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Assign tasks to another company

Task assignment to external companies | Smartcat Help Center Indeed, one of the most interesting Smartcat features is the means to assign a project or document to another company, which will allow working on a project as if it is their own. Arrangement of the client-vendor connection, use cases, and the features to take into account are going to be covered in this article. Forming a client-vendor connection There are two must-do conditions for forming a connection between corporate accounts in Smartcat:Both accounts have to be on the same server. At the moment, Smartcat has three servers, divided by region: USA (https://us.smartcat.com/), Europe (https://smartcat.com/), and Asia (https://ea.smartcat.com/). You can check out the server by the URL in the address bar of your browser. That said, if a client has an account on the European server, then you also need an account on the European server. The Smartcat support service will help you find out the solution and create an account on the client's server if your servers don't match. It's worth noting that your linguistic resources and team are unique for each server, so you will need to transfer them to a new account.A client must add a vendor account to the vendor list.In the Team section of any corporate account, there is the My Vendors tab where you can find a list of companies that have already been added as service suppliers as well as configure access rights for each. Adding a vendor will take a couple of clicks if both accounts are on the same server. By the way, clients that have added the vendor will be marked in the vendor's client list with the infinity sign. Assigning vendors to a project The assigning process doesn't differ much from assigning a linguist, though some distinctions listed below should be considered. A vendor may set a service and rate to facilitate the assignment for several stages on the client end making it a one-click task. In the example above, the vendor, TestAccount2, has the Translation and Editing service with the rate and language pair. That is, once the client confirms the assignment, TestAccount2 will be assigned straight to both stages of the project. A client can assign a vendor only to the whole document, so no document splitting is possible. A vendor's managers will not be able to edit segments until they assign at least one linguist to any stage. The segments will be locked.Managers can assign themselves if linguists have not confirmed the assignment yet in the case when some preliminary editing has to be done urgently.A client cannot cancel the assignment to a vendor as long as at least one linguist has been assigned on the vendor end.This means that the client needs to ask the vendor to remove all assignments first. It works this way  to avoid unexpected cancellations for the vendor's linguists all of a sudden  without understanding why the project is canceled— communication is everything. It is better to discuss the details of cancellation before it happens than not to do so.A vendor cannot assign a project or document to another vendor.The client-vendor connection is two-tier in the current implementation. Nevertheless, a client can assign multiple vendors to different documents or stages within a project. Working with an assigned project The substantial difference between projects assigned by a client is the option for both companies to connect their translation memories to the project and write the translation in them. However, the client may limit writing in translation for the vendor in the project settings. Another thing is that a client cannot see linguists that are working on the project from a vendor end. Authors of revisions are hidden too in the Editor. The project page on the vendor side is different from if the vendor created the project independently. Here the vendor may specify such parameters as the project cost, deadline, and whether the cost has been agreed or whether the project has been paid. The vendor can also attach a quote or invoice, which is available for download to the client in the Project Team tab. The project page on a vendor end. The Team tab on a client end. In all other aspects, working on assigned projects is similar to own projects where a company assigns only linguists.The client-vendor connection not only makes communications between companies in Smartcat easy but also the process of transferring files(literally in one click), monitoring progress, and using linguistic resources. The vendor's linguists will not see that the project is assigned by another company. That is, the vendor will be the linguists' client, so their names and contacts will be available only to the vendor, which sound fair. To sum it up, the client-vendor connection is a win-win for both — the client and the vendor. You're welcome to try it out and start embedding this Smartcat feature in your translation workflow right now.

Manage translations of non-CAT files

Managing non-CAT translations | Smartcat Help Center There are orders placed with pretty exotic file formats or non-text files that practically cannot be parsed by the system and opened in the Editor. The option to upload files without processing have cropped up exactly from such cases and for dealing with such files in a single loop with more common formats. Thus, it allows you to integrate work with non-text files into the general project management system and assign tasks, for example, translation of video and audio materials, to freelancers from the Smartcat Marketplace. The only thing left is to figure out how to work with such files in Smartcat. Uploading files into a project Almost all formats can get uploaded into Smartcat except for executable files from this list. You can also skip processing files in the text formats available for parsing if you click on the file icon on the first step of project creation and mark the Do not parse checkbox. If a project contains only files uploaded without parsing, the Statistics, Pretranslate, and Linguistic Assets tabs won't appear, at least until some text files get loaded and processed into that project. Estimating the amount of work Considering that Smartcat hasn't processed non-CAT files, it is required to estimate the amount of work on the assignments page. All workflow stages besides Source layout check and DTP are calculated in words while the layout stages in pages. The cost is the rate per unit for a service taken from a freelancer's profile. That said, a freelancer that has the rate of $0.5 per word for the Translation service with the amount of work as 100 words will receive $50. Indeed, the system won't analyze discounts for fuzzy and context matches since files aren't parsed. Assignment You can assign freelancers if they have a service in the profile that matches the project workflow stage. The team hasn't yet added workflow stages that support other types of units, such as minute, hour, or document. Therefore, when assigning a video or audio file, as a workaround, you have to set the estimate in words for calculating the cost. For example, if you've agreed in the Chat with a freelancer that the cost of Transcription will be $100, then set the freelancer's rate as $1 for Translation and the amount of work as 100 words before the assignment. The assignment process itself does not differ much from the standard one. Once assigned, a freelancer will be able to download the source file and upload the resulting file back to the system after completing the task in the original or another format. When you change the document status to Completed, the corresponding job will appear in the Payment section. It's not a big deal If a freelancer's uploaded an incorrect file by mistake, and the document is already completed since you can always restart the task and reassign it. Issuing a quote Another useful feature when working with non-CAT files in Smartcat is the option to calculate the quote and issue the invoice for a client. You can learn more about forming quotes and invoices in the Client Management section.

