 3. Specify the type of Smartcat account for you Choose from business / individual, translation agency (LSP), or freelance translator. Click Describe organization to proceed. Setting up on Smartcat: incorporated businesses and sole traders Setting up as an enterprise, SME, or sole trader? Business / Individual is the option for you! 1. Choose “Business / Individual” as account type Select Business / Individual and click Choose your primary use case. 2. Choose your primary use case On this screen, select the main reason why you are signing up. You might have multiple reasons, of course! We ask you what your primary use case is so we can make your user experience more streamlined and tailored to your needs. You will also be able to use your Smartcat account for all of the mentioned use cases in the image above, and many more besides. 3. Name your organization in Smartcat Write the name of your organization for your Smartcat account and click Set up workspace. 4. Name your workspace Give your first workspace a name! You can create additional workspaces later on after first setting up if you require them. You can have a limitless number of workspaces as part of your subscription! Open an account on Smartcat: language service providers (LSPs) Choose this option to set up on Smartcat as an LSP! 1. Select “Translation Agency (LSP)” as account type Choose and then click on Describe organization to proceed. 2. Name your organization in Smartcat Write the name of your organization for your Smartcat account and click Set up workspace. 3. Name your workspace Give your first workspace a name! You can create additional workspaces later on after first setting up if you require them. You can have a limitless number of workspaces as part of your subscription! Start translating on Smartcat: freelance translators and linguistic editors Are you a freelance professional linguist? In that case, we're so happy to have you here on the Smartcat platform! From getting freelance work to using the free Smartcat CAT tool, and even translating your own files, we've got you covered. 1. Choose “Freelance Translator” as account type Select Freelance Translator and click Choose your primary use case to proceed. 2. Choose the main reason why you want to sign up to Smartcat Choose one of the options listed. And don't worry if you have multiple reasons to sign up! You'll be able to do all of the listed use cases, and much more besides, once you sign up. This is simply to tailor your user experience based on the most important reason for signing up. Once you select your option, click Let's start and you're good to go! Sign up for your free 15-day trial
Local wire transfers in MXN (Mexico)
MXN wire transfers (Mexico) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in MXN is a transfer of funds between banks in Mexico in the local MXN currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Mexican Peso (MXN) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from MXN, the funds will be converted to MXN at the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 40 MXN You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 100 MXN Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Beneficiary's stateRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeRecipient's account type✓✓Savings/CheckBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsTax ID✓✓Beneficiary tax identification numberCLABE✓✓18-digit bank code intended for wire transfers Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the details (bank name, Tax ID, CLABE, bank account type) are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE PSP LTD is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a Mexican bank account. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in MXN, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Connect and translate your Webflow website with Smartcat
Translate Webflow site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Webflow page.Click Preview my website.That will open the translated version of your Webflow page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Webflow page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open Webflow. Open the Site settings. Then go to the Custom code section.Paste the Java-script code of your Smartcat translation into the Head code.Click “Save” to save the changes & publish the site by clicking on the Publish button.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat.
Local wire transfers in IDR (Indonesia)
IDR wire transfers (Indonesia) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in IDR is a transfer of funds between banks in Indonesia in the local currency of IDR. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Available currencies for sending a payment: Indonesian rupiah (IDR) Note that if the currency of funds in your Smartcat balance is different from IDR, then the funds will be converted to IDR at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission: 27,900 IDR You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 45,000 IDR to 300,000,000 IDR Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiary Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available only for receiving funds to an account in Indonesian banks. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in IDR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Set up your translation company profile
Agency profile setup | Smartcat Help Center Setting up your translation agency profile is a fairly straightforward task which makes a big difference to your company’s presence on the Smartcat Marketplace. To set up your profile, go to the Clients section and then click on Corporate Profile tab: Here we can update each section of your profile by hovering over the section we wish to edit and then clicking the pencil in the top right corner: The most important aspects of your profile are your logo, services offered, and your contact information. It's worth noting that only a translation agency's account may set the profile. Therefore, an end customer cannot do it due to there's no need for an end customer's profile to be shown on the Smartcat Marketplace for the lack of offered translation services. In the first section, you can add a logo, change your company’s display name, add a description of your company (limited to 500 characters), change the banner color to match the colors of your logo, set whether you want the profile to be shown in the Smartcat vendor search. The next section you can edit is your About section. Here you can select your Country, Business Hours, and the year the company was founded. Some information displayed in this section will be added automatically — how long this account has been active on Smartcat for, as well as when you have logged into the system for the last time. Once you have added information about the services that you provide, most popular services will appear here as well. In the Reviews and Success Stories section, you are also able to add a portfolio to highlight successful projects that you have completed for major clients. The Services section is also important but will also be explained in a different article. However, you should know that services that are set in the Clients section for All clients will be shown here. The next section that you should fill out at this stage is your contact information. The main pieces of information that you should add here are your website, your phone number, and an email address: Once your profile has been created, we can continue with getting your account setup. The next step is to add information about your clients that will be used to organize your data.
How can I delete my Smartcat account?
How to delete a Smartcat account Learn how to safely and permanently delete your Smartcat account This brief article will guide you on how to go about the process of account deletion, including saving your translation assets beforehand and also ensuring that all outstanding supplier payments have been processed. To delete your account, simply contact our Support team indicating that you want to delete your account. They will answer you within one business day. Understanding the account deletion process There are two reasons why we need you to write to us first. When you delete your account, you also delete access to your balance record , as well as to your linguistic resources. As a result: Smartcat must ensure that all your suppliers have been paid before deleting your account in order to ensure fair compensation. This takes minutes, and you rest assured that your suppliers are paid fairly. Quick steps to speed up account deletion We ask that you check two things to speed up the account deletion process. 1. Download your glossaries and translation memories So you don't lose all the great work you've already done. After all, you own it.But, of course, you don't have to. It's entirely up to you, but we want to make sure that you make this decision with full awareness so you don't accidentally delete your work. 2. Make sure that you have paid all of your suppliers We can proceed with your account deletion once there are no outstanding payments due to your suppliers. Further information on deleting your account If you have more than one Smartcat account, let us know the correct email address for the one that you'd like to delete.
Complete a test
Test completion | Smartcat Help Center 1. You received an email inviting you to participate in a project but first complete a test.2. Carefully read the contents of the email including the project details. If you are not interested in participating in the project, ignore the email. If you do want to participate, you have to complete a test.3. Start the test by clicking the “Complete the test” button: 4. The test will open in Smartcat’s Editor. Complete it by translating each segment. 5. After you have finished translating and saved all the segments, click “Done”: 6. You will see the “Completed” label in place of the “Finish” button. This means that you have finished completing the test. 7. The results of the test will be automatically saved in Smartcat. The client will review the results directly on the platform and evaluate your work. You will receive an email with the test results. FAQ Will I get paid for a test assignment I have completed? Test translations are not paid in Smartcat. Should you be invited to complete a test, you will receive an email notification containing details of the assignment. Such assignments are marked as Test Tasks in your workspace. Please report any cases when a customer asks you to perform tasks in Smartcat for free. Where should I send the completed test? The test should be completed using the built-in Smartcat Editor (CAT tool). When you’re finished, just press the green “Done” button. The results will be saved in the system and sent to the client. How and when will I receive the test results? After the client reviews your work, you will receive an email notification. If you’re testing for a specific project, you will know the results within two weeks.If the project description indicates that the testing procedure will be running for a prolonged period, it’s likely that the client has no end date for the search and needs specialists in the specified language pair and subject matter on a constant basis.It’s possible that the client quickly reviews the tests from some of the candidates applying for the current project and will consider the remaining candidates later when the need arises again. In this case, you will be notified about the results of the current testing in a month or two.If you haven’t received your test results within two weeks and the test was not long-term, then the client has most likely already found all the candidates they needed and will not review the rest of the tests. The link to the testing page is not accessible Most likely, this means that the recruitment of candidates for the project has finished or the deadline for passing the test has expired. What is the deadline for completing the test? If the description does not indicate a specific period, it is recommended to complete the test within three days. Usually, during this time, clients get enough applications and close the testing session. I was invited to complete a test, but I am not interested in the project It’s up to you to decide which tests to participate in. The invitation email you received is meant to simply notify you of the opportunity, but if you are not interested, ignore the email. What if the client uses the testing procedure to get translations for free? Our supplier testing procedure is designed so that its results cannot be used for commercial purposes.Clients cannot upload different content to be used for testing. The maximum text size is 250 words (one standard page). Smartcat will automatically generate tests from a file provided by the client for the required number of linguists. The client will receive different translations of the same content from each applicant.We manually review each client request for testing and remove anything that violates our Terms of Use from the description and testing materials. If any client wants to run several tests with similar texts in the same language pair and subject matter, we will make sure to prevent that. Will the test be paid/reviewed? Completed tests are not used for commercial purposes, neither are they reviewed or paid for. Corrected results or samples of correctly completed tests are not provided. Test results are not discussed and are not subject to review. The sole purpose of a test is to determine your language level and translation skills. What happens if I don’t pass the test or do the job poorly? After being tested, you get the opportunity to participate in the project you’re interested in. There are no sanctions for poor quality results. However, remember the following:Do not use AI translation. There’s a system in place to prevent that. If it turns out that you used an online translator tool, the results will not be handed over to the client.If you opened a test job and realized that you cannot deliver a high quality translation, you probably shouldn’t participate in the project. Usually, testing materials are an extract from the project or a related text. If you’re having a hard time passing the test, it means that you will have difficulties working on the project too, even if you manage to pass the test successfully. Perhaps another project will suit your skills and subject matter expertise better, so you will be able to provide excellent quality results.
Understand AI-powered linguist matching on the Marketplace
AI linguist matching | Smartcat Help Center Rather than spend hours searching for and recruiting the right human translators for your projects, you can automate the process with Smartcat AI-powered linguist matching. This feature enables you to identify and hire a linguist for your needs that has the most suitable combination of languages, subject matter expertise, reviews, rates, and availability in seconds. How the Smartcat AI Matching algorithm works Smartcat has developed a formula that takes numerous properties of a linguist on Smartcat Marketplace into account. These include:Translation services offered Working language pairs Monetary rates Availability – a linguist can manage their calendar, including displaying their working hours and out of office periods Reviews for work with other Smartcat clients Content-based matching – see below for more Smartcat ranks Marketplace linguists based on an aggregate score of all these elements combined and provides a list of the best matches in seconds. Content-based matching Smartcat uses a machine learning-based algorithm that analyzes translation content and creates “fingerprints” for each based on meaning and stores this information in a database. When you activate Smartcat AI Matching to hire a linguist for your translation, Smartcat automatically finds the closest matches to your content in this fingerprint database and identifies the linguist(s) who worked on the corresponding translations. At the same time, Smartcat AI Matching also checks each linguist's reviews and subject matter expertise to gauge their level of quality and professionalism. The result is a near-instantaneous list of best-match linguists for you to consider hiring to work on your own translations, making the hiring process faster and easier, and significantly improving the likelihood of hiring a high-quality, reliable translator.
Smartcat CLI (developer portal)
Smartcat CLI (developer portal) Binary Downloads (latest version) Linux (x64): https://smartcat-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/smartcat-linux-x64.zipLinux (musl, x64): https://smartcat-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/smartcat-linux-musl-x64.zipLinux (arm64): https://smartcat-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/smartcat-linux-arm64.zipMacOS (x64): https://smartcat-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/smartcat-osx-x64.zipWindows (x64): https://smartcat-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/smartcat-win-x64.zip cli console Per-folder configuration file General syntax CommandDetailsloginAuthorize in SmartcatinitInitialize local project configuration fileimportImport files to keys collectionexportExport keys collection to filesuploadUpload files to SmartcatdownloadDownload source/target files from SmartcatprojectCommands for manipulating Smartcat projectspullPull step of synchronization process.pushPush step of synchronization process. OptionDetailsh, --helpPrints help informationv, --versionPrints version information Configuration Global configuration. It is stored in %APP\_DATA%/smartcat/config.json Local configuration is taken from a file called.smartcat (or smartcat.json) in a current directory. The file has the following format: Environment variables: Command-line parameters (see Global CLI options ) Global CLI options Main options -s|--server - sets current Smartcat server. Optional-w|--workspace - sets current Smartcat workspace ID. Optional-p|--project - sets current Smartcat project id. Optional-t|--api-token - sets current Smartcat API token. Optional Other options -g|--global - ignore local configuration and use global one. Optional-c|--config - specifies path to config file. Optional Authentication Getting started
Smartwords Migration FAQ
Smartwords Migration FAQ | Smartcat We have transitioned all our users to Smartwords-based accounts. If you haven't signed in to your Smartcat account for quite a while, check out the information below. Smartwords are words that are translated using Smartcat AI translation technology and translation memories. We call them so because they are based on technology that selects the best and quickest way to translate your texts. Smartwords are more flexible than old TM limits. You can spend them towards using translation memories (TM) or AI translation. The more Smartwords you use, the more you save! To learn how Smartwords work, check out this page. To learn more about using Smartwords to access Smartcat translation technology, refer to this article. To learn how you can extend your Smartwords balance, refer to this article. Recalculation of AI translation and OCR pages to Smartwords If you have additional AI translation pages bought in your account, the unused AI translation pages (including fractional amounts) will be converted to Smartwords according to this formula: 1 AI translation page = 250 Smartwords. These converted Smartwords will have the same expiration date as the AI translation pages you had. You also get unlimited access to OCR technology. You can freely use your PDF or image files and process them with OCR for as long as you have Smartwords on your balance to translate those files.
Local wire transfers in MYR (Malaysia)
MYR wire transfers (Malaysia) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in MYR is a transfer of funds between banks in Malaysia in the local MYR currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Malaysian ringgit (MYR) Note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from MYR, the funds will be converted to MYR using the Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 13 MYR You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts (click on the More Details button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 20 MYR to 100,000 MYR Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiary Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, SWIFT are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to an account in Malaysian banks. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in MYR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in LKR (Sri Lanka)
LKR wire transfers (Sri Lanka) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in LKR is a transfer of funds between banks in Sri Lanka in the local currency LKR. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from LKR, the funds will be converted to LKR using Smartcat exchange rate. Commission 400 LKR You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commissions in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 1,000 LKR to 1,000,000 LKR Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient's account type✓✓Savings/CheckBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsBank code✓✓3-digit bank ID code used for local paymentsBranch code✓✓3-digit branch code of the beneficiary's bankSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiary Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch code, bank code, account type, SWIFT are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in Sri Lanka. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in LKR, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in RUB (self-employed)
RUB wire transfers (self-employed) | Smartcat Help Center Self-employed persons – residents of the Russian Federation (individuals) who pay taxes on their professional income. This is a scheme for people who provide services (e.g. translation services). For more information, visit the official website of the tax authorities. Smartcat is included in the official list of electronic marketplace operators. Therefore, Smartcat offers the self-employed persons to receive payments through the "Local Wire Transfer in RUB" method and automatically declare income through the platform. Supported currencies Russian Ruble (RUB)Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from RUB, the funds will be converted to RUB at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 50 RUB, except when you have special arrangements with the customer. You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the "Learn more" button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts The minimum payout threshold is 100 rubles. Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details In order to receive funds in this way, a person residing in the Russian Federation must connect a Smartcat account to the MY TAX service. To begin automatic income declaration, register at https://lknpd.nalog.ru/ and then connect your personal account to Smartcat. For this: Go to the My payouts section On the screen on the right, click Connect and enter the phone number you specified in the My Tax service Confirm the connection request from Smartcat in your My Tax account Ready! Now, payment for all new orders will be automatically declared as income from Smartcat With the switch, you can turn off the automatic income declaration and turn it back on in the same way. Required details FieldDescriptionRecipient's family nameLast name of the individual beneficiaryRecipient's given nameName of the individual beneficiaryBirth dateBeneficiary's birth dateRecipient's patronymicPatronymic of the individual beneficiary (if any)INN Tax identification number12-digit taxpayer identification numberRegionBeneficiary's regionRecipient's city of residenceCity or town from the beneficiary's addressRCBIC (Russian Central Bank Identifier Code)Bank identification codeBank nameName of the bank receiving the fundsAccount number20 digit current account The account of an individual always begins with the numbers 408Recipient's addressBeneficiary's address, including building number or namePostal codeBeneficiary's postal code Advantages Low fixed commission, regardless of the payout amountThanks to integration with the My Tax service, it is convenient to monitor income and calculate taxes Available countries The method is available only for the residents of the Russian Federation. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you enter your postal code, region, city, street and house number in the appropriate fields of the payment detailsCheck if your account number, RCBIC and TIN are correctMake sure that the name of the account holder appears on the payment details exactly as it does on your bank details, including all spaces and symbols Is all income declared? Smartcat transmits to the tax authorities only the data on the payments that the freelancer had at the time the option My Tax was enabled and was sent using the method Local Wire Transfer in RUB. If the option was not activated at the time of past payments, you must file your own data with the tax office. When does the declaration happen? The payment is declared after the payment status in the payment history is Paid out to you. The actual amount declared in the My Tax service may appear before the money arrives in your bank account in case the payment takes a long time to be processed on your bank's side. What happens to the declaration if the payment was rejected after a successful submission? If for some reason your bank rejected the payment (for example, the account details were incorrect) and the money was not eventually received, the declaration will be withdrawn. How is the tax calculated? The procedure for calculating and paying tax occurs on the side of the tax authority and the My Tax service. If you have any questions, please contact My Tax support. Can I choose another method other than Local Wire Transfer in RUB? A self-employed person can receive payment not only through the "Local Wire Transfer in RUB" method, but also through any other method.If you choose any other method than "Local Wire Transfer in RUB", you will need to declare income yourself.
Set up a software localization project
Software localization setup | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat lets you streamline software localization by importing and exporting strings in JSON, YAML, Android XML, and iOS.strings. Keys are stored in so-called collections. Each of these collections contains a unique set of keys. When necessary, you can have multiple collections inside one software localization project within Smartcat, and you can have as many isolated projects as needed. What's important to know: Not only can you import keys and translated content from external files, but you can also add and edit keys and their source text directly in Smartcat. This allows for a totally different experience: you can treat Smartcat as a central system of record for all your product copy, and maintain it directly on the platform without disturbing your developers. Furthermore, developers can simply export keys and their translations in multiple formats to build their product. Follow our developer documentation to set up a fully automated integration with continuous localization using REST API or CLI tool. How to create a software localization project 1. Select Create software localization project on your workspace homepage. 2. Fill in the project name, and choose source and target languages. Now you have a blank project with a default collection titled “main.” Each project can have multiple collections of keys. You can import keys into any existing or new collection (collections are created instantly). Smartcat enforces the uniqueness of keys within a collection level. You can freely add, edit and delete project keys, and Smartcat will update them in all language pairs within a collection. Importing keys Once the “main” project has been automatically created, you have several options to import keys for your software localization. You can import keys manually using the Smartcat interface. Alternatively, you can set up automated integrations and perform import and export operations via our public REST API and through a cross-platform command-line tool. To do so, please refer to our developer documentation for API and CLI tool. Exporting keys To export keys, you can do so right from the software localization project in Smartcat. You can export keys from the collection overview page, or directly from the Editor. For easier integration you can export keys using the API and CLI tool. Adding and editing keys in the Editor To edit your keys, go to the Editor by clicking on any language pair in your collection. Change the text as needed by clicking on a source segment Add new keys by clicking on the plus sign (+) at the end of segmentsDelete keys by clicking on the three dots near the key's segment Note that when a key's source text is changed, all its existing translations will be removed on a collection level. This ensures that every time the source text in a collection is changed, linguists will review or re-apply proper translations. Plural support There are two ways of handling plurals with Smartcat:Natively (as independent segments in the editor)Via ICU MessageFormat syntax When you open a collection of keys in the editor, you can add new keys. You will need to specify if the key needs to be created with all plural forms. When exporting keys, plural forms will be converted into an ICU MessageFormat-compatible string. When importing a LocJSON file, you can specify if keys containing ICU MessageFormat syntax should be parsed and converted into individual segments in Smartcat, or kept as they are (so that you can edit the raw string). In the case where you have raw ICU MessageFormat strings, you can use an interactive previewer/validator for this format by choosing it in a preview section. FAQ Does Smartcat offer an on-premise solution? While this option is no longer offered. Smartcat is very secure, being hosted on the biggest cloud infrastructure provider in the world (Amazon AWS). Cloud services are being used by most corporations today, even some with strict security requirements. You can find some information related to security on our website.We also offer an IP Whitelisting option with some subscriptions that lets the user provide a list of IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the Smartcat account. IP addresses will be provided by an internal router for example so that only some workstation can connect to the account. This list can also include IP addresses of people working remotely if needed.
