How to use Smartcat Translation Memory Editor

Discover how to use the Smartcat Translation Memory Editor to edit translation memory units, improve language consistency, and speed up translation output.

In this help center article, we will tell you about how to use the Smartcat Translation Memory Editor.

Why is the Translation Memory Editor useful to corporate teams?

Smartcat Translation Memory Editor (TM Editor) offers substantial added value to enterprise teams by providing them with precise control and customization over their translation memory units.

A translation memory unit consists of sections of words and phrases saved in your translation memory.

With granular editing capabilities, users can effortlessly modify translation units either individually or in bulk, ensuring accuracy and consistency across projects.

Moreover, the extensive search and filtering options empower teams to efficiently locate and manage translation memory units tailored to their specific needs. This heightened level of control not only streamlines translation workflows but also enhances overall translation quality, making the Translation Memory Editor an indispensable tool for enterprise localization efforts.

How to access Translation Memory Editor

To access TM Editor:

1. Log in to your Smartcat account.

2. Navigate to the "Linguistic Assets" section from your homepage.

3. Select "Translation Memory Editor."

Translation Memory Editor Overview

Once you're in Translation Memory Editor, you'll notice a user-friendly interface divided into several key areas:

1. Search Bar: This allows you to search within the source or target language or search through the entire translation memory unit.

  1. In the search bar at the top of the page, type the term or phrase that you want to search for.

  2. Press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search.

2. Translation Memory unit table: You can access and manage all your translation memories from this section. Each translation memory unit is listed with its name, source language, target language, creation date, and creator.

3. Filter menu: Here, you can apply filters to refine your search results. Filters include memory unit filters and translation memory filters, allowing you to search by source language, target language, creator, and custom fields.

Note the difference between memory unit filters and translation memory filters. Memory unit filters apply to individual units, while translation memory filters relate to the entire translation memory.

How to filter memory units

  1. To filter memory units, click on the filter icon next to the search bar.

  2. Choose the desired filter criteria such as target language, creator, or custom fields from the dropdown menu.

  3. Apply the selected filter criteria to narrow down the search results.

With bulk operations, i.e. selecting and making changes to more than one unit at a time, up to all units, filter are applied they only applied to selected units within filtered set of units.

How to filter translation memories

  1. To filter by translation memories, click on the filter icon next to the search bar.

  2. Scroll down to where it says Translation Memory filters

  3. Choose the desired filter criteria such as translation memory name, target language, creator, or custom fields from the dropdown menu.

  4. Apply the selected filter criteria to narrow down the search results.

How to edit TM units

You can edit individual translation memory units by modifying the source text and target text.

  1. Simply click on the unit or the pencil symbol.

  2. Make your edits.

  3. Save by clicking on the checkbox.

How to edit TM unit metadata

You can also view and edit translation memory unit metadata by first clicking on the i icon under Actions. You can modify metadata fields such as quality for individual translation memory units. You can also edit metadata in bulk by selecting multiple units and apply changes collectively.

How to bulk edit translation memory units

Translation Memory Editor also enables bulk editing, where you can edit multiple units simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for making uniform changes across multiple units. At the moment, you can bulk-edit units in two ways:

  • The language quality level

  • Specific words, terms, or phrases using the Find and Replace feature

How to use the Find and Replace feature

You can easily locate specific terms or phrases within your translation memory units and replace them with alternative text.

  1. First, search/find terms in the source language (original language), target language (language for translation), or both.

  2. To replace specific terms or phrases within translation memory units, click on the "Replace" option.

  3. Enter the term you want to replace and the replacement term in the respective fields.

  4. Choose whether to replace all occurrences or only those within selected units.