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Delete or overwrite a translation memory

Managing memory deletion or overwriting | Smartcat Help Center In this brief article, let's look at how to delete and overwrite translation memories (TMs). How to delete a translation memory If you don't need a TM, select it from your TM list and click Delete. Keep in mind that you can't delete a TM if it is still in use in any project. If such a TM has to be deleted, you may add another TM for the project or delete the whole project.Also, please note that a deleted TM cannot be restored. How to overwrite a translation memory If you realize that a TM contains erroneous information, you can overwrite the content with updated, correct, data. Option 1 If you already have another approved version of the TM in an existing file, you can use that file. Option 2 You can also download the TM in a TMX format and use a text editor to make corrections as needed. When you overwrite a translation memory, the Smartcat system removes all existing translation units from the TM. Only after this step does it then import the correct TMX, SDLTM, or XLSX file. Overwrite a TM in three steps Step 1 Select it from your TM list and click Overwrite TM Step 2 Click Add and select the file from your computer Step 3 Click Import Smartcat will process the file overwrite command and display messages to inform you of its progress. That's it! With this information, you should now know how to delete and overwrite your TMs in Smartcat.

Assign tasks to another company

Task assignment to external companies | Smartcat Help Center Indeed, one of the most interesting Smartcat features is the means to assign a project or document to another company, which will allow working on a project as if it is their own. Arrangement of the client-vendor connection, use cases, and the features to take into account are going to be covered in this article. Forming a client-vendor connection There are two must-do conditions for forming a connection between corporate accounts in Smartcat:Both accounts have to be on the same server. At the moment, Smartcat has three servers, divided by region: USA (https://us.smartcat.com/), Europe (https://smartcat.com/), and Asia (https://ea.smartcat.com/). You can check out the server by the URL in the address bar of your browser. That said, if a client has an account on the European server, then you also need an account on the European server. The Smartcat support service will help you find out the solution and create an account on the client's server if your servers don't match. It's worth noting that your linguistic resources and team are unique for each server, so you will need to transfer them to a new account.A client must add a vendor account to the vendor list.In the Team section of any corporate account, there is the My Vendors tab where you can find a list of companies that have already been added as service suppliers as well as configure access rights for each. Adding a vendor will take a couple of clicks if both accounts are on the same server. By the way, clients that have added the vendor will be marked in the vendor's client list with the infinity sign. Assigning vendors to a project The assigning process doesn't differ much from assigning a linguist, though some distinctions listed below should be considered. A vendor may set a service and rate to facilitate the assignment for several stages on the client end making it a one-click task. In the example above, the vendor, TestAccount2, has the Translation and Editing service with the rate and language pair. That is, once the client confirms the assignment, TestAccount2 will be assigned straight to both stages of the project. A client can assign a vendor only to the whole document, so no document splitting is possible. A vendor's managers will not be able to edit segments until they assign at least one linguist to any stage. The segments will be locked.Managers can assign themselves if linguists have not confirmed the assignment yet in the case when some preliminary editing has to be done urgently.A client cannot cancel the assignment to a vendor as long as at least one linguist has been assigned on the vendor end.This means that the client needs to ask the vendor to remove all assignments first. It works this way  to avoid unexpected cancellations for the vendor's linguists all of a sudden  without understanding why the project is canceled— communication is everything. It is better to discuss the details of cancellation before it happens than not to do so.A vendor cannot assign a project or document to another vendor.The client-vendor connection is two-tier in the current implementation. Nevertheless, a client can assign multiple vendors to different documents or stages within a project. Working with an assigned project The substantial difference between projects assigned by a client is the option for both companies to connect their translation memories to the project and write the translation in them. However, the client may limit writing in translation for the vendor in the project settings. Another thing is that a client cannot see linguists that are working on the project from a vendor end. Authors of revisions are hidden too in the Editor. The project page on the vendor side is different from if the vendor created the project independently. Here the vendor may specify such parameters as the project cost, deadline, and whether the cost has been agreed or whether the project has been paid. The vendor can also attach a quote or invoice, which is available for download to the client in the Project Team tab. The project page on a vendor end. The Team tab on a client end. In all other aspects, working on assigned projects is similar to own projects where a company assigns only linguists.The client-vendor connection not only makes communications between companies in Smartcat easy but also the process of transferring files(literally in one click), monitoring progress, and using linguistic resources. The vendor's linguists will not see that the project is assigned by another company. That is, the vendor will be the linguists' client, so their names and contacts will be available only to the vendor, which sound fair. To sum it up, the client-vendor connection is a win-win for both — the client and the vendor. You're welcome to try it out and start embedding this Smartcat feature in your translation workflow right now.