Software Localization Projects in Smartcat (developer portal)
Title In addition to regular document-based projects, Smartcat offers a different way of managing keys (strings) that is more suitable for software localization projects. Software keys (strings) are managed on the platform (Smartcat becomes the source of truth for all of your software copy)UX writers and product managers change the copy by themselves, without distracting developersDevelopers act as content consumers by exporting the needed subset of keys in a format of their choiceDevelopers can import source strings and translations in various developer file formats, and export translations in various file formats as wellREST API and CLI offer easy integration with CI/CD pipelines Here is a typical workflow for a software localization process: Create collections that will contain keys with unique identifiersImport keys via API into an existing or new collection (JSON, YAML, iOS Strings, Android XML and LocJSON). You can do this in the beginning only to populate the initial project data. 1. Keys with ICU MessageFormat syntax can be converted to individual segments with plural forms or imported as is 1. You can add labels to all imported segmentsCreate or modify keys (segment source and identifiers) inside the CAT editor 1. You can create new keys with plural forms right in the editor 1. You can add labels to segments in the editor 1. Upload screenshots or provide additional context information for segments right from the editorTranslate content, assign suppliers using tasks as with usual projectsExport keys via API or UI from the Editor (JSON, YAML, iOS Strings, Android XML). Plural forms will be converted to ICU MessageFormat syntax workflow JSONYAMLAndroid XMLiOS StringsLocJSON (see below) LocJSON is a JSON-based file format that Smartcat uses for integration purposes. It is extendable, and allows external integrations to pass a list of units (keys + source text + optional translations), and associate metadata with each unit, like comments or maximum string length per each unit. Smartcat will automatically identify this format by file extension,.locjson. See LocJSON file format reference for more information → JSON (flat or structured)YAML (flat or structured)Android XMLiOS Strings On the home page, click on the Create software localization project option. Enter project name, e.g. My App, and specify one source language and a list of target languages, and press Create project.  👉 You will be able to change the list of target languages later at any time, but you can have only one source language for a project, and source language cannot be changed once the project is created. Once the project is created, you will see a project Overview page. A default collection called main will be created and selected automatically. project overview Smartcat supports the following ways to import your existing keys from various file formats: Using Smartcat CLIUsing our public API (and standard tools like curl)Directly through Smartcat UI. Similarly, the same methods are support for exporting: Using Smartcat CLIUsing our public API (and standard tools like curl)Directly through Smartcat UI. Smarcat CLI (command-line interface) is a tool available for all popular platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux) that you can run from command line (console) and from CI/CD scripts to perform certain actions automatically. Read more about the CLI here: Smartcat CLI. Per-Folder Configuration File As a matter of convenience, you can create a file called.smartcat in the folder you will be runnung Smartcat CLI from. In this file you can put information about your Smartcat server, workspace, project, and API key (all fields are optional). Example file { "Server": "https://smartcat.com", "Workspace": "fd104ef5-cbe7-1459-c8ac-237d99a3c614", "Project": "446dfcf0-e699-4c91-a7ee-40e1237a9f81", "ApiToken": "1\_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" } Once you do so, this information will override your user settings. Such a configuration file will allow you to skip specifying --project xxxxxxxx in every CLI command invocation. Import smartcat import en/strings.json --language en --label android Importing keys is done with the smartcat import command. This example shows the actual project identifier, and you can use it as a starting point. If you have a file called en/strings.json (paths can be relative to your current directory), then the following command will import all the keys from that JSON file into your newly created project into the main collection (which is the default collection name), while also giving the android label to all imported keys. smartcat import zh-Hans/strings.json --language zh-Hans Similarly, you can import translations from an existing file that has the same keys: 👉 Run smartcat import --help for a list of all available import options. Export Exporting is performed through smartcat export command. The following example will export specified target languages and give them file names as defined in the output template. smartcat export --languages es,zh-Hans --output-file-path-template 'strings-{LANGUAGE}.json' 👉 Run smartcat export --help for a list of all available export options. 👉 Most topics regarding authentication and basic API usage are described here: https://developers.smartcat.com/en/api-guides/ — please check this documentation before proceeding. API Reference for import/export is below. API Reference for other API methods is available at https://developers.smartcat.com/en/api/ Please find all the API methods for the import/export key feature in the Postman collection below. Postman Collection with API Examples For your convenience, we have created a Postman collection of API requests that you can easily experiment with: V2 Software localization workflow.postman\_collection.json Before using the examples, you need to update values for several variables using in this collection: postman accountID can be obtained from your Smartcat workspace (see Settings > API)apiToken can be generated on the same Settings > API pageapiServer is one of the servers your workspace is located on (you can look up the domain you see when working with your workspace). It can be one of the following: 1. smartcat.com (Europe) 1. us.smartcat.com (USA) 1. ea.smartcat.com (Asia)projectID is the ID of the project you will be running import/export against. Once you create a project, it’s URL will be something like https://smartcat.com/projects/6c58e1f5-61c6-43dc-9b83-8d635edbd50c/overview. Here, 6c58e1f5-61c6-43dc-9b83-8d635edbd50c is the project ID. Step 1. Use the import API call (see the provided Postman example called Import keys) to import the following document into a newly created project: with\_plural\_hints.locjson This will automatically create a collection called main in that project. Step 2. Open the Files tab in your project, where you will see main collection. Click on its name to open in the editor. Here you can add new keys, and edit or delete existing ones. Step 3. Import one of these files using the same import API call to add or update keys (this way you will merge changes from those files into your collection of keys): incremental\_add\_one\_key.locjson incremental\_update\_one\_key.locjson Step 4. Export translated keys back. Export is a two-step process: Export request (see the provided Export keys Postman example). Here you specify the needed set of languages and the output file format. This request returns the ID of the asynchronous export task, which will be automatically captured by the Postman automation script.Download request (see the provided Download export results Postman example). This will return the contents of your file. If you request just one language, the document will be returned as is in the response body. If you request multiple documents, you will get a ZIP file with multiple files inside. Import Code samples POST /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/import` HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data Accept: text/plain POST /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/import Starts async import multiple files to given project and branch. The body consists of a number of parts with the following headers: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="path/to/file" Content-Type: text/plain Parameters NameInTypeRequiredDescriptionprojectIdpathstring(uuid)trueProject identifiercollectionquerystringfalseTarget collection (optional, "main" as default)languagequerystringfalseLanguage of the imported filestarget-languagesquerystringfalseComma separated list of target languagesformatquerystringfalseSpecifies the file format used to import the file (optional).completion-statequerystringfalseImported translation confirmation modelabelsquerystringfalseComma-separated labels that will be attached to the created/updated segments (even if the text is not changed)path-separatorquerystringfalsePath separator string (optional)skip-conflicting-valuesquerybooleanfalseSpecifies how to deal with situations when the same key has a differentoverwrite-conflicting-valuesquerybooleanfalseWhen the same key has a different value in the imported file and in Smartcat - use the value from the fileauto-file-labelsquerybooleanfalseShould Smartcat automatically create labels after file names?delete-missing-keysquerybooleanfalseDelete keys that are not present in the imported filesbodybodyUploadedFiletrueFiles for import Detailed descriptions: format — specifies the file format used to import the file. Smartcat will try to guess the file format from its extension: json — flat key-value formatstructured-json — tree-like format; see also: path-separatoryaml — flat key-value formatstructured-yaml — tree-like format; see also: path-separatorios-strings — iOS.strings resource file formatandroid-xml — Android XML resource file format path-separator — path separator string, used to construct keys for nested JSON objects (defaults to “/”). Consider the following example JSON file - when the “value” string will be imported, it’s key name will be “object/my-key”. target-languages: Comma separated list of target languages (optional, all target languages of the project by default, can only be specified when importing the source). Empty list of languages produces a 400 bad request error with an appropriate reason textAn incorrect language code produces a 400 bad request error with an appropriate reason textIf any language didn't exist in the project, it will be created (but not added as a target to any existing collections)If any language didn't exist in the collection (the target collection existed before), it will be added as a target to the collection completion-state: Imported translation confirmation mode draft - no confirmationintermediate - confitm on the first project stagefinal - confirm on all project stages Example JSON file { "object": { "my-key": "My value" } } Responses StatusMeaningDescriptionSchema200OKRequest has been successfully completedResponse with the import ID400Bad RequestSee the detailed description belowNone403ForbiddenSee the detailed description belowNone HTTP 400 returns if: Required 'language' parameter missingThe input (request body) contains no files'skip-conflicting-values' and 'overwrite-conflicting-values' parameters are specified at the same time. Choose one optionPassed language is completely unrecognizable by SmartcatPassed language is neither a source language nor one of target languagesThe 'format' value is invalid. Allowed values are: 'json', 'yaml', 'ios-strings', 'android-xml', 'locjson'.`The 'path-separator' parameter is specified for any file format other than 'json' or 'yaml' HTTP 403 returns if: The requested project does not belong to the authenticated accountTrying to import into a non-developer projectTrying trying to import into a personal account Get Import Result GET api/v1/project/import-result/{importId}` HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/plain GET api/v1/project/import-result/{importId} Returns current import status if the import task exists. Result model { "status": "pending" | "inprogress" | "completed" | "failed", "errors": { "error": "string", "fileName": "string" }[], "keysCreated": 0, "keysUpdated": 0, "keyValuesNotChanged": 0, "keysWithoutSource": 0, "conflictingKeyValues": { "key1": ["valueA", "valueB"], "key2": ["valueC"], } } Responses StatusMeaningDescriptionSchema200OKRequest has been successfully completedReturns current import status404Not FoundThe export ID doesn't existNone Export POST /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/export` HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data Accept: text/plain POST /api/integration/v2/project/{projectId}/export Starts async export multiple files to given project and branch. Returns HTTP 200 with export ID if export has started. Parameters NameInTypeRequiredDescriptionlanguagesquerystringfalseComma-separated list of languages to export (allow multiple, all target languages as default)collectionsquerystringfalseExport from one collection (main as default)path-separatorquerystringfalsePath separator string, used to reconstruct nested JSON objects (defaults to “/”)completion-statequerystringfalseMinimal key completion state (final by default)fallback-to-default-languagequerystringfalseIncomplete translations: download segments that passed through all translation stages (default)export-incomplete-as-blankquerystringfalseIncomplete translations: export blank values when no translation is readyskip-incomplete-keysquerystringfalseIncomplete translations: do not export keys that have no translations (will be used as a default for "android-xml" export file type)formatquerystringfalseExport format (json by default)include-default-languagequerystringfalseShould the default language be included in the export?output-file-path-templatequerystringfalseoutput file path templatezipquerystringfalseForce export in a ZIP archive, even when downloading a single filemodified-sincequerystring(date-time)falseExport keys that were changed after the datetimelabelsquerystringfalseComma-separated list of labels to export keys that are marked with labels path-separator — path separator string, used to reconstruct nested JSON objects (defaults to “/”). If there’s a key “object/my-key” with the value of “My value”, then exporting a structured JSON file would give the result you can see to the right. Structured JSON file export result { "object": { "key": "value" } } completion-state — minimal key completion state (final by default): final — download segments that passed through all translation stages (default)intermediate — download segments at the last confirmed stagedraft — download any translations, even unconfirmed ones What to do with incomplete translations: fallback-to-default-language — return default language values instead of translations (default)export-incomplete-as-blank — export blank values when no translation is readyskip-incomplete-keys — do not export keys that have no translations (will be used as a default for "android-xml" export file type) format — export format (json by default): json — flat key-value format (default)structured-json — tree-like format; see also: path-separatoryaml — flat key-value formatstructured-yaml — tree-like format; see also: path-separatorios-strings — iOS.strings resource file formatandroid-xml — Android XML resource file format Responses StatusMeaningDescriptionSchema200OKRequest has been successfully completedReturns export ID400Bad RequestSee detailed description belowNone403ForbiddenThe requested project does not exist im the authenticated accountNone Returns HTTP 400 if: Required 'language' parameter missingThe 'path-separator' parameter can be specified only for any formats other than 'structured-json' or 'structured-yaml'Passed language is completely unrecognizable by SmartcatPassed language is neither a source language nor one of target languagesAny passed label is emptyThe 'completion-state' value is invalid. Allowed values are: 'final', 'intermediate', 'draft'.The 'format' value is invalid. Allowed values are: 'json', 'structured-json', 'yaml', 'structured-yaml', 'ios-strings', 'android-xml'.'fallback-to-default-language', 'export-incomplete-as-blank' or 'skip-incomplete-keys' are specified at the same time. Choose one option. File path template output-file-path-template - Output file path template. Specifies how the output files should be named and located. You can use the {LANGUAGE} and {LABEL:PREFIX} placeholders to customize the output. The ability to specify {LABEL:PREFIX} placeholder allows you to export keys that have the PREFIX value of label prefix and use the label suffix to determine the file name. For example: Segment A has a label file:main.jsonSegment B has a label file:errors.json Specifying "resources/{LABEL:file}" as the path template and JSON as the export format would result in a ZIP file with the following structure: resources/main.json -> this file contains segment Aerrors.json -> this file contains segment B Defaults: strings-{LANGUAGE}.json for "json" file formatstrings-{LANGUAGE}.yaml for "yaml" file format{LOCALE:IOS}.lproj/values.strings for "ios-strings" file formatsrc/main/res/values-{LOCALE:ANDROID}/strings.xml for "android-xml" file format Get Export Result GET /api/integration/v1/document/export/{exportId}` HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/plain GET /api/integration/v1/document/export/{exportId} Returns export result file. Responses StatusMeaningDescriptionSchema200OKRequest has been successfully completedReturns export result file — single file if export started with one target language, zip archive otherwise204No ContentExport is not available yetNone Add New Target Languages POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/software-localization/targets` HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/plain POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/software-localization/targets Adds target langauges to the software localization project. If any of the specified target languages doesn't exist in the project, it will be created, but not added as a target to any existing collections. If any of the specified languages doesn't exist in the collection (the target collection existed before), it will be added as a target to the collection. Parameters NameInTypeRequiredDescriptiontarget-languagesquerystringtrueComma-separated list of target languages to add. See the list of language codeshere. StatusMeaningDescriptionSchema200OKRequest has been successfully completedNone400Bad RequestBad requestNone Returns HTTP 400 if: The list of languages is emptyAny one of the language codes is incorrect As Smartcat offers similar import/export functionality via its REST API (more on that below), you can also use curl or equivalent tools readily available in your operating system, to do basic automation tasks without installing Smartcat CLI. This may be a preferred option in organizations that have strict security requirements. Below is an example of a Shell script that uses curl and zip to export keys from Smartcat: #!/bin/sh auth="Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=" task=$(curl --silent --location --request POST 'https://smartcat.com/api/integration/v1/project/446dfcf0-e699-4c91-a7ee-40e1237a9/export' \ --header "$auth" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "languages": ["es", "zh-Hans"] }' | tr -d '"') echo "Export task ID: $task" sleep 2 # wait till export is done curl --silent --location --request GET "https://smartcat.com/api/integration/v1/document/export/"$task --header "$auth" -o product-a.zip unzip product-a.zip Smartcat supports two way of handling plurals: Natively (as independent segments in the editor)Via ICU MessageFormat syntax When you open a collection of keys in the editor, you can add new keys, and when you do so, specify if the key needs to be created with all plural forms. When exporting keys, plural forms will be converted into an ICU MessageFormat-compatible string. When importing a LocJSON file, you can specify if keys containing ICU MessageFormat syntax should be parsed and converted into individual segments in Smartcat, or kept as is (so that you can edit the raw string. In case of raw ICU MessageFormat strings, you can plug in an interactive previewer/validator for this format.
Add images as visual context
Adding images for context | Smartcat Help Center Giving a linguist as much context as possible is especially important when localizing games and apps and in cases, segments might contain only a word or two, so the context is harder to grasp and the same text within repetitions might have to be translated differently depending on the position in the user interface. Therefore, without additional information, the linguist cannot tell whether the text belongs to a button, a tooltip, the name of a column in a table, and so on. This is why there is a feature in Smartcat that allows linguists to attach screenshots and images to segments. Adding an image 1. Select a segment in the Editor, then press the button with the camera icon on the toolbar. 2. Upload the file or add a link to the image in the dialog box*. *If you don't see the button on the toolbar, let us know, and we will enable the feature for you. Alternatives 1. You can add either a link to an image stored in an external location in the comment to a segment (.jpg or.png). 2. You can or add links to images to the source file. This method works for special localization formats, such as.resx, .po and .strings. To upload a screenshot, you need to add a link to the image in the comment to the line in the source file. When uploading the file, Smartcat automatically recognizes all the images and uploads them. Viewing added images Segments to which screenshots have been attached are marked with the camera icon. Click on it to see the screenshot.
Local wire transfers in THB (Thailand)
THB wire transfers (Thailand) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in THB is a transfer of funds between banks in Thailand in the local THB currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Thai baht (THB) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from THB, then the funds will be converted to THB using Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 100 THB You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commissions in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From THB 130 to THB 500,000 Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can find out more in the article " Minimum payment amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or companyBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Enter a state, province, or prefecture if the beneficiary's country is the United States, Mexico, Canada, or JapanRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiary Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently asked questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as folows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, SWIFT are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE PSP LTD is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available only for receiving funds to a bank account in Thailand. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in THB, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in CLP (Chile)
CLP wire transfers (Chile) | Smartcat Help Center A local wire transfer in CLP is a transfer of funds between banks in Chile in the local CLP currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Chilean Peso (CLP) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from CLP, the funds will be converted to CLP at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission 2200 CLP You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click Learn more on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 3,000 CLP to 7,500,000 CLP Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameRecipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberRUT number✓✓Identification tax numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsRecipient's phone number✓✓Beneficiary's phone numberRecipient's account type✓✓Savings or checking Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows: Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check the correctness of the specified details (account number, RUT number, bank name, account type).Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV or VITESSE is displayed as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a bank account in Chile. I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in CLP, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.
Local wire transfers in GBP (UK)
GBP wire transfers (UK) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in British pound sterling (GBP/£) is a transfer of funds between banks within Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the national currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies GBP Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is not GBP, the funds will be converted to GBP at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of payment. Learn more about the platform rate in the article "Conversion of Balance Currency to Payment Currency". Commission £1 You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click Learn more on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From £3 to £250,000 Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount." Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Beneficiary nameBeneficiary last name✓✕Beneficiary last nameBirth date✓✕Beneficiary first dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary company legal nameRecipient country✓✓Country of fiscal residenceRecipient city of residence✓✓City of current fiscal residenceRecipient address✓✓Address of current residenceBeneficiary postal code✓✓Beneficiary fiscal residence post codeAccount number✓✓Beneficiary bank account numberSort code✓✓Six-digit beneficiary bank code (no spaces or other symbols)SWIFT✓✓8-11 digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branchIBAN✓✓The beneficiary international bank account number, up to 34 characters long (including numbers and letters) Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed. Payouts are processed up to three business days on the Smartcat side and up to one or two business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for local ACH bank transfer (not international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the post code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding detail fields.Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address. Check if your account number, routing number, and account type are correct.Verify the accuracy of the banking details provided (sort code, SWIFT, IBAN, etc.).Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details section exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT PLATFORM INC. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED appears as the sender, depending on the beneficiary bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a bank account in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in GBP, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your invoice:Full name: Smartcat Europe B.V.Legal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01
Order Management Solution: Smartcat’s New Branded Custom Portal
Order Management Solution: Smartcat Portal Order Management Solution is the new and improved Smartcat portal tool, now available for all Enterprise clients. It enables you to create multiple workspaces within your organization, customize workspace appearance, and set up service templates for translation requests. For instance, Company ABC has several departments that require translations. Company ABC can create separate workspaces for each specific department, set up a template for translation requests – with predefined parameters such as languages, project properties, etc. – and add users to the workspaces. Watch the demo below to get a walkthrough of the new custom portal! Users will then be able to quickly create translation requests using the provided templates. Just a few capabilities include adding files and comments, and specifying languages, among many more, in line with template permissions. Translation requests appear as orders in the corresponding workspace, which become translation projects, appearing in the workspace as such. Once a translation project is completed, users can download the resulting translated files. For more information about the Order Management Solution and how it works for a client and its users, you can refer to the guides below: Related articles How to set up the Smartcat order management solution How to create a translation request via the order management solution
Navigate the new freelancer rating system
New freelancer rating system | Smartcat Help Center The representation and calculation of the freelancer rating has been revamped to include some new components and get rid of some obsolete ones. The changes will affect the rating of existing freelancers. The new rating popup looks as follows: The following attributes are now considered when calculating the rating:Customer Satisfaction is the assessment of the freelancer's work quality provided by customers. A customer enters a value from 1 to 5 and can leave a review.Responsiveness indicates how quickly the freelancer responds to an invitation to work on a task. The values are represented in per cent and range from 0 to 100, where 0 means the request was ignored and 100 means it was accepted or denied in the first 5 minutes.On-time delivery indicates how often the freelancer meets the task deadline. The values are represented in per cent and range from 0 to 100. For example, if the task is overdue by more than 10 hours, then the score will be 0. The value is calculated based on the last 100 tasks. FAQ How can I improve my search engine ranking and position on the Smartcat Marketplace? The following factors affect your search engine ranking and position:The quality of your services (as evaluated by clients);Compliance with deadlines (as evaluated by clients);The number of words translated on the platform;The number of projects completed on the platform;Your on-platform activity index;Positive client feedback.
Paper checks
Paper checks | Smartcat Help Center Paper checks are documents that obligate banks to transfer a certain from the account belonging to one party (check issuer) to another (beneficiary).The beneficiary is free to cash the check or deposit the funds directly into their bank account. Supported currencies US Dollar (USD) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is not USD, the funds will be converted to USD at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of payment. Learn more about the platform rate in the article "Conversion of Balance Currency to Payment Currency". Commission 2 USD unless you have special agreements with the customer.You can view a list of companies that reimburse your commission in the My Payouts section (click Learn more on your payout method). Minimum payout amounts From 8 USD Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article "Minimum payout amount". Required details Recipient’s full nameFull name of the individual beneficiary/Beneficiary company legal nameEmail addressYour email address for cheque notificationCountryUSA onlyRecipient city of residenceBeneficiary city of residenceRecipient addressBeneficiary addressRecipient state (province, prefecture)Beneficiary stateRecipient ZIP codeBeneficiary ZIP code Advantages A common way of sending funds for US residents. Disadvantages Low speed. Funds delivery takes quite long as it depends on the postal/courier service. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure that the zip code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding detail fields. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds in the US.
Working with the editor in LQA Review mode
How to use LQA review mode in Smartcat Editor If you are assigned to perform an LQA (language quality assessment) review, working with the document in the editor will differ a bit from regular translation, in the following way: Your goal will be to assess existing translations, but not make any changes to them. Editor itself will be in a read-only mode, and you will only be able to highlight certain parts of the text and add comments.Once you’re done working with the segment, you need to mark the segment as complete by clicking on the confirmation button (checkmark). However, you can still add comments after marking the segment as complete. This confirmation is needed only for you to track your progress. Confirmed segments are not saved into any translation memory. When opening editor in LQA Review mode (either in a project which has only the LQA Review workflow stage, or if you are a linguist assigned to work on the LQA Review workflow stage), you will see a quick animated demo of how to work in this mode. You can click Learn more to open the documentation page you’re currently viewing. After closing this popup you can later go to this documentation page by following the Learn more about LQA Review mode link located in the top right corner of the editor: Once in the editor, go through each segment and see if there are any errors or imperfections you want to highlight and categorize. Select on any portion of the translation to see the comment button appear: Click on it, and you will be able to add a free-form comment (which is optional) and a label (which is required): When entering the label, Smartcat will present you a list of labels that indicate error type and severity. You can pick one or more labels. Start typing to reduce the list of labels and find the one faster: Once you have a label selected, click Add to close the dialog: Segments that have any comments will have this comment indicator: You can click on it to go to the Segment comments tab where you can see all of the comments you added, and can delete some comments in case you made any mistake: Once done working with the segment, click on the confirmation button to indicate your progress through the document. Once you go through all of the segments, Click the Done button in the top right corner of the editor to complete your work. This button will be greyed out until you confirm all the segments.
Follow the new project creation flow
New project creation | Smartcat Help Center Based on an analysis of our users’ preferences we made the decision to completely switch to a new project creation flow, featuring a completely revamped wizard. New flow key features Enhanced project creation wizard where you can translate a file (for simple translation), create a custom project, or set up an integration. Preset and custom workflow templates to make sure you have every stage of your project covered.The Overview tab that helps you estimate the project progress, check task statuses, hire preselected translators, or opt for automated management. The Tasks tab which allows you to manage multistage or multilingual projects and control deadlines with ease by splitting tasks between different translators.Recommendation and prompts that help you quickly find the best translators in the Smartcat Marketplace and invite them to your team. The other tabs such as Settings, Statistics, Quotes, Team, Linguistic assets, and Pretranslation will still be available for all users. Why we are switching The new flow provides a quicker and easier way to create and customize projects, and it aligns perfectly with our new interface. However, the real clincher was the fact that it is an absolute favorite among our users. Learn more about creating projects in Smartcat: Entering project data. First, fill in basic information about your project, such as name, deadline, department, etc. Though the required actions seem simplistic, this thoughtful approach can help you systematize your translations and streamline workspace navigation. Selecting project workflow. Next you should specify the steps of your project fulfillment, whether you need automated translation only, or plan to edit/proofread the texts afterwards. Smartcat offers a variety of template-based flows, but you can always build your own flow and use it as a template in future.Adjusting pretranslation rules. Third come pre-translation settings that allow you to add translation memories and glossaries to the project and specify how Smartcat should treat their matches. Uploading project files. Fourth is uploading files that can have different parsing settings depending on the format.Customizing project settings. Then you can add a quality assurance check that will let you get professional evaluation of your internal or external translators’ work.Assigning tasks. And last but not least, start assigning tasks to your teammates and freelancers working on the project right away.
