How to translate XLIFF files: the complete end-to-end workflow

XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is a standard format used to exchange localization data. Translating XLIFF files with Smartcat is straightforward and efficient.

This guide takes you through the whole process, from exporting your XLIFF files from your course-authoring platform, uploading to Smartcat, translating and editing it with AI human workflows, and then downloading your translated file for upload back into your course-authoring platform.

Compatible file formats

When translating courses with Smartcat, we recommend using the XLIFF 1.2 file format for the best results.

How to export your XLIFF files from your course-authoring platform

There are many course-authoring platforms and learning management systems. They typically follow a similar workflow, with some degree of differentiation, when it comes to exporting XLIFF files for translation. In this section, we will use the popular platform Articulate Rise, to demonstrate how to export course content files for translation.

1. Create multiple course copies, one per each target language

First, make a copy of your Articulate Rise 360 course for every language that you want to translate it into. If you’ve got multiple languages you aim to provide your course in, be sure to make the right number of copies. The course will preserve its original language layout in every target language, so no need to worry about that.

  • To copy a course, hover over the course tile in your Rise 360 dashboard, and choose Duplicate.

  • Enter the name for the course (a good idea would be to specify the target language) and click Save.

2. Export XLIFF file from each copy
Export a XLIFF file for each of your course copies.

It's crucial that you have multiple course copies and also an export XLIFF file for each of these copies. You can't simply export one XLIFF file, translate it into multiple languages, and then import into Articulate. Every language copy of the course has unique identifiers, so an XLIFF file from one course won't fit a different one. Articulate Rise will return an error message and refuse to import translations if a user tries to use the incorrect export XLIFF file.

  1. Open the course you’ve made for translation, click Settings in the upper right corner, and proceed to the Translations tab.

  2. If you don’t need to preserve formatting, deselect Include HTML formatting. Note that you’ll have to format the course afterward if you choose to do this.

  1. Click Export XLIFF file and save it.

How to upload and AI-translate an XLIFF file in 5 steps

  1. Log in to Smartcat: Go to the Smartcat website and log in to your account.

  2. Create a Project: Click on "Projects" in the Navigation menu, then "+ New project".

  1. . Enter Project Details: Project name, deadline, source and target language(s), and project workflow. Click “Create project”.

  2. Upload File(s): Click "Upload files". Then, in the new window, select the XLIFF file from your computer or drag and drop it onto the screen.

  3. Start Project: Once the file is uploaded, click "Finish". Smartcat AI will automatically analyze your XLIFF file, choose the best automatic translation engine, and perform the AI translation.

Review and edit AI translations in Smartcat Editor in 7 steps

As soon as your AI translation is complete – typically in seconds but no more than a few minutes – you can review and edit it, invite team members to review, or assign a subject matter expert reviewer native to the target translation language.

The review process works as follows:

  1. Access Smartcat Editor: Click on “Open Editor” to review your AI translation.

  1. Review segments: Look at each segment that has been translated by AI.

  2. Check for quality: Ensure the translation accurately conveys the original meaning and is contextually appropriate.

  3. Edit translation: If necessary, make corrections to the AI-generated translation to improve quality and accuracy.

  1. Use glossary and TM: Refer to your translation memory (TM) and glossary suggestions, via the Suggestions tab to the bottom left, to maintain consistency and correct terminology.

  2. Approve translations: Mark each segment as approved once they meet your quality standards.

  3. Leverage QA tools: Use Smartcat's built-in quality assurance (QA) tools to identify any potential issues, such as inconsistencies or errors.

Export Translated XLIFF File in 5 steps

Exporting your translated XLIFF file is fast and easy.

  1. Complete Translation: Click “Done” to the top right of the screen in Editor once review and QA steps are complete.

  1. Export File: Click on the dropdown symbol beside the download button to the top right of the Editor screen.

  2. Click on “Special formats”: Click “XLIFF”.

  3. Retain naming convention: Before downloading, ensure the file name matches the original format used by your LMS platform (e.g., Articulate).

  4. Save document: Save your XLIFF file to your chosen location on your computer. It will automatically download.

You can also export your translation via project settings.

Re-import XLIFF File into Course Authoring Platforms in 6 steps

Whichever course-authoring platform you use, the process for re-importing follows a similar workflow. Again, we will use Articulate Rise as an example workflow here.

  1. LMS login: Log in to Articulate Rise.

  2. Select course: Choose the specific course you wish to update with the translated content.

  3. Go to “Course Settings”: Click on course settings to proceed with translated file import.

  4. Import translated text: Scroll down to step 3 – “Import translated text” – and click on the button.

  1. Upload your XLIFF file: Choose the file from your computer and upload it.

  2. Review imported content: Ensure that the translated content appears correctly in the course on Articulate Rise.

For further XLIFF translation and elearning education, sign up to our free and fast Smartcat Academy course.


Can I download the completed project in the XLIFF format?

These files are not meant to be published or anything, they are meant to exchange data between tools. XLIFF files are by design bilingual. An XLIFF file contains both the source and target text as well as segment status if the translation is completed. It always contains the source text no matter what the translation status is. For example, it is possible to import a partially translated XLIFF file in a tool and complete the translation, reusing the partial translation and segment status.

It is possible to export an XLIFF file at any time during the translation process in Smartcat.

I exported XLIFF files but they don't work in Trados!

Our files are fully compatible with the XLIFF standard and therefore can be opened with anything in the world that supports XLIFF.

The problem with XLIFF in Trados happens because SDL uses different abbreviations for the language codes for some languages. It is the problem on the Trados side, not from the Smartcat files. There is a workaround to solve this problem - the XLIFF files can be opened in a text editor and the language codes can be replaced by the Trados-compatible language codes. Files will then be compatible with Trados.

Supported languages and language codes

The full list of languages supported in Smartcat and their respective codes can be found here. You can use the codes not only to make API requests but also to import TMX filescreate translation memories using Excel and import & export XLIFF files.

Note: Different CAT tools might use different language codes. This is particularly important when you import TMX files that might have been created outside of Smartcat. If the wrong language codes are used in the TMX files, Smartcat will generate errors and not import the segments.