Understand glossaries and translation memories

Translation memories, glossaries | Smartcat Help Center Critical localization projects, especially the more technical, require extra attention to terminology and phrasing to ensure consistency. That’s why we let our users create and use translation memories and glossaries. Translation memories (TMs) are databases of previously translated sentences, usually in CAT tools, and glossaries are databases of set terms. You can use them as translation references for your projects and save time and money on editing and keep translation quality standards high. Glossaries are organized collections of approved translations for specific terms. These can be technical terms, industry-specific jargon, or just set words that are used frequently in your content. While you can use TMs to search for previous translations of a given term, glossaries provide a much more structured and organized interface, making them easier to use and maintain. How do translation memories work? Each time you edit and confirm a segment in the Editor it’s saved in Smartcat’s internal database for further use. Translation memories automatically retrieve and suggest previously translated text when the technology detects identical sentences or similar fragments of text. When you get a suggestion from the translation memory, you can either accept the proposed translation, edit it, or ignore the suggestion and translate the segment from scratch. How do translation memories help you? Saving time. The more content that is already translated, the less work the translator and the editor have to do.Improving quality. Translations are more consistent in terms of terminology and style.Cutting costs. The less work involved in the translation, the less you’ll have to pay translators and editors. In addition, Smartcat offers special rates for TM matches. If we take a document containing 31 words, where 14 words are new, 12 words are fuzzy matches, and 7 words are repetitions, this means you’ll save almost 40% on translation costs. The calculation looks like this: (14 × 1) + (12 × 0,4) + (7 × 0) = 18.8. Translation memory settings while creating a project https://help.smartcat.com/adding-translation-memory-project/ Importing translation memory https://help.smartcat.com/1539635-importing-exporting-translation-memories/ Deleting translation memory https://help.smartcat.com/1539671-deleting-or-overwriting-a-translation-memory/ How do glossaries work? After you create or import a glossary you can associate it with a specific project. After, when a glossary term is detected in the source text, the system will automatically offer the stored translations for the term. You can accept or decline the word or phrase suggestion. How do glossaries help you? Diversity. You can have the same term translated differently for different clients as it's stored in different glossaries. Easier collaboration. Your translators always have enough context even if they have to switch between multiple projects. Speed and quality. Glossaries help to ensure consistency the same way as translation memories do.

Ensure personal data protection

Personal data protection | Smartcat Help Center What is GDPR? On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation, abbreviated as the GDPR, has come into force. The law has established general rules regarding data protection in the European Union for international companies that process personal data of EU citizens. The main goal of the law is to give users the opportunity to learn about their data, which is stored by the company, and if the user wants to, manage it. GDPR & Smartcat Smartcat is very serious about storing the personal data of its customers, and protecting this information. In fact, we’ve always been, and after the enactment of the new law, that didn’t change. User data Storage We have updated our Terms of Use and published the Privacy Policy. The new version of the Terms of Use describes in more detail and with improved clarity what user data we store, for what purposes, and how we guarantee security. Management You can still control the visibility of your profile to search engines and within Smartcat’s Marketplace. If you decide to stop using Smartcat, we will, at your request, delete your account and all associated information, including files and projects. You may delete the personal data you’ve added to your freelancer profile or corporate profile, such as your name, photo and phone number, by yourself at any time. Protection Smartcat employees who have access to your data are thoroughly checked by our security team and can only use your data as part of their work. In addition, access is limited by authorization procedures and infrastructure, which does not allow employees with insufficient rights to access information. Your data is stored in data centers with the strongest, strictest security level, Tier IV. This is a much higher level of protection than conventional office servers provide (Learn more about Smartcat security measures ). Privacy We do not share any user information we have with third parties. Your data is stored on one of three servers located in Europe, the US or Asia and does not go outside of them. When you sign up with Smartcat, your information will go to one of the three servers, depending on the region in which you are located. Smartcat’s partners In the terminology of the GDPR, Smartcat is a “data controller”, because we collect and use information about our users. We carefully select partners to help process our payment orders, and enter into agreements with them that detail points concerning the safety of user data. Smartcat does not store your bank card details; they are stored on our payment partner’s side, which has all the necessary infrastructure to ensure the safe storage of this type of information, which is confirmed by the availability of a PCI DSS certificate. Any new solutions we design will take into account the new requirements for data security. At the same time, we are looking for the latest solutions in the field of data protection, and will apply them to our processes, infrastructure solutions and partner selection.