Perform layout checks

Layout checks for precision | Smartcat Help Center Sometimes when you upload a file to Smartcat, you may want to check it for proper formatting before proceeding to translation. Did you process the file with OCR and aren't sure about the results? Or maybe you want to make sure that the resulting file's formatting isn't all over the place? Whatever the reason is, adding the layout check as an additional step in the project will let you change the document layout after it's been uploaded to Smartcat. In fact, there are two options: the source layout check to be used before actually starting your work in the Editor, and the layout check/DTP for the resulting document. This workflow step is only available for company profiles. If you are a freelancer and need to check the layout of a document processed with OCR, here’s what you can do: Upload the file and process it with OCR.Download the resulting file, it will be in the .docx format. If there was no translation, it will just be the source text.Correct it if needed and upload it back to Smartcat. Source layout check As mentioned above, the source layout check often goes with OCR. Text extraction doesn't always work perfectly, so checking the document first can be a good idea, specifically for graphic file formats with poor image quality. You can add the layout check when creating a project, just like any other workflow step, although it belongs to its own "Pre-processing" category. The source layout check can be added after a project has been created, too, as long as the project still has the Created status. The source layout check can only be done before the work on other workflow stages, like translation, begins. Both an assignee and a manager can export the source document, check and correct it, and upload it back. Please note that Smartcat will not apply any of the linguistic assets (translation memories or AI translation) to the files selected for the layout check until the process is completed. Any statistics generated at that point will not include the word count from the files still at this stage. To conduct a source layout check, click Open and select the Source layout check option from the context menu. The Layout check page will appear. Here you can download the source document, then upload it back after checking and correcting it if needed. Once the layout check is finished, you will be able to apply linguistic resources to it and include it in the statistics. If you have used OCR, you can download the extracted.docx file, or use it as the resulting file for the layout check right away. Once you are sure that the file is good to go, click Complete task to finish the source layout check. If you find that there's something left to be done, you can restart the process as long as the work on the next stage hasn't started yet. Layout check/DTP This option is here to make sure that the final document looks just as good as the original. This is specifically relevant for optically recognized texts but can apply to other files as well. Sometimes the translated text is just longer or shorter than the source document, which can be a hurdle when working with complex files with many elements. Unlike the source layout check, the layout check/DTP can be added at any point in the project settings. To start the layout check/DTP, select the option in the context menu. Please note that it can only be done once all the previous tasks have been finished. For the layout check/DTP, both the source and the resulting files are available for check and comparison. Download the translation and the source file for further adjustment, upload the result of your work or click Deliver unchanged if everything is ok. As with the source layout check, you can restart the process even after clicking Complete task. How to assign the layout check The layout check assignments are similar to regular assignments but do have a few differences. As with the regular assignments, you can select a team member for the job on the Task assignment page. Your in-house team members will show up in the list of your team either way, but the freelancers from the Marketplace should have this particular service indicated in their profiles in order to be assigned. This can be done in the linguists' private profiles at your end (more on that here). To add this service, Click Add Service and select Other Choose Desktop publishing and set the rate, then click Save Back to assignments, and now the Marketplace freelancer shows up on the list as well. Once you've assigned a freelancer, you can set the estimate for their work in pages. This step can be skipped for the in-house members. And that's it for the assignments. Needless to say, you can also use our Marketplace to look for freelancers with a Desktop publishing service. That’s how you can easily include the layout check in your workflow. It’s worth trying out if you are working with graphic file formats or documents with complex structure and elements.

Use the Smartcat template engine

Template engine usage | Smartcat Help Center Using Smartcat Template Engine technology, you can create your own templates which the system will use for generating documentation. For example, you can create unique templates of invoices and quotes for this or that client. How it works Templates will be formed according to special markup elements and a data model that you set in the system for the corresponding type of documents. What is the data model? A data model is a set of fields containing information about model elements. For example, let's take a model based on which the system generates documents for work done. The model will have the following fields: Field nameDescriptionNameThe project namePriceThe cost of workWordsTranslated wordsDateDue dateExecutive.FirstNameA linguist's nameExecutive.LastNameA linguist's surnameExecutive.PriceA linguist's rate A template contains text and tags, which used specifically for displaying model elements. For getting the output from a model, use the following syntax <<[Field1]>>, where Field1 is the name of an element. The following example shows some information about a particular job : TemplateOutputProject: <<[Name]>>Deadline: <<[Date]>>Assignee: <<[Executive.FirstName + “ ” + Executive.LastName]>>Rate: <<[Executive.Price \* Words]>>Project: PRESS\_RELEASE\_APR2020Deadline: 02.04.2020Assignee: Oliver CrossRate: 0.44 Smartcat Template Engine allows performing arithmetic operations like Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (\*), and Division (/) right within a template. You may use each operation for numeric values such as rates, words, etc. Other fields that contain string-type values can be operated upon via the operators too though in a different way, for example, FirstName and LastName form the full name as output by using the plus sign. Advanced features Loops The template engine also allows using loops, which is espeically good for forming an extensive list of data. The loop feature has the following form: <<foreach [item in Items]>><<[item]>><</foreach>> Where Items — an array, item — a single element of an array, аnd [item] — printing out an element. Loop examples Let's say the array Items contains string values item1, item2, and item3. The output of the template will look like the table below. TemplateOutput<<foreach [item in items]>><<[item]>><</foreach>>item1item2item3 Let's display the elements in the form of a numbered list: TemplateOutput1. <<foreach [item in items]>><<[item]>><</foreach>>item1item2item3 How loops help to output data Let's say we have the data model Contracts with a list of contracts. Each contract contains information about the price, client, and manager. Here are descriptions of the fields for the model: NameDescriptionClients.NameA client's company namePriceThe quote for a jobManagers.NameA manager's name The template for the model will be the following: ClientManagerPrice<<foreach [    c in Contracts]>><<[c.Clients.Name]>><<[c.Managers.Name]>><<[c.Price]>><</foreach>>Total:<<[Contracts.Sum(c => c.Price)]>> Possible output: ClientManagerPriceA CompanyJohn Smith1200000B Ltd.John Smith750000C & DJohn Smith350000E Corp.Tony Anderson650000F & PartnersTony Anderson550000G & Co.July James350000H GroupJuly James250000I & SonsJuly James100000J Ent.July James100000Total:4300000 Let's change a bit of the previous data model, so now we have a list of managers where each one leads a list of contracts, and each contract relates to a client. Template: Manager/ClientPrice<<foreach [    m in Managers]>><<[m.Name]>><<[m.Contracts.Sum(c => c.Price)]>><<foreach [    c in m.Contracts]>>  <<[c.Clients.Name]>><<[c.Price]>><</foreach>><</foreach>>Total:<<[Contracts.Sum(c => c.Price)]>> Output: Manager/ClientPriceJohn Smith2300000A Company1200000B Ltd.750000C & D350000Tony Anderson1200000E Corp.650000F & Partners550000July James800000G & Co.350000H Group250000I & Sons100000J Ent.100000Total:4300000 Let's form the client list for each manager now. Template: ManagerClients<<foreach [    m in Managers]>><<[m.Name]>><<foreach [    c in m.Contracts]>><<[c.Clients.Name]>><</foreach>><</foreach>> Output: ManagerClientsJohn SmithA CompanyB Ltd.C & DTony AndersonE Corp.F & PartnersJuly JamesG & Co.H GroupI & SonsJEnt. The template with the manager column can be set by using -greedy. Template: Managers<<foreach [m in ds.Managers]>><<[m.Name]>><</foreach -greedy>> Output: ManagersJohn SmithTony AndersonJuly James Conditional operators If you want the outout matchs speciffc conditions, the best way to do it is to use conditional operators. Conditional\_expression is a condition check returning either true or false. Let's say we have the data model Items with the following strings — item1, item2, and item3. The template below checks whether the elements of the array ([!items.Any()]) exist. If they do — the template will display the number of elements, otherwise, no items message will pop up. TemplateOutputYou have chosen <<if [!items.Any()]>>no items<<else>><<[items.Count()]>> item(s)<</if>>.You have chosen 3 item(s). The funcation IndexOf() marks even elements with yellow color: TemplateOutput<<foreach [item in items]>><<if [IndexOf() % 2 == 0]>><<[item]>><<else>><<[item]>><</if>><</foreach>>item1item2item3 Here we output elements of an array or No data in case no element exists. Tables and conditional operators Using conditional operators, it's possible to display some data or even apply styles to rows of a table depending on conditions. The rows in the table below colored according to a specific conditional expression. <<if ...