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Local wire transfers in JPY (Japan)

JPY wire transfers (Japan) | Smartcat Help Center Local wire transfer in JPY is a transfer of funds between banks in Japan in the local JPY currency. This method is valued for its reliability, convenience and speed, as it provides a direct transfer from one bank account to another within the country. Supported currencies Japanese Yen (JPY) Please note that if the currency of your balance in Smartcat is different from JPY, the funds will be converted to JPY at Smartcat's exchange rate. Commission 330 JPY You can view a list of companies that are reimbursing your commissions in the My Payouts section (click on the Learn more button on your payout method). Minimum and maximum payout amounts From 400 JPY to 1,000,000 JPY Smartcat allows setting the minimum amount, starting from which the payment will be sent to you. You can learn more in the article " Minimum payout amount ". Required details FieldIndividualCompanyDescriptionBeneficiary type✓✓Individual or company beneficiaryBeneficiary first name✓✕The name of the individual beneficiary in LatinBeneficiary last name✓✕Surname of the individual beneficiary in LatinBirth date✓✕Beneficiary's birth dateBeneficiary company name✕✓Legal name of the beneficiary's company in LatinAccount number✓✓Beneficiary's bank account numberBank name✓✓Name of the bank receiving the fundsZengin code✓✓7-digit unique bank code, where the first 4 digits are the bank code, the last 3 digits are the bank branch codeBranch✓✓Branch of the bank where the account is opened (only digits are allowed)Recipient’s country✓✓Beneficiary's countryRecipient's state (province, prefecture)✓✓Beneficiary prefectureRecipient's city of residence✓✓City or town from the beneficiary's addressRecipient's address✓✓Beneficiary's address, including building number or nameRecipient's postal code✓✓Beneficiary's postal codeSWIFT✓✓8-11-digit code identifying the country, city, bank and bank branch of the beneficiaryRecipient's account type✓✓Savings/Check/General Advantages Cheaper than international transfer. There is no intermediary bank, and the commission is lower than for an international wire transfer.Speed.  Payouts are processed up to 3 business days on the Smartcat side and up to 1-2 business days on the bank side.Funds are received immediately in the local currency. You do not spend money on additional conversions and can immediately use the money in your country. Frequently Asked Questions I chose this method, but the payment was rejected. Why? Act as follows:Make sure you provide payment details for a local wire transfer (not an international SWIFT transfer).Make sure that the postal code, city, street and house number are specified in the corresponding fields of the details. Make sure that you do not enter a PO box or email address instead of your residential address.Check if the account number, bank name, branch (only digits are allowed), SWIFT, account type are correct.Make sure that the name of the account holder is entered in the details exactly as it is in the bank details, including all spaces and symbols.Please note that the name and address of the recipient must be written in Latin letters.If the details you provided are correct, contact your bank branch to find out the reason for the rejection of the payment on the bank's side. I cannot find the payment. What does the payment look like on the bank statement? If you cannot find the payment, please check your account statement for the following transactions:As a reference, the payment ID can be specified in the format PO-XXXXXX-XXXXX, which you can find in the Payout History section.SMARTCAT EUROPE BV, AIRWALLEX or Banking Circle SA is displayed as the sender, depending on the receiving bank. For which countries is this method available? The method is only available for receiving funds to a bank account in Japan. I received a payment. What details should be used for billing? When receiving funds by local bank transfer in JPY, you need to enter the following Smartcat details in your account:Full name: Smartcat Europe BVLegal address: Strawinskylaan 613, 1077 XX Amsterdam, the NetherlandsVAT no.: NL859832880B01.