Manage translations of non-CAT files

Managing non-CAT translations | Smartcat Help Center There are orders placed with pretty exotic file formats or non-text files that practically cannot be parsed by the system and opened in the Editor. The option to upload files without processing have cropped up exactly from such cases and for dealing with such files in a single loop with more common formats. Thus, it allows you to integrate work with non-text files into the general project management system and assign tasks, for example, translation of video and audio materials, to freelancers from the Smartcat Marketplace. The only thing left is to figure out how to work with such files in Smartcat. Uploading files into a project Almost all formats can get uploaded into Smartcat except for executable files from this list. You can also skip processing files in the text formats available for parsing if you click on the file icon on the first step of project creation and mark the Do not parse checkbox. If a project contains only files uploaded without parsing, the Statistics, Pretranslate, and Linguistic Assets tabs won't appear, at least until some text files get loaded and processed into that project. Estimating the amount of work Considering that Smartcat hasn't processed non-CAT files, it is required to estimate the amount of work on the assignments page. All workflow stages besides Source layout check and DTP are calculated in words while the layout stages in pages. The cost is the rate per unit for a service taken from a freelancer's profile. That said, a freelancer that has the rate of $0.5 per word for the Translation service with the amount of work as 100 words will receive $50. Indeed, the system won't analyze discounts for fuzzy and context matches since files aren't parsed. Assignment You can assign freelancers if they have a service in the profile that matches the project workflow stage. The team hasn't yet added workflow stages that support other types of units, such as minute, hour, or document. Therefore, when assigning a video or audio file, as a workaround, you have to set the estimate in words for calculating the cost. For example, if you've agreed in the Chat with a freelancer that the cost of Transcription will be $100, then set the freelancer's rate as $1 for Translation and the amount of work as 100 words before the assignment. The assignment process itself does not differ much from the standard one. Once assigned, a freelancer will be able to download the source file and upload the resulting file back to the system after completing the task in the original or another format. When you change the document status to Completed, the corresponding job will appear in the Payment section. It's not a big deal If a freelancer's uploaded an incorrect file by mistake, and the document is already completed since you can always restart the task and reassign it. Issuing a quote Another useful feature when working with non-CAT files in Smartcat is the option to calculate the quote and issue the invoice for a client. You can learn more about forming quotes and invoices in the Client Management section.