>> ..................<<elseif ...>> ..................<<else>> ........................... <</if>> To showcase how it works, let's use the model Client with the following fields: NameDescriptionNameself-explanatoryCountryself-explanatoryLocalAddressself-explanatory The template below will output data related to all clients. New Zealand clients are marked with green color, and columns for such clients will be merged and contain only LocalAddress values. .........<<foreach [in clients]>><<if [Country == “New Zealand”]>><<[Name]>><<[LocalAddress]>><<else>><<[Name]>><<[Country]>><<[LocalAddress]>><><>......... Output: A CompanyAustralia219-241 Cleveland StSTRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 1427B Ltd.BrazilAvenida João Jorge, 112, ap. 31Vila IndustrialCampinas — SP13035-680C & DCanada101-3485 RUE DE LA MONTAGNEMONTRÉAL (QUÉBEC) H3G 2A6E Corp.445 Mount Eden RoadMount EdenAuckland 1024F & Partners20 Greens RoadTuahiwiKaiapoi 7691G & Co.GreeceKarkisias 6GR-111 42  ATHINAGRÉCEH GroupHungaryBudapestFiktív utca 82., IV. em./28.2806I & Sons43 Vogel StreetRoslynPalmerston North 4414 This template displays the No data message if no data is found. ClientCountryLocal Address<<if [!clients.Any()]>>No data<<else>><<foreach [in clients]>><<[Name]>><<[Country]>><<[LocalAddress]>><</foreach>><</if>> Output: ClientCountryLocal AddressNo data Template: TemplateOutputHeader<<if [false]>>Content to remove<</if>>FooterHeaderFooter Here we use -greedy : TemplateOutputHeader<<if [false]>>Content to remove<</if -greedy>>FooterHeaderFooter Auxiliary methods for arrays Smartcat Template Engine also allows working flexibly with arrays applying auxiliary methods. Let's say we have a data model containing the field persons, that is, the list of employees. The description of the data model Person : NameNameAgeSubordinatesSalary This template displays employees' names older than 50 years old: TemplateOutput<<foreach [person in persons.All(p => p.Age > 50)]>><<[person.Name]>><</foreach>>Joe BlackIvan LockJane Wood Now, let's get a total of employees' salaries: TemplateOutput<<[persons.Sum( p => p.Salary)]>>490000 In the table below, you may find the description of all available methods with the examples got from two arrays: persons and otherPersons. Both have information about the company's employees. MethodTemplateAll(Predicate)persons.All(p => p.Age < 50)Any()persons.Any()Average(Selector)persons.Average(p => p.Age)Concat(IEnumerable)persons.Concat(otherPersons)Contains(Object)persons.Contains(otherPersons.First())Count()persons.Count()Count(Predicate)persons.Count(p => p.Age > 30)Distinct()persons.Distinct()First()persons.First()First(Predicate)persons.First(p => p.Age > 30)FirstOrDefault()persons.FirstOrDefault()FirstOrDefault(Predicate)persons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Age > 30)GroupBy(Selector)persons.GroupBy(p => p.Age) Orpersons.GroupBy(    p => new    {        Age = p.Age,        Count = p.Children.Count()    })Last()persons.Last()Last(Predicate)persons.Last(p => p.Age > 100)LastOrDefault()persons.LastOrDefault()LastOrDefault(Predicate)persons.LastOrDefault(p => p.Age > 100)Max(ComparableSelector)persons.Max(p => p.Age)Min(ComparableSelector)persons.Min(p => p.Age)OrderBy(ComparableSelector)persons.OrderBy(p => p.Age)Orpersons.OrderBy(p => p.Age)    .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name)Orpersons.OrderBy(p => p.Age)    .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name)    .ThenBy(p => p.Children.Count())OrderByDescending(ComparableSelector)persons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age)Orpersons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age)    .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name)Orpersons.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age)    .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name)    .ThenBy(p => p.Children.Count())Single()persons.Single()Single(Predicate)persons.Single(    p => p.Name == "John Smith")SingleOrDefault()persons.SingleOrDefault()SingleOrDefault(Predicate)persons.SingleOrDefault(    p => p.Name == "John Smith")Skip(int)persons.Skip(10)SkipWhile(Predicate)persons.SkipWhile(p => p.Age < 21)Sum(Selector)persons.Sum(p => p.Children.Count())Take(int)persons.Take(5)TakeWhile(Predicate)persons.TakeWhile(p => p.Age < 50)Union(IEnumerable)persons.Union(otherPersons)Where(Predicate)persons.Where(p => p.Age > 18) Appendix for developers Smartcat Template Engine uses the subset of C# syntax ( C# Language Specification 5.0 ) in templates. For all primitive data types, for example, strings, it's possible to employ BCL methods. The methods mentioned in the Auxiliary methods section are taken from LINQ.

