Editing and reviewing subtitles in Subtitle Editor

Smartcat Subtitle Editor is a brand-new experience that is designed to streamline and enhance your subtitling workflow.

Smartcat Subtitle Editor is a brand-new experience that is designed to streamline and enhance your subtitling workflow.

To use Smartcat Subtitle Editor, follow the steps below:

  1. To navigate to Smartcat Subtitled Editor, open your Workspace then click on Smartcat Drive.

  2. Drag and drop your VTT or SRT as well as reference media files. Please note : If there is a video with the same name, Subtitled Editor will automatically add the reference video to the preview. If not, you have an option to attach a video of a choice.

  1. You can preview your video file by clicking on the language version.

  1. Create a folder by clicking the respective button.

  1. Check your upload progress in the left-bottom corner notification.

  2. Refresh the files list by hitting the Refresh button.

  3. In the left section, you can view the tabs hierarchy of your files.

  4. To view all available languages click on the Arrow button to expand and collapse the languages for each file.

  5. You can upload the same file with another language version. It will be added to the file’s available languages list under the source VTT file name.

  6. Click on the language that you want to work with to open the New Subtitle Editor.

Working In The New Smartcat Subtitle Editor

The Subtitle Editor consists of three main parts: Video Player, Navigational Section, and Subtitle Panel

In the Navigational Section, you can select from available languages and get back to your file in the corresponding Smartcat Drive folder.

The Video Player shows the preview of your video file along with the graphical representation of subtitle cues. If an MP4 file with the same name as the uploaded source file it will be added automatically as the preview. If not you can select it manually here. Under the Video Player, you can find the pause and play buttons. In the same section, you can adjust the playback speed and volume of the video.

The Subtitle Panel  is where you can work with your subtitles. It consists of a timeline with text segments divided by the timecodes.

On the toolbar, you can select or add the language. Also here you can open the settings and download the resulting VTT or SRT file.

Click on the segment that you want to revise. The changes will apply in real time. Click on the timecodes to modify them.

Clicking into three dots next to the timecode on the right will open the segment’s context menu. Here you can insert new cues, merge and delete them.

To split the cues click on where you want to split then click on the Split by line button.

You can adjust the line limit and the maximum number of lines per cue under the Video Player section. The Subtitle Editor automatically detects inconsistencies which can be viewed under the yellow warning sign. Make corrections if needed.

In the same area, you can switch if you want the line length limit to be shown or not.

After revisions are completed, click the Translate button. That will open the target language selector. After the new target language is selected, click Translate again. That will generate a new translation of your VTT file that will open in the Split-view.

Split view allows you to easily switch between all the available languages. Select them from the drop-down menu

The Video Player will automatically display the subtitle that you are working on.

Download options

After reviewing the translation, click the Download to receive the resulting subtitle file.

Curious to discover more about our releases to support your video translation experience? Don't forget to check our What's new articles and Release Notes