Install Smartcat Translator for Chrome

Learn how to install and use the Smartcat Translator extension for Chrome to instantly translate websites, emails, and social media content.

Smartcat Translator is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that can translate website pages in a flash. With Smartcat Translator you can not only view website content in various languages, but also translate incoming emails and your replies, or social media posts.

As a prerequisite to using Smartcat Translator, make sure that you have a corporate Smartcat account and know your username and password, because you will be prompted to authenticate prior to using the extension. If these requirements are fulfilled, open this link and proceed as follows:

  1. Click Add to Chrome.

  1. When prompted to confirm that you want to proceed, click Add extension. Smartcat Translator now appears in your list of extensions:

  1. Open any Web page.

  2. Click on the Extension icon in the top right and open Smartcat Translator. You can always pin it for quick access.

  3. Click Let's get started to log in to your existing corporate Smartcat account. 

6. If you have successfully authenticated and logged in, you will be redirected back to the page where the Smartcat Translator was opened. 

7. In the plugin, specify the required Source text and Target text languages. In the example below, Autodetect is enabled for the source language and German is selected for the target language.

8. Select any text on the page or type free text in the Source text field, and click Translate. The translation to the selected target language will immediately appear in the Target text field.

9. To use the translation in another document or edit it in an editing tool, click Copy translation icon. The translation will be copied to the buffer.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a character limit for the content to be instantly processed through the extension?

No, the character count is unlimited.

Is there a link between the extension and the Smartwords balance on our corporate account?

Yes, the link exists as this extension consumes Smartwords.

Is the data processed through the extension secured and not used by translation engine vendors?

The data that passes through the extension is not exposed to any third party and remains completely secure at all times.

What is the maximum number of simultaneous users?

The number of simultaneous users is unlimited.