Understand collaborative workspaces

Collaborative workspaces | Smartcat Help Center Different subscription plans on Smartcat come with different collaboration privileges across workspaces. Understand what’s what in this brief article! Workspaces on Basic plans Smartcat Basic plans include one collaborative workspace for your organization. Collaborative workspaces on the Enterprise plan A subscription to the Smartcat Enterprise plan enables you to enjoy multiple workspaces with subscription features and share the same Smartword balance between all workspaces of the organization. We call these workspaces Collaborative Workspaces. Our support team manually activates your subscription for the workspaces that you specify within your organization. We understand that your organization may have numerous Smartcat workspaces but need only a few of them. This is why we offer to share your organization’s Smartwords balance with only your selected workspaces. Depending on your request, we can either add Smartwords to your organization's balance or divide the Smartword amount between the workspaces. Before final agreement via a HubSpot subscription form, your account management team will specify how you want your Smartwords are to be allocated.

Create a project in Smartcat

Custom project creation | Smartcat Help Center This article will walk you through the typical steps involved in creating projects. Here’s how it works: Open Smartcat and log in with your credentials.On your workspace's home page, select Create a projectin the templates section under your workspace’s name. This will open Smartcat’s project creation workflow. Select a template (not required). To use a premade template, either created by yourself or one of Smartcat’s default templates, or to create a new one, click the Change template button at the top right of the workflow. Enter your name and deadline. These fields are not mandatory. The “project name” field is empty by defaultIf you don’t provide a name and don’t upload any files, it will automatically be named “New project” after clicking on “Create a project”. If that name is already taken, a number will be added.If you don't provide a name but upload some files, Smartcat will automatically name it “Project: name of the first file without extension” after clicking “Create a project”. If that name is already taken, a number will be added.If you provide a name already taken, a number will be added next to it. Select source and target languages. Choose from a list of all languages, dialects, and previously selected languages. Languages that are not supported by AI translation are shown in gray. Upload files (not required). In this section, you can upload files to be translated. Note that you can still add files at later stages in the project. Additional settings. Open this menu to customize your project workflow. You can set a simple AI translation, AI translation with human review (the default setting), manual translation, and manual translation + editing. Click Create project at the bottom of the workflow. Once your project is created, you can upload linguistic resources, assign tasks to team members and freelancers, and control other settings. FAQ Can I delete one language from a multilingual project? You can only delete languages for translation (target languages from the project settings. There you can delete languages that you don’t need. In the project creation workflow we described above, you will need to ensure that you have not assigned any tasks for the language pairs you don’t require. What is the maximum size of files that Smartcat can process? Smartcat can process files up to 512 MB.

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Translate your website content

Website content translation | Smartcat Help Center With Smartcat Website Translator you can automatically translate your website into any language on the fly and then, if necessary, adjust the translation, polish it, and bring it to perfection with manual edits. Let's delve into details and see how it's done. Automatic translation To translate your website into any language, proceed as follows: In your browser, open https://www.smartcat.com/website-translator/ an procceed to log in/sign. Skip this step if you are already in your Smartcat account. Select to translate website on your account homepage.  3. Enter the URL of your site to the form above and specify the source ( from ) and target ( into ) languages. You can translate the site to multiple languages, therefore the into field accepts multiple values. 4. Smartcat will create a translation project which you'll be able to find on your Projects page. All the translation options including editing and professional review are available for this project. 5. You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the upright corner of the screen. The available options are:Translation mode. Here you can choose how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors. Language selector. Here you can choose how to locate the language selector to best fit your website design. Preview settings. Here you can select to start the translation of a page as soon as you enter it. Publish settings. Here you can decide which languages to publish. This option comes in handy when your website is being translated to multiple languages and not all of the translations are ready at the same time.  5. When you switch to a new language, the site is rendered in the original language and the Start translation button appears in the toolbar. Click it to have the site translated to another language. Note that your Smartwords balance appears in the toolbar and is instantly updated to keep you aware of any changes. In addition to automatically translating your website, Smartcat allows you to edit the resulting translation and tailor it to a particular vocabulary or cultural and social preferences of the specific target audience. Editing Click the Edit button in the toolbar to open the translation you've just previewed in the Smartcat Editor. After you've made all the required changes in the Smartcat editor, click x in the Editor toolbar above. It redirects you to the website preview that reflects all the recent edits.  Note that the percentage of automatically and manually translated content is shown respectively in the buttons beside the Language field. To publish the translation hit the respective button at the top of your website page. Publishing To publish the translation hit the respective button at the top of your website page. A message will appear informing you that in order to publish the translated version of your website the following script must be added to the website header. Click Copy code to save the code in the buffer. Paste the code to a text file and send the file to your Web designer. Refer to this article for the detailed instructions for a Web designer. As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue. Smartcat verifies that the JavaScript snippet appears on each relevant page and publishes all the existing automatic and manual translations. Publishing means that snapshots of each translated page from your website are gathered and stored in a cloud. The embedded script retrieves and displays them. Whenever a visitor accesses your web page and switches to another language, they will not be hitting Smartcat to dynamically download the translations, but they will be getting static snapshots. The Smartcat script injected to your website code not only retrieves and displays all the available translations, but also renders a selector that your site visitors will use to switch to the required language.

Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Guide for Organizations

Smartcat Subtitle Editor: Guide for Organizations For a guide on creating projects and managing video and subtitle files, be sure to check our article. Subtitles Editor Layout The editor can be accessed from the Overview, Tasks, or Files pages. There are both languages in two parallel columns in Subtitle Editor, the source text on the left and the corresponding translation on the right shown in so-called cues. In the Subtitle Editor, we prioritize dividing text into cues with specified durations rather than full sentences. This approach ensures that subtitles are optimized for readability, synchronization, and audience engagement. Note that the source text is non-editable and serves as a reference for your translation. To manage multiple target languages, click the Language selector and switch between versions. The preview area lets you see how subtitles align with the video, while the timeline panel shows how subtitles are distributed over time, providing a clear visual representation of their placement and duration. Below the preview and timeline panels you will see the Settings section. Use this section to configure limit parameters for all cues. This helps to enhance consistency across the subtitle file. Editing translations All your work takes place on the right side of the editor. In this area, you will review and edit translations. To make edits in the cue, simply click on its text and apply the necessary changes. If the subtitles are not aligned with the video, you can easily adjust their start and end times to control their duration. Each cue has a CPS (characters per second) value, which indicates whether the reading speed is too high and whether the subtitles may not match the timing and need to be modified. CPS limit value can be changed in the Settings tab. To split a multi-line cue, click the Split by lines button. Press Enter to create multiple lines within a cue. To merge, delete, or add cues, click the Dots button and choose your desired option. For an even faster experience, simply hover over a border and click the Insert cue button. Tracking progress When you’re satisfied with a cue translation, mark it as processed so you and your colleagues know the work is complete. Don’t worry — you can continue editing the cue if you spot areas for improvement, right up until you click the Mark Processed file button in the control bar. Track your progress by clicking on the Progress button, which will show how much of the file you have completed working on. What to do when done When you believe that the translation of the file is ready click the Mark Processed button in the control bar to finish working on the subtitles. Note that you can use this button even if no cues have been marked as processed. If you’re not ready to finish the task, you can export the subtitle file by clicking the Download button above the language version and choosing your desired file type. Subtitle files can be exported in two file formats: SRT and VTT. Get translated video To get a video in another language (one of the target languages of the project) or dub with AI voice, simply select the desired language in the selector under the Preview section. After that preview AI voices and select the appropriate one. Select another AI voice and preview your video with it. Once you're happy with the result, click the Download button above the video preview, and our system will generate the new language version of your video.

