Explore the Smartcat Editor

Discover the Smartcat Editor, a comprehensive tool designed for reviewing and editing translations with various features to streamline the process.

Get a brief overview of the different editing features you can use on Smartcat Editor

Smartcat Editor is Smartcat's proprietary computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool, available to all clients via their Smartcat workspace to review and edit their translations. It is designed to enable total translation quality and consistency and to collaborate with colleagues as well as external linguists.

Understanding Smartcat Editor

Smartcat Editor is made up of different elements and features to optimize the translation editing step.

1. Toolbar with search bar and the a wide range of editing commands.

2. The editing area that contains the source and target texts, the translation source, and the segment confirmation box

3. The CAT panel containing the translation memory, automatic translation, and glossary matches.

4. A series of tabs for communication, QA and revisions history.

The screenshot below shows a sample English to French translation project after Smartcat Language AI has performed an automatic translation.

Use shortcuts for faster, easier editing

With Smartcat, you can use a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to make the editing process as efficient as possible.

Working in the editing area

In the editing area, you can see your source text on the left and its translation on the right. Both sides are split into segments.

In the editing area you can do the following.

  1. View the translation source – AI translation or translation memory

  2. See the notifications on any spelling or grammar errors

  3. Review, correct and confirm specific segments

  4. See the in-context preview of the target text (if the format is supported)

  5. Read comments – such as instructions or questions from a colleague or an external linguist – corresponding to a specific word, phrase or segment

  6. Search the source or target text for specific language entries

The CAT Panel

This displays matches from the translation memory, AI translation output, and glossary terms found for wordings or words within source segments.

Here, you can also find information about the translation memory, its name, the exact source where the last update was made, the update history, and the AI translation engine used, if applicable.

To insert a match, double-click it in the CAT panel. If you have several suggestions, press Ctrl plus the number of the suggestion in the CAT panel ( Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc.).

CAT Info

The CAT info panel displays the differences between the new source segment and any matches found in the translation memory. It also performs concordance searches.

Concordance search enables you to search for a term in the entirety of the translation memories associated with the project in the source or target text.

Tabbed Area

The tabs let you streamline collaboration and communication between your team members and perform quality assurance.

In the tabbed area you can do the following.

  1. View translation suggestions

  2. Perform concordance search

  3. View revisions history, including information on the name of the user who modified the text, as well as the time and date of the action

  4. See the quality issues found in the translation during LQA

  5. View comments to the document and the specific segment

  6. Preview the translation formatting