Understand tags
Effective use of tags | Smartcat Help Center Get a better understanding of Smartcat Editor tags and both automatic and manual tagging Tags are used on the Smartcat platform to maintain the formatting or internal code – like index entries or cross-references – of your original document. If the original file that you uploaded for translation contains any tags – such as markup, links, or formatting – they are transferred to the Smartcat Editor, the platform's CAT tool. Note that tags are important to ensure the correct formatting of the document. To keep the formatting of the source document, the tags should be placed in the same order they are placed in the source text. Automatically applied tags in translation segments There are instances when Smartcat automatically creates tags for your translations to improve your workflow. Here are the three primary types of automatic tag. 1. Segment copiesAutomatic tags are generated when a segment is a repetition – an exact copy – of another segment that has already been translated within your translation project.2. Automatic engine auto-tag supportCertain automatic translation engine support tag auto-insertion. For instance, Google Neural translation engine inserts its translated output into specific segments.3. Context matchesA segment has a context match in a translation memory applied to the project, and the match is inserted.The below image provides an example of what tags look like on the Smartcat Editor user interface: the five-sided orange shapes with numbers inside them. An example of a tag highlighted in red inside Smartcat Editor Adding tags manually Sometimes you may need to add or delete tags manually. You can also delete a tag in the same manner as any other symbol. If the translation is missing a tag that is present in the source text you can add it quickly and easily yourself. Follow these instructions to do so:Place the cursor in the translation text where you want to place a tag or select the target phrase with your cursorUse the keyboard shortcut of Alt + tag number Alternatively you can place the cursor in the translation where you need to put a tag or select the target phrase and click on the tag icon in the source text. Note: If a segment contains multiple tags, they will be inserted in the same order as they appear in the source.
Top up your Smartcat balance (methods and currencies)
Balance top-up methods | Smartcat Help Center The Smartcat Balance supports multiple currencies that enable you to have a new multi-currency balance. Available currencies are:US dollar (USD)Euro (EUR)British pound sterling (GBP)Canadian dollar (CAD)Japanese yen (JPY)Russian rouble (RUB)Turkish lira (TRY) After replenishing these balances, the user will be able to pay for Smartcat services even faster, i.e. to get Smartwords and/or to pay suppliers. You can now choose between three types of top-up methods:credit or debit cardPayPalbank wire transfer. You can also save card details for future balance replenishment, meaning you don't have to re-enter the data each time, but can choose the saved info in our system. It is data-secure and fully encrypted, meaning, your banking details do not get shared to any third parties. How to add balances in different currencies You can find it under the Payments tab in the Workspace. Then click on the drop-down menu, and select Balance. You will then see your currency top-up options. Select the plus sign to add a new currency. Then, select 'Top up balance' and enter the amount. Next, you can select the payment method. You can also download an invoice. You will then see in your Balance overview the various currency balances you have. Here are some related articles:
Insert special characters
Inserting special characters | Smartcat Help Center If you need to type a character that is not on the keyboard, click on the translation text and press Ω, or Ctrl+Shift+I. In the window that opens, select a character and press Insert . The characters in bold can be inserted using the hotkeys, so you don’t have to open the menu. Hover the pointer over a character to find out the combination. Custom special characters You can add up to 40 characters you use most frequently to the window for quick access. To do this, press the big Add special characters button, copy the characters you want to add into the clipboard, paste them in the corresponding field one by one or in a sequence and then hit Add. You can find more special charecters at this website.
Promote your translation company on Marketplace
Translation company promotion | Smartcat Help Center Setting up your translation company profile is a fairly straightforward task which makes a big difference to the company’s presence on the Smartcat Marketplace. This article explains the best practices for setting up your company profile to increase its appeal and visibility for potential clients. For starters, navigate to the Clients section, open the Corporate Profile tab and choose your company's contact person. This person will be the recipient of all incoming messages from clients. To do this:Start editing the Corporate Profile tab and make the required selection in the Choose the contact person field.Enable the option Show in search results for translation companies. Specify the services your company provides so that we can automatically calculate their cost for the client. Proceed as follows: Open the Services tab and start editing the Add service tab.Add the relevant services and select only one workflow stage for each service, as shown in the table below. ServiceWorkflow stageUnit typeSubjectsAI Review and EditingAI Post EditingwordsoptionalTranslationTranslationwordsoptionalEditingEditingwordsoptionalProofreadingProofreadingwordsoptionaletc. Now open the Custom Rates tab and create the rate for each service specified. To do this, click Add rate and specify the service, language pair, and cost. Alternatively, you can upload client data in a spreadsheet using the template referred to in the right-side panel.
Generate quotes using the template engine
Generating quotes with template engine | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat allows you to generate quotes in PDF format. For this purpose, you can use the standard template or create your own templates using the Smartcat Template Engine technology. It can be used to create a single template for all clients or individual templates for each client. Below is the data model used to generate quotes in PDF format. These objects and their respective fields can be used to develop custom templates using the Smartcat Template Engine technology.CompanyInformation about the company that issued the quoteField nameData typeDescriptionNamestringCompany name as in profileLegalNamestringLegal name The standard template uses the company’s legal name, if available. Otherwise, the name provided in the company’s profile is used: ClientClient details taken from theclient cardField nameData typeDescriptionNamestringNameLegalNamestringLegal company nameVatstringVAT number or other tax IDKppstringKPP(КПП - only for Russian legal entities)MainContactClientContactPrimary contact's nameAdditionalContactsClientContact[]Other contacts' namesCountrystring3-letter country codeAddressstringclient's legal addressVendorManagerManagerYour manager who works with a clientIndustrystringClient's industryWebsitestringClient's websiteLanguagestringLanguage for communicationCommentstringComment taken from a client cardClientContactFullNamestringcontact's full nameEmailstringcontact's email addressPhonestringcontact's email addressPositionstringcontact's positionCommentstringComment left to a contact in a client cardManagerFullNamestringYour manager’s full nameEmailstringYour manager’s email addressPhoneNumberstringYour manager’s phone number Below is an example of how to use the Client object: <<[Client.Name]>>VAT: <<[Client.Vat]>><<if [Client.MainContact != null]>>Main contact: <<[Client.MainContact.FullName]>><</if>><<if [Client.AdditionalContacts.Any()]>>Additional contacts:<<foreach [a in Client.AdditionalContacts]>><<[a.FullName]>> <<link ["mailto:" + a.Email] [a.Email]>><<if [a.PhoneNumber != null]>> <<link ["tel:" + a.PhoneNumber] [a.PhoneNumber]>><</if>><</foreach>><</if>> ProjectProject detailsField nameData typeDescriptionNamestringNameNumberstringProject numberFilenamesstring[]File names in a projectincluding extensionsSourceLanguagestringSource languageTargetLanguagesstringTarget languagesWorkflowStagesstringWorkflow stagesManagersManager[]List of project managersManagerFullNamestringProject manager’s full nameEmailstringEmail addressPhoneNumberstringPhone number Below is an example of how to use the Project object. Let’s display the details of the first two managers if they are included in the list of managers: <<if [Project.Managers.Any()]>><<foreach [m in Project.Managers.Take(2)]>><<[m.FullName]>>,<<[m.Email]>><<next>><<if [m.FullName != null]>><<[m.FullName]>>,<<[m.Email]>><</if>><</foreach>><</if>> QuoteQuote detailsField nameData typeDescriptionNumberstringQuote numberTotalCostdecimalTotal project costCurrencystringAlphabetic currency codeCurrencySymbolstringCurrency signDueDateDateTimeQuote validityClientContactNamestringContact person name used in a quoteClientContactEmailstringContact email address used in a quoteServicesService[]List of servicesServiceNamestringService nameSourceLanguagestringSource languageTargetLanguagestringTarget languageUnitCountdecimalNumber of service unitsRatedecimalRate per unitTotalCostdecimalTotal service costUnitTypestringType of units payableDetalizationRowsDetalizationRow[]List of elements included in the service breakdownDetalizationRowNamestringUnit category name. E.g.:102% matches, repetitionsUnitCountdecimalNumber of units within a breakdown elementRatedecimalDiscounted rate per payable unitFullRatedecimalFull rate per payable unitTotalCostdecimalTotal cost of a breakdown elementUnitTypestringType of units payable Below is an example of how to use the Quote object. Let's display the list of services specifying the source and target languages: <<foreach [s in Quote.Services]>><<[s.Name]>><<if [s.TargetLanguage != null]>><<[s.SourceLanguage]>> - <<[s.TargetLanguage]>><</if>><</foreach>>
Track translation progress
Tracking translation progress | Smartcat Help Center In Smartcat, translation progress is displayed dynamically and shows how much volume per assignment, document, or project has been done. Let's look through each of these three available progress tracking components. Assignment progress The assignment progress is available on the client end and can be found in the Team tab of a particular project. Fully assigned documents or only range of segments are shown in the dropdown right to the assignment progress bar. It's obvious that the assignment progress bar on the screenshot does not correspond to the document progress bar because of the linguist has got only 8 words of 25 — 32% of the total word count — which is also 8 words out of 8 — 100% of the assignment — the range assigned by the project manager. As mentioned before, the progress is changing dynamically; therefore, if the project manager assigns without splitting a copy of the original document (25 words) to the freelancer, the assignment progress bar will adjust accordingly. Document progress In turn, if the document is split between multiple assignees, the document progress bar on the project page or within the Editor will indicate the progress of the overall stage (for example, translation), not the progress of the individual participants. So, if for example, someone is assigned 50% of the document, once they have completed their portion of the document, the progress bar will indicate 50% even though the assignment is complete. Assigned linguists can only view the progress of their stage while the project manager can view the progress of each stage. Project progress The overall project progress is available both for a project manager and for assigned linguists as well. Assignees could check the project progress within the Workspace placing the cursor on the project progress bar. A project manager may check the project progress as assignees do or go to the project page — The Files or Team tabs.
Create a translation request via the Order Management Solution
Translation request creation | Smartcat Help Center The Order Management Solution allows you to receive translation requests from other workspaces in your organization. As such, internal stakeholders within your company can request translations from you easily and without having to worry about all the workflows and processes, especially if they're not directly involved in localization or translation project management. How to create a translation request Step 1: Create a project using a service template On the Home page, select a shortcut to create a new order: Enter a project name and upload files for translation > then click Create a project: Step 2: Review the project Once you create a project via a service template, it will appear on the Projects page. You may contact your client via the Messages icon to discuss the project details: Step 3: Get translations Once the translation is completed by a manager, the project will show 100% status, and you will be able to download translations. Smartcat will also email you to inform you that the project is ready for review. Execute orders Step 1: Receive a translation request Once a translation request is created, Smartcat sends an email notification to the workspace admin. A manager can open it from the email notification or go to their Smartcat account > Home page > Orders. Step 2: Review the order details A manager can view the order details and files (click on the file to open it in the editor) before accepting the order. To discuss the order details with a requester, a manager can click on the chat icon. A manager can either accept or decline the new order:Accept order creates a new project where the manager can start working on translation as usual.Decline order opens a popup where a manager can explain the decline reason. Step 3: Complete the translation The accepted order appears among other projects on the Projects page. You can translate the documents like you would in regular projects. Once the project is finished, the Completed status will be shown. The same status is reflected in the account of the user who requested the order, and they can download the translations. Find out how to set up the order management solution in your Smartcat account.
Receive orders in Smartcat via personal button
Order receiving via personal button | Smartcat Help Center We have figured out a way to help you get more orders from clients! Now you can place the Hire me button on your professional website, in your email signature, and on forums: When someone clicks this button, they will be sent to your Smartcat profile page. From there, they will be able to create and assign you to a project straight away, and you will be able to accept the order and get started. Use the following HTML code to make the button work: For the light button, use the following: In order to add the button Hire me to your email signature, these steps should be followed:Copy and save HTML code into a txt file;Change the format of the file to html;Open the html file via any web browser;Copy the button from the browser to your email signature. Instead of {Smartcat ProfileURL}, paste the link to your Smartcat profile, for example: https://www.smartcat.ai/marketplace/user/doronin-pavel. If you don’t have your own website, you can post the button on your social media pages. We have created instructions explaining how to set up the Hire me button on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Update a project
Project updates and management | Smartcat Help Center Sometimes, once a project has already started, clients might come back with either additional files or updated files. Smartcat has built-in features to help you in both cases. To add or update files in the project, go to the main workspace of the project page and click on the down arrow next to the Upload button above the documents: The drop-down list will offer three options: Let's say we want to select Upload documents. This will take you to the file section page similar to the one at the beginning of the project creation process: Note: Even if you have selected the wrong option in the drop-down menu, you can still navigate to the correct tab on this page. To move on, select the documents that you want to add to the project. If this is a new document, you will need to confirm the project information (languages) and also select options that will vary depending on the file format (see the article about File formats). By the way, you may upload the file only for one target languages if you don't need it to be translated into other languages of a project. Then hit the Finish button, and the document will be added to the project and processed using the linguistic assets of that project accordingly. If you have selected a document that is already part of the project (same name), you will be given two options before the file is processed: Update — The existing document will be replaced by the new one. All the translation work done up to date on this file will automatically be transferred to the new file(extracted from the translation memory applied on writing), so no work will get lost. Yet task assignments will be canceled, so you will need to re-assign the tasks to linguists. Smartcat allows for some formats like PO(Serge) or XML to avoid assignment cancellation and update segments by ID. Upload — The document will be added to the project and a number will be added to the file name to distinguish it from the other file with the same name, which was previously uploaded. The document will be processed using language assets applied to the project. Once files have been added to the project, you will need to update the project statistics.
Test specialists
Specialist testing | Smartcat Help Center Testing specialists in Smartcat 1. Navigate to Team > Find Freelancers, specify the Source and Target languages and click Search. 2. Refine your search by adding filters, such as Subject or Rate. 3. Click Create a test project. 4. Provide the Name of the test project, upload an assignment File, add a meaningful description and click Send. 5. The message belows is displayed notifying you that invitations were sent to translators to complete the test assignment. 6. The project appears in the Projects section as a current project. Reviewing and evaluating completed tests 1. The created test project is in the Projects section like other current projects. 2. Click on your project to display a list of translators who applied to the test. The Manager review status indicates that the translator has completed the test and you can start reviewing it. 3. To check a test, do one of the following:open it in the Editor by clicking Open. download the test in a format convenient for you by clicking Download icon > Special formats > Bilingual DOCX. 4. After checking a test, evaluate it by selecting either Checkmark if the test has passed, or Cross if the test has failed. 5. The translators who passed the test will be highlighted in green; those who failed will be highlighted in red. 6. To open a translator’s profile, click on the translator’s name.
Collaborate with others
Collaboration guide | Smartcat Help Center Multi-user collaboration is one of Smartcat's best features. It allows the team to be more productive, shortens deadlines, and helps improve quality in many cases. The Smartcat Editor is built around multi-user collaboration and communication. Linguists at different stages of the process can work on the same document and interact in real-time. Smartcat also implemented a locking mechanism to ensure that users do not overstep their area of responsibility. That's why translators cannot go back and correct the work of the editors. At the same time all the changes made to the document are saved in the revisions history. Confirming segments The project manager or editor can review and confirm all the segments. Translators have access only to the segments that have been assigned to them. If a document has been split between multiple translators, they will only be able to edit a certain segment range. However, they will be able to view the entire document which is crucial to ensure consistency across the file. If pretranslation rules have been used to confirm segments at a certain stage, linguists at the previous stage will find themselves unable to edit these segments. A linguist assigned to this stage will be notified that this stage has been confirmed and is done and the Lock symbol indicates that editing is not possible. Note: The project manager or an editor can revert a confirmed segment to the translation stage. See the Editor Overview. Commenting Comments are enterad and updated in the respective sections in real-time and more importantly, are copied among the project's languages. This means that a question asked in a document for Language A will automatically appear in the same document in Language B, saving the project manager time and minimizing the risk for errors. Therefore, team members are more engaged in the process, that is, editors could guide the translation team, translators could ask questions, and project managers will be able to control communications. Revisions history Revisions history lets the project manager or editor track the changes to the document made by each translation and restore the original if needed.
Simplify text formatting in IDML files
Simplified IDML formatting | Smartcat Help Center Discover ways to streamline IDML file segment tags for faster document processing. If you upload an IDML file to Smartcat for translation, you might see segments with too many tags. If this happens, you can change tag settings to reduce their number. Here is an example of the settings screen that you will see, using a simulation file upload. Understanding the “Simplify text formatting” options There are three options to choose from. Option 1: Off This is the default option. Choose this mode if you do not want to simplify formatting. It does not merge any CharacterStyleRange tags. Option 2: Moderate This option applies the following use thresholds. Kerning: [-50..50]Tracking: [-50..50]Baseline Shift: [-2..2] Option 3: Aggressive Use at 2x option two's moderate thresholds. At CharacterStyleRange processing time, if any of the kerning/tracking/baseline shift parameters are within a selected threshold, they are ignored – considered to be equal to zero. Then the standard logic applies: if there are two or more consecutive CharacterStyleRange elements with the same style, they are merged together. Understanding the “Ignore empty applied languages” checkbox This checkbox is switched off by default. It's used to ignore specific attributes around applied languages. If turned on, two consecutive CharacterStyleRange elements that differ with this attribute will merge together. The first CharacterStyleRange value in the sequence wins. FAQ Can I translate InDesign files in Smartcat? InDesign files can be translated in Smartcat but before the files can be processed for translation they need to be converted from a binary format to different formats. These formats are also InDesign formats and the conversion can be done from within InDesign itself. Depending on the InDesign version, files will need to be converted to the .inx format or the .idml format. Both these formats can be processed using Smartcat.There is more information about InDesign formats and save options here.
Understand and use linguistic assets
Linguistic assets usage | Smartcat Help Center Get an introduction to Smartcat linguistic assets, including translation memories and glossaries. Smartcat linguistic assets are AI-driven capabilities in the Smartcat translation platform that help you to achieve better quality and consistency. They include translation memories and glossaries, and you can access them right on your private Smartcat workspace. Access Linguistic assets via your navigation menu screen Once you click on “Linguistic assets” you will then see come to a screen with options on your linguistic assets from a drop-down menu, shown below. Linguistic assets page with options for: Glossaries, Translation Memories, Global Search, TM Editor. Understanding glossaries Glossaries are organized collections of approved translations for specific terms. These can be technical terms, industry-specific jargon, or just set words that are used frequently in your content. While you can use TMs to search for previous translations of a given term, glossaries provide a much more structured and organized interface, making them easier to use and maintain. How do glossaries work? After you create or import a glossary you can associate it with a specific project. If you enable a glossary on a project, Smartcat automatically suggests the glossary-saved translation term on Smartcat automatic AI translations. You can create and keep separate glossaries for different subjects and clients, and add terms with translations into other languages. Each time you create a project, you can specify a client or department for it. Smartcat automatically enables the relevant glossary from the list that you have already created in Smartcat for this client or department. How to create a glossary in Smartcat Create a glossary with as many languages as you like in Smartcat. There is no limit. Step 1 Go to Linguistic assets from the top menu . Step 2 Navigate to the bottom of the next page to the Glossaries area. Step 3 Click on Create Glossary. Step 4 In the next window, input a unique name and your languages to be used, as well as client and project tags. Click Advanced if you already have a glossary structure in mind to use. This will allow you to change glossary structure and properties. Step 5 Click Save. Alternatively, you can import a glossary from outside Smartcat. Understanding translation memories Translation memories, or TMs, are a crucial linguistic asset. They are databases of previously translated sentences. You can use them as translation references for your projects and save time and money on editing and keep translation quality standards high. They improve quality and consistency, reduce project turnaround times, and decrease the number of words to translate by pre-populating new translations with previously translated content that matches current content for translation. How to create a TM Creating a new TM in Smartcat is simple.Once you click Translation Memories from the aforementioned drop-down menu, click Create TM. Clicking Create TM will generate the following dialogue boxNote: the numbers have been superimposed to provide instructions below Field 1: TMX, SDLTM OR XLSX file Import a TM file in one of the available formats. Field 2: Name Choose a unique name. Fields 3 and 4: Source and target languages Select your source language (3) and all your target languages (4).You can only have one source language but as many target languages as you require. Field 5: Client Assign a label for the client. Field 6: Project tags Assign a tag for the project. Field 7: Subject This field enables you to define a subject for your TM. However, this option is generally redundant if you need a TM for a specific client Field 8: Comments You can also add comments or a description for each translation memory. Click Save when you are done. Other linguistic assets TMs and glossaries are your primary supporting linguistic assets. In the drop-down menu on the linguistic assets page, you will also see TM Editor as an option. TM Editor TM Editor is Smartcat's in-house computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool. This is your Smartcat home for editing your translations or inviting a professional linguist to your project to perform a translation review and editing round. AI matching AI matching is Smartcat's automated talent-sourcing feature that identifies the best-match linguist from Smartcat Marketplace to work on your translation project. AI matching analyzes Smartcat Marketplace of over 500,000 linguists in seconds. It assesses a linguist's suitability based on their language pairs, area(s) of expertise, years of experience, availability, monetary rates, and client reviews. It also scans the text of previous translations that they have completed on Smartcat to check for suitability with the content of your translation project.
Understand Contentful app and its supported content types
Contentful app and content types | Smartcat Help Center Content Model for Localization There are two basic approaches to localizing content in Contentful: Localizing object fields directlyCreating a localizable field that references different instances of other content The diagrams below show these two approaches: Green fields represent localizable fields (you can mark any field in Contentful as localizable). Localizable fields can have multiple locale variants.Black fields represent non-localizable fields.Red fields represent special non-localizable fields that the Smartcat app will create automatically and will use to determine the list of languages into which you would like to translate the object. Simple objects Use this approach if you want to translate individual objects and keep language variants for every field that you will explicitly mark as localizable. This will work well if you don’t keep nested content models. Complex Objects In most cases, you will want to have your content structured in a tree-like fashion and have your content reference other content types. In this mode, you can keep complex content as it is, without marking every single field as localizable, and instead localize the entire tree of properties by referencing them from a single “umbrella” content entry, which references each language-specific instance. Setting Up Content Models Let’s add a new content model and configure it for localization with Smartcat. We will be using the complex object model (see above). We will create two object types: Individual product content model — objects of this type will contain actual localizable content. Please note that you don’t need to mark every single field in this content model as localizable — Smartcat will take care of it automatically.Multilingual reference content model — this content type will be used as an “umbrella” object to reference actual product descriptions. Individual Product Content Model Go to the Content Model tab and create a new Content Model with the following fields: The Name field will be used as Entry title. Multilingual Reference Content Model Go to the Content Model tab and create a new Content Model with the following fields: 1. Title → field of Short text type. Click Create and configure and enable the This field represents the Entry title option. You don’t need to localize the title itself — this object will just reference all localized copies, so its title is needed for management purposes only. 2. Product description → Reference to a single entry (One reference). Click Create and configure and tick the Enable localization of this field option: 3. Go to the Sidebar tab and move Smartcat Translator from the left column to the right one, then click Save. This will enable localization of that particular content model. Now you can start sending the content to Smartcat for translation. Read here how to use the Contentful integration.
Organize with client and project groups in Smartcat
Client and project groups | Smartcat Help Center To streamline the project creation process, it's highly recommended using the Client and Project Group labels to tag linguistic assets and projects. Clients can be another corporation or a division in the company. The client labels can be created in the Clients tab. This will open a new page that will list clients that you have defined previously and the option to add new clients if needed. Clicking on the Add Client button opens the following page. It is possible to add many contacts for each client. Note: Your client list will display 2 different types of icons for your client: clients have been added automatically at the customer portal and clients added manually. For clients added via the portal, name and contacts cannot be edited because they were created by the customer themselves. Project Groups can also be added using one of the options in the Settings menu. The Project Groups label can be used in conjunction with client labels, for example to tag different division in a large company and keep language assets separate or to group linguistic assets of multiple companies in one single TM. For example, one LSP working for many small law firms might not create a separate TM for each client but could create a Legal project group, tag a TM and a glossary with that label and use these 2 databases for all their projects for law firms. These 2 labels are crucial for the organization of data that is so important in order to get the most of a tool like Smartcat.