Understanding word match levels in Smartcats CAT tool

Word match levels | Smartcat Help Center Learn the differences between word match levels in Smartcat's CAT tool, Smartcat Editor It can sometimes be confusing differentiating between the different level of word matches when using a computer-assisted-translation (CAT) tool like Smartcat Editor. In this article, let's look at these differences, explaining 100% matches compared to 101% and 102% matches, and also fuzzies and near matches. 100% and 101%/102%. What's the difference? 101/102% matches are called by different names, depending on the CAT tool. also referred to as context matches, perfect matches or ICE matches. When a segment is stored in a Smartcat translation memory, Smartcat stores not only the source and target text, but also the content of the previous and following source segment. For example, this is what you might see in the TM. <Previous Segment>  I live in a small village. <Source Segment> I have a small house. <Translated Segment> J'ai une petite maison. <Following Segment> It is blue. The translation is stored only for the segment that is being translated, but the other two segments are used to provide context. 100% matches explained If this same segment was encountered again, and neither of the two accompanying segments matched the TM-store, there would be a 100% match because only the text matches. 101% matches explained If in the next document, one of the context sentences was present, there would be a 101% match. 102% matches explained If both were present, it would be a 102% match. Having the context sentences match what is stored in the TM helps increase the certainty that the translation is a perfect match for new segment. In practice, 101/102% matches are often locked during pre-translation by project managers when the project is started because customers don't pay for these segments in most cases. Explaining nearly exact and fuzzy matches in Smartcat Let's look at the difference between nearly exact and fuzzy matches, as well as the different tiers of fuzzy matches. Nearly exact match (95%-99%)The source text in the segment is identical to the match, albeit with minor discrepancies in numbers, tags, punctuation marks, or spacing. In pre-translation, this represents a good match by default, though it can be customized. Fuzzy match (50%-94%)The source text closely resembles the source text in the match, yet some variations already exist in the text. When it comes to the required editing, three categories of fuzzy matches can be identified. High fuzzy (85-95%): For segments of average length or longer (typically 8-10 words or more), there is usually a discrepancy of just one word.Medium fuzzy (75-84%): In segments of average length or longer (8-10 words or more), typically there is a variation of two words.Low fuzzy (50%-74%): In segments of average length or longer (8-10 words or more), the difference encompasses more than two words. In pre-translation, the term "any match" encompasses all types of partial matches together, commencing at 50% by default, though this can also be adjusted to suit preferences.

Use the Client Portal

Utilizing the Client Portal | Smartcat Help Center When your clients reach the portal, they will see either a custom look (see example below), in case you have a subscription or a generic Smartcat portal page. The client can either log in if they have an existing portal account or create an account if they have never used the portal before, using the Log In or Create an Account options respectively. The Create an Account dialog asks for some contact information that will be stored in your account within the Client management section. Once an account has been created, the client can sign in easily. The client can then add text or files to be translated by clicking on the Add Files button or dragging and dropping files: It is now possible to add Google Suite files to be translated using the G Suite logo button. The portal will then ask the client to login into your Google account and you can then select documents from your folders: The client will be offered to choose languages for these files on the same page: And services related to these languages: Note: The languages, services, and prices are all reflected from the services that have been added to the corporate profile of the account. If you want your clients to see all the services that you provide, it is important to thoroughly fill out the service section of your profile. The same prices will also apply to all the clients if you haven't set otherwise in the Custom rates tab. It's also possible to set a rate per word as 0 or not set at all if you want a service to be free for a particular client. Once files, languages, and services have been selected and the Get a Quote button has been clicked on, the client is given an option to set a unique project name, select a TM from the ones associated with the client account and save the information by clicking on Add Details. Clicking on Skip this Part will accept the default settings. The project will be added to the list of projects in the Orders tab, and your project managers will receive a notification that a new project was created from the portal. Using the services information and the project statistics, Smartcat will calculate an estimate that will be displayed on the portal: The Project Manager in Smartcat can then see the project and the estimate on the project page as well as the approval status. The project manager can accept the estimate provided by Smartcat or edit it to add other tasks that could be performed outside the system like DTP, for example. If the PM chooses to edit the field a new dialog box will be displayed where the PM can change the cost, the currency and also upload a document to support the quote: The client can download the support file from the portal before proceeding with approval: If the Cost approval required option is checked, the client will need to approve the project before it can be started: After approval, the status changes to In progress and tasks can be assigned in Smartcat. And the client can track progress while the translation is ongoing. Even until the project is completed, the client can download the files - source and target. It is also possible to download a multilingual CSV file that can be used for review purposes: And the project is displayed in the Payments tab of the portal: Once payment is received or marked as paid, the status is changed to Paid. The client can pay an invoice via a bank card or PayPal (the Pay Now button) or by downloading the invoice and using the payment details within.

