How to translate subtitles via projects in Smartcat

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of creating a project, uploading video and subtitle files, and managing the transcription process. Learn how to navigate the project creation process and use key features effectively.

Upload file and create a project

You can start by clicking either the "Create a Project" or "Translate a File" tile in your Workspace.

If you upload a video file, a window will appear explaining how video file processing works. It includes a link to a related Help Center article for additional guidance.

If you select to create a project, you can choose to proceed without uploading files and upload them later.

The wizard automatically scrolls to the most recently uploaded file If additional files are uploaded.

When a video file and a subtitle file with the same name are uploaded, they are linked together visually with a line in the interface.

  • If a subtitle file is linked to a video, you can work with the subtitle file while using the video as a reference.

  • If only a video file is uploaded, transcription starts automatically, and a subtitle file is generated once complete.

After project creation, the video will not be transcribed unless a subtitle file with the same name is missing.

Hover over the line between the files to view a tooltip explaining the connection between the linked video and subtitle files.

Project Overview

Once the project is created, you’ll be directed to the Overview page, where the system prepares and analyzes the uploaded files.

After analysis, you’ll see word statistics based on the source file. You can proceed with processing the file in the standard format. For a closer look at Editor, check out our Help Center guide.

SLC stage

If the project includes the SLC stage, subtitle files open directly in the Subtitle Editor.

All other file types follow the standard workflow, and files must be processed locally.

To estimate workload, the number of pages is calculated using: Number of Pages = Total Words / 250

Note that for subtitle files, this calculation is fixed and cannot be edited.

For standard files, you can adjust the number of pages.

DTP Stage

Working with subtitle files at the DTP stage is the same as with regular files. Just download the file and process it locally.

Adding files after project creation

On the Files page, you can upload additional video files. The system will display the same informational window as during the initial upload.

The system checks if a matching subtitle file already exists. If no matching subtitle file is found, the system will automatically transcribe the video.

If a video file with the same name as an existing subtitle file is uploaded, a popup will notify you of the duplication.

You’ll have options to:

  1. Add the video as a reference file.

  1. Transcribe the video separately to generate a new subtitle file.

  2. Replace the existing video or work with it separately.

If you upload a subtitle file with the same name as an existing video or subtitle file (including those generated after transcription), the system will give you the option to either update the existing file or upload it as a new one.

Subtitle Editor

For detailed instructions on using the Subtitle Editor, refer to our Guide for Organizations.

Key Highlights

  1. If a video and subtitle file with the same name are uploaded together, they are automatically linked, and the video is not transcribed during project creation.

  2. If only a video file is uploaded, it will be transcribed, and a subtitle file will be generated after the transcription is complete.

  3. After project creation, the video file serves as a reference, and the user works primarily with the subtitle file.

  4. Subtitle files open directly in the Editor during the SLC stage.

  5. At the DTP stage, subtitle files are processed locally, other file formats.