Install and set up Smartcat Translator for Desktop on Linux

Smartcat Translator installation on Linux | Smartcat Help Center Stop copy-pasting text snippets from desktop apps into Google Translate and then back again when you need to translate something or trying to communicate with people in other languages! Smartcat Translator for Desktop blends into your everyday workflows, allowing you to quickly translate any text in the desktop app and have the result inserted back, not only saving you time but also improving the quality of the translation. Smartcat Translator for Desktop is the easiest way to communicate or create content in multiple languages on the go. Create a Smartcat account and proceed as described below. Installing Smartcat Translator To install Smartcat Translator for Desktop on a Linux machine, complete the following procedure:Navigate to https://smartcat.com/integrations/linux and click Try it now to download an AppImage file.Make the downloaded file executable and run it. Setting up Smartcat Translator To set up Smartcat Translator, follow the UI instructions. Using the application When you are inside the source text editor, use Ctrl + Enter to translate the text box contents. In addition to translating texts directly in this window, you can translate them in any application without losing the keyboard focus, by executing the following sequence of keystrokes: Ctrl + C (copies selection into clipboard)Ctrl + \ (translates the clipboard contents and copies the translation to the clipboard)Ctrl + V (pastes the translation) See the Switching modes section below to learn how to simplify this down to a single keystroke. Note that keeping your Translator window open is not necessary. You can close it and continue using the shortcuts above to perform the translation. There are also a few handy global shortcuts: Ctrl + Alt + \ (switches the translation's direction)Ctrl + Shift + \ (changes mode, see below for more details)Ctrl + Alt + Win + \ (shows or hides the main Translator window) Switching modes By default, Smartcat Translator works in Translate mode. In this mode, Smartcat Translator reads the contents of the clipboard, translates them, and copies the translation to the clipboard. This mode, therefore, requires that you manually copy the selection into the clipboard before doing the translation, and then manually paste the translation back. You may want to automate the copying, or pasting, or both. To do it, change mode to one of the following: Copy + Translate mode simulates pressing Ctrl + C before performing the translation.Copy + Translate + Paste mode additionally simulates pressing Ctrl + V after performing the translation. Updating the application Smartcat Translator will automatically check for updates on startup. If there is a new version, a notification will be shown and the application will be updated on restart.

Use flexible XML parsing methods

Flexible XML parsing methods | Smartcat Help Center It's common knowledge that sometimes preset XML parsers do not allow accomplishing the desired outcome like uploading only specific strings and elements for translation or adding IDs and length limits for segments in the CAT Editor. With the Smartcat flexible XML parser, you can set models for each case you have to deal with. The first thing to do is to check the Settings section in your account then go further to File Formats where you will find the settings. Secondly, you should set models here to be able to apply them for documents you are planning to upload. Of course, you may set several models that match requirements for this or that project. Before rushing to set new XML models, it's better to check the XPath syntax since the system will be looking for paths to elements in XML files according to it. Another thing to employ is a test environment that will indeed help to try out whether a model works or need to be adjusted. Be sure that Xpather will do the job. Setting a custom XML parsing method The form for setting a model has a few fields, some of them are optional while two are key and therefore mandatory. Let's begin with them. Import setting name: The name of a future parsing method. Segment-forming elements: This field is used for setting a path to XML elements you want to put in the Editor. You may set several more than one element that the system looks through a whole document.For example, the path //test-string or /test/test-string display the string Translate me from the XML file below: It's not possible to save a model without filling in, at least these two fields. Let's move on to the optional fields and checkbox. Besides the core fields, you may set the paths to translatable and untranslatable nodes, string IDs, comments, and length limits. Another available setting is whether you want to protect HTML tags in CDATA sections, which we will cover later. Translatable text: Segment-forming elements comprise nodes — other elements, their attributes, or text that can be translated. That being said, the setting is relative to segment-forming elements and are searched for within only the elements set there. More than one path could be set as well. Example: The XML file has an element test, an attribute attribute-1 , and another element test-string. Two segments will appear in the Editor: Translate me and Well. Untranslatable inline elements: It's optional to set a path to an element that you don't want to translate; thus, the element will not get to the Editor. The element's content will be marked as a tag in the Editor. More than one value can be set in this field too. Basically, the setting makes it possible to not show technical pieces or else that you don't want to translate. Here is a simple example: String ID: The field allows selecting a unique node that will be used as a segment ID in the Editor. Even though the setting is optional, it's a powerful tool that lets you update a document keeping the segment revisions as well as assignments. Only one node can be specified. Important: The field value has to be unique for each segment within the file. In the example below, the path to the attribute ID of the element test-string is used as unique identificator in Smartcat. As you may see, the segment has the ID placed at the bottom. Comments: The field, which you may use for adding comments that will be shown in the Segment comments section in the Editor. It's possible to set more than one comment.Example: Segment length limit: Here it's possible to set the path to a node, which should be an integer of the string type. The integer will indicate how many characters are possible to write in a segment. Only one length limit can be set. In the following example we are going to use these settings: Segment-forming element: //test-string Segment length limit: @max A linguist who is working on the segment cannot confirm it if the length of translation exceeds the limit. Protect HTML tags in CDATA sections: Depending on whether the box marked or not, HTML tags will be shown as an editable piece of text of substituted by Smartcat tags. Without protection, tags and the text within will look like this text within will look like this <br>text</br>. If tags are protected, Smartcat tags substitute HTML ones . It is worth mentioning that for the successful use of the custom XML parser in Smartcat, files must contain repeating elements, each of which, in turn, will be turned into a source segment.