Order Management Solution: Smartcat’s New Branded Custom Portal
Order Management Solution: Smartcat Custom Portal Order Management Solution is the new and improved Smartcat portal tool, now available for all Enterprise clients. It enables you to create multiple workspaces within your organization, customize workspace appearance, and set up service templates for translation requests. For instance, Company ABC has several departments that require translations. Company ABC can create separate workspaces for each specific department, set up a template for translation requests – with predefined parameters such as languages, project properties, etc. – and add users to the workspaces. Watch the demo below to get a walkthrough of the new custom portal! For more information about the Order Management Solution and how it works for a client and its users, you can refer to the guides below:
Changelog (developer portal)
Changelog (developer portal) Pending changes There are currently no planned changes to the Smartcat API. 2023-03-06 The parameter "unzip" has been added to the method for Uploading multiple files to a specified path in storage. It allows to extract files from uploaded zip file(-s) instead of saving zip as-is. 2022-11-11 The ability to specify settings for multilingual Excel document upload has been released. Please find the desctiption here: Add document to a project disassembleAlgorithmName parameter value has to equal "MultilingualExcel\_v2" for the disassembleSettings settings to be applied. 2022-10-20 We released a new API method for calculating project statistics with and without internal fuzzy matches. Accounting internal fuzzy matches can be enabled or disabled with the PUT /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/fuzzyRepetitions method. After that, a new statistics snapshot can be built with POST /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/statistics/build 2022-10-04 New set of API methods for working with project tasks was added. Please find them here: API methods for project tasks 2022-03-03 The method GET /v1/project/list is deprecated and will not be available from September 2022. Please use a newer version of the API, GET /v2/project/list, which supports pagination. 2022-02-22 The method POST /v1/glossary/import now accepts the files of size limited to 10MB. 2021-10-22 GET /v1/project/list has been superceded with GET /v2/project/list method that now accepts result pagination. 2021-02-16 POST /api/integration/v1/project/document method can now accept the enableOcr parameter to disable the OCR. Default value is 'true'. 2021-01-21 GET /v1/project/list method can now accept the assignedToUserId parameter so that one can filter projects by a particular supplier
Basic project workflow creation and management as a manager
Workflow optimization | Smartcat Help Center In Smartcat, every project has at least one project manager. This user has access to project administration and can assign linguists, set deadlines, and manage project resources. You can see who has been assigned as the project manager on the Team tab of the project page. Project participants can chat with a project manager by clicking on Send message. The person who has created a project in a corporate account automatically becomes a project manager and is included in the project manager list. Anyone who assigns linguists to the project is automatically added to the project manager list. This list can be edited at any time to add or remove project managers as needed. The managers on the list will get an assignment notification. Project managers get other notifications about project events. Every change to the project status will generate an email notification. Notifications can be set up by selecting Notifications in the Settings option of the main menu. To eliminate irrelevant notifications, you can filter them by selecting the Projects managed by me option. By selecting their name in the filter panel, managers or administrators can display only the projects that they are currently managing. A team manager can use this option to find projects that are unassigned and assign a manager if necessary. The team manager can also monitor projects assigned to a specific manager. No two projects are the same, but here are the major steps most of them have in common: Step 1. Create a project Click + next to the Projects menu item and follow the wizard to create a project with the document(s) to translate. As a minimum, set a project deadline so that translators can schedule their time. If your project has several stages — e.g., translation, editing, proofreading, — you can set an individual deadline for each stage. Step 2. Choose assignees Choose the documents you want to assign translators to by clicking on the respective checkboxes and then click Assign tasks. If you don’t have enough specialists in your team, you can switch from the My team to the Find freelancers tab and find new translators right here in Smartcat. You can pick as many assignees as you need. After that, you’ll need to select the mode in which you want to invite them: manual or automatic, aka “Bike” or “Rocket”, respectively. Manual and automatic assignment According to the manual (“Bike”) mode, assignees who have confirmed the invitation are placed on the “waiting list”. If you are ready to choose one or several of them, you drag them to the right-hand part. In the automatic (“Rocket”) mode, the first linguist who accepts the invitation will get the project. Step 3. Assign and optionally split the document If the document is small or the deadline is generous, it is always better to have a single linguist do the translation. In the real world, however, sometimes you need to have several people work on the same document. There are two ways to do this in Smartcat — with or without splitting the document. In the former case, you click the Split document and choose the segment ranges to assign to each translator. Each of them will only be able to edit segments in that range. The assignees will be able to see — but not edit — each other’s segments. Alternatively, you can click Save without splitting the document, so any assignee will be able to edit any segment — even if it’s already confirmed. Important! When calculating the price, Smartcat accrues the cost of segments for the first person who confirms it. In the non-split mode, an assignee can edit segments already confirmed by others, which may lead to confusion. That is why we do not recommend this approach unless you are 100% sure that all assignees understand said price calculation specifics. Step 4. Track the progress As the work progresses, you can track the progress of each document on the project page. You can also see the progress of each assignee under the Team tab. If you have specified the participants’ rates in their profiles, you will also be able to see a transparent calculation of the cost of their work. Step 5. Communicating with participants If you or assignees have any questions, you can communicate with each other via the chat feature. To do this, just click Send a message on their profile page. You can also access the chat via the main menu. You will get email notifications about all new chat messages Step 6. Accept work and pay When the project is finished, it is important to review the result and accept it by moving the document to the "Completed" status. Once you do this, the jobs of all freelancers you found on the Smartcat Marketplace will appear in the Payments section. You can open it via the main menu. When the time to pay comes, you can mark all the payable jobs and create a single invoice for all of them. You will be able to pay it via a bank card, PayPal, or a wire transfer. FAQ How long do I have to wait for a response from the invitees? It depends on many factors, but the majority of responses will come in the first 30–60 minutes. How often do I have to pay freelancers? You can set your own terms of payment in your company profile. Make sure to do this before you send out project invitations, so linguists will know what to expect. Can I pay my own freelancers via Smartcat? Sure. If you set their rates after inviting them to your team by email, Smartcat will be calculating the price of their work automatically. Do I have to pay Smartcat separately for finding linguists on the platform? Rates of linguists you have found on the Smartcat Marketplace already include the Smartcat service fee.
Manage users via Single Sign-On (SSO)
User Management via SSO | Smartcat Help Center SSO is an authentication process that allows users to log in to multiple applications and services with a single set of credentials, irrespective of the platform, technology, or domain used. The advantages of SSO are many, the most valuable being: Secure handling of multiple accounts and related user dataImproved security capabilities, especially if combined with multi-factor authenticationStreamlined user experience: the elimination of repeated logins increases employee satisfaction and productivityAbility to ensure that corporate compliance rules are being followed Smartcat provides Corporate customers with the ability to manage their users via their company’s Single Sign-On (SSO) provider. Smartcat supports four major authentication systems: ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, and DUO. How to set up SSO for your Smartcat Workspace? If your company uses one of these systems: ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, and DUO, you’ll need to provide our team with some basic details while raising a support ticket with Smartcat support here. The name and software version of your SSO technology or provider, including software versions. For example: Azure AD or ADFS 4.0 on MS server 2016. The OAuth 2.0 server endpoint is the URL where this authorization server is hosted. This is where the application will send requests to initiate the authentication process. The public URL of your OAuth 2.0 or the ADFS server endpoint. The ADFS server endpoint is a URL that corresponds to a specific ADFS server within an organization. It is used to handle requests related to authentication, federation, and identity management. When setting up OIDC for Azure or custom OIDC providers, you may need to provide multiple endpoints. If you're using SAML, you might also need to provide a certificate, especially when working with Azure AD or Entra ID. Also indicate the clientId and clientSecret, if applicable. The clientId is a public identifier for the application that’s trying to access an API or service on behalf of a user. Think of it as the "username" for your app when it communicates with an OAuth 2.0 authorization server.The clientSecret is a confidential value that the application (client) uses to authenticate itself to the authorization server. It’s like a password for the app. What Web domain should email addresses originate from, so that they are redirected to your SSO provider.A test user email address to verify the SSO configuration. After our Support team receives the ticket with all these details, our team of developers will set up the SSO on Smartcat’s end, our team will provide callback URLs to be added on your server/provider side to return Smartcat requests. When SSO is configured and connected, users from the specified Web domain will be immediately redirected to your login URL instead of accessing the Smartcat login form. FAQs What is the process for a user to set up their Smartcat account with SSO? Users should receive an invitation to set up their Smartcat account. During setup, they will be redirected to the SSO provider (e.g., Okta) for authentication. If authenticated, they will be logged in automatically. What happens if a user tries to log in without an account in Smartcat? If a user tries to log in without an existing Smartcat account, they will be redirected to the sign-up page to finalize their registration. Once registered, the user will either: 1. Automatically join an existing workspace if domain joining and JIT provisioning are enabled. 2. Be able to create a new workspace if no existing workspace is available to join. Can users create their own workspaces in Smartcat? Currently, users can create their own workspaces, but this feature is planned for removal. Workspace creation should be managed by admins, and users should be invited to existing workspaces. Does Smartcat support multiple domains for SSO? Yes, Smartcat supports multiple domains for SSO. Domains must be unique and not used by other clients. Provide a list of domains to the Smartcat team for configuration. What is required to enable SSO for all users in the organization? Provide the list of domains for federation to the Smartcat team. They will update backend configuration to enable SSO for all users under the specified domains. Will users need to authenticate via Okta during the invitation process? Yes, users will be redirected to Okta for authentication during the invitation process. If already authenticated, they will be logged in automatically. What is the process for a user to set up their Smartcat account with SSO? If a user is not in Okta and tries to log in, they will not be able to authenticate or access Smartcat. They must exist in the Okta database for the SSO process to work. What role do users get assigned when they join a workspace in Smartcat? Currently, users are assigned the Project Manager role by default. This may change in the future to assign a more limited default role. How can we ensure users are invited to the correct workspaces? Admins must manage invitations and workspace access settings. User guidance should emphasize starting from an invitation rather than accessing Smartcat directly. How do we manage the domains and user access for SSO in Smartcat? Provide the list of domains to the Smartcat team. Ensure all users are added to Okta for successful authentication. What are the next steps to implement SSO for our organization? 1. Provide the list of domains to the Smartcat team. 2. Close all workspaces to prevent unauthorized access. 3. Set a go-live date and align corporate communications. 4. Perform smoke testing to confirm the setup works. Can we test SSO with specific users before enabling it for the entire organization? Yes, you can provide specific user details to the Smartcat team to test SSO with individual users before full implementation. Can we use just-in-time (JIT) provisioning with Smartcat? Yes, JIT provisioning works with Smartcat, provided the necessary security steps are completed on your end. Specifically, your Smartcat workspace must have the setting enabled that allows new users within your domain to automatically join the workspace. Once this is configured, users can be provisioned just in time and will automatically be added as managers. Please ensure domain joining is properly set up to maintain security. Can we leverage group claims or IdP Groups to assign roles? No, Smartcat does not support role assignments based on group claims or IdP Groups. Role configuration is managed internally using basic user information (ID, email, name, surname). Can Smartcat support multiple domains per IdP? Yes, as long as the domains are unique and not used by other clients. Does Smartcat provide auditing and logging of actions? Audit Logs can be pulled via API. Smartcat aggregates application logs and traces, but they are not directly available to customers. For investigations, Smartcat can provide internal reports. Can the system be configured to require multifactor authentication (MFA)? Yes, MFA can be enforced via SSO. What will the end-user experience be like when using SSO with Smartcat? Users will receive an invitation to join a workspace. During setup, they will be redirected to IdP for authentication. If authenticated, they will be logged in automatically. Unauthorized users will be redirected to Sign-In page. What are the best practices for managing user access and workspace invitations? 1. Add all users to IdP before enabling SSO. 2. Provide clear guidance for users to start from an invitation. 3. Prevent unauthorized workspace creation. 4. Regularly review and update access permissions and settings. What SSO claims will the application leverage (first name, last name, email, etc)? Make sure your SSO application provides information about following scopes and claims: 1) scope: openid2) scope: email, claims: email3) scope: profile, claims: given_name (or firstname), family_name (or lastname) What user provisioning is leveraged SCIM – System for Cross-Domain identity Management? Current SSO implementation does not provide full SCIM capabilities, i.e. you can manage users data on your IdP end, but it won’t be propagated to Smartcat system, we do not support group provisioning, etc. Smartcat SSO supports automatic provisioning of new accounts from Smartcat side and will allow you to deny user access to Smartcat based on your IdP’s user access list for your IdP’s app What API permission are required by the app (company enforces a Zero Trust policy)? We need application to provide us permissions to read users’ profile and allow sign-in. I.e. based on Microsoft Graph API permissions these are profile and User.Read permissions. re: Zero Trust policy - we advise Smartcat account admins to configure access rights for their users in web portal and as for access restrictions on IdP side, we are not able to any write operations. What is the front-channel logout URL used by the App? We are not using logout URL in our SSO configuration Will there be more instances for integration (DEV, UAT, TEST, etc)? This is not planned at the moment - all testing takes place in production based on test user(s). Then we enable SSO for the whole domain(s). Is user access granting and lifecycle managed by roles or groups that can be linked to Azure AD Groups? No, we do not use Azure AD or similar directory systems to mange user permissions or access lifecycle. Does smartcat supports IdP initiated login attempts? No. Does the SSO works when users select the Sign in with Google or any third party sign in option in the Login screen? When SSO is enabled for Enterprise account users of this account can only login via configured custom SSO configuration. Google or any third party sign in options will no longer work for this user.
Using the multi-documents work mode in Editor
How to use the multi-documents work mode in Smartcat Editor Managing translations across multiple documents in diverse languages can be complex. The Editor's multi-documents work mode simplifies this process, allowing you to efficiently handle projects with various language iterations. Accessing Multi-Documents Mode in Your Project Navigate to Any Document in Your Project Open a document within your project.Scroll to the end of the document.Look for the "Open all Documents" button at the end of the document.Click this button to access the multi-documents mode options. Selecting your preferred mode Choose the option that best suits your needs: Open all language versions for the current document (for managing translations across different languages of the same document).Open all documents for a specific language (to focus on documents in a particular language).Open all documents in all languages (for a comprehensive view of your project scope). Interface changes in multi-Documents mode Once in multi-documents mode, the editor's interface will display: The total number of active documents (e.g., (2) indicating two documents).The cumulative word count of all documents in your project.A header indicating the specific document from which the displayed segments belong. Bulk operations and enhanced functionality In multi-documents mode, take advantage of powerful features: Filters, Search, and Replace Functions: Use filters and perform searches across all documents simultaneously.Compare translations across different documents to ensure consistency. Apply the replace feature to update translations universally across all project documents with ease.
Connect and translate your Ghost website with Smartcat
Translate Ghost site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Ghost page.Click Preview my website.That will open the translated version of your Ghost page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Ghost page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open Ghost. Open settings and go to the Code Injection area of Ghost admin.Paste your Java script translation code.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Clone a project
Project cloning | Smartcat Help Center With the project copying feature, you can duplicate an existing project with all its settings, translations, revisions, and comments, which allows you to save project progress and make a backup version of your project. Once the project is cloned, you can edit the new one and it won't affect the original project. How to copy a project First, go to the project you would like to clone and select Duplicate project from the drop-down menu you can find by clicking the three dots. Next, create a name for the cloned project and select the elements you would like to clone, whether that be documents, translations, comments, and/or revisions. Select Copy. The copied project will then be found in your main Projects list. The following elements of the project will be cloned: Project settings: 1. Source and target languages2. Workflow settings3. Description, External Tag, Client, Subject4. Linguistic assets5. Pre-translation rules6. QA check settings7. Placeholder settings This option is always enabled Documents Additionally copy documents (source) and reference files Translation Current translations (but not translation history). This option is available only together with Documents. Comments Document and segment comments. This option is available only together with Documents. Revisions Segment revisions (segment edit history). This option is available only together with Translations. When the project is copied, the name will automatically appear as follows, though you can edit it after:Copy of '{ORIGINAL_PROJECT_NAME}' from {YYYY-MM-DD} — this is the default template{GENERATED_NAME} ({N}) — this one will be used to disambiguate project name in case the first template is used Have any more questions? Learn more about project management.
Understand Smartcat payments and payout methods
Smartcat payments | Smartcat Help Center If you receive payments via Smartcat, this article will help you understand the process. My Payouts You’ll find all the details about payments you receive in the Payouts tab– the third menu item on the left sidebar after logging into your personal Smartcat account. In the Payouts tab, you’ll see 3 tabs:Payout Methods – where you can see your balance and set how you want to get paidJob Statuses – where you can see the status of jobs and the amounts due to youPayout History – where you can see all payout transactions made to you Tracking payment statuses In the Job Statuses tab you’ll find details about each job, including the status, which could be any of the following:Invitation cancelled - your invitation to the project was canceled before you started working on it.Approved - you accepted the invitation to the project, but the work was completed before you started it, or the segments you confirmed are not subject to payment in accordance with the Smartcat discount rules agreed upon when accepting the invitation.In progress - you have accepted the invitation to the project. The status will remain active until the customer approves the work.Awaiting payment - the customer has approved your work and marked the project as complete. Payment is due by the customer.Processing payment - Smartcat has received payment from the customer and the amount due to you has been added to your Smartcat account balance.Paid out to you - Smartcat has transferred the funds to your chosen bank account. The delivery of the funds may take 1 to 5 days, depending on your selected payout method (set by you in Payout Methods).Marked as paid outside Smartcat - the customer has marked this work as paid for outside of Smartcat. Payment Process 1. Job status changes to Awaiting payment When the customer approves the job, it is marked as Awaiting payment. All jobs awaiting payment are subject to the payment conditions specified in the invitation to the project. The expected payout date is determined by the time the customer has to make the payment and the time it takes for the funds to be transferred from Smartcat to your bank account (maximum 5 working days). Please note that if work is done outside the platform, it will only appear in your Smartcat account after it is paid for by the customer. 2. Funds are added to your personal Smartcat account After receiving payment by the customer, Smartcat marks the job as paid and credits the funds to your balance in your personal Smartcat account. You then receive an email notification confirming payment and the job status changes to Processing payment and includes an estimated payout date (5 working days after receiving funds from the customer, although funds often reach you within 2 days.) If you’ve receive a payment notification and the funds have been added to your balance, but you can’t see the job in the Job Statuses tab, you may have been doing the work on another server. You can switch between servers in the lower left corner of the interface. This option will not be available if you are connected to one server only. Learn more about the payout methods available in different regions. If this is your first payout, we recommend you read this article: Receiving your first payment via Smartcat. 3. Managing your payout method You can specify how you want to get paid in the Payout Methods tab in the Payouts page. You’ll find all the payout methods available in your country. Choose your preferred method and provide the necessary details. 4. Transfer of funds from your Smartcat account to your bank account Smartcat transfers funds within 5 working days of payment by the customer (i.e. when the funds are credited to your Smartcat account balance), subject to the following conditions:you have added a payout method to receive the fundsyour balance in your personal Smartcat account is above the minimum payout amount (this minimum is set by you in the Payout Methods tab.) Please note:If you have not specified a minimum payout amount, funds will be paid out when your balance reaches the default minimum amount determined by your chosen payout method.If you have not specified a payout method, the funds will remain in your Smartcat account until you do so. Funds will be transferred within 5 working days after adding a payout method. 5. Payout HistoryYou can view the history of your payouts in the Payout History tab in My payouts. FAQ The payment status is shown as Processing payment even though the payout date has passed. When can I expect the money? The status Processing payment means that the client has paid for your work and Smartcat has replenished the balance of your personal account. As soon as Smartcat sends money from your account balance to you, the status will change to Paid to you. If the expected payout date has already passed, but the status has not changed, please try the following:Make sure you have provided all the necessary details on the My Payouts page.Check your email. We may have tried to notify you about the problem or requested your payment details.Make sure that the balance in your account has reached the specified minimum payout amount. For more information about the minimum payout, see Minimum payout amount. Your payments will remain in your Smartcat balance until their total exceeds the minimum payout amount you have set.If none of the above helps, please contact our support and indicate the name of the customer's company, the projects for which the money should have been received, the amount to be paid and your payment method. We will be happy to help you resolve the issue. What if the client refuses to pay? Ask the client via chat if there are any obstacles to making the payment. If there are any corrections that need to be made or comments considered, review them carefully.If you do not agree with the edits suggested or if the client is reluctant to negotiate or doesn’t respond, let us know by sending an email to search@smartcat.ai. We’ll help you resolve this issue.
Set up and use Google Sheets integration
Google Sheets integration | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat for Google Sheets is an extension app for Google Sheets that allows you to manage the localization of content into one or several languages right in Google Sheets. The integration works as an extension app in Google Sheets displayed as a sidebar. Setting up the extension 1. Start with installing the Smartcat app from Google Marketplace. 2. Open the Google Sheets document that you want to translate. 3. Click on the Smartcat icon located in the toolbar section on the right. 4. Click Sign In and authorize access to your Google Account. Log in to your Smartcat account and select your workspace. Click Continue to Google Sheets. Configure your Google Sheet for translation Select the Source language, specify the First row number to be translated. Map the columns to the corresponding languages. In the example below, the source text is located in column B, while column G is mapped for the Spanish language. The translations for these languages will go in these columns. For each language, click Save at the bottom of the sidebar. Also, you can map any column for segment/document comments or context. *If one or several rows have column titles or content which does not need to be translated, set the first row to skip them. Enter the name for your template. Click Save Template. Translate your spreadsheet Automated translation To translate content automatically (using Translation memories and AI Translation), just click Translate automatically. The corresponding empty cells will automatically be filled with the translations. Creating a translation project Click Send to Smartcat. Create a new project for your translation or select the existing project. If you want to confirm the translation, mark the corresponding checkbox. Review your translation Click Open Smartcat project to view and edit your translations or invite professional linguists to review these. An Overview tab will open, where you can track the translation progress. Proceed to the Files tab. Click on the name of your file to open Smartcat Editor. The editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation as needed. Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies.Access the history of changes by navigating to the History tab.Review your translation by going through it segment by segment.Alternatively, you can also confirm all segments at once by clicking the green button in the toolbar above, on the left. When you're done reviewing your translation in Smartcat Editor, click Done. This will finalize the review stage. Assign a human reviewer Another way to review your translation is to assign this task to a human reviewer. Navigate to the Tasks tab. Select the Post-editing task, and then click Invite. Select the most suitable option for you: invite a human reviewer from your team, from agencies, or Smartcat Marketplace. Alternatively, you can invite a human reviewer to the Smartcat workspace via email or link. Be sure to specify the reviewer's role and rate in the Additional Options section. Learn more about collaboration in Smartcat in this article on how to add team members. Sending translation to Google Sheets Click Get from Smartcat to upload the translations back to Google Sheets. Wait until the loading process is over. Review your translation in Google Spreadsheet
Verify your PayPal account for Smartcat payments
PayPal account verification | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to confirm your PayPal account and start receiving Smartcat payments In this article, we look at how to verify your PayPal account so you can receive payment for your work with Smartcat. First of all, to receive payment from Smartcat via PayPal, your PayPal account must be verified. In the event that you add a non-verified PayPal account as your preferred Smartcat payment method, Smartcat will notifiy you that it is unverified and requiring full verification in order to make successful payments. How to verify your PayPal account You can verify your PayPal account by linking your bank account or a debit card to PayPal. Alternatively, you can also do so by providing documentary proof of identification. Let's look at how to link your account. Link your bank account or debit card to PayPal Follow these instructions to successfully link your bank account or debit card for PayPal acount verification. Step 1. Open PayPal in your browser Log in or sign up if you don't have an account already. Step 2. Navigate to your Account .Click Link a card or bank. Then select the type of account to link to. You can confirm your PayPal account by linking either a checking account or debit card. You can also link to both, but only one is required to verify your PayPal account. If you don't have a bank account or debit card, you can verify your account by providing proof of identity via a government-issued ID. This is typically in the form of your passport or driver’s license. Step 3. Select your bank To link a bank account, click your bank in the list. If it’s not there, type it into the search bar at the top. To link a debit card, choose the issuing bank from the list, or select Debit or credit card to enter the card details manually. Step 4. Enter your bank account or debit card information To link a bank account, sign into your bank to connect, or manually enter your routing number and account number. You can find this information on your checks and in your bank statement. Click Agree and Link to finalize. To link a debit card, sign into your card provider, or manually enter the card number, expiration date, 3-digit CVC code, and any other requested information. Click Link Card to finalize. Step 5. Check your bank transactions for two deposits from PayPal Within three business days of adding your bank account information, PayPal will make two small deposits into your account. Use these small deposits to complete the verification.* *Some banks may lump the two small deposits into one. If this happens, you won't be able to verify your account and will need to contact PayPal. Step 6. Complete verification using your two depositsLog in to PayPal and click the Wallet tab Click your bank information Click Link your bank another way Enter the exact amounts of the two small deposits Click Submit Verification of a PayPal account will take around 2 to 3 days. If it takes longer, please contact PayPal help in your country, for assistance.
