Changelog (developer portal)

Pending changes

There are currently no planned changes to the Smartcat API.


The parameter "unzip" has been added to the method for Uploading multiple files to a specified path in storage. It allows to extract files from uploaded zip file(-s) instead of saving zip as-is.


The ability to specify settings for multilingual Excel document upload has been released. Please find the desctiption here: Add document to a project

disassembleAlgorithmName parameter value has to equal "MultilingualExcel\_v2" for the disassembleSettings settings to be applied.


We released a new API method for calculating project statistics with and without internal fuzzy matches. Accounting internal fuzzy matches can be enabled or disabled with the PUT /api/integration/v1/project/{projectId}/fuzzyRepetitions method. After that, a new statistics snapshot can be built with POST /api​/integration​/v1​/project​/{projectId}​/statistics​/build


New set of API methods for working with project tasks was added. Please find them here: API methods for project tasks


The method GET /v1/project/list is deprecated and will not be available from September 2022. Please use a newer version of the API, GET /v2/project/list, which supports pagination.


The method POST /v1/glossary/import now accepts the files of size limited to 10MB.


GET /v1/project/list has been superceded with GET /v2/project/list method that now accepts result pagination.


POST /api/integration/v1/project/document method can now accept the enableOcr parameter to disable the OCR. Default value is 'true'.


GET /v1/project/list method can now accept the assignedToUserId parameter so that one can filter projects by a particular supplier