Edit translation memories in the TM editor

Learn how to use Smartcats Translation Memory Editor to modify your translation memories, including accessing the feature, searching for phrases, editing segments, and removing inaccurate translations.

Smartcat's Translation Memory Editor is where you can make changes to the contents of your translation memories (TM).

It enables you to make changes to your TMs from one single place, carry out changes to translations, or even delete translation units entirely.

How to use TM Editor

Follow these steps to use TM Editor.

Step 1
Access TM Editor via the Linguistic assets module

Step 2
Choose TM Editor from the drop-down menu

Step 3
Then type your source and target languages for your TM in question, input a word or phrase that you want to find, and click Browse results.

In this example, the target term to find is “translation projects” and the language pair is English into Spanish.

Instances of the matching search term – whether it appears in the source or target language segments – will then appear on screen.

Step 4
Edit each segment that you wish to make changes to by clicking on it and then clicking on the edit icon on the top-right corner of the segment.

Once you make your change, click again on the edit icon to save it.

Step 5 (optional)
Remove a translation by clicking Remove translation underneath the meta data section to the right of the source-target language editing segments.

You might want to remove a translation completely in cases where inaccurate language data is stored in your TM.


Can I edit my TM content in Smartcat?

While there is no TM editor integrated in Smartcat, there are some very good options that are in some ways more powerful than the TM editors provided by other CAT tools:

  1. You can export the TM as an Excel file, edit it externally and re-import it back to Smartcat. You can use all the editing features of Excel to make the changes that you need.

  2. For people that are more tech savvy, they can also export the TM as TMX (with our tags), open it in a text editor like Notepad++ or Sublime Text and perform complex search and replace operations. Even across multiple files if needed. The TM editors included with other CAT tools cannot usually do this.

Can I upload screenshots in the editor?

You can upload individual graphic files for each segment where needed using the Camera [Alt-Insert] button in the toolbar. 

Note: If you don't see the option in the toolbar, please contact our support team to activate it.

A picture icon will be displayed in the segment and the translator will be able to click on the icon to show the screenshot.
This process takes longer than uploading reference files in batches but creates more targeted references. This feature needs to be enabled in the account, it is not enabled by default.

How can I move a translation memory or glossary from one account to apply for a project in another account?

You can export a translation memory from one account and create a new translation memory (import the exported translation memory) in another account. Now you have in the Linguistic Assets section of the other account the translation memory that you need. You can add it to projects.

You can export a glossary from one account and import it to another account. Now you have in the menu Linguistic Assets in another account the glossary that you need. You can add it to projects.

Is there a size limit to TM files I can import?

At the moment, the largest file that can be imported in a TM is 512 MB.