Translate memoQ documents in Smartcat

Learn the process of translating memoQ documents in Smartcat, from exporting files as .mqxliff, uploading them to Smartcat, configuring import settings, to importing the translated document back to memoQ.

To translate memoQ documents in Smartcat, do the following:

Export files from memoQ

To do this, select the desired files and click Export Bilingual in the context menu.

Choose memoQ XLIFF and click Plain XLIFF for other tools.

Upload the obtained.mqxliff files in Smartcat

Create a Smartcat project or add files to an existing project. Note that the language pair of the Smartcat project must match the one of the memoQ document. You can configure the following settings when importing the document:

(1) This option allows you to choose between keeping the segmentation of the document exactly as it is in the original document by selecting “Like the source file” or splitting existing untranslated segments into sentences by selecting “Additionally segment untranslated units”. This option can be useful if the document was segmented by paragraphs originally since you have better chances to find matches in the TM with single sentences. This will be done automatically during the processing of the file.

(2) This option refers back to the first option. If you selected the “Additionally segment untranslated units” option and split the original segments into sentences - the first option would revert the segmentation back to the segmentation of the original file when you export the file. If you select the “No, use Smartcat segmentation” option, the exported file would be segmented in the same way that Smartcat processed it and re-segmented the file. Typically, it is better to revert the file’s segmentation to the original segmentation because otherwise, it could cause problems when the file is reimported by the client.

(3) When you import an XLIFF file it may already have translations inserted. If you want to keep these translations, you would choose the “Yes” option. This would be particularly useful if you had translated the file with a different CAT tool and then wanted to assign an editor through Smartcat. If you were to select “No” the translated segments would be ignored and the translation would have to be restarted from scratch.

(4) If the file has pre-translated segments this option allows you to choose when the segments are confirmed inside of Smartcat. So for instance, if your project had TEP (Translation, Editing, Proofreading) workflow stages and you selected the option “Yes, at the last stage” the segments would be confirmed as having been Proofread and locked for the linguistic team. If you selected the option “Yes, at the first stage” the segments would be confirmed as having been translated but would still require Editing and Proofreading confirmation.

If you select the option “Yes, for segments with the status:” it will open a popup as shown below:

Here, you would be able to customize the confirmation of segments based upon their status as indicated in the XLIFF file and their workflow stage in Smartcat. For example, in the screenshot above, segments with the "final" status in the XLIFF file would be approved as Proofread in Smartcat. Segments with the status "translated" would be approved only for the translation stage.

(5) This option allows you to completely lock segments so that no further action can be taken. If you select the “Yes, with statuses:” option then a popup will open displaying the statuses shown in the previous picture. You will be able to select specific statuses and when Smartcat parses the document it will lock all the segments containing matching statuses as the ones you selected.

If you were to choose the “Yes, with translations inserted from file and confirmed” option then the segments which had been confirmed through (4) would also become locked.

Importing the translated document to memoQ

When you have finished working with the document, export the translation from Smartcat and import it to memoQ by using the Import/update bilingual button or the Import menu. Choose Update as the action to be performed on the document.