Set up the Order Management Solution

Order Management setup | Smartcat Help Center The Smartcat order management solution allows you to receive translation requests from other workspaces in your organization. Enable Order Management Solution To get started, request activation of this feature for your workspace (available for a workspace admin), by following these steps: Go to your Smartcat account > log in to the workspace where you want to receive the translation requests On the Home page, click on your name in the right top corner > Manage Organization: Click on the Managed by me tab and select your workspace: On the General page, click on the Send request button: We will receive your request and enable the feature in your workspace. Once it is activated, you will see the Orders tab on your Home page. Create workspaces for translation requests You can create a new workspace or choose an existing one that will be used by your colleagues to create translation requests. To view all workspaces or create a new one, follow the steps below:On the Home page, click on your name in the right top corner > Manage OrganizationSee workspaces under All and Managed by me tabs To create a new workspace, click on the + Create workspace button: You can create as many workspaces as you want. Create service templates After defining the workspace where your colleagues will create translation requests, you should set up the service templates for it. The template predefines the main properties of future translation requests. To add a service template, you first need to Create a project template. Here is how. Go to your Smartcat account > log in to the workspace where you want to receive the translation requests On the Home page, click on the three dots in the Shortcuts section > Create a template > Project template: Fill in the required fields to create a template: Please note that this project template will be linked to a service template for creating translation requests. The workflows you specify in the project template will be reflected in the translation request. Next, you should Create a service template. Go back to the Home page, click on the three dots in the Shortcuts section > Create a template > Service template. Fill in the required fields to create a template: Set languages: you can preset the source and target languages for the translation requests. If you choose the “Required” type, users will be able to select the languages by themselves when creating the translation request: Project properties: if you have any custom project fields, you can select them by clicking on the +Add custom property button. The “Required” field type allows users to fill in the custom fields when creating a translation request: Custom fields are managed in Smartcat account > Workspace settings > Custom fields Set project template and cost: here select a project template you created earlier and specify a rate per word.  Once the service template is created, you can share it with the corresponding workspace. Click on the three dots next to the template on the Home page and select a workspace that should have access to the template: As a result, the service template will appear in the selected workspace and can be used to create translation requests. Customize workspace appearance and invite users You're almost ready to go! Consider keeping necessary navigation menu shortcuts in the workspace to enhance the user experience and invite your colleagues. Go to the Home page and click on the three dots in the left sidebar to open the organization settings: Select the workspace in the list and open the Home page interface tab  Here you can adjust the workspace appearance, upload a logo, and background image, and select shortcuts that will be displayed for users: Then, you can invite your colleagues to join the workspace. If you’d like them to have full access to the workspace settings, you can provide them with the admin role. Alternatively, you can assign them any other role with the access level to create orders so that they can use your service template for translation requests. For example, you can invite users with the product manager role. To learn more about how to invite your colleagues to the workspace, you can refer to the guide on how to add teammates.