Export XLIFF files from Smartcat
Exporting XLIFF files | Smartcat Help Center You can export any Smartcat document as an XLIFF file and work with it using other tools. It can be useful if a project participant does not have a reliable internet connection and wants to work offline. Or if a team member prefers to use another CAT tool. And finally, if you want to use a third-party tool to perform QA checks. Note: Files exported from Smartcat follow the XLIFF 1.2 standard. Smartcat has integration with some QA tools which eliminates the need to export XLIFF files. Exporting XLIFF files On the project page, select the documents you want to export as XLIFF files and choose XLIFF under Special formats in the Export menu. Now you can work with the exported files using any external tool that supports the XLIFF format. Importing XLIFF files back in Smartcat When you are ready to upload your edited XLIFF file back to Smartcat, go to the project page, hit the arrow to the right of the Upload button and choose Update translation. In the wizard, choose your desired import settings. If any segments have been changed in Smartcat while you were editing the XLIFF file in an external tool (that often happens in collaborative scenarios), you can decide whether you want to overwrite the changes ( Update all segments ) or not ( Skip segments changed in Smartcat ). You can also either confirm all updated segments and save them to the translation memory or keep them unconfirmed to be able to check them in the Smartcat editor later. After the import is complete, the updated segments will be marked as Updated in Smartcat’s editor.
Interact with comments
Comment interactions | Smartcat Help Center In the Editor, you can add notes and explanations to the entire document or to a specific segment. On the Document comments tab, type your message, and press Send or Enter to add a note that applies to the entire text. This could be, for example, instructions from the project managers for the team. To comment on a specific segment, open the Segment comments tab, type a message and press Send or Enter. To start a new line within a message, use Ctrl+Enter. Messages within a document are visible to all users assigned to the document. If another user adds a comment to the entire document or to a specific segment, the corresponding tab is highlighted, as well as the message icon in the source field. After all new comments to a segment are read the message icon will turn black. Note: Comments can be deleted by the user for up to 15 minutes after being added. Past that time comments cannot be deleted. Tip: If you are working with multilingual projects, comments added to segments or the document will be replicated automatically to all languages making it unnecessary for the project manager to repeat information from one language team to the other. So if for example, one translator asks a question about a term, the entire team no matter what language they are translating will see the question and the answer automatically. Project managers should be aware of this feature and use the chat page for private communications. Structured commenting Apart from commenting on the whole document or a specific segment, you can also use the structured commenting functionality to annotate a word or phrase or add a quality assurance label.To add a structured comment, just select the element to annotate. Type in your comment in a free form and or select/create a quality assurance label to add. You can view your structured comments and labels in the Segment comments section.
International wire transfers in TRY (Turkey)
TRY wire transfers (Turkey) | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to process Turkish lira payments in Smartcat. Supported currencies Turkish lira (TRY) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from TRY, the funds will be converted to TRY at the Smartcat exchange rate on the day of the payment. Commission TRY 9 You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commission in the My Payouts section (click on the Details button on your payout method). Additional commissions of correspondent banks may be applied. You can learn more about the reasons why correspondent banks charge commissions in the FAQ below this article. Minimum payout amount TRY 1,000 Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from when the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article, "Minimum payout amount". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕Name of the individual beneficiaryBeneficiary last name✓✕Last name of the individual beneficiaryBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Beneficiary's company legal nameSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryRecipient’s IBAN✓✓The beneficiary's international bank account number, up to 34 characters long (including numbers and letters)Recipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeDocument type✓✓Identity document. Identification (ID) card or passport or driving licenseNumber✓✓Identification document numberIssuing country✓✓Country that issued the identity documentIssue date✓✓Date of issue of the identity documentExpiration date✓✓The date of expiration of the identity document Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Here are some steps to take if your payment was rejected.Make sure you have provided payment details for an international SWIFT bank transfer, not a local wire transfer.Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Double-check that the specified IBAN details are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? The purpose of the payment indicates the payment ID in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE B.V. or THE CURRENCY CLOUD LIMITED is displayed as the sender, depending on the beneficiary's bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is available exclusively for receiving funds to a Turkish bank account. I received a payout from Smartcat. I need to invoice for this payment. What details should be used for issuing such invoices? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in TRY, enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01. Why using the international wire transfer payout method may involve additional fees? Please keep in mind that if you choose to receive payouts using the “International wire transfer” method, Smartcat will deduct $3 fee per payout unless you and the customer have agreed otherwise.Additionally, intermediary banks that process the transaction may also charge a fee which can be between $5 and $40. Why are intermediary banks involved in the process? If the two banks that process the payment from Smartcat to the recipient don’t have a direct relationship, one or more intermediary banks must be found to facilitate the transfer. This is done automatically without Smartcat’s involvement. Since there are more operations happening behind the scenes, this kind of transfer is more expensive and may take a bit longer to complete.Unfortunately, we do not have an impact on intermediary banks’ policies, nor are we able to provide accurate information on the amount of fees applicable.Please consider this information and, if this doesn’t suit your needs and expectations, use a different available option for receiving payouts.
File formats supported in Smartcat
Supported file formats | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat supports a wide variety of bilingual and monolingual files. It detects each file’s format automatically. Simply drag and drop your files or select them when creating a new translation task or project. If your file format isn’t supported the error message will be displayed and the file won’t get uploaded. Supported file formats Microsoft Office DOC/DOCXXLS/XLSXPPT/PPTXPPS/PPSXPOT/POTXPPTPlease note that Microsoft Office formats are proprietary and complex. While we strive to provide as much compatibility as possible, some post-processing may be required for translated documents. Open Office ODTODP Text TXTRTF Hypertext, source code HTMLXHTMLPHPBilingual interchange formatsXLIFF (XLF) 1.2 and 2.0SDLXLIFFMQXLIFFSDLXLIFFXLIFF files from Articulate Rise 360POTTX Desktop publishing PDFMIFIDML (Adobe Indesign) Technical writing DITA XMLHELP+MANUAL XML Localization XMLAndroid XMLRESXLOCJSONJSONTJSONYMLINCINXMIFSTRINGSPROPERTIES Video file formats mp4mpegavimov3gp3g2flvm2vm4vmkvmpgogvqttsvobwmv Audio file formats mp3wawmamp2oggaacflacm2a Subtitle file formats SRTVTT Images (powered by OCR)JPG/JPEGTIF/TIFFBMPPNGGIFDJVU/DJVDCXPCXJP2JPCJFIFJB2 PackagesTTXSDLPPX / SDLRPXZIPWSXZ Unsupported file formatsCSVFMAI (Adobe Illustrator)INDD but you can upload an IDML file insteadJS To help you avoid security risks, certain files, such as executable files and scripts, are also restricted from being uploaded. Smartcat blocks files with the following extensions from being uploaded:ade, adp, apk, app, appx, appxbundle, asp, aspx, asx, bas, bat, cab, cer, chm, cmd, cnt, com, cpl, crt, csh, der, diagcab, dll, dmg, exe, fxp, gadget, grp, hlp, hpj, hta, htc, inf, ins, iso, isp, its, jar, jnlp, js, jse, ksh, lib, lnk, mad, maf, mag, mam, maq, mar, mas, mat, mau, mav, maw, mcf, mda, mdb, mde, mdt, mdw, mdz, msc, msh, msh1, msh1xml, msh2, msh2xml, mshxml, msi, msix, msixbundle, msp, mst, msu, nsh, ops, osd, pcd, pif, pl, plg, prf, prg, printerexport, ps1, ps1xml, ps2, ps2xml, psc1, psc2, psd1, psdm1, pst, py, pyc, pyo, pyw, pyz, pyzw, reg, scf, scr, sct, sh, shb, shs, sys, theme, tmp, url, vb, vbe, vbp, vbs, vhd, vhdx, vsmacros, vsw, vxd, webpnp, website, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh, xbap, xll, xnk.
Request and receive payments through Smartcat
Managing payments | Smartcat Help Center Many companies find it challenging or even impossible to make payments to individuals, especially to those who are located overseas. Smartcat provides a simple and efficient solution to this problem, enabling you to request and receive a payment from all your clients, even if they are not registered in Smartcat. This arrangement is beneficial both to you and your clients:You can receive payments using your preferred method. Your client pays using their preferred method as well — the same way as if they were working with a corporate vendor.You will not face any currency exchange issues when receiving money from overseas clients. The payment is credited right to your bank card or using any other method of choice.Both you and your clients save time and money. All you have to do is request the payment by completing the following steps: 1. Click My payouts in the main panel and then click Request a Payment in the Get paid for non-Smartcat projects panel. 2. In the Payment request form, provide the required details, check that they are correct and click Next. 3. Enter your client’s email address. You can use the predefined message wording or customize it for the specific client. Click Send Request after all the necessary adjustments. Your request will be sent to your client via email and all they have to do is click on a link to make the payment. Once the payment is received by Smartcat, the funds will be credited to your Smartcat balance and automatically sent to you via your preferred payout method. You can also ready about the steps clients need to follow to process your request. So far so good, but how much does it cost to your client? A client will pay 0-20% on top of the requested payment depending on his account type and subscription plan and will see the total cost with the fee already included.
Connect and translate your Instapage website with Smartcat
Translate Instapage site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Instapage page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Instapage page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Instapage page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. In Instapage, open the Page settings. Hit the Javascript button .Select the Head placement and paste Javascript that you saved earlierAs soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Install and set up Smartcat Translator for Desktop on Windows
Smartcat Translator installation on Windows | Smartcat Help Center To quickly and easily use Smartcat Translator for Desktop on Windows to localize websites and documents. In this article, we will explore what Smartcat Translator for Windows is, how to set it up, and how it can significantly streamline your translation workflow. What is Smartcat Translator for Windows? Smartcat Translator for Windows is a desktop application developed by Smartcat. This application aims to simplify and enhance the translation process for Windows users by providing quick and easy access to translation services right from your desktop. Setting up Smartcat Translator for Windows Getting started with Smartcat Translator for Windows is a breeze. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting it up: 1. Installation and Account Setup Begin by downloading the Smartcat Translator for Windows from the Smartcat platform. You can also find the integration listed when you click on the Shortcut “Set up integration” from your Smartcat workspace. Install the application on your Windows computer by following the on-screen instructions. Select whether it's just you or a team using the app as well. Once installed, launch the app to sign in to your Smartcat account or create a new one if you don't have an account yet. After signing up, choose a Workspace to open. Choose "Open Smartcat Translator." 2. How to Use the Integration After successfully setting up Smartcat Translator for Windows, it's time to harness its power. Here's how to use the integration effectively: Step 1: Open the ApplicationWhenever you need to translate text, simply open the Smartcat Translator for Windows application. The app will remain accessible on your desktop, ready for your translation tasks. Step 2: Translate TextCopy the text you want to translate to your clipboard. Use a convenient shortcut provided by Smartcat Translator for Windows. This shortcut will automatically translate the text in your clipboard and copy the translation back to your clipboard. This feature allows for a quick and seamless translation experience. For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, you can refer to the help article provided by Smartcat. Benefits of Using Smartcat Translator for Windows Smartcat Translator for Windows offers numerous advantages to streamline your translation workflow: 1. Easy Text TranslationWith this integration, you can translate any text on your Windows computer in just a few clicks. No need to switch between various websites or applications anymore. 2. AI Translation Engine SelectionThe integration automatically selects the best-performing AI translation engine for each language pair from a wide array of options available within Smartcat. This ensures that you receive the most accurate translations possible. 3. Leverage Existing ResourcesIf you're already using Smartcat, you can seamlessly integrate your existing translation memories into the Smartcat Translator for Windows. This means you can tap into your prior work to enhance the quality and consistency of your translations.
Receive and evaluate tasks as a freelancer in Smartcat
Freelancer task evaluation | Smartcat Help Center When a translator receives an invitation to a project, they have the option to accept or decline the project, but in order to make that decision, they might need to get more information especially if it comes from an LSP that they have not work with before. When a task is assigned, an email will be sent to the assignees. The email will look like the following screenshot: The email contains some information like the number of words that could be used by the translators to decide. But in many cases, they might need more information. By clicking on the View Details button, it will take them to their Smartcat account where the task will appear for review. The task description includes the following elements: A. The name of the customer. Clicking on this link will display the corporate profile. B. Payment terms for the job and other related information. C. A Chat Now button to start a conversation with project manager if needed. No need to send emails or make calls to get answers quickly. D. If references files have been added to the project, they can be downloaded for review. This could give the translator some context about the job. E. Task and languages for the job F. The rate offered G. The option to Accept or Decline the job H. The deadline for each document as well as a link to preview the file in the Smartcat editor. Statistics will also be displayed, showing the number of words in the document as well as a detailed breakdown of the types of matches found. An estimation of the total payment for the task is also calculated: The option to preview the file will allow the translator to view the content in the Smartcat editor and also accept or decline the job: Before accepting the task, the translator can browse through the entire file, review matches from the translation memories and AI translation (if used). If the translator decides to accept the task, the editor will reload and work can start. If the translator declines the task, it will disappear from the My task page and will be assigned to another vendor.
Connect and translate your Leadpages website with Smartcat
Translate Leadpages site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Leadpages page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Leadpages page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Leadpages page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open Leadpages and paste your code to the Header of your page.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Connect and translate your Bigcommerce website with Smartcat
Translate Bigcommerce site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Bigcommerce page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Bigcommerce page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Bigcommerce page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open Bigcommerce and add your code to the website header of your page.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Connect and translate your Pagewiz website with Smartcat
Translate Pagewiz site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Pagewiz page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Pagewiz page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Pagewiz page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. In Pagewiz, open the Page settings. Hit the Scripts button .Select the Head placement. Name your script and paste Javascript that you saved earlier in the Your code fieldAs soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Connect and translate your Framer website with Smartcat
Translate Framer site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Framer page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of the Framer page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Framer page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. In Framer, open the Settings by clicking the gear icon .Scroll down to the Custom Code option. Paste it to the Start of the tag.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Connect and translate your Readme website with Smartcat
Translate Readme site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Readme page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Readme page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Readme page design.Preview settings. Specify the way to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. This will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. In Readme, open the Custom Stylesheets section. Select Include Tags tab.Paste your code into empty space.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat.
Connect and translate your Weebly website with Smartcat
Translate Weebly site Open your Workspace. Click on the Translate a website shortcut.Specify both the source and the target languages. You can select multiple languages if you need.In the Website URL field, paste the URL-address of your Weebly page.Click Preview my website.This will open the translated version of your Weebly page.In the toolbar above you can switch between the languages.You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen.In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your Weebly page design.Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.In the Publish settings you can select Published Languages and copy the JavaScript code for publishing your translated page .To review the translation press Edit. That will open the Smartcat Editor.Review your translation, which is split automatically into segments. Here, you can make edits. Confirm each segment translation before moving to the next.To return to your Website preview, click Back.From here you can publish your website translation by clicking the respective button next to the address field.Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. NOTE: It is important to add the Smartcat's code snippet to the header of the page to ensure the correct operation of the Smartcat Website translator. Open your page in Weebly. Go to the Settings tab and navigate to the Header code area of Weebly admin.Paste your Java script code.As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue in Smartcat .
Use XLIFF files in Smartcat
Working with XLIFF files | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat enables project managers to download files in the XLIFF format. This format is an industry-standard where files contain source and target content and segment status information. The option is available under the Special formats menu item of the Download feature: Once the XLIFF file has been downloaded, it can be opened in other applications (CAT or QA tools). There are some free tools on the market that can also be used to process XLIFFs, for example, Poedit. This application can be used by assignees who don't have a reliable Internet connection and don't have a budget for a CAT tool license. It can also be used for client review where the reviewers cannot be added to the Smartcat account and who don't want to invest the time to learn a CAT tool. Once the XLIFF file has been translated, it can be used to update the Smartcat project using the Upload button on the workspace and project page. The Update translation button should be used to upload the XLIFF file: The user will see some options during the update process: It is possible to update all the segments in the file with the content of the XLIFF file or skip segments that might have been updated in Smartcat since the export of the XLIFF file. It's possible to confirm or not segments that have been updated by the process. Segments that have been updated using this process will be indicated using a change in the segment status column: In cases where the XLIFF file will be sent to linguists, the project manager should take advantage of the Smartcat pretranslation rules to pre-populate target segments with matches from the translation memories or even AI translation since that information will be exported with the XLIFF file. This way, there might not be the need to send the TM separately (which could be a very large file) and the linguist workload will be reflected accurately by the project statistics.
Understand automatic project archiving
Understanding automatic project archiving | Smartcat Help Center Archiving To enhance your working experience and make Smartcat faster for everyone, translation projects that have been completed or inactive for 45 days are automatically archived. Please note that adding a document to the project or updating the translation is considered an activity, while deleting a document from a project is not, and will not postpone the expiration date. Retention period Archived projects and the documents they contain are stored under the Archive tab for another 9 months. During that period, both original and translated documents, as well as the translation memory used in the project, are available for download. Archived documents cannot be opened using the Editor. If you want to resume work on an archived document, download and then re-upload it to create a new project. Permanent deletion After the 9-month period, the archived projects and the documents they contain will be permanently deleted. Users with rights to create projects and manage project resources receive a warning email 10 days prior to the deletion date. Please check the notification settings to avoid undesired situations. However, the translations you’ve accumulated will not be lost, as any translation memory you’ve created manually or automatically will always remain available to you on the My linguistic assets → Translation Memory page.
Organize your Smartcat workspace
Workspace organization | Smartcat Help Center The more complicated your projects get, the bigger and more diverse your team needs to be. We created convenient and safe workspaces and virtual environments where you can share projects, linguistic assets, and other resources with your teammates. When creating your Smartcat account, we give you the option to request to join an existing workspace in your organisation or create a new one. However, you can invite colleagues or contractors, or anyone else, to work with you in Smartcat at any moment. You can easily do this by sharing a link as described in this article. Workspace users can:Create, view, and edit translations and projects,Create and manage translation memories and glossaries,Use the Smartwords in the workspace to get AI translations for freeApprove, download, and share translations,Find and assign language service providers to do the translations and post-editing,Test the translators and check translation quality manually or via Smartcat. Workspace administrators can (in addition to the user permissions):View all projects in the workspace and get information about their owners,Manage Smartcat subscription and top up Smartwords for the workspace,Invite new vendors and team members to projects. Apart from inviting just anyone: a member of your team, a colleague from a different department, a freelancer hired outside Smartcat you can hire vendors from the Smartcat Marketplace and add them to your team to collaborate on the regular basis. Benefits of using Smartcat workspacesSafety and security: you can change access permissins at any moment.Transparency and control: the workspace administrator can see all project details including task-by-task progress on one page.Flexibility: you can negotiate with freelancers and set discounted rates for you and your workspace users.
Importing and exporting glossaries
How to import and export glossaries to Smartcat In this brief article, we'll look at how you can import and export a glossary for your Smartcat translation projects. Information on glossary import/export You can import a glossary created outside Smartcat or provided by a customer as a MultiTerm XML or Excel file. Smartcat can only import language terms from MultiTerm XML files. These files are created by exporting data from SDL Studio. Smartcat does not import other, non-language, attributes. Smartcat can import both language terms and other types of attributes from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. To do so, fields must match for an Excel import to be fully successful and accurate. You can also export any glossary created in Smartcat to an Excel file. This streamlines data exchange between the tools. Exporting a glossary To export a glossary in Smartcat, follow these instructions. Step 1 Go to the Linguistic Assets tab Step 2 Select Glossaries, and open the specific glossary you that you want to export by clicking on its name in the list. Step 3 Click Download. Your exported file will then appear in your computer's download folder. Importing a glossary The easiest way to import a glossary is to create a glossary template in Smartcat beforehand, name it, and then export it. This way, you ensure that your file name structure matches that of the glossary that you create. To import a glossary, follow these instructions. Step 1 Set up a glossary with all the required fields. Step 2 Add sample data to it. Step 3 Export the glossary as described above. Smartcat will generate an Excel spreadsheet with columns to match your glossary fields. Step 4 Copy and paste data from your existing documents to the appropriate columns of the downloaded file. Step 5 Use the Upload button in the Linguistic Assests toolbar to upload your glossary file to Smartcat. Step 6 Select the file to import and choose the input option that you require. Replace all terms will overwrite all data currently in your glossary. Add terms will add new terms from your file to the existing glossary. Step 7 Click Import. With the information in this brief article, you should now have a firm grasp on how to import and export glossaries in Smartcat!
Mark work as completed
Completing work | Smartcat Help Center Once you complete the translation of a document you uploaded into the system yourself, you can download the translated file to your computer. Then you can send it to your client if it's necessary. If you are working with a project created by a client, the client can then download the translation themselves. After the work is done, simply click the Done button to mark that the assigned task is completed. Once the button is pressed, it will be replaced by the Completed mark. This mark just indicates the completion of the current stage of the workflow. If you continue working with the document, this mark will be removed automatically. If there is at least one unconfirmed segment, the button will be inactive. If all segments are confirmed, but you have not pressed Done, after a while the completion mark will be set automatically.
Interact with revisions
Revision interactions | Smartcat Help Center During work on a document, the translation of a segment undergoes multiple changes. The system keeps track of all of them. But rather than indicating changes inline in the target field which can lead to confusion when many changes are made, all revisions of the current segment are displayed on the Revisions tab at the bottom of the page. Green and red colors, underlying and striking through, are used to indicate additions and deletions. You can restore any of the revisions by selecting the revision and clicking Restore. The revision you selected will be displayed in the translation field of the segment. The Revisions tab can also help if you need to evaluate the quality of a translator’s work. You can see all changes made by an editor or proofreader, compare the initial and final translations, or check whether AI translation output has been corrected. In turn, an assignee also can view the changes made by others and learn from their mistakes.
