Connect Zendesk with Smartcat

Learn how to connect, configure and use Zendesk within a Smartcat project.

Zendesk is a cloud-based help desk management solution for building customer service portals, knowledge bases, and online communities.

The Smartcat Zendesk integration allows you to manage the translation of your Zendesk help center content. The source and, optionally, translation data is automatically or manually pulled to Smartcat, and translated content is then sent to Zendesk.


Prior to setting up the Smartcat Zendesk integration collect the following parameters:

  • Zendesk URL

  • Zendesk email address

  • Zendesk API key

To collect this information, proceed as described below.

1. Zendesk URL

This is the URL of your Zendesk domain as displayed in the address field of your Zendesk instance homepage, for example,

2. Zendesk email address

The primary email address associated with your Zendesk profile and specified in your Zendesk account. Note that in Zendesk, content access permissions depend on the account. Therefore, the integration will be accessible only for the account with the associated email which you provide.

To find your Zendesk email address:

  1. Log in to Zendesk.

  2. Click your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the page header, then select View Profile.

  1. On the left sidebar of your profile, you can view the information related to your account. Copy the address in the Primary email address field and save it.

3. Zendesk API Key

The API token used as part of two-factor authentication for the integration. To generate an API token, complete the following steps:

Log in as an administrator. Click the Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk API.

Click the Settings tab, and make sure Token Access is enabled.

Enter a name for the token, and click Create. The token is generated and displayed in a pop-up window.

Copy the token and paste it somewhere secure. Once you close this window, the token will never be displayed again.

Configuring the integration

To configure the Zendesk integration, complete the following steps.

Select the Set up an integration shortcut.

In the Integrations list, click on the Zendesk integration tile.

Paste the Zendesk URL, email address, and API key that you collected as prerequisites.

Click Create integration.

The Zendesk integration page that opens will display the hierarchy of your content.

Using the integration

To start the translation process, simply select your content (for example, an article) and click Create translation.

Select if you want to create a new project in Smartcat or upload a file to the existing project. Enter the project data, such as name, deadline, and source and target language.

You can select multiple target languages.

Select the appropriate workflow for your translation. The Automatic Translation → Post-Editing workflow allows Smartcat to select the most suitable AI engine for the initial translation. After that, you can review the translation yourself or invite a collaborator to your project in Smartcat.

Proceed to the Integration-specific settings by clicking the respective button below. Select the import mode for your translation: to import existing translations or skip this step.

After the synchronization process is complete, you will see a list of target languages under the title of the original file. Click on the underlined title on the left to open your project in Smartcat.

The Overview tab will open. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the AI translation workflow stage is completed.

Go to the Files tab and click on your file to open Smartcat Editor.

The editing area is divided into segments. Edit your translation as needed.  

Check the Quality Assurance tab for inaccuracies if there are any. 

Access the history of changes by navigating to the History tab.

Review your translation by confirming one segment after another.

To confirm all segments at once, click the green button in the toolbar above on the left.

When you're done reviewing your translation in Smartcat Editor, click the Done button. That will finalize the reviewing stage.

Assign a human reviewer

You can assign a human reviewer to ensure the quality of your translation. Open the Tasks tab in your Smartcat project and select the Post-editing task, then click Invite.

Choose the most suitable option for you: invite a human reviewer from your team, agencies, or from Smartcat Marketplace. Alternatively, you can invite a human reviewer to the Smartcat workspace using an email or link.

Specify the role of the human reviewer and the monetary rate in the Additional Options section.

Click the Send Invitations button. Track your invitation status in the Tasks page.

Learn more about collaboration in Smartcat in this article.

Sending translations to Zendesk

After completing and reviewing an article translation, return to the integration page in Smartcat. Select the article you want to send and click Send to Zendesk.

In the next window, select the completion mode and the target languages to be sent to Zendesk.

Click Send translations. The translation(s) will be pushed to Zendesk.

Now you can check your translated content in Zendesk.