Import supplier jobs

Importing supplier jobs | Smartcat Help Center Add several jobs at once to Smartcat by importing them in an Excel file. Here we’ll explain how to prepare, save and upload such files.1. Navigate to Payments, select Supplier payments and click Add supplier job.  2. In the Bulk import multiple jobs section click Import.  3. Click Download to download the job register template. Then populate the template with the details of the completed tasks. For a comprehensive description of each field in the job register, go to the How to fill in your register correctly section below. 4. When the job register is completed and saved, click Choose File to select it for uploading. 5. If the date or decimal separator format is incorrect or invalid, click Back and correct the format. Click Next to continue reviewing the values. This window will also be displayed in the first step of the register upload if the system is unable to automatically parse the columns or the uploaded data format. 6. After uploading, you can still edit the register or fix any data entry errors by doing one of the following:Double-click on a cell to enter the correct value.Select a column to adjust from the drop-down list and enter the value to be applied to every row in that column. Note that a supplier name in this window may differ from the name that you entered in the register. This happens when a supplier is already registered in the Smartcat platform with this email address and the name has been taken from that account. In this case the supplier’s name is not editable.The job cost is calculated automatically by multiplying the rate per unit by the unit count. 7. Click Next to confirm that you would like to import the jobs. 8. When the jobs have been successfully imported, you can create an invoice for them and remit the payment by clicking Create invoice & pay. Alternatively, click Go to jobs to open the imported jobs and review them. How to fill in your register correctly Each row in the Excel spreadsheet listing jobs for payment must contain the following fields: Field nameDescriptionContact emailSupplier's email addressSupplierSupplier’s full nameServiceThe service provided by the supplier. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.DescriptionAdditional details on the provided serviceSource languageThe job's source language. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list. Refer toLanguage pair selectionbelow for details.Target languageThe job's target language. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list. Refer toLanguage pair selectionbelow for details.Unit typeThe billable unit type. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.Unit countThe amount of units in the job.Rate per unitThe unit rate represented in the service currency selected in the Currency field. For details, refer toRate-per-unit rangesbelow.Sum (formula)The total payable for the job. This value is automatically calculated by multiplying the Unit count by the Rate per unit.CurrencyThe currency in which the unit rate is represented. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.Start dateThe date on which the job was started. Any date format is allowed, provided that it is used consistently across the CSV.Done dateThe date on which the job was completed. Any date format is allowed, provided that it is used consistently across the CSV.External IDThe ID assigned to the job in the client's system. This field is optional and should be populated only if applicable.Supplier typeSelect Freelancer or Company from the drop-down list. Refer to the section Supplier type selection below for details. Language pair selection The requirements regarding the language pair selection depend on the value specified in the Service field. If one of the following services is selected, provide both Source language and Target language, and make sure that they are not identical: TranslationCertified translationTranscreationGlossary managementSimultaneous interpretingConsecutive interpretingAudiovisual translationQuality assuranceTM managementCopywritingTranscriptionInterpretation servicesTranslation for subtitlingSubtitles translation For the following services, only the Target language attribute is mandatory. The Source language field can be left empty: EditingProofreadingAI translation post-editingEditing translation of subtitles For the following services, neither the Target language or the Source language is mandatory. Both fields can be left empty: TrainingProject managementDesktop publishingNotarizationLegalization/ApostilleOther services related to translation Rate-per-unit ranges When specifying the rate per unit, make sure to remain within the pre-defined ranges. The allowed minimum and maximum values represented in USD are listed below: UnitMinimumMaximumword0.00051page0.125250symbol0.000070.14hour11000minute0.0117document101000day limits101000month limits1008000 Supplier type selection When importing a job for payment, you need to indicate the payee type in the Supplier Type field. Two options are available: Freelancer or Company. If the field is not populated, the system assumes that the supplier type is FreelancerIf Company is selected as the supplier type, the payment will be remitted to the corporate account balance. The payee will be able to use these funds to pay other freelancers across the platform or request a cash out.If Freelancer is selected as the supplier type, the payment will be processed as specified in the payee's account details. 

Understand automated quality checks

Quality assurance for accurate translations | Smartcat Help Center Smartcat automatically checks translation and spots errors in spelling, punctuation, terminology, consistency and formatting. Detected errors are displayed in the Editor and are indicated with a warning sign. The full list of errors for a specific segment is available in the QA check section. Correcting errors You can correct detected errors yourself. After the text is changed and segment is confirmed the error disappears. You can also use system suggestions. The system underlines spelling errors in the translation. Right-click the underlined word to select a replacement, or add an exception to the spellcheck dictionary. You can add and remove exceptions using the button in the toolbar that opens the so-called custom dictionary. If you want to ignore the detected error, just confirm the segemnt and the warning sign will disappear. Note: There's an option to ignore a QA error (in the QA check section). It is only available to the project participants who have been assigned a translation task. Project managers cannot select that option. Tip: It is good practice for the translators to clear all the warnings in a file by either correcting the errors or ignoring false positives before they mark the task as done. Very often, the project manager does not speak the target language and will not be able to determine if warnings that have been left in the document are not real errors.