Getting started (developer portal)

Getting started (developer portal) So, you want to integrate with Smartcat — that's a great place to start. Below you will learn about the available options. Connectors The simplest method for integrating your CMS with Smartcat is by using the built-in connectors that allow you to set up data synchronization in several clicks. Just go to your Smartcat account, hit 'Create project', and select the third-party system that you want to connect with. To explore available connectors check out our Integrations Page. REST API When it comes to specific integration needs not typically related to software localization (integration with your payment systems, notifications, statistics), we offer you a REST API. It provides atomic methods and access to different objects and properties of your account, allowing you to implement the integration exactly the way you need it, and in any programming language. To get a grasp on how to integrate with Smartcat API, begin with our API guides. Then you can go to the API reference to find out how to use the specific methods. Also, you can reference to a Postman collection with most frequently used requests to build your integration with Smartcat REST API. Please find that collection here: Smartcat REST API examples. Software Localization Projects in Smartcat In addition to regular document-based projects, Smartcat offers a different way of managing keys (strings) that is more suitable for software localization projects. Key Benefits Software keys (strings) are managed on the platform (Smartcat becomes the source of truth for all of your software copy)UX writers and product managers change the copy by themselves, without distracting developersDevelopers act as content consumers by exporting the needed subset of keys in a format of their choiceDevelopers can import source strings and translations in various developer file formats, and export translations in various file formats as wellREST API and CLI offer easy integration with CI/CD pipelines You can find out more about software localization projects here: Software Localization Projects. Smartcat CLI Smartcat CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a cross-platform tool that allows to perform certain actions (mostly related to uploading / downloading content) from a command line or automation scripts. Please find the guide on how to install and use this tool here: Smartcat CLI.

Connect Lokalise with Smartcat

Lokalise integration with Smartcat | Smartcat Help Center Lokalise is a localization and translation management platform for certain types of localization projects, such as mobile apps, games or websites. By integrating Lokalise with Smartcat you gain extra flexibility in terms of vendor management, easy billing, and project management automation. This section describes how to connect your Lokalise account to Smartcat and continue with your projects right away. 1. Pre-requisites Before configuring the integration, generate a new Lokalise API token that the Smartcat integration will use to access Lokalise platform. To create an API token, proceed as follows: Log in to your Lokalise account. Click on your avatar in the bottom-left corner and then navigate to Personal profile > API tokens. This is the page where you can see all created tokens and create new ones. Click Generate new token to display the popup where you can select the token type. Since the Smartcat integration requires read and write access to your projects. Click Generate. A newly generated token is added to the list. Copy the token string and save it for further use. Note that the Lokalise API tokens do not have expiration dates. 2. Configuring the integration To configure the Lokalise integration, log in to Smartcat and complete the following steps. Create a new Smartcat project and select Set up an integration when prompted How would you like to proceed? Scroll down the Integrate & streamline page and click Connect in the Lokalise tile. Paste the API token that you generated and saved as described in the Pre-requisites section to the Lokalise secret key field. Click Create integration. Smartcat will gather information about the projects in your Lokalise account and prompt you to select the required one. Make your selection and click Create integration. 3. Using the integration If the integration is created successfully, the content of the project that you indicated in the settings is synchronized with the current Smartcat project and you start working on it immediately. In the Translate Documents dialog displayed after Smartcat has retrieved the content of the selected Lokalise project, the Source language will be populated automatically. The list of the target languages will match the target languages in the corresponding project, but you need to explicitly select them before continuing. Choose the tile that best describes the required workflow and click Translate. If Smartcat finds pre-existing translations, you can review them by clicking the Download button in the respective row.- To import a translation, check the respective checkbox and click Import.- To pull the source content only, uncheck all checkboxes and click Import. When all the required content is successfully imported, a summary is displayed, showing you the name of the integrated project and the statistics on file import. Open the Files tab to view the details of the imported documents. You can proceed translating the documents on your own or click Assign and invite an individual supplier or an agency to handle the translation. After a document translation is completed, return to the Integrations tab, open the Settings, enable the option Push translations back and click Sync Now. The translated segments are pushed to Lokalise and appear in the editor. If new source segments were added to the integrated space since the previous sync, the Smartcat documents will be updated accordingly. By default, a sync disregards incomplete translations. You can, however, instruct the integration to include them in every sync by enabling the option Publish incomplete documents. Instead of explicitly performing sync by clicking Sync Now, you can schedule a sync at the required intervals. To do this, click on Do not repeat and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.

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