How to use Enterprise Reports in Smartcat

Smartcat Enterprise Reports provides you with precise, insights-driven reports at the click of a few buttons from your Smartcat workspace.

To navigate to the Reports page, you have two options:

  1. The Reports button in the left sidebar of your workspace home screen;

2. The Reports shortcut inside your Navigation menu on your workspace home screen;

Let's open the Reports Dashboards section.

As you can see, there are four different dashboards available.

Previous reports have been moved to the Archive folder. If you have customized reports, you'll find them in the Custom Reports folder.

Click on the folder to view the report you want.

At the top, you’ll find filters that allow you to manage reports by Workflow Stage, Source Language, and Target Language.

Below the filters, there is a description explaining how they work.

On the right, you can see the time of the last update. Above this, you can specify the desired time period for the data.

Finally, at the bottom of the screen, you'll find data points such as charts, tables and figures. Each table is accompanied by an icon.

By hovering over this icon, you can see what is being displayed, how it was calculated, and possible reasons if certain parameters are now displayed.

To see a detailed report, click on the specific tile.

In the View panel tab, you can see a detailed report for each project.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the reports, you can leave your feedback using the Survey button above the tiles.