Set up and use Google Sheets integration

Discover how to manage content localization using the Smartcat for Google Sheets extension, enabling seamless translation projects and collaboration within Google Sheets.

Smartcat for Google Sheets is an extension app for Google Sheets that allows you to manage the localization of content into one or several languages right in Google Sheets.

The integration works as an extension app in Google Sheets displayed as a sidebar.

What to do

Setting up the Extension

  1. Open the Google Sheets document you want to translate.

  1. Click on the Smartcat icon located in the toolbar section on the right.

3. Click Sign In to authorize Smartcat then click Continue to Google Sheets.

4. Configure your Google sheet for translation.

Select the Source language, specify the First row number to be translated. Map the columns to the corresponding languages. In the example above, the source text is located in column A, while columns B, С, and D are for Spanish, French, and Chinese respectively. The translations for these languages will go in these columns. For each language, click Save at the bottom of the sidebar.

*If one or several rows have column titles or content which does not need to be translated, set the first row to skip them.

6. Click Save settings.

Translation process

Automated translation

To translate content automatically (using Translation memories and AI Translation), just click Translate automatically.

The corresponding empty cells will automatically be filled with the translations.

Creating a translation project

1. Click Send to Smartcat. Smartcat will automatically create a translation project with separate documents for each language. 

2. Click Open Smartcat project to view and edit your translations or invite professional linguists to review these.

3. Click Get from Smartcat to upload the translations back to Google Sheets.