Support offerings and SLA

Smartcat support works on a support plan or tier-based model ensuring that our customers get the right focus and priority on the issues based on their Smartcat usage and business impact caused by us as a vendor.

Please check the plan you are on by logging into your Smartcat platform and refer to 'Smartwords' section under the title 'Navigation' in your homepage. You can cross-reference the offerings and service level agreement (SLA) from our support team that you have according to your plan while raising a support ticket with the team.

Support offering

Support offerings

Basic plan

Enterprise plan

Reporting Method



Escalation matrix



Support time

Mon-Fri UTC (24 X 5)*

24x7 for Level 1 severity

24x5 (Mon-Fri UTC) for Level 2, 3 and 4

Response time SLA

As listed below

As listed below

Update interval SLA


Update response -every two hours via ticket till resolution for level 1 severity issue only.

* Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC

SLA for eligible plans

Severity Level


Initial Response – Basic

24x5 (Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC)

Initial Response - Enterprise**

(Monday 6:00 am UTC - Saturday 1:00 am UTC)

Level 1

The Service is inoperative or significantly impaired due to critical issues in Smartcat’s infrastructure, resulting in Service downtime.

3 hours

2 hours

Level 2

Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1, and a Core Functionality of The Service is inoperative or significantly impaired with no workaround available.

12 business hours

4 business hours

Level 3

Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1 or Level 2, and that is not critical in that no loss of the Client Materials occurs and that the Client can reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis.

48 business hours

12 business hours

Level 4

Incident is not classified as a Severity Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3, and is a minor condition,adhoc tasks or documentation error that the Client can easily circumvent or avoid. New feature suggestions or requests for new functionality are also classified as Level 4.

96 business hours

48 business hours

*Please refer to the support hours mentioned after the table for more details.

**Update Interval for Enterprise is 24x7 (*Level 1 only), every 2 hours since the last update from the support team.

Support hours

Smartcat will provide support during Smartcat normal business hours (6:00 am UTC - 1:00 am UTC) excluding Smartcat holidays, except for incidents classified as “Level 1” Severity Level, in which case, Smartcat will provide support 24 hours/day, 7 days a week for Enterprise subscriptions, and 24 hours/day, 5 days a week for Basic subscriptions.

The enterprise plan customers will be provided with an update every 2 hours (from the time the issue was raised and last updated by the support engineer till issue resolution) for level 1 severity issues that are reported as tickets via the platform.