Navigating the "My Tasks" Section in Smartcat
Transalte Salesforce Service Cloud with Smartcat plugin The "My Tasks" section is available to all internal reviewers, typically found in workspaces. It handles internal assignments (referred to as "My team assignments"). External assignments from the marketplace (called "Jobs") are managed separately. You can access the "My Tasks" interface by navigating to the appropriate section of your Smartcat workspace. It presents all your tasks in one place, ensuring easy navigation and task management. How to Use the "My Tasks" Interface Task List Overview The "My Tasks" section displays all your tasks in a clean, organized list. Editors don’t need to go to each project to see their tasks. Instead, they have all of their project tasks in one overview on a single page. This list is broken down into three categories: Each task can be clicked on to view detailed information, including task scopes and progress. This enables you to manage your workflow efficiently without leaving the page. Key Features and Settings of the "My Tasks" Interface 1. Customizable Columns:The interface allows you to customize the table columns based on your preferences. Columns like Task ID, Files, Units, and Progress can be rearranged, and some can be turned off for a cleaner view.Task ID is a fixed column and cannot be moved or hidden. Task Details:Clicking on a task opens a detailed view that includes a breakdown of task-related files and an overview tab. The Files tab allows you to manage specific task scopes, filter files, open files in the CAT editor, or download them.The Overview tab provides context about the task owner, status, and other relevant details. 3. Task Statuses:Each task can have various statuses such as:New: Tasks that haven’t been accepted or rejected.In Progress: Tasks that have been accepted and are being worked on.Pending: Tasks that are blocked by another workflow stage.Waiting for Payment: Tasks that are completed but awaiting payment.Completed: Finished tasks, with or without payment required. 4. Task Controls:Before accepting a task, you can:Accept the task to start working on it.Preview File to check the task before deciding to accept it.Decline the task, which will remove it from your task list.After accepting the task, you will have the option to:Open File directly in the CAT editor for editing. 5. Filters:The "My Tasks" interface includes robust filtering options, allowing you to apply multiple filters to focus on specific tasks. The filters you select are saved, even if you leave or refresh the page, making it easier to maintain personalized settings across sessions. 6. Additional Settings and Task Actions:Task actions such as rearranging columns, saving filter settings, and managing task controls are accessible via an intuitive menu. For more detailed controls, clicking on the three-dot menu (context menu) next to tasks provides additional options like accepting, previewing, or declining tasks. How to view and access task details To view detailed information about a task:Log into Smartcat and navigate to the "My Tasks" section from your workspace.Locate the task you want to view in the task list. You can filter tasks by status (e.g., "New" or "In Progress").Click on the task row to open its details. The task details will open in a pop-up with two tabs:Files Tab: Displays all task-related files and their statuses.Overview Tab: Shows general task information such as task owner, deadlines, and assignment context. How to accept or decline When a new task is assigned, you can choose to accept or decline it. Locate the task in the "New" section of the "My Tasks" list.Click the three dots (context menu) next to the task.Choose one of the following options: Accept: If you are ready to take on the task, click this option. The task will move to "In Progress."Preview File: If you want to inspect the task before accepting it, you can preview the associated files.Decline: If you are unable to work on the task, click to decline. The task will disappear from your list. How to open a task file Once you have accepted a task, you can open its files directly. Click on the accepted task in your "In Progress" list to view the task details.Navigate to the Files Tab in the task details pop-up.Select a file from the list of task files.Choose the Open Editor button to open the file directly in Smartcat's CAT editor. How to go to Editor from a Task To start working on a task in the CAT editor: Open the task details by clicking on the task row from the "My Tasks" list.In the Files Tab, select the file you wish to edit.Click the Open Editor button to access the file in the CAT editor, where you can begin your work. How to keep track of task statuses You can monitor the progress of all your tasks in the "My Tasks" section. View the "My Tasks" list, where each task is displayed with its current status.The Status column shows the following statuses for each task:New: Task is unaccepted.In Progress: Task is currently being worked on.Pending: Task is blocked by a previous workflow stage.Waiting for Payment: Task is completed but awaiting payment.Completed: Task is finished, and no further action is required. Check the progress of individual files within a task by opening the Files Tab in the task details. Each file will show a scope status:Pending: Not yet started.In Progress: Work on the file is ongoing.Completed: The file has been fully processed. The "My Tasks" section in Smartcat offers a highly flexible, user-friendly interface that simplifies task management for reviewers. Its customizable features, comprehensive task details, and easy-to-use controls make it an essential tool for anyone looking to streamline their work within Smartcat. Whether managing tasks for yourself or working as part of a team, the "My Tasks" interface helps ensure you stay on top of your assignments with minimal hassle.
Filter segments in the Editor
Segment filtering for productivity | Smartcat Help Center In the Editor, you can filter segments by various criteria. Available filters Segment status / Key.This filter lets you locate segments at a specific workflow stage (translation, post-editing, all) or translation stage (no translation/confirmed/unconfirmed), and exclude locked segments if needed. Segment revisions. This filter tab allows finding segments by the revision dates, workflow stages, and specific authors. Source text. This tab lets you filter segments by their content, and include or exclude repetitions. Learn more about repetitions. You can also use this filter to show or hide segments that contain only numbers. In this case you will see segments with at least one number and one text character. Comments. Use the With comments checkbox to find segments with comments. Errors. This filter helps to find segments with detected or ignored errors. Note that segments with critical errors cannot be confirmed before the errors are corrected. So if you apply the Confirmed filter in parallel, segments with critical errors will not be displayed. The Ignored option is only available for freelancers. Source of last input. This option lets you filter segments by their translation source (MT, updated from file, manual input) and the match percentage for translation memory matches. Learn more about TM matches. Note that the source used in this filter is the most recent insertion. For example, if first a fuzzy match from the translation memory was inserted into a segment, and then replaced by a 102% match, the segment will be filtered as a 102% match. Files with keys related to software localization projects have a filter for searching source segments by Segment ID Adding and removing filters To filter segments, click Add filters in the search bar of the toolbar and select a combination of search parameters from the drop-down menu.You can combine different filtering parameters and simultaneously search and replace text in the filtered segments. Filtering results are updated in real time as you configure filters. To reset filters and display all segments, simply close the segment-filtering window.
Choose an translation engine
MT engine selection | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat has eight industry-leading translation engines that are used to instantly translations, whether that be for files, websites, software, designs, videos – anything you need translated can first be pre-translated with high accuracy. The machine translation engines are: Google Statistical translation engineGoogle Neural translation engineMicrosoft Translator - This includes statistical and neural engines depending on the language pair.Yandex translation engineBaidu Translate APIDeepLAmazon TranslateModernMT Translation engine Intelligent routing analyzes your text and selects the best translation engine for the specific language pair. When you translate a document or create a translation project, you can enable intelligent routing or select translation engine (available for Unite subscribers and higher). Watch the video or read through the steps as described below the video: When translating a document: click on the Advanced settings when creating translation and select the desired Provider for machine translation in the window that opens. Press Apply now. When creating a translation project: open the Linguistic assets list from your account homepage or from the projects Overview page, click on the gear icon in the machine translation section and adjust the settings in the window that opens. Press Save&Run. 3. It is possible to select a different engine for each language. By clicking Add option, you can add languages to a specific engine. Each engine supports a specific number of languages. So some translation engines may become unavailable if there is no coverage from these engines. Backup machine translation engine We also have a feature that greatly improves the pre-translation performance! If the default machine translation engine provides an empty or broken result, meaning there is a critical error show in the Smartcat Editor, the platform will automatically fall back to its second machine translation engine option, that being Google Neural Machine Translation (NMT). As such, you won't have to worry about errors (or rather, this will decrease significantly). FAQ Which translation engine is best for my projects? There is no good answer to this question as the final choice of an translation engine might come down to many possible factor. For example, some translation engines produce better results for a specific language pair or if equally capable, results might be affected by the topic. Some companies publish some analysis of AI output and rank engines for some language pairs. One such company is inten.to, and they post some results on a regular basis. The latest study is available here.Studies like this one might give some insights into what engine is better for some language pairs, but when dealing with a large project, users should perform some testing with their translation teams and collect some feedback. The perception from translators might vary from the automated results generated for the studies. Testing a couple of thousand words with selected engines should be sufficient in most cases. I already have an account with Google/Microsoft. Can I use it with Smartcat? If you have accounts for the custom Microsoft and Google translation engines you can connect them to Smartcat.To do so you need to provide your credentials in the Workspace settings section and contact our support team.Once the accounts are connected, the corresponding AI engines will be available for use among the rest of Smartcat translation engines. The words translated using these engines will be deducted from your Smartwords balance, as per usual. What machine translation engines are integrated with Smartcat? The following engines are integrated with Smartcat.Google Statistical translation engineGoogle Neural translation engineMicrosoft Translator - This includes statistical and neural engines depending on the language pair.Yandex translation engineBaidu Translate APIDeepLAmazon TranslateModernMT translation engineTo learn more about selecting a translation engine, refer to this article.
Hire a linguist at Smartcat Marketplace
How to hire a linguist at Smartcat Marketplace Find out how to easily hire a qualified linguist to assist with your translation needs. There will be times when you need a human professional to do the translation or editing for you. Smartcat hosts the industry's largest database of vetted linguists and translation agencies. There are two ways you can hire a freelancer for your task. Using Smartcat AI to hire a linguistClick the Invite in tasks button on the Overview tab. Smartcat will send the invitation to review your translation to the first linguist seleceted by the Smarcat AI based on your language pair. Our algorithm is capable of finding the best rated professional at the lowest cost for your language pair. 2. The selected linguist will accept the invitation and do the work. You'll be able to track the progress on the Translation overview page. 3. As soon as the translation is finished you'll find the invoice on the Payments page. For more information about paying freelancers via Smartcat, refer to this article. Hiring a professional from your project page 1. Go to Find Freelancers tab of the Team page and use different criteria (shown on the right side of the page) to screen freelancers. 2. Explore the list of freelancers. Use additional filters such as subject matter or pricing if needed. Click on a freelancer profile to get the detailed information such as the number of words and projects translated in Smartcat, productivity, availability, and so on. You can choose to post a job on the Smartcat board and wait for freelancers to offer their services to you or offer them a small test assignment to make sure they are competent enough for your project. 3. Invite the selected freelancer to a project by clicking the corresponding button, selecting the project and the files/segments to assign. You can also add freelancers to your team for long-term collaboration. FAQ If one of my translators is already in the Marketplace, do I have to pay them via Smartcat? If a company invites a freelancer to an account using the My Team email invitation, they can pay this freelancer outside the Smartcat system even if the freelancer is already registered on the marketplace. If tasks are completed in Smartcat and jobs are added to the Payment page, they can be deleted and payment made using previous methods.
How to set up an account on Smartcat
How to set up your Smartcat account Learn how to easily and quickly set up your Smartcat account today. Setting up your account on Smartcat is super easy and fast! Whether you're a company in need of translations, a language service provider (LSP), or a freelance translator, you can get set up and get translating immediately! In this brief article, learn how to create your account so you can start using Smartcat for your multilingual content requirements in next to no time so you can get straight to translating. Let's get into it! Get started in three simple steps Follow these quick steps to get started. 1. Begin via Smartcat's home page Go to Smartcat.com and click Get Started Free on the top-right of the home screen. 2. Input your email or use a social media account Sign up using your work email or by using your Google, LinkedIn, or ProZ account. 3. Specify the type of Smartcat account for you Choose from business / individual, translation agency (LSP), or freelance translator. Click Describe organization to proceed. Setting up on Smartcat: incorporated businesses and sole traders Setting up as an enterprise, SME, or sole trader? Business / Individual is the option for you! 1. Choose “Business / Individual” as account type Select Business / Individual and click Choose your primary use case. 2. Choose your primary use case On this screen, select the main reason why you are signing up. You might have multiple reasons, of course! We ask you what your primary use case is so we can make your user experience more streamlined and tailored to your needs. You will also be able to use your Smartcat account for all of the mentioned use cases in the image above, and many more besides. 3. Name your organization in Smartcat Write the name of your organization for your Smartcat account and click Set up workspace. 4. Name your workspace Give your first workspace a name! You can create additional workspaces later on after first setting up if you require them. You can have a limitless number of workspaces as part of your subscription! Open an account on Smartcat: language service providers (LSPs) Choose this option to set up on Smartcat as an LSP! 1. Select “Translation Agency (LSP)” as account type Choose and then click on Describe organization to proceed. 2. Name your organization in Smartcat Write the name of your organization for your Smartcat account and click Set up workspace. 3. Name your workspace Give your first workspace a name! You can create additional workspaces later on after first setting up if you require them. You can have a limitless number of workspaces as part of your subscription! Start translating on Smartcat: freelance translators and linguistic editors Are you a freelance professional linguist? In that case, we're so happy to have you here on the Smartcat platform! From getting freelance work to using the free Smartcat CAT tool, and even translating your own files, we've got you covered. 1. Choose “Freelance Translator” as account type Select Freelance Translator and click Choose your primary use case to proceed. 2. Choose the main reason why you want to sign up to Smartcat Choose one of the options listed. And don't worry if you have multiple reasons to sign up! You'll be able to do all of the listed use cases, and much more besides, once you sign up. This is simply to tailor your user experience based on the most important reason for signing up. Once you select your option, click Let's start and you're good to go!
Adding multilingual AI dubbing to videos
Get AI dubbing in any langauge in videos Click on the Shortcut in your Workspace Home page Log into Smarcat and go to your Smartcat Workspace Home page. Click on the shortcut called Edit and translate videos/subtitles. Then, choose the source language of your video/subtitle file. You can choose from the 280 different languages supported by Smartcat AI. Next, upload your file. You can choose a video (MP4, mpeg, avi, mov, 3gp, and other video file types) and subtitle files (VTT, SRT). We will soon add audio file types to this new Subtitle editor. It will take a few minutes for the file to upload and then transcribe, depending on the file size. You’ll see the current step and the progress of the current operation. After it has processed, click on Preview, which will bring you to the Subtitle Editor. Step 2: Edit your subtitles You can start by reviewing the resulting script. Ensure that the transcription did its job correctly. While the Smartcat AI transcription is 95% correct, there may be times when a proper name is not recognized by the system. Or, if the speaker has an accent, Smartcat AI may not be able to pick up on each inflection, which is why double checking the source text is important. You can preview the source video and ensure that all timecodes are as you want them. In the Subtitle Editor, you can do the following: Merge cues: this merges the cues that are selected into one.Insert a new cue (before or after): this will insert an empty cue Delete the whole cue: this will delete a cue4. Split by line: this will split the lines into two separate cues Best practices for adjusting the cues in the editor After you get the automatic transcription of your video’s audio in Smartcat Subtitle editor, you might want to adjust the cues. When you adjust time stamps, we recommend also making sure that the complete sentence or clause is in one cue to avoid any pauses in the AI dubbing. Cue Editing Guide What is a cue? In video editing, a cue is a specific marker used to indicate where subtitles, transcripts, or captions should appear in the timeline. These cues ensure that text elements are synchronized accurately with the corresponding audio and visual content. What is (character per second) CPS? "Cue per second" (CPS) refers to the number of characters that appear within one second of video. It is a measure used to evaluate the density of text on the screen and ensure readability. A lower CPS ensures that subtitles or captions are displayed at a pace that viewers can comfortably read and understand. It also refers to speed of speech for AI dubbing. Higher CPS might indicate unnaturally fast speed of AI voice. Select Dubbing Voice: Choose the desired dubbing voice from the dropdown menu. In this case, "Rachel (Female 20 CPS)" is selected.Adjust Cue Settings: Modify the cue settings according to your requirements, including line size, lines per cue, cue time, and CPS.Set Min and Max Cue Time: Specify the minimum and maximum duration for each cue to ensure proper synchronization with the video. Explanation of settings parameters Max Line SizeMax Line Size: The maximum number of characters allowed in a subtitle line. This helps maintain readability by preventing lines from being too long.Max Lines Per Cue: The maximum number of lines that can appear in a single subtitle cue. This ensures that subtitles are not too dense and remain easy to read. Min and Max Cue TimeMin Cue Time: The minimum duration that a subtitle cue will remain on screen. This ensures that even short subtitles are displayed long enough to be read.Max Cue Time: The maximum duration that a subtitle cue will remain on screen. This prevents subtitles from staying on screen too long, which could interfere with the reading flow of subsequent subtitles.Max CPS (characters per second): The maximum number of characters per second. This ensures that subtitles are not too dense, maintaining readability and preventing viewer overload. In this case, the max CPS is set to 20. Step 3. Translate your subtitles After you have finished reviewing script cues in the original language, it’s time to translate your subtitles. To start the translation process, click the Translate button. That will open the language selector window. Click the Translate button again after you have selected the target language. You’ll see that the editor has been split into two sections now. Text segments in source language are displayed on the left and the text segments in the target language are displayed on the right, respectively. Step 4: Review the translation Make necessary adjustments to the target language text and time codes as you have already done for the source text cues. It’s important to understand that the translated script inherits the timecodes from the original script and the translated cues will not always match the precise timecodes of the original script. However, you still can ensure correct positioning with the script structure and with the context of the video with the help of Video Preview. Step 5: Preview the AI dubbing To preview AI dubbing, follow these steps:1. Select the AI voice under the Video Preview section.2. Choose the desired AI voice from the list. 3. Click on the AI voice button, as shown below: This process works for both original and translated cues. You will hear a preview of the AI voice in the target or source language. Step 6: AI dubbing for your video Initiate the AI dubbing process by clicking the Dub video button above the video preview section. In the following pop-up, specify the subtitle language (the language that will be used for AI dubbing), the source language, and the AI dubbing voice. Preview the AI voices from the list if needed. Once all details are entered, click Dub video. Smartcat will automatically generate a fully dubbed video. Keep track of the dubbing process in the Video Preview section. When it's done, you will see a notification indicating that a new version of the video is available. Click Reload to update your video file in the Smartcat Subtitle editor. Use the language selector above to switch between language versions of your video. Step 7: Export your video Once the AI dubbing process is complete, download the resulting fully AI-dubbed video files. These files are ready for distribution across various platforms. You can download the video with AI dubbing for any of your language versions directly by navigating to the file in Drive. In Drive, you will also see the AI dubbing progress and find all your files in one spot. Overwriting Existing Dubbed Versions If you attempt to dub a video that has already been dubbed, a warning will appear to notify you that proceeding will overwrite the existing dubbed version. Confirm if you wish to proceed with the new dubbing. If confirmed, the new voice selection and dubbing process will replace the previous version. Once the new dubbing is complete, review the updated version to ensure it meets your expectations. What are the available languages for AI voice-over in Smartcat? 🇺🇸 English (USA)🇬🇧 English (UK)🇦🇺 English (Australia)🇨🇦 English (Canada)🇯🇵 Japanese🇨🇳 Chinese🇩🇪 German🇮🇳 Hindi🇫🇷 French (France)🇨🇦 French (Canada)🇰🇷 Korean🇧🇷 Portuguese (Brazil)🇵🇹 Portuguese (Portugal)🇮🇹 Italian🇪🇸 Spanish (Spain)🇲🇽 Spanish (Mexico)🇮🇩 Indonesian🇳🇱 Dutch🇹🇷 Turkish🇵🇭 Filipino🇵🇱 Polish🇸🇪 Swedish🇧🇬 Bulgarian🇷🇴 Romanian🇸🇦 Arabic (Saudi Arabia)🇦🇪 Arabic (UAE)🇨🇿 Czech🇬🇷 Greek🇫🇮 Finnish🇭🇷 Croatian🇲🇾 Malay🇸🇰 Slovak🇩🇰 Danish🇮🇳 Tamil🇺🇦 Ukrainian🇷🇺 Russian How many Smartwords does AI dubbing use? Please note that Smartwords are calculated differently for AI dubbing. The cost is determined using the formula: 10 x {Number of Words in Document}. For example, if a document that requires AI dubbing contains 500 words, the AI dubbing cost would be 5000 Smartwords. For more detailed information, the report covering consumed Smartwords for all cases, including AI dubbing, is available by the link [https://smartcat.com/app/smartwords-usage] via the Download detailed CSV report button.
Import files into translation memories
Importing files to memories | Smartcat Help Center In this brief article, let's look at how to quickly and easily import files to a translation memory (TM). It encompasses how to import TMX, XLSX, and SDLTM file imports. 1. How to import TMX files If you have a TMX file exported from another TM or created by aligning the original text with its translation, you can import it into a Smartcat TM for use in projects. It's important for a TM to have the same language tags as the TMX file. Otherwise, you can't add content to or update your TM. Although, you can add the translation languages to a TM in Smartcat and then update it again. You can also adjust a language tag in the TMX file by opening it in a text editor and replacing all instances of the language code with your preferred language code. Import a TMX file in Smartcat in three steps Step 1 Select the translation memory and click Update TM Step 2 In the window that opens, click Add and select the TMX file on your computer Step 3 Click Import 2. How to import XLSX files You can download a translation memory as an XLSX file from Smartcat. You can then edit and upload it back to Smartcat using the process described above for TMX files. There are some points that we advise you take into account before importing XLSX file into Smartcat. The first column of an XLSX file downloaded should contain the source units, one per cell, while the second column (and the following ones, if this is a multilingual TM) should contain translations, one per cell corresponded to the source. The upper cell of each column(language) should hold a language tag. View the full list of language tags here. If a TM unit contains tags, it will look like this (the digit refers to the number of a tag):Choose your preferred payout method on the <1|My Payouts|1> page. Also, you may find two additional columns in a file entitled [Context: previous] and [Context: next], which contain the information about one preceding and one following entry. This information is used in Smartcat to track context matches. If you store previous translations in XLSX files, it's also possible to add the content to Smartcat. You can download an existing TM in the XLSX format, which will give you a template. Then paste entries in the template that you want to upload in Smartcat and upload the file as described above. 3. How to import SDLTM files You can import SDLTM files to Smartcat. However, it's worth noting that the type of coding used for this file type inhibits what you can actually do with them. To import SDLTM files to Smartcat, first of all export an SDLTM file as a TMX file from Trados. Then repeat steps 1–3 from the above section, How to import TMX files. With the information in this article, you should now know how to import these three file types for use in your TMs in Smartcat! FAQ How can I update my SDL Trados TM from my Smartcat projects? Some users might use Smartcat in some projects to benefit from the collaboration features or because their translation team does not have access to another tool like SDL Trados, but they would still like to maintain some Trados TM up to date for projects where they cannot use Smartcat or because their customers is requesting that format back.There are 2 possible cases:If they use Smartcat to translate files created with Trados (.sdlxliff or .ttx), once these files have been translated, they can be exported back to that format and using the Trados batch process, can be used to update the TM.If they are translating documents other than the formats listed above, it is possible to export industry standard TMX files at the project or document level and import these files in the Trados TM. These files can be exported at any time during the project so the external TM databases can be updated in real time. I have received and SDL Trados package, why can't I add files to the project? SDL Trados packages are self contained with TM, glossaries and reference files in some cases. Adding files to a Smartcat project created around one of these packages would impact the integrity of the structure. In addition, any file added would not be part of the return package created by Smartcat once the project is completed. Therefore it is not possible to add either a new file for translation or reference files to these projects.
How to use Enterprise Reports in Smartcat
Smartcat Enterprise Reports guide To navigate to the Reports page, you have two options: The Reports button in the left sidebar of your workspace home screen; 2. The Reports shortcut inside your Navigation menu on your workspace home screen; Let's open the Reports Dashboards section. As you can see, there are four different dashboards available. Previous reports have been moved to the Archive folder. If you have customized reports, you'll find them in the Custom Reports folder. Click on the folder to view the report you want. At the top, you’ll find filters that allow you to manage reports by Workflow Stage, Source Language, and Target Language. Below the filters, there is a description explaining how they work. On the right, you can see the time of the last update. Above this, you can specify the desired time period for the data. Finally, at the bottom of the screen, you'll find data points such as charts, tables and figures. Each table is accompanied by an icon. By hovering over this icon, you can see what is being displayed, how it was calculated, and possible reasons if certain parameters are now displayed. To see a detailed report, click on the specific tile. In the View panel tab, you can see a detailed report for each project. If you have any questions or suggestions about the reports, you can leave your feedback using the Survey button above the tiles.