Export files

Seamless file exporting | Smartcat Help Center You can export your translations from your workspace page, project Overview page, or the Editor. On the Workspace/project Overview page you can download a batch of files or individual files. Just select the projects you need and click Download.  You can download projects that are either pretranslated, in progress, or completed.The selected files will be downloades as a ZIP archive containing all the projects' files in the original format sorted to folders. On the project Overview page you can also download a batch of files or individual files in the PDF format by selecting from the drop-down menu. On the Editor page you can choose from several export options. Original File — downloading the file that is being processed for translation. Special formats — downloading the document in industry-standard formats:1. TMX — TMX files are used to exchange translation memory data with other organizations. By choosing Export as, the user can specify different settings like compatibility for other tools for the files to be exported.2. XLIFF — These files can be used to exchange project data with other applications. See our article about working with other tools.3. Bilingual DOCX — These documents can be used to review the translation outside Smartcat. The exported document will be in a table format with the source language in one column and the target language in the other. It is not possible at this time to import edited DOCX files back into Smartcat.4. Multilingual CSV — In these files, source and target segments are arranged in columns per language and could be used for changing the format to Excel lately. Intermediate results. It is possible to download versions of the translated documents or bilingual DOCX as they stood after each stage of the process. For example, the project manager could download a version of the file as it was completed by the translator, one as it was completed by the editor and using a file comparison tool, be able to see what changes the editor made to the file. Note: If there is only one stage in the translation process, this option will not be available. Resulting file. The user can use this option to download the translated files. If the translation is not completed, segments that have not been confirmed yet will be left in the source language. Note: It is possible to restrict downloading rights for linguists, for example, when dealing with possibly sensitive documents.

Support offerings and SLA

Smartcat SLA & support offerings Please check the plan you are on by logging into your Smartcat platform and refer to 'Smartwords' section under the title 'Navigation' in your homepage. You can cross-reference the offerings and service level agreement (SLA) from our support team that you have according to your plan while raising a support ticket with the team. Support offering Support offeringsBasic plan Enterprise plan Reporting MethodWebWebEscalation matrixXAvailableSupport timeMon-Fri UTC (24 X 5)*24x7 for Level 1 severity24x5 (Mon-Fri UTC) for Level 2, 3 and 4Response time SLAAs listed belowAs listed belowUpdate interval SLAXUpdate response -every two hours via ticket till resolution for level 1 severity issue only. * Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC SLA for eligible plans Severity LevelDescriptionInitial Response – Basic24x5 (Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC)Initial Response - Enterprise**(Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC)Level 1The Service is inoperative or significantly impaired due to critical issues in Smartcat’s infrastructure, resulting in Service downtime.3 hours2 hoursLevel 2Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1, and a Core Functionality of The Service is inoperative or significantly impaired with no workaround available.12 business hours4 business hoursLevel 3Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1 or Level 2, and that is not critical in that no loss of the Client Materials occurs and that the Client can reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis.48 business hours12 business hoursLevel 4Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3, and is a minor condition,adhoc tasks or documentation error that the Client can easily circumvent or avoid. New feature suggestions or requests for new functionality are also classified as Level 4.96 business hours48 business hours *Please refer to the support hours mentioned after the table for more details.**Update Interval for Enterprise is 24x7 (*Level 1 only), every 2 hours since the last update from the support team. Support hours Smartcat will provide support during Smartcat normal business hours (6:00 am UTC - 1:00 am UTC) excluding Smartcat holidays, except for incidents classified as “Level 1” Severity Level, in which case, Smartcat will provide support 24 hours/day, 7 days a week for Enterprise subscriptions, and 24 hours/day, 5 days a week for Basic subscriptions. The enterprise plan customers will be provided with an update every 2 hours (from the time the issue was raised and last updated by the support engineer till issue resolution) for level 1 severity issues that are reported as tickets via the platform.