Understand project statistics

Project statistics | Smartcat Help Center Word count statistics is an oft-confusing topic as different CAT tools often have different approaches to calculating it. Let’s see how Smartcat handles this. Personal workspace statistics for own projects Word count statistics allow you to view the number of words and characters in the original text and estimate the amount of work required, taking into account repetitions and matches with the translation memory. To calculate and view statistics, go to the project page and open the Statistics tab. The calculation may take some time, depending on the number of documents, their volume, and the sizes of translation memories connected to the project. You can reconfigure the set of documents or translation memories used to calculate the statistics for projects you have created. You can download the statistics in the following formats:Trados XML — compatible with SDL TradosSmartcat XLSX — for MS Excel or any other spreadsheet software Clicking the Refresh button allows you to recalculate the statistics taking into account the current progress. (Technically, this will be due to the updated translation memory entries.) In this case, all the segments that have already been translated will be counted as 102% matches in the new “snapshot” as at a certain time and for the specified documents. Such an approach allows you to remember how many words there were in the very beginning before you started to work on the project. If you forgot to calculate statistics at the start, you can uncheck the translation memory that new entries were written to and refresh the statistics. Smartcat supports the following statistics:WordsAsian charactersPages, where 1 page = 250 words/Asian charactersCharacters with spacesCharacters without spaces For logographic languages, Smartcat indicates three columns instead of one:Asian charactersWords in alphabetic languagesWords & Asian characters combined Personal workspace statistics for assigned projects If you have been invited to a project via the Smartcat Marketplace, you will not see the entire statistics as per the previous section. Instead, you will see the summary calculation for all your assigned tasks and workflow stages, e.g. Translation. Here are things worth noted. My tasks column shows a preliminary calculation of the price & volume of assigned work. You can see how many total words were assigned, the number of repetitions, and, most importantly, the number of effective words. “Smartcat has helped us to achieve the consistency and scalability we were looking for. It’s been a game-changer for our team at expondo, and I would recommend it to any company looking to expand their global reach.” Julia Emge Head of Translations, Expondo Explore case study Effective words represent the number of words to be paid factored according to the customer’s settings of discounts for translation memory matches and repetitions. Completed words are words you actually translated or edited. Smartcat calculates completed words in real time, so you can always see how much you have earned. The Net rate scheme column shows the customer’s settings for discounts for repetitions and TM matches. The settings are different for different workflow stages, e.g. Translation. The TM match rate represents how similar a segment’s text is to the one stored in the translation memory. The minimum match threshold is 50%. Matches below this threshold are considered new segments. The final cost calculation may differ from the preliminary one, as Smartcat does not currently identify partial matches between segments that have not yet been recorded in the translation memory at the time of the preliminary cost calculation. It is important to remember that in Smartcat, the cost calculation is always based on the number of words or Asian characters in the source text, not the translation. Corporate workspace statistics In basic principles of building statistics in the corporate workspace are no different from those in the personal space. For each project, you can view the number of words or characters in documents and estimate the amount of work, taking into account repetitions and matches with the translation memory. The statistics shows data the total number of words, segments, pages, and characters, the number of unique segments and matches with the connected TMs, the number of repetitions inside each file, and cross-file repetitions. The corporate workspace provides more functionality and allows you to download statistics for each of the assigned contributors. The statistics report contains the amount of work assigned to and completed by each contributor. Statistics are downloaded in the XLSX format. A separate file is generated for each contributor. Each file contains data for a single language pair and a single task. If there are several stages or language pairs, a separate report is generated for each pair, i.e. each combination of a stage and a target language.Statistics per assignee are generated after the assignment. Even though such statistics cannot be recalculated manually, it changes automatically depending on the assignee's progress. You can also calculate the statistics using a different TM net rate, e.g. if you need to provide different pricing to your customer. You can set the TM net rate here.