Set a minimum payout amount
Minimum payout amount setting | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat allows you to specify the minimum amount of payout you would like to obtain. In other words, as soon as your balance reaches the specified amount, Smartcat will automatically initiate the payout via your preferred method. To specify the minimum payout, complete the following steps:Navigate to the Payouts, select an available payout method and provide your payout details. After specifying your payout method, the default minimum payout amount is displayed. To modify it, click Edit minimum payout amount. Indicate any minimum payout amount at your discretion. Note however, that each payout provider may impose their own restrictions that will affect your choice. If the minimum payout allowed by the provider is greater than the minimum you would like to specify, you will need to comply with the provider's limitations. The specified minimum payout amount is now shown in the corresponding section. You can modify it anytime by clicking Edit minimum payout amount. FAQ Can I accumulate earnings on my Smartcat balance and have the payout remitted to my card / bank account / e-wallet only after reaching a certain amount? If you would like to save up to a certain amount, you need to specify the minimum amount of the payout to be remitted via your preferred method.
Understand project statistics
Project statistics | Smartcat Help Center Word count statistics is an oft-confusing topic as different CAT tools often have different approaches to calculating it. Let’s see how Smartcat handles this. Personal workspace statistics for own projects Word count statistics allow you to view the number of words and characters in the original text and estimate the amount of work required, taking into account repetitions and matches with the translation memory. To calculate and view statistics, go to the project page and open the Statistics tab. The calculation may take some time, depending on the number of documents, their volume, and the sizes of translation memories connected to the project. You can reconfigure the set of documents or translation memories used to calculate the statistics for projects you have created. You can download the statistics in the following formats:Trados XML — compatible with SDL TradosSmartcat XLSX — for MS Excel or any other spreadsheet software Clicking the Refresh button allows you to recalculate the statistics taking into account the current progress. (Technically, this will be due to the updated translation memory entries.) In this case, all the segments that have already been translated will be counted as 102% matches in the new “snapshot” as at a certain time and for the specified documents. Such an approach allows you to remember how many words there were in the very beginning before you started to work on the project. If you forgot to calculate statistics at the start, you can uncheck the translation memory that new entries were written to and refresh the statistics. Smartcat supports the following statistics:WordsAsian charactersPages, where 1 page = 250 words/Asian charactersCharacters with spacesCharacters without spaces For logographic languages, Smartcat indicates three columns instead of one:Asian charactersWords in alphabetic languagesWords & Asian characters combined Personal workspace statistics for assigned projects If you have been invited to a project via the Smartcat Marketplace, you will not see the entire statistics as per the previous section. Instead, you will see the summary calculation for all your assigned tasks and workflow stages, e.g. Translation. Here are things worth noted. My tasks column shows a preliminary calculation of the price & volume of assigned work. You can see how many total words were assigned, the number of repetitions, and, most importantly, the number of effective words. “Smartcat has helped us to achieve the consistency and scalability we were looking for. It’s been a game-changer for our team at expondo, and I would recommend it to any company looking to expand their global reach.” Julia Emge Head of Translations, Expondo Explore case study Effective words represent the number of words to be paid factored according to the customer’s settings of discounts for translation memory matches and repetitions. Completed words are words you actually translated or edited. Smartcat calculates completed words in real time, so you can always see how much you have earned. The Net rate scheme column shows the customer’s settings for discounts for repetitions and TM matches. The settings are different for different workflow stages, e.g. Translation. The TM match rate represents how similar a segment’s text is to the one stored in the translation memory. The minimum match threshold is 50%. Matches below this threshold are considered new segments. The final cost calculation may differ from the preliminary one, as Smartcat does not currently identify partial matches between segments that have not yet been recorded in the translation memory at the time of the preliminary cost calculation. It is important to remember that in Smartcat, the cost calculation is always based on the number of words or Asian characters in the source text, not the translation. Corporate workspace statistics In basic principles of building statistics in the corporate workspace are no different from those in the personal space. For each project, you can view the number of words or characters in documents and estimate the amount of work, taking into account repetitions and matches with the translation memory. The statistics shows data the total number of words, segments, pages, and characters, the number of unique segments and matches with the connected TMs, the number of repetitions inside each file, and cross-file repetitions. The corporate workspace provides more functionality and allows you to download statistics for each of the assigned contributors. The statistics report contains the amount of work assigned to and completed by each contributor. Statistics are downloaded in the XLSX format. A separate file is generated for each contributor. Each file contains data for a single language pair and a single task. If there are several stages or language pairs, a separate report is generated for each pair, i.e. each combination of a stage and a target language.Statistics per assignee are generated after the assignment. Even though such statistics cannot be recalculated manually, it changes automatically depending on the assignee's progress. You can also calculate the statistics using a different TM net rate, e.g. if you need to provide different pricing to your customer. You can set the TM net rate here.
Use the Smartcat template engine
Template engine usage | Smartcat Help Center Using Smartcat Template Engine technology, you can create your own templates which the system will use for generating documentation. For example, you can create unique templates of invoices and quotes for this or that client. How it works Templates will be formed according to special markup elements and a data model that you set in the system for the corresponding type of documents. What is the data model? A data model is a set of fields containing information about model elements. For example, let's take a model based on which the system generates documents for work done. The model will have the following fields: Field nameDescriptionNameThe project namePriceThe cost of workWordsTranslated wordsDateDue dateExecutive.FirstNameA linguist's nameExecutive.LastNameA linguist's surnameExecutive.PriceA linguist's rate A template contains text and tags, which used specifically for displaying model elements. For getting the output from a model, use the following syntax <<[Field1]>>, where Field1 is the name of an element. The following example shows some information about a particular job : TemplateOutputProject: <<[Name]>>Deadline: <<[Date]>>Assignee: <<[Executive.FirstName + “ ” + Executive.LastName]>>Rate: <<[Executive.Price \* Words]>>Project: PRESS\_RELEASE\_APR2020Deadline: 02.04.2020Assignee: Oliver CrossRate: 0.44 Smartcat Template Engine allows performing arithmetic operations like Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (\*), and Division (/) right within a template. You may use each operation for numeric values such as rates, words, etc. Other fields that contain string-type values can be operated upon via the operators too though in a different way, for example, FirstName and LastName form the full name as output by using the plus sign. Advanced features Loops The template engine also allows using loops, which is espeically good for forming an extensive list of data. The loop feature has the following form: <<foreach [item in Items]>><<[item]>><</foreach>> Where Items — an array, item — a single element of an array, аnd [item] — printing out an element. Loop examples Let's say the array Items contains string values item1, item2, and item3. The output of the template will look like the table below. TemplateOutput<<foreach [item in items]>><<[item]>><</foreach>>item1item2item3 Let's display the elements in the form of a numbered list: TemplateOutput1. <<foreach [item in items]>><<[item]>><</foreach>>item1item2item3 How loops help to output data Let's say we have the data model Contracts with a list of contracts. Each contract contains information about the price, client, and manager. Here are descriptions of the fields for the model: NameDescriptionClients.NameA client's company namePriceThe quote for a jobManagers.NameA manager's name The template for the model will be the following: ClientManagerPrice<<foreach [ c in Contracts]>><<[c.Clients.Name]>><<[c.Managers.Name]>><<[c.Price]>><</foreach>>Total:<<[Contracts.Sum(c => c.Price)]>> Possible output: ClientManagerPriceA CompanyJohn Smith1200000B Ltd.John Smith750000C & DJohn Smith350000E Corp.Tony Anderson650000F & PartnersTony Anderson550000G & Co.July James350000H GroupJuly James250000I & SonsJuly James100000J Ent.July James100000Total:4300000 Let's change a bit of the previous data model, so now we have a list of managers where each one leads a list of contracts, and each contract relates to a client. Template: Manager/ClientPrice<<foreach [ m in Managers]>><<[m.Name]>><<[m.Contracts.Sum(c => c.Price)]>><<foreach [ c in m.Contracts]>> <<[c.Clients.Name]>><<[c.Price]>><</foreach>><</foreach>>Total:<<[Contracts.Sum(c => c.Price)]>> Output: Manager/ClientPriceJohn Smith2300000A Company1200000B Ltd.750000C & D350000Tony Anderson1200000E Corp.650000F & Partners550000July James800000G & Co.350000H Group250000I & Sons100000J Ent.100000Total:4300000 Let's form the client list for each manager now. Template: ManagerClients<<foreach [ m in Managers]>><<[m.Name]>><<foreach [ c in m.Contracts]>><<[c.Clients.Name]>><</foreach>><</foreach>> Output: ManagerClientsJohn SmithA CompanyB Ltd.C & DTony AndersonE Corp.F & PartnersJuly JamesG & Co.H GroupI & SonsJEnt. The template with the manager column can be set by using -greedy. Template: Managers<<foreach [m in ds.Managers]>><<[m.Name]>><</foreach -greedy>> Output: ManagersJohn SmithTony AndersonJuly James Conditional operators If you want the outout matchs speciffc conditions, the best way to do it is to use conditional operators. Conditional\_expression is a condition check returning either true or false. Let's say we have the data model Items with the following strings — item1, item2, and item3. The template below checks whether the elements of the array ([!items.Any()]) exist. If they do — the template will display the number of elements, otherwise, no items message will pop up. TemplateOutputYou have chosen <<if [!items.Any()]>>no items<<else>><<[items.Count()]>> item(s)<</if>>.You have chosen 3 item(s). The funcation IndexOf() marks even elements with yellow color: TemplateOutput<<foreach [item in items]>><<if [IndexOf() % 2 == 0]>><<[item]>><<else>><<[item]>><</if>><</foreach>>item1item2item3 Here we output elements of an array or No data in case no element exists. Tables and conditional operators Using conditional operators, it's possible to display some data or even apply styles to rows of a table depending on conditions. The rows in the table below colored according to a specific conditional expression. <<if ...>> ..................<<elseif ...>> ..................<<else>> ........................... <</if>> To showcase how it works, let's use the model Client with the following fields: NameDescriptionNameself-explanatoryCountryself-explanatoryLocalAddressself-explanatory The template below will output data related to all clients. New Zealand clients are marked with green color, and columns for such clients will be merged and contain only LocalAddress values. .........<<foreach [in clients]>><<if [Country == “New Zealand”]>><<[Name]>><<[LocalAddress]>><<else>><<[Name]>><<[Country]>><<[LocalAddress]>><><>......... Output: A CompanyAustralia219-241 Cleveland StSTRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 1427B Ltd.BrazilAvenida João Jorge, 112, ap. 31Vila IndustrialCampinas — SP13035-680C & DCanada101-3485 RUE DE LA MONTAGNEMONTRÉAL (QUÉBEC) H3G 2A6E Corp.445 Mount Eden RoadMount EdenAuckland 1024F & Partners20 Greens RoadTuahiwiKaiapoi 7691G & Co.GreeceKarkisias 6GR-111 42 ATHINAGRÉCEH GroupHungaryBudapestFiktív utca 82., IV. em./28.2806I & Sons43 Vogel StreetRoslynPalmerston North 4414 This template displays the No data message if no data is found. ClientCountryLocal Address<<if [!clients.Any()]>>No data<<else>><<foreach [in clients]>><<[Name]>><<[Country]>><<[LocalAddress]>><</foreach>><</if>> Output: ClientCountryLocal AddressNo data Template: TemplateOutputHeader<<if [false]>>Content to remove<</if>>FooterHeaderFooter Here we use -greedy : TemplateOutputHeader<<if [false]>>Content to remove<</if -greedy>>FooterHeaderFooter Auxiliary methods for arrays Smartcat Template Engine also allows working flexibly with arrays applying auxiliary methods. Let's say we have a data model containing the field persons, that is, the list of employees. The description of the data model Person : NameNameAgeSubordinatesSalary This template displays employees' names older than 50 years old: TemplateOutput<<foreach [person in persons.All(p => p.Age > 50)]>><<[person.Name]>><</foreach>>Joe BlackIvan LockJane Wood Now, let's get a total of employees' salaries: TemplateOutput<<[persons.Sum( p => p.Salary)]>>490000 In the table below, you may find the description of all available methods with the examples got from two arrays: persons and otherPersons. Both have information about the company's employees. MethodTemplateAll(Predicate)persons.All(p => p.Age < 50)Any()persons.Any()Average(Selector)persons.Average(p => p.Age)Concat(IEnumerable)persons.Concat(otherPersons)Contains(Object)persons.Contains(otherPersons.First())Count()persons.Count()Count(Predicate)persons.Count(p => p.Age > 30)Distinct()persons.Distinct()First()persons.First()First(Predicate)persons.First(p => p.Age > 30)FirstOrDefault()persons.FirstOrDefault()FirstOrDefault(Predicate)persons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Age > 30)GroupBy(Selector)persons.GroupBy(p => p.Age) Orpersons.GroupBy( p => new { Age = p.Age, Count = p.Children.Count() })Last()persons.Last()Last(Predicate)persons.Last(p => p.Age > 100)LastOrDefault()persons.LastOrDefault()LastOrDefault(Predicate)persons.LastOrDefault(p => p.Age > 100)Max(ComparableSelector)persons.Max(p => p.Age)Min(ComparableSelector)persons.Min(p => p.Age)OrderBy(ComparableSelector)persons.OrderBy(p => p.Age)Orpersons.OrderBy(p => p.Age) .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name)Orpersons.OrderBy(p => p.Age) .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name) .ThenBy(p => p.Children.Count())OrderByDescending(ComparableSelector)persons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age)Orpersons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age) .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name)Orpersons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age) .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name) .ThenBy(p => p.Children.Count())Single()persons.Single()Single(Predicate)persons.Single( p => p.Name == "John Smith")SingleOrDefault()persons.SingleOrDefault()SingleOrDefault(Predicate)persons.SingleOrDefault( p => p.Name == "John Smith")Skip(int)persons.Skip(10)SkipWhile(Predicate)persons.SkipWhile(p => p.Age < 21)Sum(Selector)persons.Sum(p => p.Children.Count())Take(int)persons.Take(5)TakeWhile(Predicate)persons.TakeWhile(p => p.Age < 50)Union(IEnumerable)persons.Union(otherPersons)Where(Predicate)persons.Where(p => p.Age > 18) Appendix for developers Smartcat Template Engine uses the subset of C# syntax ( C# Language Specification 5.0 ) in templates. For all primitive data types, for example, strings, it's possible to employ BCL methods. The methods mentioned in the Auxiliary methods section are taken from LINQ.
Join and split segments in the Editor
Segment joining and splitting | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to join and split segments quickly and easily in Smartcat Editor When you upload your file(s) for translation, Smartcat automatically splits the source text into segments of sentences. But what if you want to split or join these segments even further? In Smartcat, this is super easy to do. How to join segments in Smartcat Editor To merge segments simply follow these instructions. Press and hold Shift or Ctrl on your keyboardSelect the segments that you want to merge with your mouse or keypadClick on the following icon, as shown in the screenshot below: Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+J The segments you selected will now be joined in the same segment. How to split a segment in two in Smartcat Editor To split a segment into two parts do the following. Place your cursor precisely where you want to split the source text sentenceClick on the following icon, as shown in the screenshot below: Alternatively, you can use the shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+S The split will occur at precisely the point where you indicated. Now you should know how to quickly and easily join and split segments in Smartcat.
Connect Figma with Smartcat
Figma integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Learn the steps to set up and use Smartcat for fast, high-quality translation of your Figma designs Figma is a web-based user interface design app widely used for designing mobile app interfaces, prototyping designs, creating social media posts, and everything in between.The Smartcat plugin for Figma will instantly translate your Figma designs and individual frames into any language, allowing you to modify and test layouts in one place, without the messiness of multiple copies for every language.Your translations will be embedded into Figma text objects and kept intact when manipulating visuals. The Smartcat plugin is the easiest way to translate your designs, automatically or professionally. Here's how it works. Installing and setting up the plugin To install the Smartcat plugin for Figma, log in to your Smartcat account and then complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to the Smartcat Translator plugin in Figma Marketplace and click Open in. 2. Figma adds the plugin to your account and it shows as installed. 3. In Figma, open any document with frames and find the Resources tab in the toolbar, go to Plugins, and select Smartcat Translator. 4. Click through the introductory screens. Clicking Let's get started on the last screen redirects you to Smartcat, prompting you to copy the passcode. 5. Click Copy to clipboard, go back to Figma, and paste the passcode to complete the sign-in. Using the plugin Smartcat plugin allows two modes for you to choose from. These are: 1. Asset Translation2. Software Localization Asset TranslationIn this mode, you can easily translate any text frame either automatically, or using professional linguists. You can choose whether to connect to the Smartcat project or just use automatic translation inside Figma. This option would be the best for non-software localization content types: marketing materials, emails, landing pages, etc. Software LocalizationThis mode allows you to plug your UI designs into Smartcat’s software localization workflows. You’ll connect to one of your Smartcat Software localization projects, and will be able to specify keys right in Figma, and then send them to Smartcat for translation. Understanding asset translation mode In this mode, you can easily translate any text frame either automatically, or using professional linguists. In this flow, you can choose whether to connect to the Smartcat project or just use automatic translation inside Figma. This option would be the best for non-software localization content types: marketing materials, emails, landing pages, etc. Understanding automated Translation Follow these steps to start using the Smartcat plugin for automated translation. Step 1Select a frame or a group of frames you want to translate. How to exclude elements from translation when localizing Figma designs You can easily control which parts of your design gets translated and what remains untranslated directly from your Figma frames without having to leave the design platform. As such you can preserve specific elements in the source language, such as brand names, CTAs, or special terms. Click through the interactive demo or read through the how-to steps below: Before you can start excluding elements from translation, ensure that you have the Smartcat integration enabled within your Figma workspace. If you haven't already done so, navigate to the Figma Community and install the Smartcat plugin. Select the Figma design elements to exclude Once the Smartcat plugin is installed and enabled, open your Figma file containing the design elements you wish to exclude from translation. Select layers that you want to exclude from translation, such as brand names, CTAs, or specialized terms, that you want to preserve in the source language. Step 2Click Select the source language to open a list of languages, choose the language currently used in your Figma frames, and click Add. Step 3The selected language will be labeled as Source. You can choose only one source language and it will be applied to all frames in the Figma document. You cannot choose different source languages for frames in one and the same Figma document. Step 4Click Add language to choose the target languages that your Figma frames should be translated into. You can choose as many target languages as you need. Step 5The addition of target language depends on frame selection and will be applied only to the frames you’ve selected.You can apply various target languages to various frames in one Figma document. For example, you can translate one frame from English to Spanish and French, and another from English to Chinese and Korean. Step 6As soon as you add a target language, the original texts in frames will be automatically translated and replaced with their equivalents in the selected language. Step 7When multiple languages are selected, you can switch between them, verify that the translated text is correctly located inside the frame and make necessary adjustments on the fly.Text formatting within text objects will be preserved and stay identical across all languages wherever possible. Step 8The number displayed next to each destination language represents the percentage of the source text in the selected frame currently translated to this particular language.If several frames are selected, the percentage is shown for all of them. If the number is smaller than 100%, click on the three-dot icon for the corresponding language and select Update translations. Steps to follow to perform human review To enable human editing, do the following. Step 1Under the list of selected languages, click “Create Smartcat project”. Step 2On the next screen, click a Create project button. Step 3Smartcat will create a project automatically and send selected frames there. Step 4You can open the project right from Figma by clicking Open project in Smartcat. Step 5In the project, you will see files for translation. Each frame will be uploaded as a separate file. Step 6Each file can be opened in the Editor. Here in the Preview section, you can see the preview of your frame.It is important to provide context to the translators and editors who will be working on translations. Step 7If you want to invite suppliers to translate these files, go to the Tasks tab and click assign. Assign suppliers from your team or choose a professional from Smartcat Marketplace. Step 8To synchronize the project with Smartcat, click the Synchronization button at the bottom-right corner. Step 9You can track the translation progress in Figma.Each time you synchronize with the project, we update the translation progress so that you can check what stage each translation is at. To do so, you need to hover over the percentage icon right to the selected language. You will see the breakdown into the workflow stages set up in the project. Step 10When the translation is complete on all stages for some languages, Smartcat will show a green tick to the right, to mark it as complete. Step 11To get the translations to Figma, select frames and click the Sync changes button in the bottom right corner. Step 12To send more frames for human editing to the project, select them in Figma and click the Sync button in the bottom right corner. Step 13Please note that the frame selection influences your actions.If you have only two frames selected while you set up some target language or synchronize with the project, this action will be applied to these two selected frames. Can I manually edit the translations right in Figma? Yes, but these edits won’t be passed to Smartcat. You will have them in Figma only. If you want to edit translations manually in Figma, we advise enabling the Show text object properties option in the menu. After that, choose a frame and switch to the target language that you want to edit and adjust the translations. At the bottom, you will see that the option, “Lock this translation”, has been enabled automatically. When it is enabled, Smartcat won’t touch this text block and won’t overwrite it with automatic translations or human-edited translations from the project when you synchronize.But if you want to apply automatic translation back or push translations from Smartcat there, you’ll need to untick this option and launch synchronization. Live Preview: Custom Fonts support Live Preview: Custom Fonts supportIn the case when custom fonts are used for Figma board, to be able to use them in live preview, user is required to upload "custom font" to our server. If the font is not uploaded, we won't be able to show Live Preview precisely, and default font will be used.There are two entry points for upload of Fonts:In Smartcat Editor: In the Workspace settings: Only users who have access to Workspace settings can upload the fonts. Reviewers (whehter from Smartcat Marketplace or yoru team) will only see the notification that indicates the requirement to upload the fonts.Currently, we support only TTF and OTF font formats. Woff2 format will be added soon.Once font is uploaded, it will be used in any project that exists in workspace, and any user will be able to see the Live Preview with correct fonts (even if the user doesn't have the font installed in his system). Software Localization mode This mode allows you to plug your UI designs into Smartcat’s software localization workflows. You’ll be connecting to one of your Smartcat Software localization projects, and will be able to specify keys right in Figma, and then send them to Smartcat for translation. Setting up the project Select a software localization project you want to connect the Figma file to. Or create a new one, if you do not have any. Learn more about Software localization projects and how to set them up When selected, click Set up keys. Setting up the keys Now you can start setting up the keys for the text objects in Figma. Step 1Select a frame or a group of frames you want to work with. Step 2In the plugin, you will see the list of text objects we identified in these frames with a field where you can assign a key for each of them. Step 3To add a key, click the Add key right to the text for translation and type the value into the field. Step 4You can also generate the keys automatically by clicking the Generate keys button on the bottom left. The system will generate the keys based on the text value. Step 5If you don't want some text to be sent to Smartcat for translation, you can either leave the key field empty or hide it from the list by clicking the eye icon to the right. Step 6You can always bring it back by going to the Hidden tab and unhiding the text object you need. Setting up labels In addition to keys, you can also add labels to your text objects.To add, choose a text field in the plugin, click on it, and type the value into the Enter label field. You can specify as many labels as you need. Labels can be used for filtering the keys in the Smartcat project and during the export — for example, you can mark keys in screens for iOS apps with an “iOS” label, and then developers will be able to use this label as a filter when exporting strings from Smartcat project to iOS repository. Group actions You can apply key prefixes and labels to all text fields in the selected frames at once.To do that, select the frame(s) you want to apply these changes to, open the General tab in the plugin, and type the prefix in the Prefix field. Add labels to the Labels field. This prefix and labels will be applied to all keys in the selection. They’ll be colored purple so that you can easily see them. Sending content to Smartcat Follow these steps to send content for translation to Smartcat. Step 1When ready to send keys for translation to Smartcat, click Send to Smartcat in the bottom-right corner. Step 2Integration might identify some conflicts with information already stored in Smartcat – for instance, if there are keys with different values in Smartcat and Figma.In this case, you will see the conflict resolution field where you will be able to choose which value to preserve. If you choose Smartcat, then the value that is stored in Smartcat will be saved. Otherwise, we will replace it with the new value from Figma. Step 3If sending is completed successfully, you will see a confirmation screen with information on the keys that have been sent: Getting translations from Smartcat To transfer translations from Smartcat to Figma, click the Download button in the bottom-right corner. Handling key conflicts When setting up keys, you may face a situation when two or more keys are conflicting.It might happen when one and the same key is specified for two different texts. If it happens, you will see these strings highlighted in purple in the list of keys, and the active Errors tab. To resolve the conflict, you need to either change the key for one of the text objects. Or choose one text value to be applied to the keys.