Add team members to your Smartcat workspace

Workspace user management | Smartcat Help Center Learn the steps necessary to quickly and easily add members to your Smartcat team. On your Smartcat account, you can add as many team members as you like – Smartcat has unlimited seats meaning you have an unlimited amount of users you can add under one account or subscription plan. Members can be as followed, including information about their access rights: administrators - full access and administration, including projects, team member level of access, and payments project managers - team management, projects, linguistic resource/assets, suppliers, and payments resource managers - management of translation memories and glossarieslinguists - access to assigned tasks in the editor Adding new members From your Smartcat workspace, click on Team or on the Invite button directly that is found right on that Team shortcut. (Discover all the things you can do in the Smartcat Workspace ) Then, click Invite, which will bring you to the following screen, where you can send the invite via: email addressa link that you copy and then paste directly into your chat with that team member (perhaps on Slack, Teams, or whichever tool you use). The link remains active for 30 days.  Also, specify the role that this person should have, as mentioned earlier. As an administrator, you can change their access right at any time. Once you send it via email, you will know that it's been sent via a pop up. You can also send them an email right from Smartcat that comes pre-written for you. It explains that you want them to join to collaborate on translations with you. You can tweak this message. Managing your team members overview Once you have invited a new team member, you can manage them in your team overview, where you can see your team and linguists as well as see who has been invited and hasn't yet accepted your invite. There you can also see their activity, workload (their assigned tasks), availability based on their profile, ratings, and any notes that may have been left about the person in question. FAQ Can I invite my clients to my account to view progress? Using the User access levels features from the Settings menu, it is possible to create a new profile giving view access to a specific customer project. Simply add the client's contacts to My Team and assign them the custom profile created.

Use client quotes

Utilizing client quotes | Smartcat Help Center Quotes, cost calculations, and billing overall are rather complicated tasks that often require loads of effort and time from the team. The good news is that Smartcat now allows generating quotes in projects and issuing invoices incorporating these quotes, so let's take a look at how it works. What should we begin with? The first thing to do is to add information about clients to Smartcat and set net rate schemes for them. This will facilitate the quote creation process since a net rate scheme clipped for a particular client is applied automatically for calculating statistics(the Statistics tab in the project) in a project where this client is set. Even better would be to add a few services and rates. Every project created in your corporate account has the Quote tab where you can calculate the cost of work for the client applying one of the snapshots statistics calculated in the project. Even if you have calculated the cost outside Smartcat, you can attach the file with calculations while forming a quote. Still, the better option is to utilize statistics calculations generated in Smartcat. Well, let's say we have already done all preliminary preparation like filling out the client's card and setting a project. Now it's time to start calculating the quote. In the first step, the system takes the client from the project and the contact person from the client card, so all that remains is to choose the currency and set the approval deadline (if necessary). After hitting the Insert button in the second step of forming a quote, the calculations from the Statistics tab of a project will be pulled into the form. The system takes the last calculated snapshot by default, but you can select previously formed if any. It is not a big deal to forget calculating statistics before forming a quote since the system will calculate statistics at this moment. Let's take a closer look at the parameters that you can specify at the second stage: Service: if there are no suitable services yet,  you can add a new service in the field right from the form. Services and rates can be specified in the Clients section;Language: allows selecting one of the language pairs that a project has;Unit count with a breakdown: it's possible to hide the breakdown and only set the unit type and unit count without pulling Smartcat statistics from a project;Unit type: allows you to choose one of 6 preset units — characters, words, hours, minutes, documents and pages;Rate: price for 100% of the rate in detail rows for a unit. Added automatically if the service and rate are specified in the corporate account;Statistics at {date}: snapshots from the Statistics tab of a project. Check this article to learn more about how Smartcat calculates statistics;Breakdown: detalization rows with calculations. You can add your own row or remove one of preset;Cost of work. In the last step, you can specify the project deadline, whether the cost is agreed upon, and whether the project has already been paid. Important! If you mark a project as paid, the quote cannot be used for invoicing the client or edited later. When a quote is formed, you may download or send it for approval and, if necessary, make corrections to the calculation later or add a new service, for example, project management. That's it. Now you can use the quote for invoicing the client. It's worth noting that the quote included in an invoice cannot be edited; thus, you have to delete the invoice first before making any changes. Last but not least, it's possible to make your own custom template or even each per client, including other data. It would be especially valuable if you want to quote clients in their native language. With the Smartcat subscription, new templates can be added to the corporate account settings. To find out more about the data on which you can carry out operations in templates, check this article about Smartcat Template Engine.

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