Landing page translation

Translating your website page is important to reach a broader audience, enhance user experience, and increase accessibility. With Smartcat you can choose the workflow that best fits your needs and technical requirements.

Discover a variety of translation options for your landing page with Smartcat in this step-by-step guide.

Translate your landing page with Smartcat Website Translator

With Smartcat Website Translator, you can automatically translate your website into any language and refine it with manual edits.

1. Set up the Smartcat project

Copy and save the URL of your landing page. Then, open your workspace in Smartcat and click on the "Translate a website" shortcut.

Specify both source and target languages. You can specify more than one language.

Now paste or enter the website URL that you would like to have translated. Click Preview My Website. That will open a preview of your translated website.

2. Preview your translation

You can adjust the preview settings using the gear icon at the top-right corner of the screen.

In the Translation mode section you can specify how the translation will be rendered for your website visitors.

Language selector tab allows you to choose how the language selector best fits your web page design.

Preview settings. Specify the way you want to view the translated page.

3. Review and publish your translation

Click Edit in the toolbar. Smartcat Editor is divided in two columns with the source and target languages.

After you've made all the required changes in Editor, click Back in the Editor toolbar above. It redirects you to the website preview that reflects all the recent edits.

To publish the translation click Publish at the top of your website page.

Copy the Javascript code and add it to the Header section of your website. As soon as the code has been added, click Validate and continue.

Translating HTML file

Another option is to translate the HTML file of your web page.

1. Upload your HTML file

Open your workspace and click on Translate a File.

That will open the project creation tab. Specify both the source and target languages, and upload your HTML file from the computer. Click Translate files.

An Overview tab will open, where you can view the workflow stages. When the progress bar of the AI translation workflow stage reaches 100%, it signifies completion, and you can now open your HTML file in Editor.

2. Review your translation

Open your file from the Files tab. Review your translation in Editor.

Make changes to your translation if necessary.

Below the editing area, you'll find various tabs for viewing the edit history, leaving comments on a segment or the entire document, and performing QA checks.

3. Use live preview

Live preview enables you to work directly with the source text. Use the switcher in the Preview tab to activate this feature.

Click on the translated segment to navigate to its corresponding segment in the source text. The Live preview will display the specific text segment in the target language.

Review and confirm one segment after another by clicking on the checkbox on the right of the text segment. To confirm all segments at once, click on the checkbox icon in the toolbar.

4. Export your HTML file

Once review and edit of your AI translation is complete, click Done in Editor and download your resulting file in HTML format. If you choose the Special formats option in the dropdown menu, you can export your file in TMX, XLIFF, CSV.

Smartcat offers a variety of different CMS integrations. For more info on supported integrations, visit our Website translation page.

The workflow in Smartcat Editor will be the same. For detailed instructions on integrating your translation with your CMS, explore our platform-specific guides: