Manage linguistic resources in the Editor

Understand how Smartcats translation memories and glossaries enhance translation quality and consistency, including the use of matches, their display in the CAT Panel, and how to manage them.

Smartcat includes a variety of tools like translation memories and glossaries that help you improve translation quality and consistency.

Translation memory matches represent the segments that were previously translated (each time you set up a project you can assign a translation memory to it or it ill be created automatically) in one of your projects or taken from an imported translation memory linked to the project.

Glossary matches represent words and phrases taken from a glossary linked to the project.

Translation memory and glossary matches are displayed in the CAT Panel.

Inserting translation memory and glossary matches

Translations from the TM are sorted in the descending order of the match percentage.

By default the system uses the translation with the highest match percentage. By you are free to make a different choice, go with AI translation results or correct the segment to your liking.

To insert a TM match, press Ctrl+the number of the match in the list. You can also set up automated insertion of TM matches when creating a project.

Glossary matches are displayed in the CAT panel along with the TM matches and are inserted in the same manner.

The terms are also highlighted in yellow in the source text.

Managing TM matches

This option is only available for project managers or linguists assigned to the editing stage. All other users can view the TM match but not make changes to it.

Clicking on the pencil icon or information icon (an “i” inside a circle) depending on the user role at the top-right corner of a TM match will open a dialog box, which allows users to either edit or remove the selected TM match.

Managing glossary terms

You can add terms into glossaries applied to the project either on the glossary page or directly in the Editor.

Note, that if you are working on a project that a client has created in the system, you might not have the right to work with glossaries, but you can still suggest a term. In this case, the client will see the suggestion then add it to the glossary, edit, or reject it.

To add or suggest a term, select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+E. Then fill in the required fields and press Add .

The term will be added to the glossary and will then be available in the CAT panel.

As opposed to translation memories where only one TM is selected for writing, it is possible to add (or suggest) terms to any of the glossaries associated with the project.

Editing terms

To edit a term, select it in the Editor panel, and click Edit in the CAT panel.

Make changes you want and click Save.

You can also work with terms on the glossary page. Click Go to term in the CAT panel. The glossary will open in the new browser tab.