Understand Marketplace pre-payments
Pre-payments on Marketplace | Smartcat Help Center Discover how Smartcat Marketplace pre-payments work Smartcat clients on the Forever Free subscription plan are required to prepay for all linguists hired through Smartcat Marketplace. This ensures that Smartcat Marketplace linguists always receive payment for work provided via Smartcat. For organizations that prefer to make linguist payment after jobs are completed, we recommend upgrading your Smartcat subscription plan . How do pre-payments for linguist hires in Smartcat work? You can pay the translators that you hire from Smartcat Marketplace with a credit card, wire transfer, or via Paypal. When you agree a commission with a linguist, you will be presented with the following screen to make pre-payment. This way, Smartcat Marketplace linguists are guaranteed payment for their work. Upgrading subscription plan from Forever Free to Basic Rather than make payment when hiring linguists on Smartcat Marketplace, you might prefer to process payment after work is complete. Once you upgrade to the Basic plan, linguist pre-payments no longer apply. Instead, Smartcat clients pay Smartcat Marketplace linguists after the work they are hired for is done. 1. 150,000 Smartwords for AI translation Get immediate allocation of 150,000 Smartwords for AI translation use. 2. Post-payment for Marketplace Clients on the Smartcat Basic plan make payment only when the job is complete. 3. Lower Marketplace fee Forever Free clients pay a 20% fee for all Marketplace payments. This fee decreases to 10% when you upgrade to Basic. 4. No project expiration Forever Free plan projects have a lifespan of 45 days maximum. On Basic, your projects never expire.
Create integrations with your favorite tools
Tool integration creation | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat Integrations let you automate content exchange between the CMS or any design or developer tools you use.This means that Smartcat automatically downloads the content to be translated, and pushes the translations back the same way or on-demand. Benefits of using Smartcat integrations You don’t have to juggle dozens of source files and strings, and can avoid costly mistakes;You spend less time updating translations on your website or inside the app;Localization testing of software apps gets smoother. Types of Integrations Currently Smartcat offers:Integrations with full automation support. These integrations can upload the content you select during setup, generate translation requests, check for content updates, and send the translations back to your tool without any need for human intervention at predetermined intervals. Real-time translation via API. Extensions allowing you to translate any content from desktop apps, browsers, and more on the fly by sending the content to Smartcat and back using API requests.Integrations with manual synchronization. Integrations that require selecting and sending the documents for translation to Smartcat manually. Setting up an integration To set up an integration you need to:Select the corresponding shortcut on the homepage. 2. Select the needed integration from the list. 3. Follow the system instructions. The full list of integrations is available on this page.
How to add team members to your Smartcat workspace?
Title Learn the steps necessary to quickly and easily add members to your Smartcat team. On your Smartcat account, you can add as many team members as you like – Smartcat has unlimited seats meaning you have an unlimited amount of users you can add under one account or subscription plan. Members can be as followed, including information about their access rights: Adding new members From your Smartcat workspace, click on Team or on the Invite button directly that is found right on that Team shortcut. (Discover all the things you can do in the Smartcat Workspace ) Then, click Invite, which will bring you to the following screen, where you can send the invite via: Also, specify the role that this person should have, as mentioned earlier. As an administrator, you can change their access right at any time. Once you send it via email, you will know that it's been sent via a pop up. You can also send them an email right from Smartcat that comes pre-written for you. It explains that you want them to join to collaborate on translations with you. You can tweak this message. Managing your team members overview Once you have invited a new team member, you can manage them in your team overview, where you can see your team and linguists as well as see who has been invited and hasn't yet accepted your invite. There you can also see their activity, workload (their assigned tasks), availability based on their profile, ratings, and any notes that may have been left about the person in question. Did this article help you find the answer you were looking for? If not or if you have further questions, please contact our support team.
How to use Smartcat Translation Memory Editor
How to use Smartcat Translation Editor to edit translation memory units In this help center article, we will tell you about how to use the Smartcat Translation Memory Editor. Why is the Translation Memory Editor useful to corporate teams? Smartcat Translation Memory Editor (TM Editor) offers substantial added value to enterprise teams by providing them with precise control and customization over their translation memory units. A translation memory unit consists of sections of words and phrases saved in your translation memory. With granular editing capabilities, users can effortlessly modify translation units either individually or in bulk, ensuring accuracy and consistency across projects. Moreover, the extensive search and filtering options empower teams to efficiently locate and manage translation memory units tailored to their specific needs. This heightened level of control not only streamlines translation workflows but also enhances overall translation quality, making the Translation Memory Editor an indispensable tool for enterprise localization efforts. How to access Translation Memory Editor To access TM Editor: 1. Log in to your Smartcat account. 2. Navigate to the "Linguistic Assets" section from your homepage. 3. Select "Translation Memory Editor." Translation Memory Editor Overview Once you're in Translation Memory Editor, you'll notice a user-friendly interface divided into several key areas: 1. Search Bar: This allows you to search within the source or target language or search through the entire translation memory unit. In the search bar at the top of the page, type the term or phrase that you want to search for.Press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search. 2. Translation Memory unit table: You can access and manage all your translation memories from this section. Each translation memory unit is listed with its name, source language, target language, creation date, and creator. 3. Filter menu: Here, you can apply filters to refine your search results. Filters include memory unit filters and translation memory filters, allowing you to search by source language, target language, creator, and custom fields. Note the difference between memory unit filters and translation memory filters. Memory unit filters apply to individual units, while translation memory filters relates to the entire translation memory. How to filter memory units To filter memory units, click on the filter icon next to the search bar.Choose the desired filter criteria such as target language, creator, or custom fields from the dropdown menu.Apply the selected filter criteria to narrow down the search results. With bulk operations, i.e. selecting and making changes to more than one unit at a time, up to all units, filter are applied they only applied to selected units within filtered set of units. How to filter translation memories To filter by translation memories, click on the filter icon next to the search bar.Scroll down to where it says Translation Memory filtersChoose the desired filter criteria such as translation memory name, target language, creator, or custom fields from the dropdown menu.Apply the selected filter criteria to narrow down the search results. How to edit TM units You can edit individual translation memory units by modifying the source text and target text. Simply click on the unit or the pencil symbol.Make your edits.Save by clicking on the checkbox. How to edit TM unit metadata You can also view and edit translation memory unit metadata by first clicking on the i icon under Actions. You can modify metadata fields such as quality for individual translation memory units. You can also edit metadata in bulk by selecting multiple units and apply changes collectively. How to bulk edit translation memory units Translation Memory Editor also enables bulk editing, where you can edit multiple units simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for making uniform changes across multiple units. At the moment, you can bulk-edit units in two ways: The language quality levelSpecific words, terms, or phrases using the Find and Replace feature How to use the Find and Replace feature You can easily locate specific terms or phrases within your translation memory units and replace them with alternative text. First, search/find terms in the source language (original language), target language (language for translation), or both.To replace specific terms or phrases within translation memory units, click on the "Replace" option.Enter the term you want to replace and the replacement term in the respective fields.Choose whether to replace all occurrences or only those within selected units.
Importing and exporting glossaries
How to import and export glossaries to Smartcat You can import a glossary created outside Smartcat or provided by a customer as a MultiTerm XML or Excel file. Smartcat can only import language terms from MultiTerm XML files. These files are created by exporting data from SDL Studio. Smartcat does not import other, non-language, attributes. Smartcat can import both language terms and other types of attributes from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. To do so, fields must match for an Excel import to be fully successful and accurate. You can also export any glossary created in Smartcat to an Excel file. This streamlines data exchange between the tools. Exporting a glossary To export a glossary in Smartcat, follow these instructions. Step 1 Go to the Linguistic Assets tab Step 2 Select Glossaries, and open the specific glossary you that you want to export by clicking on its name in the list. Step 3 Click Download. Your exported file will then appear in your computer's download folder. Importing a glossary The easiest way to import a glossary is to create a glossary template in Smartcat beforehand, name it, and then export it. This way, you ensure that your file name structure matches that of the glossary that you create. To import a glossary, follow these instructions. Step 1 Set up a glossary with all the required fields. Step 2 Add sample data to it. Step 3 Export the glossary as described above. Smartcat will generate an Excel spreadsheet with columns to match your glossary fields. Step 4 Copy and paste data from your existing documents to the appropriate columns of the downloaded file. Step 5 Use the Upload button in the Linguistic Assests toolbar to upload your glossary file to Smartcat. Step 5 Use the Upload button in the Linguistic Assests toolbar to upload your glossary file to Smartcat. Step 6 Select the file to import and choose the input option that you require. Replace all terms will overwrite all data currently in your glossary. Add terms will add new terms from your file to the existing glossary. Step 7 Click Import. With the information in this brief article, you should now have a firm grasp on how to import and export glossaries in Smartcat!
Manage freelancer payment requests
Payment request management | Smartcat Help Center The sooner your freelancers get the knack of sending you payment requests via Smartcat, the less cluttered your To Do list will become. Jobs will be automatically created in your Payments section and you will never have to churn them out manually. Detailed information on how a freelancer issues a payment request can be found in our guide on how to issue payment requests to your clients. Just forward this link to your freelancer and ask them to follow the instructions. Upon receiving a payment request, complete the steps below:First, sign up for Smartcat. To do this, click on the Check and pay button in the email sent to you. Select your Workspace. If you haven't signed in to your account, you will be asked to sign in. After choosing the suitable account, you will access the Payment Section. Here you can see the tasks completed by the freelancer and ready to go. Keep in mind that jobs are sorted by completion date. Hence, the requested job may appear in the middle of the list. To pay for the work done by the freelancer, you need to create an invoice. To do this, select all the relevant tasks and click Create invoice. You can pay the invoice in the currency of your choice. Use the Invoices tab to pay the invoice. You can do it immediately when you are creating it or at a later time. Clear invoices conveniently via credit card, PayPal or by bank transfer. How much is it? Smartcat charges clients in accordance with their current account settings. You will see the total cost with the fee already included. Why paying translators through Smartcat is convenient You can pay all your translators in one click in your preferred currency. All transactions are processed automatically. This allows you to pay for the work of any translator living anywhere in the world.You can pay via bank card or as a cashless payment.You do not need to memorize the translator’s payment details. The freelancer chooses a convenient method to receive the payment.
Navigate and use Smartcat workspaces
Workspaces navigation | Smartcat Help Center Discover what Smartcat Workspaces are and understand each workspace feature in this introductory guide. Your Smartcat workspace is where you manage your entire translation workflow! It's your one-stop translation hub on Smartcat. Via your workspace, access and monitor every translation project that you and your team are working on, start new translations, set up integrations, invite human translators to collaborate, and much more! It all happens via your workspace. When you log into your Smartcat account, the first thing that you will see is your workspace home screen. Creating a new workspace on Smartcat Your organization may require more than one workspace. For instance, one workspace for your marketing department and another for your HR department. For this reason, we've made it super easy to create and manage multiple workspaces. Note: workspace creation can only be carried out by workspace admins. To create a workspace, simply go to the top left of your workspace screen and click on the three dots, which will open a pop-up. Click + Create workspace. Discover all your translation workspace features Your Smartcat workspace provides you with so many powerful features, all in one place, to make your translation and localization management as efficient as possible. Use your Shortcuts section at the top of your workspace to carry out specific workflows, which we go into more detail below. Translate a document Clicking on this feature enables you to quickly AI-translate your file(s). Create a project Via this option, you can set up a brand new translation project, including name, deadline, your source and target languages, and the type of workflow, including steps such as AI translation and human post-editing. Software localization Click on this feature to set up a project that is specifically for software localization. The interface and options are the same as your general Create a project feature. Set up an integration Click here to integrate Smartcat with your favorite programs and apps. There are over 30 integrations to choose from, including Figma, Google Workspace, Wordpress, Salsify, Articulate, and many more! Translate a website Use this feature to start your website translation. Create new template (only available on paid Smartcat subscription plans) Click here to create one of two types of templates: project and service. Manage your Smartcat workspace via Navigation Below your shortcuts section, you will see another, entitled Navigation. This section is your portal to managing your workspace. From overseeing project details to managing and replenishing your Smartwords balance, and from inviting and managing linguists from Smartcat marketplace to generating reports on your translation projects, and much more, Navigation is where to do it all. Projects View your projects in detail and work on them. Team View all team members and invite new collaborators. Clients Via this option, invite your clients to centralize and streamline translation collaboration. Integrations View, add, and manage your Smartcat integrations. Smartwords Manage and view your Smartword balance and usage in more detail. Smartwords enable you to AI-translate on Smartcat. Marketplace This is where you can hire professional human linguists to work on your translation projects, all within Smartcat. Payments Manage your payments to Smartcat Marketplace linguists here. Linguistic assets Create, manage and view your linguistic assets here, including translation memories and glossaries. Workspace settings Manage the settings for each workspace here, including notifications, project tags, translation profiles, and much more. Smartcat workspaces are designed to be as fluid, intuitive, and easy to use as possible! They are also designed to be your central, single sign-on translation hub, from where you can manage every single element of your entire translation workflow.
How to set up Salesforce Service Cloud integration and translate Salesforce Service Cloud content
Salesforce Service Cloud integration with Smartcat Integrating Smartcat's AI translation with Salesforce Service Cloud allows your support teams to provide seamless multilingual service. Automate the translation of customer inquiries, support tickets, and communications to ensure fast, consistent, and accurate responses across languages. Streamline your global customer support and success processes, removing language barriers and enhancing service quality. Follow this guide to set up the integration and improve your multilingual support. Pre-Requisites Before starting the integration process, ensure you have: My Domain URL : The unique domain for your Salesforce instance.Consumer Key & Consumer Secret : Generated from your connected app in Salesforce.Username, Email & Password : Your Salesforce account credentials. Steps to Set Up the Integration Log into Salesforce and click the gear icon at the top-right corner to access Setup.In the Quick Find search bar, type and select My Domain.Copy your Current My Domain URL for later use. If URL doesn't have protocol users should add https:// before the link manually In Setup, type and select App Manager in the Quick Find bar.Click New Connected App.Fill in the required fields, including app name and email.Enable OAuth settings, and select Full Access under OAuth scopes.Add the required Callback URL (use callback.smartcat.ai)4 and ensure all checkboxes are selected for access.Save the app.Go to Manage Consumer Details and copy your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. After a connected app is created we need user to: Go to the App Manager -> Select created app -> Click manage (or another way is Connected Apps -> Open created app for editing) Click on "Edit Policies" Set "Permitted Users" to "All users may self-authorize" and "IP relaxation" to "Relax IP Restrictions" (this one is recommended). Click your user avatar in the top-right corner and select Profile.In the Details or Contact section, locate and copy your Username and Email.If this information is missing, navigate to Settings > Users > Users, then search for your details. Configure Smartcat Integration Log into Smartcat and go to Settings.In the Integrations section, select Salesforce Service Cloud.Enter your Consumer Key, Consumer Secret , and My Domain URL.Provide your Username and Password to complete the connection.Once connected, Smartcat will begin automating translations within Salesforce, enabling multilingual ticket and support handling. Managing Translations in Salesforce Service Cloud After successfully integrating Smartcat with Salesforce Service Cloud, managing your translations becomes simple. Here’s how you can manage translations within Salesforce: Once the integration is active, you can start sending content for translation directly from Salesforce Service Cloud: Open any customer inquiry or ticket.Select the Translation option within the ticket interface.Choose the target language and submit the content for translation. Smartcat’s AI will process the content and return the translated version. Translating content in Smartcat with AI translation and human reviewers You can follow along in the interactive demo about and read through the steps below.Click on the integration in the shortcut to access your list of articles, which are automatically imported from Salesforce Service Cloud. Select the articles that you would like to translate.Create a new translation project. Give it a project name, select a deadline, as well as the original language, also known as the source language, of the article and the language for translation, also known as the target language. You will also set up the workflow for this project. For the best and fastest results, select Smartcat AI translation and human review.Next, configure import settings. Select whether to import existing translations, for example if you have changed something within the source article that now needs to be reflected in the translation. You can also add article fields to include in the translation.You can select article fields one by one from this list or use a previously saved set of fields.Next, select create a project and wait for the content to be imported from Salesforce.You will see that the AI translation of your content is in progress.Next, preview the article in Smartcat Editor, where you can review the AI translation and make any corrections you require. You can also invite a reviewer to complete this task for you, from your team of in-house reviewers or the Smartcat network. It consists of 500,000 reviewers globally for all language pairs and subject matters.The source text of your article is on the left-hand side, and the translation in the target language is on the right side. You will also see the title field names that help reviewers understand the article sections.You can edit the translation by typing into each text segment on the right-hand side. Click the check box on the right to confirm the translation. Review and confirm all of the translations. Then, select done.Now that the article is translated, you can send it back to Salesforce Service Cloud. You can also select if draft or confirmed translations should be sent back. Confirm the target language. Then, click on Send translations.You will then see the translated content in Salesforce Service Cloud. You can also switch between language versions for this article. You can track the status of translations directly within the Salesforce Service Cloud environment: Navigate to the Translation Management section within the Salesforce dashboard.Here, you’ll see all active translation requests, along with their current status (in progress, completed, etc.).Review progress to ensure that translated responses are delivered on time. Once the translations are complete, you can review the content to ensure accuracy: Open the ticket or inquiry and view the translated version within the same interface.If needed, make any manual adjustments to the translation.Once reviewed, send the translated response back to the customer. To further enhance efficiency, you can set up automated triggers to translate incoming customer inquiries based on predefined rules: Go to Settings > Workflow Automation in Salesforce.Create rules for automatically routing certain tickets to Smartcat for translation, based on language detection or customer region.This automation ensures that all incoming communications in specific languages are translated without manual intervention. Do you want a personalized demo?
Review and edit AI translations in Smartcat Editor
Post-edit AI translation | Smartcat Help Center Learn how to quickly verify, edit and confirm AI translated content in the Smartcat Editor. You have just translated a document, web page, video, PDF or other piece of content using Smartcat's AI automatic translation , which usually takes seconds or a few minutes at most. Now, you want to verify the resulting translation and make edits to ensure its quality, that it adheres to your brand voice, style, and terminology. Smartcat AI saves and learns from your edits Thankfully, AI translation is good at learning about your content and already starts at about 80% accuracy, depending on the language pair. Then, it further learns from your edits in what we can adaptive learning loops. You never need to edit or fix the same segment of text twice to ensure its accuracy, as it's all saved in your central record of content. Translations are correctly applied to all future content. You can choose to change the correct translation at any time if you or your company have decided that a different message or turn of phrase is needed. How to post edit AI translation in the Smartcat Editor The first step is of course to translate your content with Smartcat AI. If you have translated a document and landed on the screen below, click on “Open Editor”. You can also reach the Editor by clicking on the file in the Files section of your project, as seen here: You can also see in this view that it has been pre-translated by Smartcat AI. How to edit an automatic translation in the Smartcat Editor Next, you'll go to the Smartcat Editor, which shows both languages in two parallel columns, the source text on the left and the corresponding AI translation on the right showed in so-called “strings” or segments. It's not done sentence by sentence as this doesn't always ensure that the original format is kept when you go to export it afterward. To make the edits, you simply type right into the text box for the translation of each segment. Once you are done with your correction, you can check the box on the right side of the segment to show that it has been done, i.e. this confirms that this segment has been both post-edited and confirmed for accuracy. If you forget to confirm each segment you have post-edited, you can confirm them all at once by clicking on the icon on the top left corner and then selecting “confirm all segments.” Stage Progress You can follow the progress of your post-editing on the top right, which will indicate how much of the file you have indeed completed. You'll also see if the initial AI translation was complete. Quality assurance You will see a small yellow warning sign if you have any spelling or grammar mistakes to pay attention to: This will help you keep quality high. This will also be shown in the quality section of the sidebar as well as in the file preview: Editor features There are so many great features, shortcuts, and tools to be found in the Smartcat Editor that can help you in your post-editing. Go to unconfirmed segment Click the following icon or F9 to go the next uncomfirmed segment that needs to be post-edited, verified or checked. You can then confirm it once you are satisfied with the translation. Go to specific segment number You can go to a specific segment by number. This is useful if you and your team are collaborating and discussing one segment in particular. All segments are numbered. Redo / undo translation The next icon is your typical undo and redo buttons. Copy source text into translation segment You can copy the source text to the translation. Sometimes you need this if you want to keep the source language in the translation as well, like with specific terms for example. Clear translation in target text segment You can also clear the translation, i.e. the target language segment if you want to completely re-do the translation. Replace terms The replace option is your typical replace option if you want to replace a term with another all at once. AI Actions for fast editing AI actions – You can edit translations with one click of the button using AI actions. These are prompts that will edit the target text instantaneously. You have rephrase, shorten, translate with GPT, fix punctuation, and fix grammar. You can also create your prompts if you have a Unite or Enterprise subscription plan. Add a special character You can add a special character, like a symbol. Add character count limit You can also select the segment max length, which can be crucial for copy on websites and in designs to make sure they don't go over the allotted space. Revert to a previous stage in the workflow If you want to revert the segment to a previous stage, meaning to AI translated, post-edited, proofread, etc. click on this next icon. That will signal that it needs to be re-done. Add new term to custom dictionary You can create a custom dictionary for each file and store this within your linguistic assets. Search a term Concordance search means that you can find terms that might fit this particular word to ensure that it fits your brand voice and terminology. Preview for extra context As you post-edit the translation, you can also see a preview of it in the Smartcat Editor. This can come in handy to understand the context of the translation. You can see previews of your documents, presentations, PDFs, videos, designs, websites, and more. Never translate blindly, use the preview for specific results! What to do when you are done post-editing an AI translation When you are done with the post-editing, you can two things:Export the resulting file, i.e. the translation. You can export the resulting file with confirmed edits or with uncomfirmed edits. Downloading it here is great if you want to simply upload a file for translation and download it again to be used immediately. You can also click “Done.” This will notify your project manager that you are done post-editing. They can then have the text re-checked by internal reviewers for example. Clicking “Done” will also ensure that any continuously localization workflow setups know that the translation is complete and can be pulled into the integrated platform(s) automatically. For example, this is the case with Smartcat integrations like WordPress, Salsify, Google Docs, Google spreadsheet, and more. And that concludes how you post-edit translations and use the Smartcat Editor! FAQ Does Smartcat import Word headers and footers? Header and footers are imported as separate segments and it seems that they are placed at the beginning of the file. There could be situations where the headers and footers are made up of automated references like for example, chapter name or page number or file name. These would be replaced by tags in the editor, and might not even been displayed at all if the segment does not contain any translatable text. The is true with table of contents or other Word fields. But they are generated based on content from the file itself so no translation is needed.
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