Understand glossary properties and structure
In this article, we will look at glossary properties and structure in more detail.
Glossary properties are settings such as languages, labels and comments.
Changing glossary properties
To change glossary properties, follow these steps:
Go to Linguistic assets→Glossaries
Click on the gear icon
Select Glossary properties
Make the necessary changes and click Save.
Now let's take a look at making changing to your glossary structure.
Changing glossary structure
Glossary structure is made up of fields that you can add or remove.
To change the glossary structure, for instance, to adjust additional glossary fields, follow these steps:
Go to Linguistic assets→Glossaries
Click on the gear icon
Select Glossary structure
The glossary structure settings allow you to create System fields used for glossary levels: Position, Language , and Term.
Understanding glossary structure system fields
Position level
This defines the properties of a whole glossary entry.
Language level
This relates to the properties of a glossary term language. Click on the language to open.
Term level
This determines the properties of a term itself. There might be more than one term per language for a glossary entry. Click on the term to open.
This can be helpful if, for instance:
– You want to add a translated definition for each language.
– If you have multiple translations for an entry and want to add information at the term level.
You can add fields at every level using the level drop-down box. At each level, there will be fields available, while some will repeat between levels.
Choose the field you want to add and click Add to List. The selected fields will appear in the displayed list. When done, click Save .
You can also create a Custom Field for each level and set unique properties for it.
Choose the following:
– a unique field name
– the type of data that will be entered — text, number, Y/N, etc.
– a default value if needed
– A comment. Also check the box displayed if this will be a required custom field.