Submit an IRS form

Submission of IRS forms | Smartcat Help Center To comply with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules governing information reporting and tax with holding on income received, Smartcat is required by law to obtain IRS forms from its users. Each year we send out notifications to those who need to provide us with an IRS form. If this applies to you, you will receive our request at the email address specified in your profile. We will ask you to fill in the form if you received payments reaching (or over) a total of $600 from Smartcat Platform Inc. during a calendar year. As a multinational company, Smartcat makes some payments from the US and some from the Netherlands, but this request relates to vendors who receive payments from our US legal entity. Note that if you are a non-U.S. resident or citizen, we need to have the respective tax form (W8-BEN or W-8BEN-E) as evidence that you are not subject to any deductions. How to submit an IRS form if you haven’t provided one to Smartcat before Follow these steps when you receive our request to submit a form: 1. Sign in to your Smartcat account with the email address we sent our request to. 2. Click My payouts, go to the Tax forms tab , and then click Set status and fill in the tax form button. 3. Set your status.Your form type will depend on whether you are a resident of the US or a resident of any other country.Choose whether you are an individual or a company if you are not a US resident. 4. Click Fill in Form when the button becomes active. It will also display the type of form you are about to fill in. 5. Fill in the information about yourself or your company depending on who was the beneficiary of the payments from Smartcat Platform Inc. Check the infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. 6. Click Send Form. Your form should be in your account and available for downloading. How to check an IRS form if you already provided one to Smartcat in the past Follow these steps when you receive our request and have already submitted a form with us: 1. Sign in to your Smartcat account with the email address we sent our request to. 2. Go to My payouts and click on the Tax forms tab. You will find your previously submitted form there.Download a copy and make sure that all the information is correct and up to date. 3. If your form doesn’t require any changes, no other action is necessary. If you want to make changes, go on as described below. 4. If your residential status has not changed, click Fill in form opposite your current form. If your current residential status is different from the one previously provided, click Change residential or business status at the bottom of the page Your form type will depend on whether you are a resident of the US or a resident of any other country.Choose whether you are an individual or a company if you are not a US resident. 5. Click Fill in Form when the button becomes active. It will also display the type of form you are about to fill in. 6. Fill in the information about yourself or your company depending on who was the beneficiary of the payments from Smartcat Platform Inc. Check the infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. 7. Click Send form. Your form should be in your account and available for downloading. How to get a 1099 form from Smartcat Smartcat will provide you with the 1099 form if you meet requirements below:you are a US citizen or residentyou received $600 or more from Smartcat Platform Inc. in a given calendar yearyou submitted a W-9 form Note that it can take one month or more, after a given calendar year, for the form to be processed and available in your account. You will find your 1099 form in your Smartcat account: My payouts -> Tax forms - > Year-end forms -> Download. Smartcat will file your 1099 form with the IRS as well by the required due date. FAQ I'm not the US citizen / legal entity. Why do I have to still fill in the form? Note that if you are a non-U.S. resident or citizen, we need to have the respective tax form (W8-BEN from individuals or W-8BEN-E from legal entities) as evidence that you are not subject to any deductions. I already have an IRS form and don’t want to fill in another one in Smartcat. Can I just attach my own form? Even if you have prepared a form outside of Smartcat, you still need to fill in and submit a form in your Smartcat account. We are obliged to receive the details via the online form to ensure data security and that it is processed correctly. If I want to make changes to a form that I have already submitted, a new form with a new submission date is created instead. Is that correct? Yes, if you submit a form and then decide to change it, a new form with a new date will be created. Do I have to submit a form for Smartcat Platform Inc. if I worked on a project for another client? We work under a subcontracting scheme which means that freelancers provide translation and related services to Smartcat and Smartcat provides translation and related services to the Client who assigns Service Tasks to freelancers. Smartcat pays the freelancers for such Service Tasks. For more information, please see the agreement you entered upon registration - https://www.smartcat.com/supplier-agreement/.You do not need to provide the form to the client you worked with but to Smartcat instead. I didn’t work with Smartcat during a calendar year but still received a request to fill in the form. Why? Only the date of payment is taken into account to determine whether you need to submit a form. This means that you may have worked with Smartcat before the relevant calendar year but received the payment within this calendar year. We still have to request a form in these cases. I haven’t received a request from you but still want to submit a form. Can I do this? There is no tab for this in my account. You are not obliged to provide the form if you don’t meet the requirements and there is no request from Smartcat. We will keep the track of your payments from Smartcat Platform Inc. As soon as the form is required, we will notify you and add the Tax form tab to your Smartcat account. I’m sending you sensitive information about myself. How can I be sure that my data is safe? We process all forms on the Platform via our provider Nextforms. All data is transferred via an encrypted connection and encrypted to ensure that it is stored safely. Our provider performs quarterly security reviews using the OWASP Top 10 principles. W-9 form submission tips Read all infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required.If you get a message about an invalid address, this means that the system was not able to identify your full address. Please manually enter your full address and fill in all address fields.If your address is not recognized correctly, click Manually enter full address and enter the correct information. W-8BEN form submission tips Read all infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. Tax ID type:You must provide an official tax ID given to you by your country.You may only choose Not legally required if there is no tax identification number system in your country. W-8BEN-E form submission tips Read all infotips in the form to make sure you understand what information is required. Tax ID type:You must provide the tax ID (U.S. taxpayer identification number or GIIN or Foreign tax ID number) given to your company by your country.You may only choose Not legally required if there is no tax identification number system in your country.Filling in Chapter 4 status is compulsory. Common statuses are «Active NFFE» or «Passive NFFE» NFFE- Non-Financial Foreign Entities.If you choose Active NFFE, you should also check the “I certify that” box in the relevant section.If you choose Passive NFFE, you should also check the “I certify that the entity identified in Part I is a foreign entity that is not a financial institution” box in the relevant section.If you choose Passive NFFE, you should also check the “I further certify that the entity identified inPart I has no substantial U.S. owners” box or “I further certify that the entity identified in Part I has provided the name, address, and TIN of each substantial U.S. owner” box in the relevant section.

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